UDC 372.881.111.1
DOI10.24147/2413-6182.2023.10(3). 595-606
ISSN 2413-6182 eISSN 2658-4867
I.V. Baeva
Pskov State University (Pskov, Russia)
Abstract: The development of foreign language speech through communication is an axiom according to which those who master a foreign language must master so-ciolinguistic and practical rules. Modern technologies make it possible to form, develop and improve competencies in the field of speaking foreign languages. Digitalization of the educational environment is one of the most relevant topics in the research of Russian and foreign scientists today. The novelty and purpose of our work is to create an innovative adaptive-integrative approach and technologies in the field of digital communicative adaptation of undergraduate students of the language pedagogical direction. We have introduced and considered the concepts of digital communicative adaptation, adaptive-integrative approach, oral digital portfolio. The algorithm of the work of Pskov State University students in classes on the basic course of a foreign language in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment is also shown and conclusions are drawn about the benefits and effectiveness of these technologies. The research methods were the study and referencing of scientific literature, analysis of the products of students' activities, questionnaires and pedagogical experiment. Practical significance is the possibility of teaching foreign languages online, as well as in mixed and hybrid formats at the level of higher education.
Key words: foreign language communicative competence, adaptive-integrative approach, oral digital portfolio, digital educational environment, digital communicative adaptation.
For citation:
Baeva, I.V. (2023), Modern technologies in digital communicative adaptation of bachelor degree students. Communication Studies (Russia), Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 595-606. DOI: 10.24147/2413-6182.2023.10(3).595-606.
About the author:
Baeva, Irina Vladimirovna, PhD, Associate Professor of European Languages and Cultures Department
Corresponding author:
Postal address: 2, Lenina pl., Pskov, 180000, Russia
© M.B. Eaeea, 2023
E-mail: [email protected] Received: February 24, 2023 Revised: March 28, 2023 Accepted: July 9, 2023
Lingual education in modern world is a kind of reexamination in a sphere of scientific methods of teaching foreign languages. The strategic target of language learning is forming and developing communicative skills of a student. However, communication can be impeded when pragmatic and sociolinguistic rules in digital form of education are not shared by interaction between participants. It is now generally accepted that learning a foreign language is not simply mastering an object of academic study but it is more appropriately focused on learning a means of communication.
Communication in real situations is never out of context and rarely culture-free [Aleksandrova 2010: 23]. Given the symbiotic relationship between language, culture, and identity, multilingualism implies multiculturalism and ethno-linguistic and ethno-cultural identity have become inalienable rights [Filatova 2008: 70]. Also, foreign language has economic advantages as an investment in human capital; for knowledge of several languages can afford one the opportunity of earning the higher income and obtaining aspiring employment status in any influential knowledge society. The use of a second or third language in the workplace is associated with positive earning differentials, ranging from 3 to 8% in different Western European countries [Glass, Gómez, Urzua 2014: 113].
When students learn a foreign language through the language of the country, they study in its' automatically increase the level of the first foreign language. For example, students study English and German through Russian and their preliminary test is 20-40% in Russian, 15-39% from 100% in English and 0-20% in German. Comparative analysis shows that learning German through English or Russian through English increase their language level. As the practice shows the problem of the language barrier exists only in artificial speaking environment. It's crucial that foreign language learners become aware of different cultural frameworks and they will use their own cultural system to interpret the second foreign language messages. It is not difficult to see strong arguments for developing student's intercultural competence. Developing student's skills in communicative competence is therefore appropriate as a part of language teaching. Following this line of thinking it can be argued that even to integrate communicative competence is insufficient in digital communicative education [Chapelle, Hunston 2011: 57]. Today, the development of foreign language communicative competence is difficult to imagine without digital communication technology. As in the traditional form of education, an
artificial communication environment is created, and the result should be an independent communicative product. In our study, we have started experimental work on the selection of the necessary tasks for the implementation of successful foreign language communication. The vast majority of studies focus on English as a medium of instruction and only a few numbers of research works are devoted to the Russian language as a means of academic communication [Chumbow 2018: 110].
The present study seeks to answer the following questions: (a] what is communicative accommodation; (b) what is the correlation between communicative adaptation and sociolinguistic accommodation; (c] what kind of tool (learning and teaching method] might be used in the language classroom to facilitate students' communicative adaptation in Russia; (d) what kind of scale might be used to measure communicative adaptation and assess the development of communicative competence. The study also analyzes the concept of digital communicative accommodation, the theoretical underpinnings of which might add to knowledge in the area of sociolinguistic adaptation of Russian students. In order to improve the quality and facilitate the learning process, we consider it necessary to introduce and use educational technologies and techniques that meet the requirements of new educational standards, namely information and communication technologies, interactive teaching methods, organization and educational and methodological support of students' independent work [Cheung 2014: 347]. Considering the developing potential of communicative digital recourses capable of providing interactivity of the educational process, providing operational feedback, contributing to the development of research and communication skills, as well as having an extensive range of other educational opportunities, we consider it appropriate to use them in the process of teaching a foreign language and organizing independent work of students in multiethnic groups. This will change the format of classroom and independent work, diversify and facilitate the development, development and consolidation of educational material in a comfortable environment for each student [Wilson 201: 23].
