Motivation of teachers to participate in project activities on physical culture in the university
UDC 37.013
PhD, Associate Professor Ya.A. Goncharuk1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Goncharuk1
Dr. Hab., Professor I.F. Isaev1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Nikulina1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify measures and specific solutions to increase the motivation of teachers to the technology of project management in the sports and educational space of the university, based on sociological research
Methodology and organization of the study. The sociological survey "Diagnostics of the management system of the physical culture and educational space of universities" covered seven universities in the Belgorod, Kursk and Lipetsk regions. The survey touched upon the main actors of the physical culture and educational space of the university and their in-depth interviewing using the focus group method. The study involved 300 teachers and researchers of the university, 140 employees of the university administration. The peculiarities of respondents' attitude to the use of the project approach were revealed.
Results and conclusions. The technology of project management in the development of the physical culture and educational space of the university can arouse considerable interest on the part of teachers, subject to the implementation of a number of organizational and technological measures proposed by the authors. All projects should be interconnected and form a "ring of projects", at the same time, each project should be focused on solving a problem regarding the specific disposition of the sports and educational space of the university (values, needs, level of awareness, etc.). It is necessary to form a system for ensuring project activities, which includes: information support; formation of readiness for project activities; skills formation; incentive system. A project management system should be created, which will be based on the principle of interaction between administrative structures and the university community through a system of councils. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of project activities have been identified in relation to various groups: 1) student youth; 2) teachers and researchers; 3) employees of the university administration. At the same time, the evaluation system should be based on such criteria as the level of involvement, scale, level of satisfaction.
Keywords: sports and educational space of the university, project management technology, motivation, management system barriers, systemic approach.
Introduction. Project management is an activity aimed at realizing specific goals and solving specific problems, the results of which are expressed in terms of time, costs, productivity or quality of the result. This is a complex process, the possibilities of applying which in relation to the development of the sports and educational space of the university should be justified both by theoretical provisions and empirical data [1]. Unfortunately, in most universities of the country, the practice of the project approach to managing the development of the sports and educational space of
the university is fragmented and is characterized by the lack of the necessary system and formalization of the process. Consequently, the recognition of project management technology is hampered by the presence of fuzzy ideas about its advantages both among university administration employees and teachers and researchers. It is reasonable to assume that in universities where the use of project technologies is practiced, the system of managing the physical culture and educational space can be rated much higher than in universities that do not use this technology. As
the main barriers to the development of the system of management of the physical culture and educational space of universities, it seems possible to consider: the lack of consistency and consistency in the processes of implementing management methods; insufficient theoretical training of management personnel; insufficient level of formalization of project management processes [2, 3].
Objective of the study was to identify measures and specific solutions to increase the motivation of teachers to the technology of project management in the sports and educational space of the university.
Methodology and organization of the study. The starting point was the data obtained during the sociological study "Diagnostics of the management system of the sports and educational space of universities" (2018-2021). Study area: Belgorod, Kursk and Lipetsk regions. Research methods: university professors and researchers (n=300), university administration employees (n=140); focus group interviewing: university professors and researchers (n=12) and university administration employees (n=12) [2].
Results of the study and their discussion. As the study showed, less than half of the respondents recognize the existing system of managing the sports and educational space of the university as one of the best (see figure). Among the main reasons that impede the effective management of the physical culture and educational space of the university, experts identify: the untimely development of the material base, the level of wages, the attitude to physical culture as a subject of secondary importance, the personnel issue. Secondly, an insufficient level of understanding of the specifics of each individual management technology and, as a result, the lack of a common opinion about the methods
Satisfaction of teachers, researchers of universities and employees of the administration of the university with the currently used procedures for managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university
and approaches to managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university among teachers and researchers. Thus, the existing system of managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university requires improvement [3].
At the same time, a study of the motivation of teachers, researchers and employees of the university administration showed that most of them are ready to participate in project activities related to the development of sports and educational space, only if there is sufficient material incentives. Among the possible forms of non-material incentives, actors distinguish: incentive documents; additional rest; non-interference at work.
Among the most relevant and effective measures to increase the motivation of university administration employees, as well as teachers and researchers to apply the project approach to managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university, we singled out: 1) affirming the value of project activities; 2) the transformation of system work on projects into a need and a goal setting; 3) increasing interest in participating in project work.
Validation of the value of project activities is possible through a number of measures:
- opening a project office that will provide support for the project management process using the fundamental principles of project management, focused on achieving the strategic goals of the university;
- approval of the value of project activities by management. At meetings, management can demonstrate the results of project activities and talk about opportunities to take part in the following projects;
- analysis of foreign experience of project activities for the development of the sports and educational space of the university. The attention of employees should be focused on the possibility of borrowing best practices;
- continuous information support, which will demonstrate, explain and emphasize the priority of employees participating in the project activities of the university;
- involvement of employees in the study of the theory of project activity through the provision of an opportunity to participate in conferences, forums, seminars, as well as in writing research papers.
The transformation of systematic work on projects into a need and a target setting involves the following measures:
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I March I № 3 2023
- introduction of an effective system of material incentives for employees participating in project activities. Members of the project team must be aware of the amount of material remuneration for the work done. This monetary payment should correspond to the ideas of the actors of the sports and educational space of the university and satisfy them. Also, participants in project activities can be provided with preferential conditions for using the base of the sports and educational space of the university (use of gyms, swimming pools, etc.);
- development of the practice of non-material incentives for employees participating in project activities. Participants in project activities should be noticed by the university management and awarded with certificates of honor and gratitude, which in turn will affect the rating of university administration employees or teachers within the university.
Increasing interest in participating in project work can be carried out through the following measures:
- organization of joint work of employees to achieve a common goal. Offer employees to solve problems on their own, using the tools and methods that they consider optimal;
- providing an opportunity for the actors of the physical culture and educational space to offer nonstandard, creative solutions to current problems.
Conclusions. The solution of problems identified in the course of sociological diagnostics should be carried out on the basis of project activities. At the same time, project activities should be built in accordance with a number of principles and rules.
Firstly, project activities should fit into the general strategy for the development of the sports and educational space of the university, and the entire university as a whole. All projects should be interconnected and form a "ring of projects", at the same time, each project should be focused on solving a problem regarding the specific disposition of the sports and educational space of the university (values, needs, level of awareness, etc.).
Secondly, it is necessary to form a system for supporting project activities, which includes: 1) information support; 2) formation of readiness for project activities; 3) the formation of skills; 4) incentive system.
Thirdly, a project management system should be created, which will be based on the principle of interaction between administrative structures and the university community through a system of councils.
Fourthly, it is necessary to develop a system of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of project activities, in relation to various groups: 1) student youth; 2) teachers and researchers; 3) employees of the university administration. At the same time, the evaluation system should be based on such criteria as the level of involvement, scale, level of satisfaction, etc.
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