Management of physical culture and health improving activities in the higher education institution based on the project approach
UDC 37.013
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Goncharuk1 PhD Ya.A. Goncharuk1 PhD T.A. Mironova1
Associate Professor L.V. Zhilina1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify the attitude of teachers and researchers to the possibilities of implementing project management in the conditions of the sports and educational space of the university.
Methods and structure of the study. The sociological study covered seven universities in the Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk regions, consisted of a questionnaire survey of the main actors in the sports and educational space of the university and their in-depth interviewing using the focus group method. The study involved 300 teachers and researchers of the university, 140 employees of the university administration. The purpose of the empirical sociological study was to identify the characteristics of the respondents' dispositions regarding the application of the technology of the project approach.
Results and conclusions. To apply the project management technology in the development of the sports and educational space of the university, it is necessary to overcome a number of barriers by involving participants in long-term pilot projects that do not require fundamental changes in the employee's activities. As the main problems that arise in the course of applying the project approach to managing the development of sports and recreational activities, the following were identified: 1) lack of consistency and consistency in the processes of introducing management methods; 2) insufficient theoretical training of management personnel; 3) insufficient level of formalization of project management processes. Overcoming the barriers to the application of project management technology is possible through the involvement of participants in physical culture and recreation activities in long-term pilot projects that do not require cardinal changes in the employee's activities.
Keywords: sports and educational space of the university, sports and recreational activities, project management technology, dispositions, teachers and researchers of the university, employees of the university administration.
Introduction. Within the framework of the system approach, the management of the development of the sports and educational space of the university (SESU) is a coordinated coordinated activity of various institutions, the purpose of which is to ensure the optimal development of all elements of the sports and educational space and the system as a whole. In the process of managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university, one should take into account: 1) the specifics of the relationship between its subjects; 2) the level of structure and material equipment of the SESU; 3) educational (training) programs, areas of training, special courses and other
scientific and methodological components; 4) motivational elements and value aspects of the activities of actors in the SESU [1].
The expediency of applying the project approach to managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university is determined by a number of circumstances, among which are: the creation in the process of working on the project of conditions for the subject to rethink his dispositions; expansion of the space of freedom of choice by the subject of norms of behavior; increasing opportunities for interaction between representatives of various institutions; the formation among the designers of a sense of the
reality of change, including changes in their own value-target settings; the emergence of additional motivation for actors to change their dispositions as a result of the expectation of a reward for a successful project [5]. However, the effectiveness of the application of project management technology in the process of developing the sports and educational space of the university directly depends on the peculiarities of the attitude of teachers, researchers and employees of the university administration towards it.
Objective of the study was to identify the attitude of teachers and researchers to the possibilities of implementing project management in the conditions of the sports and educational space of the university.
Methods and structure of the study. The article presents the data obtained in the course of the sociological study "Diagnostics of the management system of the sports and educational space of universities" (2018-2021). Study area: Belgorod, Kursk and Lipetsk regions. Research methods: 1) Questionnaire survey of SESU actors: university professors and researchers (n=300), university administration employees (n=140); 2) focus group interviews: university professors and researchers (n=12) and university administration employees (n=12).
Results of the study and their discussion. Among teachers and researchers, the level of knowledge in the field of project management is insufficient. It is rated as "high" by 6.3% of the respondents, as "medium" - by 35.3%, as "low" - by 29.7%. A complete lack of knowledge about project management technology was found in 7.7% of respondents.
Despite this, a significant part of the respondents highly appreciated the prospects for the use of project technology (7.3 points out of 10 possible). As expected, the indicator of its assessment is much higher in those universities where the practice of its implementation has developed.
