MODERN UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST HISTORIOGRAPHY Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
historical source / classification / methodological approaches / scientific developments / monographs / disserta-tions / regional history. / історичне джерело / класифікація / методологічні підходи / наукові розробки / монографії / дисертаційні роботи / регіональна історія.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Ryzheva N. O.

An objective study of Holocaust events by Ukrainian scholars is based on the determination of their con-sequences and lessons of universal significance. The essence of the Nazi genocide against the Jewish popula-tion as one of the most shameful phenomena in the history of civilization is clearly crystallized in modern sci-entific work. Full knowledge of the real events of the Holocaust and awareness of their tragic consequences should serve as a warning and incentive to prevent the revival of such phenomena in the future. In domestic historiography, the analysis of the occupiers' repressive policies aimed at the extermination of the Jewish pop-ulation during World War II allows us to form a multi-vector view of the recent history of Ukraine and identify the tragic events of the Holocaust by regional realities. The historical and scientific field created in Ukraine about the research has considerable potential for further research in the future.

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Об’єктивне дослідження українськими науковцями подій Голокосту відбувається на засадах визна-чення їх наслідків та уроків загальнолюдського значення. В сучасному науковому доробку виразно криста-лізується сутність нацистського геноциду щодо єврейського населення як одного із найганебніших явищ у цивілізаційній історії. Повноцінне знання реальних подій Голокосту та усвідомлення їх трагічних нас-лідків мають слугувати попередженням і стимулом для унеможливлення відродження таких явищ у пер-спективі. У вітчизняній історіографії аналіз репресивної політики окупантів, спрямованої на винищення єврейського населення в період Другої світової війни, дозволяє формувати як багатовекторний погляд на розвиток новітньої історії України, так й визначити трагічні події Голокосту за регіональними реалія-ми. Створене в Україні за тематикою дослідження історико-наукове поле обіймає значний потенціал для продовження напрацювань у майбутньому.


УДК 930.1(477) :94(100) «1939/1945»

Ryzheva N. O.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the History Department at V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National

University of Mykolaiv ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8379-4325 DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-11134-14-17 MODERN UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST HISTORIOGRAPHY

Рижева Н. О.

Доктор iсторичних наук, професор, завгдувач кафедри ктори, Микола'1'вського нацюнального yHiверситету iMeHi В. О. Сухомлинського

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8379-4325



An objective study of Holocaust events by Ukrainian scholars is based on the determination of their consequences and lessons of universal significance. The essence of the Nazi genocide against the Jewish population as one of the most shameful phenomena in the history of civilization is clearly crystallized in modern scientific work. Full knowledge of the real events of the Holocaust and awareness of their tragic consequences should serve as a warning and incentive to prevent the revival of such phenomena in the future. In domestic historiography, the analysis of the occupiers' repressive policies aimed at the extermination of the Jewish population during World War II allows us to form a multi-vector view of the recent history of Ukraine and identify the tragic events of the Holocaust by regional realities. The historical and scientific field created in Ukraine about the research has considerable potential for further research in the future.


Об 'ективне до^дження укра'1'нськими науковцями подш Голокосту вiдбyваeться на засадах визна-чення ix на^дюв та уроюв загальнолюдського значення. В сучасному науковому доробку виразно криста-лiзyeться сyтнiсть нацистського геноциду щодо еврейського населення як одного iз найганебнших явищ у цивШзацшнШ iсторii. Повноцтне знання реальних подш Голокосту та yсвiдомлення ix трагiчниx на^д-юв мають слугувати попередженням i стимулом для унеможливлення вiдродження таких явищ у перспе-^rni. У вiтчизнянiй кторюграфп аналiз репресивно'1' полтики окyпантiв, спрямовано'1' на винищення еврейського населення в перюд Друго'1' свiтовоi вшни, дозволяе формувати як багатовекторний погляд на розвиток новтньо '1' ктори Укра'ши, так й визначити трагiчнi подИГолокосту за регюнальними реалiями. Створене в Укра'ш за тематикою до^дження iсторико-наyкове поле обтмае значний потенцiал для продовження напрацювань у майбутньому.

Keywords: historical source, classification, methodological approaches, scientific developments, monographs, dissertations, regional history.

Ключовi слова: кторичне джерело, класифiкацiя, методологiчнi тдходи, наyковi розробки, моногра-фи, дисертацiйнi роботи, регюнальна iсторiя.

