YAK 591.8: 504
DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.45.43.038
1 2 Z.B.,Yessimsiitova 1 2 N.T.Ablaikhanova, 3 Zh. M.Bazarbayeva , 1 G.A.Yestemirova, 1 A.Turdybayeva, 4 Z.Beken, 4A.S. Kozhamzharova
¡al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 2LLP SPTC «Zh alyn», Almaty 3L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan 4 Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university, Almaty [email protected]
Resume. Today, with the development of civilization, humanity has faced such problems as stress, depression, poor nutrition and many toxic effects. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find such health problems as obesity, chronic diseases, disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses vegetable oils, herbal extracts and concentrates to treat diseases, which are obtained from tiny glands in the petals, leaves, stems, wood and bark of various plants. For the extraction of essential oils and other extractive substances, the process of distillation is used, extraction using alcohol and water extraction. After that, the resulting substance is evaporated from plants, and after cooling, it is divided into water and highly concentrated essential oil. The article studies the effect of a plant composition on physiological and morphological changes in the body of rats under conditions of toxic inoculation at a dose of10, 20, 30 mg. The composite used in the experiment from the composition of two plant species has a specific aroma and has effective medicinal properties. Key words: medicinal composite, necrosis, destruction, intoxication, liver.
Relevance of the topic. In oriental medicine, whole philosophical teachings were created around the plant world, plants were elevated to the rank of sacred. Recently, the need of the inhabitants of Europe and Asia for essential oils used as medicines, antiseptics and perfumes has been constantly growing and many peoples have begun to use them as effective means for the prevention of neuro-emotional ailments, non-infectious diseases and to improve mood, sleep, and reduce the negative impact on the body of increased physical and stress loads. It is believed that the use of aromatherapy provides excellent results in treating people of all ages with a variety of disorders - from serious illnesses to common ailments, can bring relief to people suffering from long-term or recurrent diseases that do not respond to traditional methods of treatment. Sometimes medications cause unpleasant side effects - in such cases, aromatherapy can also help restore health, can bring quick relief to a person prone to stress, depression or anger, and heal insomnia and headaches. Essential oils have a calming or mild stimulating effect, improve well-being, increase efficiency, memory, attention, accuracy of the task, and also have analgesic, sedative, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects [1-5]. In treatments from different plants, there is a large arsenal of medicinal herbs designed to regulate the activity of the digestive tract, including the liver, for example, dandelion, marshmallow, meadowsweet and chamomile, the action of which is due to the presence of aromatic oils in them. In addition, as in the treatment of the respiratory tract, it is not unimportant that essential oils remove various toxins and chemicals from the body that enter the body along with food. The course of aromatic prophylaxis leads to a significant decrease in the residual amounts of organophosphorus compounds in the liver and blood serum of a person with corresponding chronic poisoning [6-10]. At the same time, a moderate immunomodulatory effect was noted. This indicates the possibility of using plant aromatic substances to remove pesticides from the human body when they are ingested with food. Diseases associated with the damaging effects of free radicals on the body lend themselves to some degree of correlation. Plant aromatic substances can increase the antioxidant activity of the blood and prevent the
accumulation of free under-oxidized products in the body, counteract their unfavorable effect on the body [11-17]. Research method: The experimental study was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of evolutionary and ecological morphology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In the experiment on laboratory animals, 40 white outbred male rats weighing 180-220 grams three months of age were used. The use of animals in the experiment was carried out in compliance with the rules and regulations regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the international recommendations of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experiments for scientific or other purposes. During the experiment, all animals were kept in the same standard vivarium conditions. Studies on the study of metabolic processes in the body of animals exposed to chronic inoculation with a medicinal composite of two species of medicinal dandelion plants (lat.Taraxacum officinale), which has bactericidal, antiinflammatory properties, and licorice root (Glycyrrihizae radicis), contributing to an expectorant, enveloping effect diseases