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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Babushkina Larisa E., Sergeeva Natalia A., Rubleva Olga S., Tyutyunnik Irina A.

The problem and the aim. Intercultural, foreign language communication is an integral part of the modern electronic learning environment. The professional competence of the future teacher as a subject of information interaction is manifested in the ability and readiness to speak a foreign language while performing official duties, in research activities, for self-realization. The authors propose to use the capabilities of the electronic portfolio for the formation of foreign language communicative competences of students of pedagogical training programs in the information educational space. Research methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature were used to determine the components of the foreign language communicative competence, the content and structure of the electronic portfolio. The method of pedagogization of the information technology, group interaction, assessment by external experts, mutual assessment and self-assessment are used for designing and scaffolding of the electronic portfolio with digital tools. The experiment involved 64 students of the Vyatka State University of the training program 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor level). The software is the Tilda service (https://tilda.cc/ru/). As a method of statistical processing of the experimental data, the χ2 (chi-square) Pearson test was used. Results. In the experimental group, future tutors-teachers used Tilda tools to determine the structure and content of the electronic portfolio (categories, sections, projects), which was subsequently provided for discussion and analysis by other students, external experts. The assessment of the levels of formation of the foreign language communicative competence was carried out and statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were revealed, χ2obs. 2 > χ2crit0.05 (7,07 > 5,99). In conclusion features of designing and using electronic portfolios, implemented on the Tilda platform to present achievements in the foreign language communicative, educational, cognitive, professional activity are summarized.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Дата публикации: 30.08.2021 УДК 378.16+81.37

Л. Е. Бабушкина, Н. А. Сергеева, О. С. Рублёва, И. А. Тютюнник

Использование электронного портфолио как средства формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности при подготовке будущих педагогов-тьюторов

Проблема и цель. Межкультурная, иноязычная коммуникация являются неотъемлемыми составляющими современной электронной среды обучения. Профессионализм будущего педагога как субъекта информационного взаимодействия проявляется в его способности и готовности осуществлять общение на иностранном языке при выполнении должностных обязанностей, в научно-исследовательской деятельности, для самореализации. Авторы предлагают для формирования иноязычных коммуникативных компетенций студентов педагогических специальностей в информационном образовательном пространстве использовать возможности электронного портфолио.

Методы исследования. Теоретический анализ и обобщение научной литературы использованы при определении составляющих иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности, содержания и структуры электронного портфолио. Метод педагогизации информационных технологий, групповое взаимодействие, оценка внешними экспертами, взаимооценка и самооценка применяются для проектирования и наполнения электронного портфолио инструментами цифрового средства. В эксперименте задействованы 64 студента Вятского государственного университета по направлению подготовки 44.03.01 Педагогическое образование (уровень бакалавриата). Программным средством является сервис Tilda (https://tilda.cc/ru/). В качестве метода статистической обработки данных эксперимента использовался критерий х2 (хи-квадрат) Пирсона.

Результаты. В экспериментальной группе будущие педагоги-тьюторы применяли инструменты Tilda для определения структуры и содержания электронного портфолио (категории, разделы, проекты), который впоследствии предоставлялся для обсуждения и анализа другим студентам, внешним экспертам. Произведена оценка уровней сформированности иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности и выявлены статистически достоверные различия в качественных изменениях, произошедших в педагогической системе, Х2набл 2 > Х2крит005 (7,07 > 5,99).

В заключении обобщаются особенности проектирования и использования электронных портфолио, реализованных на платформе Tilda, для представления своих достижений в иноязычной коммуникативной, учебно-познавательной, профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: цифровая технология, информационная образовательная среда, взаимодействие, компоненты компетенции, Tilda

Ссылка для цитирования:

Бабушкина Л. Е., Сергеева Н. А., Рублёва О. С., Тютюнник И. А. Использование электронного портфолио как средства формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности при подготовке будущих педагогов-тьюторов // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 4 (52). С. 492-505. doi: 10.32744^е.2021.4.33

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Accepted: 14 April 2021 Published: 30 August 2021

L. E. Babushkina, N. A. Sergeeva, O. S. Rubleva, I. A. Tyutyunnik

Using the electronic portfolio as a means of formation the foreign language communicative competence when training future tutors-teachers

The problem and the aim. Intercultural, foreign language communication is an integral part of the modern electronic learning environment. The professional competence of the future teacher as a subject of information interaction is manifested in the ability and readiness to speak a foreign language while performing official duties, in research activities, for self-realization. The authors propose to use the capabilities of the electronic portfolio for the formation of foreign language communicative competences of students of pedagogical training programs in the information educational space.

