MODERN VIEW OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
inclusive education / medical and pedagogical correction / exteriorization / emotional and informa-tional substance / correction pedagogic support

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abubakirova R., Zhacheva E.

The article considers some aspects of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Education of others through the inclusion of children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment, as well as current problems in the implementation of inclusive education. The relevance of the implementation of inclusive education in the modern educational system is beyond doubt. It is well known that the modern system of special education is undergoing changes. These changes focus on working with children with special educational needs in different directions. But today there is an urgent question about alternative options for teaching and raising children with special educational needs to closed special education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «MODERN VIEW OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION»



Abubakirova R.,

Master student of the University of International Business. Kazakhstan, Almaty

Zhacheva E.

Senior teacher of the language center of the University of International Business. Specialist. Almaty


The article considers some aspects of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Education of others through the inclusion of children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment, as well as current problems in the implementation of inclusive education. The relevance of the implementation of inclusive education in the modern educational system is beyond doubt. It is well known that the modern system of special education is undergoing changes. These changes focus on working with children with special educational needs in different directions. But today there is an urgent question about alternative options for teaching and raising children with special educational needs to closed special education.

Keywords: inclusive education, medical and pedagogical correction, exteriorization, emotional and informational substance, correction pedagogic support.

Issues of ensuring the life of children of this category are defined in the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education", "on the rights of the child in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "on social and medical-pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities", as well as in a number of regulatory legal acts.

Having equal rights to education and creative development with all other children in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education". In life, children with disabilities face difficulties, or even the inability to get a good education. Today, the majority of children with disabilities receive education in special correctional educational institutions with residential or home-based accommodation.

The main goal of inclusive education is to realize the right of children with developmental disabilities to receive education. In accordance with their cognitive capabilities and abilities at the place of residence, their social adaptation and integration into society, increasing the role of the family in the upbringing and development of their child (Elhotova, Alpatova, Djan-serikov, 2017).

Conceptual approaches to the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of MES RK from June 1, 2015 No 348 confirms the development of the education system one of the most important priorities of state policy.

Currently, there are 56 psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations funded by local budgets in Kazakhstan. According to the regulations, there should be 79 such organizations in the Republic. Methodological guidance of these consultations is assigned to the Republican psychological, medical, and pedagogical consultation, located in Almaty.

According to the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of January 1 this year, 149,246 children with disabilities live in the country, which is about 3.15% of the total number of minors in the Republic. However, these statistics do not reflect

the real situation, since there are facts of adding statistics and, conversely, not including children in need.

According to the State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 20112020, approved by presidential decree of 7 December 2010 No 1118, presents a set of interrelated resource and timing of events that help to create the necessary organizational basis for the inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools. It is planned to increase the share of schools that have created conditions for inclusive education to 70% of their total number by 2020 (Ibrayev, 2015).

According to the Director of the Department of secondary education of the MES of Kazakhstan N. Ar-shabekov, international organizations note that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in comparison with other Central Asian republics, the process of introducing inclusive education is very active, which of course once again confirms the political course of the established state.

In the current period, an Internet project based on the site is being implemented www.inclusion.kz in the framework of information support for stakeholders in the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan.

As one of the alternative directions of development of the system of special education and upbringing, it is possible to name the introduction of a child with disabilities in mass groups and classes of General educational institutions. This process can take place within the framework of integration, as well as within a slightly different and, in our opinion, more promising direction — inclusion. But it should be noted that the process of including children with disabilities in development in mass educational institutions involves many difficulties that are currently insurmountable for our country. One of the most significant and still unresolved problems is the problem of creating educational and methodological complexes for successful inclusive education of all categories of children in General educational preschool and school institutions. An inclusive school is, first of all, a democratic school that instills

respect for people and their lifestyle. In such a school, students work together creatively to solve educational problems. The subject of inclusion is a child with disabilities and special educational needs. Attendance at local schools is one of the important factors proving children's inclusion in society. Children are taught not only in schools. They learn in the family, contacting their peers and friends, participating in various social activities of their co-society. School attendance also supports other forms of learning. Teachers have the sole responsibility to ensure that all students take an active part in providing equal learning opportunities for all.

The results of sociological surveys showed that more than 68% of Kazakhstanis believe that these children should study in a normal environment in order to develop faster and be included in society.

Today there are many problems that are barriers for children with disabilities to get an education among their peers (Movkebayeva, 2017). Teachers should explain to other students the reasons why some students can't or can't speak, behave differently, and so on. Differences must be established and respected. Similar work should be done at parent-teacher meetings. The greatest obstacle to inclusion is usually a negative attitude. Children are not used to seeing other children around them who look and behave differently. Parents may also worry unnecessarily about" lowering standards " if children with disabilities or other special needs are included in regular classes. Teachers should play the role of guides in changing attitudes towards the future among students, their parents, and, of course, other teachers. When working with such children, an ordinary teacher can be successful if he is flexible enough, interested in difficulties and ready to try different approaches (Suleimenova, 2015). The teacher must respect individual differences, be able to listen to and apply the recommendations of team members, and agree to work together with other teachers in the same team. When teachers make their class or their school more inclusive, they become more qualified and better practitioners. This means that all students benefit from this, not just children with "special needs".