The tendencies of modern research in the world organically includes the development of historical science of Ukraine, to understand the most difficult consequences of World War II - the Nazi genocide of the Jewish population of Europe. Algorithms of historio-graphical development of the preservation of the Holocaust historical memory have become important guidelines for all mankind. Namely, as a warning about the extremely short distance that can lead society (even that which declares democratic slogans) to genocide, and a convincing call for unification and opposition to it.

The goal of our work is to analyze the historio-graphical achievements of Ukrainian scholars on the core points of the Holocaust. The destruction of stereotypes of the historical past, which have developed over the decades, has contributed to a critical rethinking of previously accumulated material by scientists in quite extensive in content and areas of research on the Holocaust in certain regions of Ukraine. The current

achievements allow us to carry out a certain systemati-zation and identify new areas for in-depth study in the future.

Active research into the history of the Holocaust in Ukraine began in the 1990s. At the first stage (19911996) there was a process of searching for source material and determining certain scientific accents [11; 19; 27]. Researchers tried to put into scientific circulation the maximum amount of documentary material that was available at that time. In the first investigations there is a feeling of a certain emotional shock of the authors from the facts and documents that they had found while working on the topic. Researchers wondered why the mass extermination of the Jewish population became possible.

Ukraine's research field is currently expanding with publications of documentaries and memoirs about the events surrounding the Nazi genocide against the Jewish population. A milestone in scientific and social life was the first domestic edition of the Black Book (1991) - a collection of testimonies, letters and other



documents of Holocaust survivors. It should be noted that the materials for the publication were systematized and prepared in 1944-1946 by compilers V. Grossman and I. Ehrenburg. However, for almost 45 years the Black Book was "unknown" to a wide range of interested USSR researchers. The publication includes documents and evidence of real events during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine [37].

The three-volume edition of Essays on Jewish Heroism (edited and edited by S. Averbukh) which includes information about Jewish-heroes was a source-personified supplement to Holocaust research [23].

Books that recreated the realities of the South of Ukraine also appear in the research field: a collection of documents and materials about the Jews in Myko-layiv region [4], memoirs of D. Starodynsky from Odessa [31]. S. Borovy's book on the fate of the Jewish population of Odessa deserves unconditional attention [1]

Systematization of source materials was accompanied by the first attempts to generalize and formulate methodological issues, which was made in the articles of M. Koval "Nazi genocide of Jews and the Ukrainian population (1941-1944)" [12] and M. Popovich "Jewish genocide in Ukraine: history and lessons "[27]. It is worth paying attention to the collective study "Jews of Ukraine (Short Essay on History)" in which an attempt was made to fit the events of the Catastrophe into the general context of the history of the Jewish population of Ukraine [2].

In the works of M. Koval, the anti-Jewish Nazi genocide is recognized as an integral part of the tragic events of World War II in Ukraine [12; 13]. The scholar does not avoid sharp questions about the participation of Ukrainian collaboration in acts of mass extermination of Jews and the attitude of the majority of Ukrainians to the Jewish population during the occupation. One of the main aspirations of the researcher is to reveal or at least identify "white spots" within this historical period. M. Koval admits that the situation of Jews during the occupation was much more tragic than that of the rest of the population. In particular, he notes: "It should be emphasized that the Jewish Catastrophe is part of the general tragedy experienced by the people of Ukraine who fell victim to Nazi murderers. If Slavs, in particular Ukrainians, were killed on political grounds, Jews were killed only because they were Jews "[14, p.163].

Research on this issue is taking new forms in the second stage, which began in 1997. In particular, the process of in-depth study and generalization of regional issues. In this context, the research of J. Honigsman on the fate of Judaism in the Lviv region and in Western Ukraine deserves unconditional attention [35, 36]; J. Cowba, which analyzes the situation in Eastern Galicia [15, 16]; S. Orlyansky on the Holocaust in Zaporizhie [21, 22]. The latter adds new emphasis to regional studies of Holocaust events. In his works, based on the involvement of the maximum number of sources of various origins, the events that took place in the Zaporozhye region are logically connected with the all-Ukrainian situation. In addition, the works compared

local specifics with the all-Ukrainian realities of the Catastrophe.

The events in Babyn Yar, information about Ukrainians who risked their lives to save Jews during the occupation, are reflected in the books of F. Levitas, M. Szymanowski [19], I. Levitas [18]. In the work of L. Sushon in the language of testimonies and documents reproduced "the life of Jews in Hell" in Transnistria [32]. Various aspects of the events of the Catastrophe in the Crimea are analyzed by M. Tyagly [33; 34]. These materials allow us to trace both the tragic events and the heroism of ordinary citizens of Ukraine.