Research methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature were used to determine the components of the foreign language communicative competence, the content and structure of the electronic portfolio. The method of pedagogization of the information technology, group interaction, assessment by external experts, mutual assessment and self-assessment are used for designing and scaffolding of the electronic portfolio with digital tools. The experiment involved 64 students of the Vyatka State University of the training program 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor level). The software is the Tilda service (https://tilda.cc/ru/). As a method of statistical processing of the experimental data, the X2 (chi-square) Pearson test was used.

Results. In the experimental group, future tutors-teachers used Tilda tools to determine the structure and content of the electronic portfolio (categories, sections, projects), which was subsequently provided for discussion and analysis by other students, external experts. The assessment of the levels of formation of the foreign language communicative competence was carried out and statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were reveal x\b, 2 > X2crito.os (7,°7 > 5,99).

In conclusion features of designing and using electronic portfolios, implemented on the Tilda platform to present achievements in the foreign language communicative, educational, cognitive, professional activity are summarized.

Keywords: digital technology, information educational environment, interaction, competence components, Tilda

For Reference:

Babushkina, L. E., Sergeeva, N. A., Rubleva, O. S., & Tyutyunnik, I. A. (2021). Using the electronic portfolio as a means of formation the foreign language communicative competence when training future tutors-teachers. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 52 (4), 492-505. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.4.33


Jn conditions of the dynamic information society, the active introduction of computer tools and communication systems in the field of education, new requirements are imposed on training of teachers. One of the main tasks of modern higher education is to prepare students for the digital economy of the future in the context of the rapid development of digital technologies, the spread of distance work and network interaction [1].

Intercultural communication is a part of the information educational space, an integral part of polyculture and the culture of interaction in the network. K.E. Bezukladnikov, B.A. Kruze, A.V. Nazarova note that it is necessary to apply a philosophical understanding of ongoing processes of informatization, to detect qualitative changes in components of its parts [2].

One of manifestations of the new stage of informatization of the society is the emergence of new professions. The educational program specialization "Tutor" is included in the list of the Atlas of new professions in the field of education. According to E. V. Soboleva et al. the demand of the modern information society in tutors-teachers who are able to apply the didactic potential of digital technologies in professional activities and foreign language communication is associated first of all with the importance of individual characteristics and needs of students; openness and orientation of the educational environment to a constructive dialogue of all its participants, the development of e-learning and distance technologies [3]. Moreover, professional standards of the teacher and the specialist in the field of education (the position "Tutor") determine the requirement of the readiness and ability of the student's personality to effectively implement foreign language communication in the context of informational intercultural communication aimed at the self-development and self-realization of its participants through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience [4].

The problem of using digital means when teaching a foreign language was studied from different angles: approaches to using the potential of digital technologies in the information educational space [5] and the peculiarities of their use in language education, linguodidactic capabilities of the multimedia educational space [6] were determined.

At the same time, as it was noted by K. Bezukladnikov, B. Kruze, B. Zhigalev, the problem of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of future teachers in the context of the requirements of the current federal standards has not yet been fully solved [7].

One of the modern means aimed at the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of the teacher-tutor is the electronic portfolio (e-portfolio), the didactic potential of which is reflected in the federal state educational standard of higher education [8], international UNESCO recommendations [9].

Thus, it is becoming necessary to study the features of the use of the electronic portfolio in order to:

1) their application in the enrichment of technologies, methods, forms of education as a significant direction in the development of the modern information educational space;

2) formation of foreign language communicative competences and their effective use in professional, educational and cognitive activities.

The research hypothesis is that the use of the electronic portfolio, supported by a digital means when preparing future teachers in the information educational space will provide additional conditions for the formation of demanded foreign language communicative competences.

