Научная статья на тему 'Morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline'

Morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
gasoline / intoxication / kidneys / rats / morphology / nephron / turmeric. / бензин / интоксикация / почки / крысы / морфология / нефрон / куркума.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — G. Yestemirova, Z. Yessimsiitova, Zh. Botabayeva, M. Yeszhan, P. Tleubekkyzy

Purpose: to study of morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline Methods. Morphological methods included macroscopic description and histological examination of rat kidney samples. An experiment was carried out in the laboratory of morphology and experimental biology of KazNU after named Al-Farabi of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology on 15 adult male Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 180-200 grams. Results. Morphological studies conducted on rats of the second group showed that the use of gasoline vapors in rats leads to a strong destruction of the plaque in the form of pronounced interstitial edema, lysis, and dystrophy of kidney cells, and after correction of its vegetable powder "Curcuma longa", a change in the dystrophic processes of the processes and an increase in compensatory and adaptive reactions is detected. Conclusion. The introduction of the herbal powder "Curcuma longa", which has a detoxifying, protective effect, leads to a decrease in pathological processes and to an increase in the general antioxidant activity in the kidneys of rats.

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Морфологические изменения почек крыс при интоксикации бензином

Методы. Морфологические методы включали макроскопическое описание и гистологическое исследование образцов почек крыс. Проведѐн эксперимент в лаборатории морфологии и экспериментальной биологии КАЗ.НУ им. аль-Фараби факультета биологии и биотехнологии на 15 взрослых самцах крыс линии Wistar с исходной массой тела 180-200 грамм. Результаты. Пpoвeдeнные морфологические иccлeдoвaния на кpыcах второй группы показало, что воздействие кpыc парами бензина пpивoдит к cильным дecтpуктивным нapушeниям пoчeк в виде выраженного интерстициального отека, лизиса, дистрофии клеток почек, a пocлe кoppeкции eгo растительным порошком «Curcuma longa» нaблюдaется умeньшeниe диcтpoфичecкиx пpoцeccoв и пoвышeние кoмпeнcaтopнoпpиcпocoбитeльныx peaкций. Заключение. Введение растительного порошка «Curcuma longa», обладающий детоксицирующим, протекторным действием приводит к снижению патологических процессов и к повышению общей антиоксидантной активности в почках крыс.

Текст научной работы на тему «Morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline»

IRSTI 76.03.49 UDC 591.8: 504


G. Yestemirova1, Z. Yessimsiitova1, Zn. Botabayeva1, M. Yeszhan1, P. Tleubekkyzy2

1al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71

2NcJSC -Astana Medical University!, Kazakhstan 010000, Nur-Sultan city, Beibitshilik st.,


1Yestemirova Gulfira Abdukaiymovna - PhD Student of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Ave. al-Farabi 71, Index 050040\A15E3B4, phone number: 87755631469

1Yessimsiitova Zura Berkutovna - Associate professor of Biodiversity and Bioresources Department, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Ave. al-Farabi 71, Index 050040\A15E3B4. 87013869214. [email protected]

1Botabayeva Zhanetta Meirambekkyzy - Student of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Ave. al-Farabi 71, Index 050040\A15E3B4.

1Yeszhan Maira Bazarbekkyzy - Student of master degree of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Ave. al-Farabi 71, Index 050040\A15E3B4.

2Tleubekkyzy Perizat - master degree, Senior tutor of the department of Histology and cytology of NcJSC —Astana Medical University!, Nur-Sultan city, Beibitshilik 49A, Index010000, phone number: 87781168892

Purpose: to study of morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline Methods. Morphological methods included macroscopic description and histological examination of rat kidney samples. An experiment was carried out in the laboratory of morphology and experimental biology of KazNU after named Al-Farabi of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology on 15 adult male Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 180200 grams.

Results. Morphological studies conducted on rats of the second group showed that the use of gasoline vapors in rats leads to a strong destruction of the plaque in the form of pronounced interstitial edema, lysis, and dystrophy of kidney cells, and after correction of its vegetable powder "Curcuma longa", a change in the dystrophic processes of the processes and an increase in compensatory and adaptive reactions is detected.

Conclusion. The introduction of the herbal powder "Curcuma longa", which has a detoxifying, protective effect, leads to a decrease in pathological processes and to an increase in the general antioxidant activity in the kidneys of rats. Key words: gasoline, intoxication, kidneys, rats, morphology, nephron, turmeric.


Г.А. Естемирова1, З.Б. Есимсиитова1, Ж.М. Ботабаева1, М.Б. Есжан1, П.


1Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль-Фараби,

Республика Казахстан, Алматы, 050040 пр. аль-Фараби, 71

2НАО «Медицинский университет Астана», Республика Казахстан, Нур-Султан, ул. Бейбитшилик, 49А

:Естемирова Гульфира Абдукайымовна - аспирант Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби. Пр. Аль-Фараби 71, индекс 050040 \ A15E3B4, телефон: 87755631469

1 Есимсиитова Зура Беркутовна - доцент кафедры биоразнообразия и биоресурсов, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, пр. Аль-Фараби 71, индекс 050040 \ A15E3B4. 87013869214. [email protected]

:Ботабаева Жанетта Мейрамбеккызы - студентка Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби. Проспект аль-Фараби 71, индекс 050040 \ A15E3B4.

1 Есжан Майра Базарбеккызы - студентка магистратуры Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби. Проспект аль-Фараби 71, индекс 050040 \ A15E3B4.

2Тлеубеккызы Перизат - магистр, старший преподаватель кафедры гистологии и цитологии НАО «Медицинский университет Астана», г. Нур-Султан, Бейбитшилик 49А, Индекс010000, телефон: 87781168892

Цель: изучить морфологические изменения почек крыс при интоксикации бензином.

Методы. Морфологические методы включали макроскопическое описание и гистологическое исследование образцов почек крыс. Проведен эксперимент в лаборатории морфологии и экспериментальной биологии КАЗ.ИУ им. аль-Фараби факультета биологии и биотехнологии на 15 взрослых самцах крыс линии Wistar с исходной массой тела 180-200 грамм.

Результаты. Проведенные морфологические исследования на крысах второй группы показало, что воздействие крыс парами бензина приводит к сильным деструктивным нарушениям почек в виде выраженного интерстициального отека, лизиса, дистрофии клеток почек, а после коррекции его растительным порошком «Сшсита 1о^а» наблюдается уменьшение дистрофических процессов и повышение компенсаторно-приспособительных реакций.

Заключение. Введение растительного порошка «Ситсита 1о^а», обладающий детоксицирующим, протекторным действием приводит к снижению патологических процессов и к повышению общей антиоксидантной активности в почках крыс.

Ключевые става: бензин, интоксикация, почки, крысы, морфология, нефрон, куркума.



Г.А. Еcтемiрoвa1, З.Б. Еcимcиитoвa1, Ж.М. Бoтaбaевa1, М.Б. Есжан1, П. Тлеубеккызы2

1эл-Фараби атындагы Казак ¥лттык Университет!, Казахстан Республикасы, Алматы к., 050040 эл-Фараби дацгылы, 71

2 «Астана Медицина Университет!» КеАК, Казахстан 010000, Иур-Султан к., Бейб1тшш1к к-ti, 49А

1Эктемирoвa Гульфира Aбдукaйымoвнa - эл-Фараби атындагы Казак улттык университетшщ аспиранты. Т.б. Эл-Фараби 71, индекс 050040 \ A15E3B4, телефон: 87755631469

^гам^итена Зура Беркутовна - Казак улттык университетi, биоалуантYрлiлiк жэне биоресурстар кафедрасыньщ доцентi Эл-Фараби, эл-Фараби дацгылы, 71, код 050040 \ A15E3B4. 87013869214. [email protected]

1Бoтaбaевa Жанетта Мейрамбекк;ызы - эл-Фараби атындагы Казак улттык университетшщ студентi- Эл-Фараби дацгылы 71, код 050040 \ A15E3B4.

1Еcжaн Майра Базарбеккызы - эл-Фараби атындагы Казак улттык университетiнiц магистранты. Эл-Фараби дацгылы 71, код 050040 \ A15E3B4.

2Тшеубекк;ызы Перизат - магистрант, «Астана медицина университета» КеАК, гистология жэне цитология кафедрасыныц ага окытушысы, Иур-Султан каласы, Бейбiтшiлiк 49А, Индекс010000, телефон: 87781168892

Мараты: бензинмен уландыру жагдайында егеукуйрыктар бYЙрегiнiц морфологиялык эзгерютерш зерттеу.

Эдicтерi. Морфологиялык эдiстерге макроскопиялык сипаттама жэне егеукуйрыктардыц бYЙрекYлгiлерiн гистологиялык зерттеу шрдг Тэж1рибе эл-Фараби атындагы Кдз¥У Биология жэне биотехнология факультетiнiц морфология жэне экспериментпк биология зертханасында дене салмагы 180-200 грамм ересек Wistar егеукуйрыктарыныц 15-iне жасалды.

Нэтижеа. ешнш! топтыц егеукуйрыктарына жYргiзiлген морфологиялык зерттеулер крсеткендей, жетекшi егеукуйрыктар бензин буларымен айкын интерстициальды гану, лизис, бYЙрек жасушаларыныц дистрофиясы тYрiнде катты бузылыстарга экеледi, ал оны "Curcuma longa" эамдж унтагымен тYзеткенненкейiн дистрофиялык процестердщ эзгеру^ компенсаторлык-бешмделу реакцияларыныц жогарылауы байкалды.