In most of the analyzed works, the authors emphasized that the Holocaust was tragic throughout Ukraine, while certain events in each region were determined by their own characteristics, which require separate research for a deeper and comprehensive understanding of the scale and consequences of this phenomenon.

A special place is occupied by the works of S. Ye-lisavetsky, the main idea of which is that Jews were not only victims during the war, but also took an active part in guerrilla, secret movement and other manifestations of the Resistance movement to the occupiers. The issues of attitude to Jews of partisans are considered [6; 7; 8; 9].

Expanding the range of subject issues and involving a new scientists in its research was accompanied by some discussion about the level of analysis and the form of presentation of the material. S. Orlyansky has repeatedly pointed out the almost complete lack of new methodological approaches to the development of the Holocaust, arguing that "we are in dire need of researchers who can work professionally in various fields of Judaism." under the threat of dilettantism and profanity [22, p. 43]. The opposite opinion was expressed by I. Pogrebinska, who believed that "... it is in this area that all aspects of the topic are most widely covered: from historiographical analysis, the accumulation of extensive factual material to the conceptual understanding of the topic. There is every reason to believe that in recent years a Ukrainian school of SHOA researchers has been formed on the territory of our country. This scientific field uses modern methodological approaches and is deeply integrated into international research on this topic "[24, p. 97].

S. Yekelchyk assessed the current realities and prospects of Ukrainian historians' study of the Holocaust as follows: [5, p. 22]. In this context, a certain step forward were the articles of the Crimean researcher M. Tyagly [33; 34] on the consequences and effectiveness of anti-Semitic propaganda carried out by the German occupation authorities; A. Podolsky's work on Holocaust reflections [25, 26].

The crystallization of the research field was certainly facilitated by the information and reference works of domestic historians, among which we highlight the works of O. Kruglov [3, 17]. They became a kind of attempt to classify and generalize documentary and research material. At that time, works of this level were considered innovative in the post-Soviet space. O. Kruglov is credited with publishing a large number of new sources. The researcher translated and processed 204 German documents, which are recognized as the

property of Ukrainian researchers and are actively involved in the work.

At the beginning of the XXI century in Ukrainian Holocaust studies, the intensity of regional research has also accelerated. The events in Mykolayiv and Kherson regions are analyzed in the article by I. Shaikin and M. Zyabko about the genocide in the Jewish agricultural colonies of the South of Ukraine [38]. A large amount of factual and statistical material in this region is contained in S. Yelisavetsky's article "The Holocaust in the South of Ukraine" (1941-1944). Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhie regions "[9]. Attempts are being made to place the Catastrophe in the general context of the events of World War II in the South of Ukraine. In this regard, the collective monograph "Mykolayiv region during World War II: 1941-1944" is noteworthy, in which a separate section is devoted to the events of the Holocaust [20]. This is one of the first attempts to summarize the documentary material and shed light on the objective picture of the tragic events in the region. Collective work deserves special attention "The Fate of the Jews of Mykolayiv Region during World War II of 1941-1945", one of the sections of which is devoted to the events of the Holocaust in Mykolayiv Region. The author of this section V. Schukin not only covers in detail the tragic events in the places of execution of Jews, but also raises the question of preserving the historical memory of the Holocaust [20, p. 48-85].

In general, the first decades of the XXI century are characterized by both the deepening of already identified and the search for new areas of research. In our work we emphasize the most, in our opinion, significant for two peoples history, namely - the activities of the Righteous Among the Nations, who during the Nazi occupation, risking their own lives, saved Jews from death. In 2016, the Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies "Tkuma" published a guide edited by I. Shchupak, which contains organized information about the Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations [29]. Researchers N. Sugatskaya, L. Tashlay, and V. Shchukin created a guidebook containing stories of the salvation of Jews in Mykolayiv region, information about the Righteous, as well as memories of Jews who survived the Holocaust [28]. The tragedy of the Holocaust through the prism of real events is revealed in another edition of 2021 - "Righteous Among the Nations. Ukraine "[10]. Scientific crystallization of this topic indicates its unconditional relevance in the future.

Thus, the reproduced historiographical picture of the Holocaust is considered by us as an integral part of the general historiographical process in a specific space and temporal dimension. In the context of the development of Ukraine's statehood, the issue of a comprehensive study of little-known pages of history related to the Nazi anti-Jewish genocide during World War II has become important in the research field. Research in this area is intensifying, which allows us to anticipate the emergence of new discoveries in the near future, which will deepen our understanding of the topic. Research on this issue is a matter of time, given that modern historical science has mainly developed methodological approaches and experience in working with factual and source materials.


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