The purpose of the research is to study the features of the formation of foreign language communicative competences of future teachers-tutors in the information educational space by means of the electronic portfolio.

Materials and methods

The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on problems of identifying the components of the foreign language communicative competence; defining the essence, content and structure of the electronic portfolio in the information educational environment.

The technology "Portfolio" as an approach when training future teachers-tutors, aimed not only at the formation of knowledge and skills, but also at creating conditions for the student's self-development, professional self-development of the individual. The main purpose of the technology is to support the formation of a highly qualified specialist, present his/her results in foreign language communicative, creative, research, and project activities. The use of the "electronic portfolio" method allows students to demonstrate competences, achievements in the open information educational space.

The method of pedagogization of information technologies involves the most productive use of the didactic capabilities of digital means in the educational process and support for the integrity of the teacher's technological and methodological tools in modern education.

Group interaction (collaborative activity), organized by the "electronic portfolio" method and by means of the Internet, taking into account the foreign language communication environment, allows, in the context of discussions, reviews, etc., to form a personal meaning in relation to the content being mastered.

Methods of direct assessment by teachers and potential employers, mutual assessment, self-assessment, including using the electronic portfolio, at all stages of activities were used to diagnose changes in the structure of the foreign language communicative competence (motivational, emotional-volitional, attitudinal-behavioral, reflexive, linguistic, sociocultural and practical-operational components).

Empirical methods (observation, analysis of the structure and content of the electronic portfolio on the Tilda platform) were used to obtain up-to-date information about real qualitative changes according to the following criteria: motivation for foreign language communication; independence, activity, creativity when choosing language means and tools for creating a portfolio; knowledge of the history and culture of the country of the target language; ability and readiness for reflection.

The experimental study was carried out on the basis of Vyatka State University while teaching the discipline "Digital Technologies in Education". 64 students of the training program 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor level) were involved in the development of electronic portfolios. The software is the Tilda service (https://tilda.cc/ru/).

At the stage of statistical processing, the x2 (chi-square) Pearson test was applied.

Literature review

According to K. B. Egorov, V. A. Zakharova, one of the problems of the methodology of teaching foreign languages is the formation of the communicative competence, which provides an opportunity for a person to participate in intercultural communication [10].

According to the definition of K.E. Bezukladnikov, M.N. Novoselov, B.A. Kruse, the foreign language communicative competence is a certain level of proficiency in linguistic, speech and socio-cultural knowledge and skills [6]. Their conclusions make it possible to state the activity essence of competences, their motivational, ethical, social aspects, the connection with the personal qualities of a person, the integral nature of this concept in relation to "knowledge and skills". I. Belousova, S. Bairamova add that the foreign language communicative competence is the level that allows the student to vary his/her speech behavior depending on the situation, psychological factors of communication with speakers of other languages [11].

In other words, the concept of "language personality" is understood in modern linguodidactics as a set of abilities (readiness) of a person for foreign language communication at the intercultural level, adequate interaction with representatives of other cultures. G. V. Gali, A. V. Fakhrutdinova, A. I. Gali define this set of abilities as the goal and result of mastering a foreign language [12].

Studying foreign languages, in turn, takes place within the information educational space. M. Hrebackov notes that the modern educational system as a whole acquires new characteristics and properties of the multimedia learning environment [13].

The work of N.I. Almazova, T.A. Baranova, L.P. Khalyapina emphasizes the need to use modern educational technologies of the activity type [14]. A. Bilyalova determines the importance of updating the content of the educational program, methods and technologies for its implementation in accordance with the dynamics of the development of the education system, taking into account the level of development of science and social practice, cultural and linguistic diversity of the modern world [15].

S. Vasyura, O. Kuzmina, M. Maletova prove that knowledge of netiquette, communication norms, understanding of the specifics of interaction in the context of intercultural communication, tolerant attitude to traditions and customs, respect for a different opinion, understanding of geographic, climatic characteristics and time zones is extremely important when communicating with remote partners, representatives of a different culture [16].