Careful analysis of scientific pedagogical literature on language learning made its' logical conclusion that communicative competence takes place in situations of negotiating meaning and identity. Learning through textbooks might also be seen as a process of dialogue in which students negotiate meaning and identity vicariously with the author of the textbook and its cultural content. The problem is that the students' cultures may not be consonant with foreign and one culture can dominate [Blake 2013: 713]. Future teachers should understand the necessity of high digital communicative level for teaching children at school because nowadays digital technologies, hybrid-education and mixed-education were implemented in monumental educational process. For
that pedagogical students should be accommodated to digital conditions. In broad terms, adaptation refers to changes that take place in individuals or groups in response to environmental demands. New prospects in higher education have been opened thanks to digitalization and the use of distance learning technologies in the learning process [Eremin 2001: 15]. Today, it is possible to study various disciplines remotely, including foreign languages. The presence of video communication programs allows interlocutors from different points of stay to communicate and enter into the process of interaction, and communication can be no less fascinating and interesting, as with real communication. Distance technologies are being implemented quite successfully in educational institutions of general, secondary vocational and higher education. According to the short statistical collection "Education in Numbers: 2022", which was released by the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosstat, more and more students are studying using distance learning technologies. At the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year, higher education programs -bachelor's degree, specialty, master's degree - are mastered more than half of the students - 53.2% (13% at the beginning of the 2019/2020 academic year], secondary vocational education programs - 42.9% (6.9%). In 2020, two thirds (68.4%) of higher education educational institutions, almost half of general education organizations (49.9%) and 47.4% of educational organizations implementing secondary vocational education programs were connected to highspeed Internet (50 Mbit/s and higher]. Such statistics show that digitalization is tightly included in the entire educational process [Baeva 2020: 209].
In 2021, Pskov State University joined mixed learning: streaming lectures, including in a foreign language, were organized on the Moodle and Zoom platforms. Practical classes in foreign languages have retained their full-time form. However, the updated requirements of professional competencies for the development of the disciplines "Practical course of the main foreign language" and "Methodology of teaching the main foreign language" implies that students have the ability to teach an academic subject, including motivation of educational and cognitive activity, based on the use of modern subject-methodical approaches and educational technologies. By one of these technologies, we mean the use of remote technological means. In this situation, we see a contradiction between how the learning process at the university is organized and how future graduates will work at school. Hiring a young specialist, first of all, they look not only at the knowledge of the language (in our case, English], but also at his ability to maintain communication, the atmosphere in the classroom. It is obvious that the construction of communication in a foreign language causes certain difficulties for the teacher, such as: motivated and unmotivated refusal of the student from communication, misunderstanding of words, phrases and whole sentences, individual peculiarities of students' speaking, etc. [Cherny-
sheva 2015: 4]. Different ways of organizing the lesson helps teacher to overcome these difficulties. For, example virtual tour technology motivates students to describe the place the visited [Derevyankina 2013: 36].
Digital tourism in higher foreign language education was also studied in order to motivate students to study. According to Western researchers Schafer and Reznik, students should feel an increased interest in the topic under consideration when immersed in the environment along with tasks that provide genuine interaction and feedback. In their work on "dense authenticity", the authors emphasize that new types of media, such as virtual excursions, have the opportunity to transform the classroom, but only if they are created in a truly authentic way [Savotina 1997: 101].
According to our observations, in 2021, due to the temporary transition to distance learning during epidemiological situations, difficulties became greater, and they manifested themselves on both sides. There were: instability of the Internet, inability to use the platform, misunderstanding of tasks and the order of the answer, perception of speech when playing audio or video text, the order of evaluation of the answer, etc. Based on the results of these observations, we came to the conclusion that only with the competent organization of the learning process in digital conditions will there be time develop the ability to communicate through a foreign language.
In our study, we started experimental work on selecting the necessary tasks for successful foreign language communication and identified some criteria:
- tasks for monological and dialogical oral and written speech should be of a problematic nature;
- tasks for monologue and dialogical oral speech should be fixed in time and marked in the verbal digital portfolio. This will allow you to see the process of development of the ICK;
- verification of written speech should be carried out on an electronic online whiteboard or platform where a photo of the handwritten text is uploaded and where the teacher can make adjustments in real time. In our study, a MIRO board was used;
- the listening task must necessarily include a post-listening stage, also containing a problematic character;
- homework assignments for reading aloud can be recorded as an audio response and fixed in a verbal digital portfolio. This will allow you to work out pronunciation when reading from less prepared students;
- test tasks on vocabulary and grammar should be carried out strictly with a time limit and at the end of the lesson.