^oрытынды. Детоксикациялаушы, корганыш эсерi бар «Сшсита 1о^а» шэптен жасалган унтакты енгiзу патологиялык процестердiц тэмендеуше жэне егеукуйрыктардыц бYЙректерiндегi жалпы антиоксидантты белсендшктщ жогарылауына экеледi.

TYЙiн cвздер: бензин, мас, бYЙрек, егеукуйрык, морфология, нефрон, куркума.

Author for correspondence: Yessimsiitova Zura Berkutovna - Associate professor of Biodiversity and Bioresources Department, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty city, Kazakhstan Adress: al-Farabi 71, Faculty of biology. 3 floor, 320. phone number: 87013869214 e-mail: [email protected] Recieved: 16.03.2021 Accepted: 10.06.2021

Bibliographic reference: Morphological changes in kidney of rats during intoxication with gasoline/G.

Yestemirova, Z. Yessimsiitova, Zn. Botabayeva et al. //Астана мединальщ журналы. - 2021. - № 2 (108). - С. 121-127.


The adaptation of the human body, its organs and systems to environmental unfavorable factors occurs against the background of an increasing rate of morbidity and mortality of the population of Kazakhstan. To date, the anthropogenic harmful factors that affect on environment in many regions of the world has reached an alarming level, consequently promoting malicious effect to the health of the population. One of the most common xenobiotics is gasoline, contact with whichoccurs not only in production, but also in everyday life when using a variety of consumer goods, modern repair materials, as well as while inhaling exhaust gases from cars. Most xenobiotics have a systemic effect on the body, but the kidneys, as the main excretory organ, are the most vulnerable [1-5]. A promising developing area of modern medicine and pharmacy is the application to food plants as a source of biologically active compounds and their use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Among such food plants, which is considered as a raw material of official use in different areas, including domestic scientific pharmacy, long turmeric (Curcuma longa) stands out. From a simple food coloring, turmeric has evolved into an effective remedy. Analysis of literature data showed that the increased concentration of gasoline in the atmosphere is accompanied by morphological changes in the respiratory, digestive, and immune systems. However, the issues of the influence of gasoline vapors on the morphogenesis of the kidneys have been insufficiently studied; information on the morphological changes that take place in the kidneys upon inhalation of gasoline vapors are fragmentary and contradictory. The processes of restoration of the structure of the kidneys during the period of readaptation after the end of exposure to gasoline vapors have not been investigated, as well as the possibilities of prevention and correction of the changes that evoke after kidney damage through an application of plant powder "Curcuma longa", which has a detoxifying, immunomodulating protective effect, have not been substantiated [6-13]. In this regard, the article shows the morphological study of the kidneys of rats under gasoline intoxication.

Materials and methods. Morphological methods included macroscopic description and histological examination of rat kidney samples. An experiment was carried out in the laboratory of morphology and experimental biology of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology and included 15 adult male Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 180-200 grams. The temperature in the animal vivarium was 20 ± 22 degrees. The experimental animals were divided into three groups of 7 rats each. Animals of the control group

were kept separately from the 2-3 group at a distance of 1 meter and were not exposed to gasoline vapors. All groups of animals were kept in standard vivarium conditions without limitations in food and water consumption. After 30 days, the animals were withdrawn from the experiment by decapitation under the ether anesthesia in accordance with ethical standards and recommendations for the humanization of work with laboratory animals, as reflected in the -European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Purposes!. Histological material was fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution (pH 6.8-7), then was dehydrated in alcohols of ascending strength and embedded in paraffin blocks, from which sections with a thickness of 5-6 p,m were prepared using a Leica RM 2145 microtome. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The study of histological sections was carried out under the Leica DM6000 microscope B.

Research results. During histological examination the rat kidneys were differentiated into cortex and medulla. The cortex consisted of renal corpuscles, proximal convoluted and distal convoluted tubules, which are lined with cylindrical epithelial cells with pink cytoplasm and a rounded nucleus, and the medulla was formed by collecting ducts. The nuclei in the tubules are located at the same level. The glomeruli are represented by vascular capillaries (fig. 1).

Histological study of rats of the first control group, who were not exposed to gasoline poisoning, showed that the kidneys are normal and their the structure is preserved. No specific pathological and physiological changes were found.

Histological study of the kidneys of rats of the second group, who were exposed to gasoline intoxication for 30 days, revealed vascular hyperemia in the glomeruli, deformation of the glomeruli. In the proximal tubules, there are such changes as: a damage of cell contacts, the presence of necrobiosis of epithelium in some areas, nucleui are both round and elongated in shape, located at the basal pole of the cell (fig. 2).