The need to use electronic means to support communication, learning and knowledge in the information educational environment is justified by Ye.S. Polat [17]. Y. M. Bogachkov et al. formulate and verify the assumption that taking into account the peculiarities of the multimedia environment as a multicultural space is of great importance when teaching a foreign language [18]. In addition, according to the provisions of the work of K. Bezukladnikov, B. Kruze, B. Zhigalev, the use of information and communication technologies contributes to the formation of foreign language communicative competences of students [7]. The use of electronic resources in higher education activates cognition, stimulates research activities, and supports the professional self-realization of a multicultural personality [2].

O. Kalugina, N. Tarasevich describe the features of the formation of the foreign language communicative competence in the preparation of future teachers [5]. O. G. Smolyaninova, E. A. Bezyzvestnykh distinguish the use of web technologies, interactive methods, and portfolio tools as a factor in the successful training of teachers of the future [1]. M. V. Kuimova, M. A. Golousenko also point out that one of the modern means of forming the communicative competence of students, which is increasingly used in educational institutions of higher education, is the electronic portfolio [19]. According to A. Alexiou, F. Paraskeva, the electronic portfolio allows students to demonstrate competences, academic and professional achievements in the open educational space [20].

Currently, E. F. Zeer, L. N. Stepanova consider the electronic portfolio as a tool that allows students to demonstrate competences, academic and professional achievements [21]. At the same time, emergence of such a training program as "Tutor", included in the list of the Atlas of new professions in education, determines the need for additional research of the didactic potential of electronic portfolios in their training system.

It should be noted that O. G. Smolyaninova, E. A. Bezyzvestnykh define e-portfolio as a technology for assessing and showing educational results presented in the form of individual achievements that affect the significant components of the student's personality: motivational, emotional-volitional, instrumental, reflective and cognitive [1]. All these components are structural components of the foreign language communicative competence.

Thus, in relation to the higher education system, the electronic portfolio has the necessary potential for:

• supporting the integrity of general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of students of pedagogical specialties;

• ensuring a unified basis for organization and regulation of activities of future teachers in the information educational space;

• successful professional adaptation of graduates in a multicultural, multilingual world full of digital means.

_Research program

The main purpose of the experiment was to test the potential of Tilda tools for formation of the foreign language communicative competence in future teachers-tutors and ensuring their effective professional activity. 64 students were involved in the research, they studied the discipline "Digital technologies in education", training program 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor level).

At the preparatory stage of the experiment, various means of informatization for development of the electronic portfolio were considered and analyzed (NetFolio, Behance. net, Portfoliobox.net, Portfolios.ru, WebFolio, UchPortfolio.ru, etc.). The didactic potential of Tilda tools for formation of the readiness and ability of future teachers-tutors to use foreign language search servers, independently create the simplest foreign language multimedia products, publish and discuss them in a foreign language was studied.

Specially developed materials for the test were used to assess the input conditions.

Task 1 (to assess formation of the motivational and emotional-volitional component). For example, students are offered several situations of pedagogical communication in a dialogue form and in images. It is required to establish a correspondence between them. Correct performance of the task is estimated at 1 point.

Task 2 (to assess formation of the attitudinal-behavioral component). Future teachers are offered a professional communication text with missing words (set expressions). Instead

of a dash (_), students should insert words that, in their opinion, most accurately reflect

the conflict.

For example, "Informatics lesson. About 10 minutes before the end of the lesson,_

teacher calls Nikita to the blackboard._must write a Pascal program using the algorithm

studied during the lesson. The bell_. The teacher asks everyone to leave the class, and

_to stay and solve the task. But the students do not leave, but surround Nikita, who is

standing at the blackboard. "You are absolutely_", "This is_" are heard: . As a result,

this begins to annoy Nikita, and he asks the teacher that_ask the rest to leave the class.

The teacher_to the crowd and_to the board: "Ay-ay-ay, Nikita. You can't even_

make a program_. " The students start_, and Nikita grabs the briefcase and_out

of the class. "

Correct performance of the task is estimated at 5 points.

Task 3 (to assess the reflective component). From the list of professions suggested by the mentor, make a rating of the most demanded, in their opinion, in Russia. For example, a mechanic, tutor, sales manager, design engineer, driver, doctor, accountant, mobile app developer, big data analyst, game educator. Correct performance of the task is estimated at 3 points.