Since the criteria for selecting tasks are aimed at the communicative component of the learning process, we present a number of problem tasks themselves as:
1. Someone took your pen by mistake, but did not notice it and put the pen in his pencil case. What do you say? Why? (Talk for 1-2 minutes];
2. Someone wrote you a short message by mistake. What are you going to do? Why? (Talk for 1-2 minutes];
3. Your friend gave you a rather expensive and useless gift. What will you say first and what will you do afterwards? (Speak for 2-3 minutes];
4. Listen to the text and decide whether the "A" symbol was correct or incorrect. What will you do instead of him/her? Motivate your answer.
The tasks that we offered were correlated with the topic of the section in the textbook. We also offered tasks for the development of the situation:
1. Alice was very shy and unpopular in her class. But one day.... 2. I was in a difficult situation when......3. My mother could hardly imagine that...
During the first stage of the experiment, we tested the level of the communicative competence. Then we used verbal digital portfolio and adaptive-and-integrative approach. We set several monitoring actions showing student' personal development. The second stage of teaching in classroom showed that integration of verbal digital portfolio with the help of the teacher helps students to adapt to teamwork in class. We also consider that discussion as a method is more effective that description or explaining. The difference between explaining and discussion is that the discussion over a short period of time allows the teacher to simulate real problems, develop students' ability to listen and share their thoughts with other participants, interact and analyze the real situation, separate the important from the unimportant [Vaganova, Telegina 2017: 125].
In order to identify student's digital lingual specifics of adaptation, we have conducted a continuous sampling social study through survey by handout questionnaire consisted of 20 questions. All in all, 30 fourth-year Pskov State University students were interviewed and the same number of students took part in the survey.
Results and Discussion
Introductory phase
To determine whether the level of communicative competence similarly used by the students or it needs to be developed, they completed some communicative exercises. All in 30 students took part in pedagogical experiment.
The section "My communicative activity" is made up of students' responses to an online lesson. The teacher offered such tasks as: 1. Read an excerpt from the text, come up with and voice the missing beginning or ending; 2. Enter into a spontaneous dialogue on the first phrase: "Excuse me, can you tell me way to...please?" or "Hello! Haven't seen you for ages! "; 3. Read the statement and express your opinion; 4. Today you are participating in an interview. Answer the questions; 5. Read the text and tell me what you would do in the place of the main character. Start with the phrase If I were...I would..; 6. Describe the image from the position of the author/artist.
So, the initial testing at the beginning of instruction period showed that the communicative competence of students needs to be developed, accordingly the level of digital lingual adaptation also needs developing.
Table 1
Comparison of the levels of communicative adaptation at the initial stage (Speaking part-Russian), %
Multilingual criteria Experimental group Control group
General rules 87 83
Analogies 76 75
Questions 72 73
Proverbs and sayings 30 28
Amplifiers/emphatics 23 20
Intermediate stage of the experiment
After one-term experiment of using verbal digital portfolio technologies in lingual students' adaptation we identified that the level of the core communicative competence increased in both groups. The findings of this study demonstrate that although experimental and control groups used general rules as a main tool other points also increased. Adaptive-and integrative approach using is effective when the speaking form of foreign language adaptation needs to be developed. So, the intermediate testing showed that the level of multilingual adaptation has risen. However, the students did not demonstrate the abilities described above. The same thing happened in practice at school, students see pedagogical practice as subjects of educational, not pedagogical activity [Khaustova 2017: 81].
Table 2
Comparison of the levels of communicative adaptation at the intermediate stage (Speaking part-Russian), %
Multilingual criteria Experimental group Control group
General rules 88 87
Analogies 80 78
Questions 78 75
Proverbs and sayings 48 45
Amplifiers/emphatics 34 30
We diagnosed the level of fourth-year students because their lingual adaptation is the optimal. Thus, it can be assumed that interactive learning based on rapid interpersonal communication, a communication situation in which it is impossible not to participate, due to age characteristics, the presence of critical thinking and the requirement of a sufficiently high level of English proficiency is more acceptable for the senior stage of training [Thiele, May, Post 2014: 86]. The communicative method implies a great activity of students, as well as the creation of real communication situations. The task of the teacher is to involve everyone in the audience in the conversation. When recreating the
dialogue, the student has the opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge gained. In our opinion, a very important advantage of the communicative method is that it has a huge variety of exercises: role-playing games, dialogues, simulation of real communication are used here [Lane, Hunt, Farris 2011: 118]. The experiment was continued, although we had fixed the fact of rising.