Almost 39% of teachers and researchers point out among the advantages of project management technology the possibility of increasing the efficiency of implementing the goals and objectives. 27.7% see its advantage in increasing personal responsibility and productivity; 7% - in increasing the initiative of university staff. At the same time, among teachers and researchers, only 52.3% have any information about the practice of the project approach to managing the development of the sports and educational space of the university (SESU). And only 48% of respondents have personal experience in the implementation of projects
in the field of SESU. Consequently, an attempt to highlight the advantages of the project approach to managing the development of the SESU in a significant part of the respondents is rather abstract.
Teachers and researchers who did not take part in the implementation of projects in the field of SESU, as the main barriers to this, indicate the fear of destroying the established foundations, habits and principles of activity in the field of SESU. This opinion is shared by 22.3% of the respondents. 18.7% indicate an insufficient level of readiness for change; 14% - on the desire to function in the previous mode.
The employees of the administration of the university show some restraint regarding the effectiveness of the project approach to managing the development of the SESU, estimating it at 6.6 points out of 10 possible. It should be noted that the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project approach to managing the development of the SESU among the administration employees is somewhat lower compared to the opinion of the teachers and staff of the university. We are inclined to explain the restrained attitude towards the use of this technology by the experience of management among the employees of the administration of the university. The employees of the administrations of higher educational institutions that have a number of ongoing and/or completed projects for the development of the SESU are highly appreciated.
The use of a project-based approach to managing the development of the SESU, according to university administration employees, is dictated by the prospects for increasing the initiative of employees (35.7% of respondents), enhancing the efficiency of implementing the goals and objectives (33.6%), increasing personal responsibility and labor productivity (15. 7%).
Among the most significant barriers that arise in the course of applying the project approach to managing the development of the SESU, 32.9% of the employees of the university administration consider the lack of consistency and consistency in the processes of introducing management methods. This barrier is considered real by a number of researchers, for example, according to E.N. Ivakhnenko, "the modern education system experiences regular external directive interference, which inevitably forms a gap in continuity in its development" [2].
In the work "Education Management" V.P. Panasy-uk notes that "one can talk about the systemic and balanced management of education and educational systems in a positive way, if the levels of complexity of
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I May I № 5 2022
the managing and managed systems are observed; if the highest (federal and regional) levels of education management do not have to "manually" solve problems that are, in essence, the powers of municipal authorities and management of educational organizations" [4]. The researcher comes to the conclusion that the imperfection, inconsistency and frequent updating of legislation make it impossible to make effective decisions.
The main problem of 30.7% of respondents consider the fuzzy distribution of functional duties. Another 10.7% of respondents note insufficient theoretical training of management personnel. This barrier is real according to many researchers of the management system in the field of education. V.N. Startseva, in particular, emphasizes the need for a continuous training process for university administration employees, which is used to improve the professional competence of employees [6].
Among the employees of the university administration, 10% highlight the insufficient level of formalization of project management processes. The presence of this barrier is confirmed by other researchers. So, A.S. Mudunov and K.N. Tsakhaeva come to the conclusion not only about the insufficient level, but also about the complete absence of formalization of project management processes [3].
Nevertheless, despite the listed barriers, university administration employees consider project management technology to be promising and have great potential.
^nc^s^s. It has been established that the application of project management in the development of the sports and educational space of the university is impossible without the close interaction of all its participants. The possibilities of using project management directly depend on the degree of interest in this technology of all participants in the sports and recreation activities of the university. The level of demonstrated interest directly depends on the degree of involvement of the participants in the work with the project. Teachers and employees of the administration, who personally participated in the development of sports and recreational activities, using the technology of project management, treat it with greater loyalty.
As the main problems that arise in the course of applying the project approach to managing the development of sports and recreational activities, it seems possible to determine the following: 1) lack of consistency and consistency in the processes of introduc-
ing management methods; 2) insufficient theoretical training of management personnel; 3) insufficient level of formalization of project management processes.
Overcoming the barriers to the application of project management technology is possible through the involvement of participants in physical culture and recreation activities in long-term pilot projects that do not require cardinal changes in the employee's activities.
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