In the implementation of this program of inclusive education in the Republic as a whole, there are still a number of unsolved tasks for the development of inclusive education, such as:

- improving the legal, organizational and economic foundations and mechanisms for the development of inclusive education;

- improvement of methodological and methodical bases of development of inclusive education (adaptation and modification of curricula and programs, textbooks, teaching materials, introduction of criteria-based assessment system of educational achievements);

- implementation of individualized correctional-pedagogical and social-psychological support for students, creation of a comfortable educational environment that provides students with the opportunity to become a significant and active member of the school community, increase their self-esteem, motivation for learning and socialization;

- creating an accessible "barrier-free environment" and providing students with compensatory means;

- improving the staffing of educational organizations that implement inclusive education;

- providing conditions for continuing education of persons with special educational needs at the levels of technical, professional and higher education with the prospect of mastering the profession;

- conducting applied research in the field of inclusive education.

Inclusive education contributes to the formation of the inner world of the individual.

The inner world of a person can be considered a verbal metaphor that defines virtual reality, modeled by electrochemical processes of interaction of neurons (Pritchard, 1963). The inner world can be rich, deep, harmonious, complex, or simple. The inner (subjective) world is the psychic reality, the organized content of the human psyche, the need-emotional-informational substance, the entire conscious spiritual life of a person, the source of his spiritual energy (Deno, 1968).

M. Ibrayev believes that a person develops in interaction with the world throughout life in the dynamics of exteriorization and interiorization (2015). The inner world of a person, along with the reflection of reality, is an integral part of consciousness. In the inner world, certain work takes place, which is then externalized in the process of activity. A person, as a subject of activity, is constantly changing in the process of its implementation. The individual makes a unique contribution to social development by exteriorizing his inner world. It is in the products of exteriorization of the inner world that the observation of individuality is possible (Alkha-tova, Beisembayeva, 2017). Consciously or unconsciously, modern society will improve its inner world if we allow it to take care of and participate in the lives of children with special educational needs.


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Mykhailyuk N.

Senior teacher of Kharkiv National Semyon Kuznets University of Economics, Kharkiv



Михайлюк Н.В.

Старший викладач Харювського нацiонального економiчного утверситету iMem Семена Кузнеця, Micmo Харюв


The article analyses scientific approaches of the development of criteria, indicators and indicators of the formation of professional culture of specialists. Significant criteria, indicators and indicators of the formation of professional culture and bachelor's degrees in banking. The main criteria are: professional competence, professional identity, professional morality. Opening indicators of the level of formation of professional culture in the future of the bank sphere.


У статп проведений аналiз наукових пiдходiв щодо розробки критерпв, показнишв та pîbhîb сформо-ваносп професшно1 культури фахiвцiв. Визначеш критери, показники та рiвнi сформованосп професшно1 культури майбутшх бакалаврiв баншвсько1 справи. Основними критершми визначено: професшна компе-тентнють, професшна вдентичнють, професшна мораль. Розкрип показники рiвнiв сформованосп профе-сшно1 культури майбутшх фахiвцiв баншвсько1 сфери.

Keywords: professional culture of specialists, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional culture, interest in professional activity.

Ключовi слова: професшна культура фах1вщв, критери, показники та рiвнi сформованосп професш-но1 культури, штерес до професшно! дiяльностi.

Постановка проблеми.

Вaжливим кроком га шляху розвитку соцiaлъ-но1' свщомосп молодого поколшня e формyвaння нового гаукового економiчного мислення, мотивa-щя до постшного оновлення сво1'х згань тa гавичок, прaгнення до особистого вдоскогалення, до aнaлiзy результат свое1' роботи тa роботи всього колек-тиву. Це зaвдaння стоиъ, y першу чергу, перед зa-клaдaми вищо!* освгги економiчного профiлю, яю

мaютъ готyвaти фaxiвцiв високо1' професiйноï raa-лiфiкaцiï [1]. Особливо1' вaгомостi нaбyвae вщповь днiстъ рiвня сформовaностi професiйноï культури мaйбyтнix бaкaлaврiв бaнкiвсъкоï спрaви сyчaсним соцiaлъно-економiчним вимогш i потребaм [2,с.4]. Основи професшно1' культури повиннi бути сфор-мовaнi y стyдентiв ще пiд чaс нaвчaння y зaклaдi ви-що1' освiти, aдже соцiyм потребуе фaxiвцiв, здaтниx прaктично вирiшyвaти постaвленi перед ними жит-

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