of the upper respiratory tract in various doses with increasing concentration. This plant has a peculiar aromatic odor that determines the content of flavonoids. Dandelion leaves contain taraxanthin, flavoxanthin, vitamins C, A, B2, E, PP, choline, saponins, resins, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus salts, up to 5% protein, which makes them nutritious. Roots and rhizomes of licorice - licorice root are rich in glycyrrhizin (up to 23%), a steroid saponin that has a structural similarity to steroid hormones and has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory properties [18-22]. The experiment was carried out in one stage, while the experimental animals were divided into 4 groups of 10 rats each. Experimental animals were exposed to smoke for 5 minutes in a priming chamber. Control group - intact animals, daily stay for 5 minutes in the seed chamber with no seed smoke. The duration of each experiment was 21 days. A 0.3 m3 plastic chamber was used to simulate the smoke. The smoke of the chamber was carried out by burning the composite in the form of a powder in a special holding device. As the powder burned out, they were replaced, thereby ensuring a constant flow of smoke into the seed chamber. An even distribution of smoke was
ensured by a fan. Five, twice, animals were placed in the seed chamber. Smoke was carried out for 5 minutes by burning 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg of a medicinal composite from plant and animal raw materials. The experimental rats underwent the procedure once a day. After the end of each 5-minute session, the animals were removed from the
priming chamber and kept in the sanitary conditions of the vivarium. Decapitation of animals was carried out using anesthesia at a strictly fixed time - between 9 and 11 am. The objects of histological examination were the main populations of liver cells.
Figure 1 - Chronic inoculated laboratory rats at a dose of 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg for 21 days.
On the 21st day of the experiment, the animals were decapitated under anesthesia. Immediately after decapitation, the lung and liver were taken. Decapitation of rats was carried out in the morning in accordance with existing documents and legislative acts regulating the use of laboratory animals in experimental studies. To prepare histological preparations after the slaughter of the animal, the organs were placed in 10% buffered formalin to fix the intravital tissue structure. After 24 hours, the tissue was processed according to the standard histological technique. Sections were made on an MC-2 microtome with a thickness of 5 |m. After the preparation of the preparations, for further research, the obtained section was stained with the survey dyes hematoxylin and eosin. The photographs obtained were processed on a Pentium 4
computer. Analysis of the numerical data of micrometric indicators was subjected to statistical processing using the computer programs Microsoft Excel and ImageJ. Results and its discussion. The study of the liver of rats in the control group had a classic tubular structure. Hepatocytes were large, had a clearly visible cell membrane, large rounded nuclei were located in the center of the cell, one or two nucleoli were visible in the nuclei. Binuclear cells were encountered. Sinusoidal blood filling and minor vascular sclerosis are noted (Figure 2). In the cytoplasm of certain places of hepatocytes, granularity is noted. Single bile ducts were found in the parenchyma. They had the correct structure in the form of tubules, covered with epithelium. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) of hepatocytes was 0.186 ± 0.093 (at p <0.05).
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Figure 2 - Sinusoidal blood filling, binuclear cells. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin. x 400
Microscopic examination of the liver of rats of the second group showed the hepatocytes of the correct hexagonal shape, the beam structure was preserved. The nuclei are round, located in the center of the cell. The cytoplasm is homogeneous, eosinophilic. Small vacuoles are found in
single cells. In the parenchyma, binucleated cells are often found, accompanied by physiological polymorphism. There is a violation of cell contacts, accompanied by a slight edema of the stroma (Figure 3). The vessels of the parenchyma are rounded, lined with a single-layer
squamous epithelium. Single cells of the bloodstream are found in the lumen of the vessels. In medium and large vessels, plethora is noted. In the parenchyma of the organ, an expansion of the perivascular space is observed, in some places the sinusoids are expanded (Figure 4). The
m 1
bile ducts are lined with monolayer cubic epithelium. Some of them are deformed. Periportal sclerosis is also noted. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) of hepatocytes was 0.022 ± 0.39 (at p <0.05).
Figure 3 - Binuclear liver cells; violation of cell contacts with edema. Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. x400.
Figure 4 - Expansion of sinusoids and perivascular space. Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. x100.