Figure 1 - The normal structure of Figure 2 - The interstitial Figure 3 - The focal necrosis

the kidneys of rats.Stained by edema in the kidneys. Stained by of kidney. Stained by

hematoxylin-eosin. Magnification hematoxylin-eosin. Magnification hematoxylin-eosin.

x 400._ x 200.____Magnification x 200._

In the parenchyma of the kidney, there are found such changes, as: focal necrosis, plethora of blood vessels and a slight ingrowth of connective tissue into the parenchyma of the kidney.Moreover, a change in interstitial tissue was found and numerous foci scattered among normal tissue were detected. The epithelium of the tubules is indistinct, blurred in places. The epithelial cells of the capsule have a flattened shape (fig. 3). As a result of the study of the second group of animals, it was found that when exposed to gasoline vapor in the body of rats the following phenomena take place: a renal failure, fatty degeneration and necrosis of kidney cells, changes in interstitial tissue, emergence of numerous foci with such changes.

Morphological studies in the kidney cells of rats of the third group with gasoline intoxication against the background of the use of the plant powder "Curcuma longa" for 30 days showed the destruction of the structure of the parenchymal organs. The tubules are lined with cubic epithelium,

the nuclei are small and polymorphic, located at the basal layer. In the distal tubule, there is a secretion of cells into the lumen, a violation of cell contacts, and partial micronecrosis of the epithelium. Moderate granular dystrophy with desquamation of the epithelial is observed, in the glomeruli there is a violation of the structure of the basement membranes in the form of thickening (fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - Moderate granular dystrophy in Fig. 5 - Protein dystrophy of tubular epithelium

the kidneys. Hematoxylin - eosin Hematoxylin - eosin staining

staining. The magnification x 200. The magnification x 400.

As a result of a histological study of the kidneys of experimental rats, who after exposure to gasoline vapors were treated with a plant powder, it was found that kidneys of the third group animals presented no special destructive abnormalities and vascular glomeruli, convoluted tubules were lined with cylindrical epithelial cells with pink cytoplasm and rounded core. Also, protein dystrophy of the tubular epithelium is observed. Endothelial cells are slightly flattened, their borders are indistinct in some places, the basement membrane is thin (fig. 5). Among the pathological changes that are evoked because of daily poisoning of animals for 30 days with gasoline vapors, but was treated with powder "Curcuma longa", an interstitial edema with plethora of blood vessels and destruction of the cell structure can be stated.


All findings of that study clearly correlate with hypothesis of researchers, who aimed at solving the issues of body resistance to adverse factors through the using of biologically active additives. Gasoline stands up as an industrial waste of factories and presents as an impurity in motorgasoline, in exhaust gases, which is 40 times more carcinogenic than diesel engines. The main routeof entry of gasoline into the body is inhalation, it quickly accumulates in lipids of biological membranes and spreads in well-supplied organs as liver, kidneys, and brain. Our article shows the mechanism of the pathological process in rats when exposed to gasoline vapor, as well as an evaluation of the effect of herbal turmeric powder, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. Thanks to its unique chemical composition, herbal turmeric powder has a beneficial anti-allergic, detoxifying and antioxidant effect. The results of the study of control group rats that ate standard food without receiving gasoline vapors showed that their general condition and basic characteristics, as weight, pupils and hair did not present any significant changes, as well as weakness, malaise, changes in behavior, and physiological abnormalities were not observed in control group. Long-term use of gasoline vapors in the second group of rats in comparison with the control group led to physiological abnormalities in the form of partial hair loss, aggressiveness, and lethargy. Morphological studies conducted among the rats of the second group find out that gasoline vapors can cause crucial destructive changes in kidneys of rats, which manifest in the form of interstitial edema, lysis, and destruction of kidney cells. These structural violations after the application of -Curcuma longall are found to be reduced and an

increase of the compensatory and adaptive responses is revealed.


1. Experimental exposure to gasoline caused noticeable deviations from the normal structural features in the organisms of rats of the second group, the structure of kidneys is characterized by necrobiotic, destructive changes in the epithelium of the renal tubules. When gasoline accumulates,a light-yellow fat deposition is found under the serous covers of the kidneys.

2. It is proved that the use of the plant powder "Curcuma longa" significantly reduces the negative impact of gasoline on the morphological changes in the kidneys of rats, who belong to the third group of experimental animals, and does not cause specific changes of a destructive nature in the kidneys of rats by itself. Minor changes in the histological structure are completely reversible and are compensatory and adaptive in nature.

3. It is established that the plant powder "Curcuma longa" has a pronounced universal sorption and antioxidant properties, increases the resistance of the body to infections and noxious environmental factors, and plays an important corrective role.


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