Advanced stage of the experiment
The results of this testing showed quite vividly the impact of verbal digital portfolio and interactive technologies in studying English language.
Table 3
Comparison of the levels of multilingual adaptation at the final stage (Speaking part-Russian), %
Multilingual criteria Experimental group Control group
General rules 90 88
Analogies 82 80
Questions 79 78
Proverbs and sayings 50 48
Amplifiers/emphatics 35 34
So, the level of communicative adaptation is constantly rising. To confirm our predictions, we used verbal digital portfolio and were right. Students could improve their communicative competence through digital interaction and adaptive learning. With the help of digitalization, the world of real, live speech is also transferred to the study audience of both language and polytechnic educational institutions. In order to intensify the study of a foreign language, the cognitive-communicative method is increasingly used in the educational process, where the language is studied in parallel with the familiarization of educational institutions with the culture of the country of the studied language [Lukianova, Fell 2015: 615].
In closing, we would like to make it clear that verbal digital portfolio technology in communicative competence developing anyway help Russian students to adapt in digital educational environment. In classroom students demonstrate their abilities usually they used to show at school. But the point is that some of the sub competences we teach at the university are different from schools. That's why to retain the atmosphere of success in social, cultural and lingual aspects we used and mixed interactive lessons to study English language for future teaching.
Interactive forms and methods of teaching have a number of features. Unlike traditional methods, they are aimed at the subjective position of the student in the lesson. They are distinguished from active methods by their focus on broader interaction of students, both with the teacher and with each
other, and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process [Po-turaeva, Kapelyushnik 2014: 1098].
The goal of any professional education is to achieve a high level of professional competence by a future specialist, including a teacher. But in order for this goal to be realized, it is necessary to have adequate training at the university. Formation of professional competence of English teacher at present stage of higher education are unthinkable without integration into the general system of language education preparation. Competent selection of the content of teaching foreign language communication, taking into account professional specifics, features of the subject area of the functioning of the language of the specialty is one of the factors contributing to the effective organization of the educational process [Khalyapina, Popova, Kogan 2017: 1106].
The analysis of initial, advanced and final testing showed positive effect in development of communicative competence and digital lingual adaptation. The fundamental point in this research is that lingual adaptation comes to end faster and helps students to equip with communicative abilities in foreign language as well as apply and practice in many international companies. However, the question of innovative technologies in digital communicative and lingual accommodation and their impact in Russian education can be researched in economic field, sociolinguistic as well as pedagogical.
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И.В. Баева
Псковский государственный университет (Псков, Россия)
Аннотация: Развитие иноязычной речи через коммуникацию - это аксиома, согласно которой те, кто овладевает иностранным языком, должны освоить социолингвистические и практические правила. Современные технологии позволяют формировать, развивать и совершенствовать компетенции в области говорения на иностранных языках. Цифровизация образовательной среды сегодня одна из актуальнейших тем в исследованиях российских и зарубежных ученых. Новизна и цель нашей работы заключается в создании инновационного адаптивно-интегративного подхода и технологий в области цифровой коммуникативной адаптации студентов бакалавриата языкового педагогического направления. Нами введены и рассмотрены понятия «цифровая коммуникативная адаптация», «адаптивно-интегративный подход», «устное цифровое портфолио». Также показан алгоритм работы студентов Псковского государственного университета на занятиях по основному курсу иностранного языка в условиях цифровизации образовательной среды и сделаны выводы о том, какую пользу и эффективность несут данные технологии. Методами исследования являлись изучение и реферирование научной литературы, анализ продуктов деятельности обучающихся, анкетирование и педагогический эксперимент. Практическая значимость - это возможность обучения иностранным языкам онлайн, а также в смешанном и гибридном форматах на уровне высшего образования.
Ключевые слова: иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, адаптивно-интегра-тивный подход, устное цифровое портфолио, цифровая образовательная среда, цифровая коммуникативная адаптация.
Для цитирования:
Баева И.В. Современные технологии в цифровой коммуникационной адаптации студентов бакалавриата // Коммуникативные исследования. 2023. Т. 10. № 3. С. 595-606. DOI: 10.24147/2413-6182.2023.10(3).595-606. (На англ. яз.).
Сведения об авторе:
Баева Ирина Владимировна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры европейских языков и культур
Контактная информация:
Почтовый адрес: 180000, Россия, Псков, пл. Ленина, 2 E-mail: [email protected] Дата поступления статьи: 24.02.2023 Дата рецензирования: 28.03.2023 Дата принятия в печать: 09.07.2023