The liver hepatocytes of the rats of the third group had a regular hexagonal shape, the cell membrane was well expressed. The nucleus is round, referred to the cell periphery. There are single binucleated cells with a swollen nucleus. The cell cytoplasm is loose, granular. The structure of the parenchyma is preserved (Figure 5). Vessels of irregular shape, stagnation of blood plasma is noted in the vessels, as well as strong blood filling. The bile ducts are lined with monolayer cubic epithelium; some are partially deformed. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) of
hepatocytes was 0.113 ± 0.81 (at p <0.05). In hepatocytes of the liver of the fourth group, it was found that the cytoplasm is eosinophilic, there is a small vacuolization. Small tears of the epithelium are observed in the walls of the vessels. The central veins are highly congested (Figure 6). The bile ducts are lined with a single-layer cubic epithelium, in some ducts necrobiosis of the epithelium is noted. Plasma stagnation is observed in the vessels. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) of hepatocytes was 0.122 ± 0.46 (at p <0.05).
Figure 5 - Loose granular cytoplasm of cells. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin. x 400 Figure 6 - Congestion of central veins. Granular light cytoplasm. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin. x200
Thus, in rats exposed to composite poisoning at a dose of 10 mg, uneven plethora of blood vessels in the liver was found. A slight edema of the stroma was noted in the liver. In the rats of the third group, after the application of 20 mg of the composite, a strong blood filling of the vessels,
deformation of the bile ducts, and also clearing of the cytoplasm of hepatocytes were found in the liver. In the liver of experimental rats after poisoning with a dose of 30 mg, a rupture of the epithelium of the wall of blood vessels and fine granular degeneration of hepatocytes were found.
-ВЕСТНИК КАЗНМУ #2-2021 ---ф
Table 1. Results of statistical processing of rat liver
NCR, (at p <0.05)
Control 0,186±0,093 1
10 mg 0,022±0,39
20 mg 0,113±0,81 1
30 mg 0,122±0,46
Based on the morphometric parameters of the liver, we can say that with an increase in the dose, the NCR in the cells decreases.
The results of the physiological indicators of the study of the behavioral reaction of animals indicate that in the control groups of animals, psychoemotional characteristics were expressed in a clear organization and orientation in the space of animals, which indicated the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It was
found that after exposure to chronic inoculation of a medicinal composite made from plant and animal raw materials, an increased level of anxiety is observed, since a deficit in inhibitory tone was found, which led to overexpression of the conditioned skill of passive avoidance when stress was reduced and stopped. Table 2 - Indicators of behavioral reactions of animals after exposure to 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg doses of chronic inoculation of a medicinal composite from plant and animal raw materials for 21 days.
10 mg
20 mg
30 mg
Agitation NN N N
Carding N N + ++
Activity NN N N
Passivity NN N N
Appetite N N + ++
Conjunctivitis (redness of N N + ++ the eyes)
Scrotum (swollen) NN N N
(N) there were no changes; (+) there were changes (within the normal range); (++) change was (average)
Table two shows that the degree of the damaging effect of stress on the body of animals largely depends on how the animal perceives reactions when receiving inhalation of different doses, there are possible breakdowns of mental adaptation, anxious behavior accompanying excitatory processes in the central nervous system. High anxiety is associated with increased fear responses and is manifested by hyperreactivity to environmental stimuli. Conclusion. Many diseases, and primarily colds, are directly related to the human immune system. A strong immune system is a reliable barrier against a wide variety of diseases. Virtually all essential oils are bactericidal and promote white blood cell production, and help prevent and treat infectious diseases. It is these properties that explain the high efficiency of aromatic herbs and oils in the fight against infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, and plague. The pharmacological effect of essential oils on the human body is largely due to their complex chemical composition, and is associated with chemical changes that occur when aromatic oil enters the bloodstream, resulting
in interaction with hormones and enzymes. An important positive factor is the relatively low toxicity of essential oils, the ability to be active in non-toxic doses. The article shows chronic smoke poisoning with a composite of plant and animal raw materials at a dose of 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg in an experiment that does not cause any special destructive changes in the liver of rats. The resulting composite of plant and animal raw materials can be considered as a universal prophylactic substance that has a number of advantages over other prophylactic agents, and has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Hence, herbal treatment can bring quick relief to a person who is stressed, depressed, or angry and heal insomnia and headaches. Essential oils have a calming or mild stimulating effect, improve well-being, to increase efficiency, memory, attention, accuracy of the task. Penetrating into the human body, essential oils themselves find the affected areas and immediately begin to treat them.
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!'2 З.Б. Есимсиитова, Н.Т. Аблайханова, 3 Ж.М. Базарбаева, 1 Г.А. Естемирова, 1 А. Турдыбаева, 4 З. Бекен, 4 А.С. Кожамжарова
1Эл-Фараби атындагы К,азац ¥лттыцуниверситету Алматы 2НТПЦ ЖШС «Жалын», Алматы 3Л.Н.Гумилев атындагы Еуразия ¥лттыцуниверситету Нур-Султан 4С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы К,азац улттыцмедициналыцуниверситетi
Тушн. БYгiнгi тацда вркениеттщ дамуымен адамзат стресс, депрессия, дурыс тамацтанбау жэне квптеген улы эсерлер сияцты мэселелерге тап болды. Сондыцтан артыц салмац, созылмалы аурулар, тыныс алу, ЖYрек-тамыр жэне ЖYйке ЖYйесmц бузылуы сияцты денсаулыц мэселелерi жш кездеседь Ароматерапия-бул эртYрлi встджтердщ
жапырацшаларында, жапырацтарында,
сабацтарында, агашында жэне цабыгында усац бездерден алынган ауруларды емдеу Yшiн вамдж майлары, вамдж сыгындылары мен концентраттарыц цолданатын медицинадагы балама тYрmц бiрi. Эфир майларын жэне басца да экстрактивтi заттарды алу Yшiн дистилляция,
спиртпен экстракция жэне сумен экстракция цолданылады. Осыдан кешн алынган зат вамджтерден буланып, салцындаганнан кешн суга жэне жогары концентрацияланган эфир майына бвлтедь Мацалада 10, 20, 30 мг дозада уытты инокуляция жагдайында егеуцуйрыцтар агзасындагы физиологиялыц жэне морфологиялыц взгерктерге вамдж куурамыныц эсерi зерттелген. Тэжiрибеде цолданылатын встджтердщ ек туртщ цурамындагы композит ерекше хош шске ие жэне тиiмдi емдж цасиеттерге ие.
Tyürndi свздер: дэртк композит, некроз, бузылу, интоксикация, бауыр.
1,2 З.Б. Есимсиитова, Н.Т. Аблайханова, 3 Ж.М. Базарбаева, 1 Г.А. Естемирова, 1 А. Турдыбаева, 4 З. Бекен, 4 А.С. Кожамжарова
1Казахский Национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы 2Научно-производственный технический центр «Жалын», Алматы 3Евразийский Национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, Нур-Султан 4Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д.Асфендиярова, Алматы
Резюме: Сегодня, с развитием цивилизации, человечество столкнулось с такими проблемами, как стресс, депрессия, плохое питание и многие токсические эффекты. Поэтому нередко встречаются такие проблемы со здоровьем, как ожирение, хронические заболевания, расстройства дыхательной, сердечно-сосудистой и нервной систем. Ароматерапия-это форма альтернативной медицины, которая использует растительные масла, растительные экстракты и концентраты для лечения заболеваний, которые получают из крошечных желез в лепестках, листьях, стеблях, древесине и коре различных растений. Для извлечения эфирных масел и других экстрактивных веществ используется процесс
дистилляции, экстракции с использованием спирта и водной экстракции. После этого полученное вещество выпаривают из растений, а после охлаждения разделяют на воду и высококонцентрированное эфирное масло. В статье изучено влияние растительной композиции на физиологические и морфологические изменения в организме крыс в условиях токсической инокуляции в дозе 10, 20, 30 мг. Используемый в эксперименте композит из состава двух видов растений обладает специфическим ароматом и обладает эффективными лечебными свойствами.
Ключевые слова: лекарственный композит, некроз, деструкция, интоксикация, печень.