Task 4 (to assess the linguistic component). For example, cards with words are offered, the student must fine the first syllables of the words and form a new word. Correct performance of the task is estimated at 1 point.

Task 5 (to assess the socio-cultural component). For example, from the proposed options, choose what is traditionally eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a particular country. Or, list the country traditional holidays. The maximum mark for the task is 3 points.

Task 6 (to assess the practical and operational component). For example, for each of the proposed problems of pedagogical communication, using search systems, find the corresponding images, audio files, animation clips. The maximum mark for the task is 5 points.

For the test, a future teacher-tutor could get from 0 to 18 points. According to the results of measurements, the levels were determined as follows: 15 (inclusive) to 18 points - high, 6 (inclusive) to 14 - medium, for other points - low.

Thus, it was possible to collect data on 64 students, of whom the experimental (32 teachers-tutors) and control (32 teachers-tutors) groups were formed. The sample was not random. In the experimental group, there were 75% of girls and 25% of boys.

The second stage of the study was devoted to the definition of criteria for evaluating the content of electronic portfolios; exploring the functionality of the Tilda software tool; development of the structure and content of the electronic portfolio of the future teacher-tutor using the Tilda information service.

The teacher carried out preliminary methodological work with all participants of the didactic process to study:

• features of the electronic portfolio functioning;

• principles for determining its structure and content, including invariant and variable components, taking into account the specifics of the training program, aimed at the effective implementation of the proposed approach to informatization of formation of the foreign language competence;

• mastering the functionality of Tilda.

Then, using Tilda tools, future teachers-tutors designed their portfolios, translated its content into a foreign language, exchanged links to resources with each other and over the network, made the necessary adjustments on the advice of virtual employers, presented their portfolios in the group.

At the third stage of the research, informatization of training of future teachers-tutors for formation of the foreign language communicative competence through the electronic portfolio was implemented in the process of mastering the discipline "Digital technologies in education" and effectiveness of the developed methodological support was checked.

_Research results

The foreign language communicative competence of future teachers-tutors in the digital educational space is cumulative "readiness and ability" of the person to effectively implement foreign language communication in the context of virtual intercultural communication aimed at self-development and self-realization of its participants through conscious and active appropriation of new social experience [2]. In accordance with this definition, the structure and the component composition of the foreign language communicative competence of students of pedagogical specialties in the digital educational space were identified. Authors include motivational, emotional-volitional, attitudinal-behavioral and reflexive components as obligatory. The construct "ability" includes linguistic, sociocultural and practical-operational components. The third construct in the structure of the foreign language communicative competence is a set of actions that ensure cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the desire for self-education and professional self-development.

Designing the process of forming the foreign language communicative competence of future teachers-tutors in the digital educational space should be considered from the standpoint of the methodological principles of the system-activity approach. Within its framework, synergistic effects are manifested, which must be taken into account when building the educational process for formation of the studied competence.

Modern digital means allow not only to receive information from a computer network, but also to represent oneself as a person, a professional in the information environment [22]. The corresponding skills turn out to be indispensable in the new sanitary and epidemiological conditions, the transition to the distance mode of work.

The electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) will be considered as a set of results of a student's communicative, educational and cognitive activities, designed for subsequent analysis and comprehensive assessment of personal and professional development, created using digital means.

The Tilda service allows to create simple websites and portfolios. Tilda works like a constructor: the user builds a page using blocks from the library. You don't need to know programming, everyone can work with it. Among disadvantages of the platform is that the developer is limited by standard blocks.

Let's highlight the functionality that future teachers can use in their portfolio to present results of foreign language communicative, educational and cognitive activities:

• full-screen photos, various photo galleries; ready-made photo combinations to speed up page creation;

• many combinations of images and text to make the content of the portfolio more interesting;

• built-in image editor for changing sizes and proportions, adding labels, effects, toning, saturation, brightness;

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• drag-and-drop to add objects;

• collection of free icons (via link to source).

During development of the e-portfolio, future teachers-tutors were guided by the following requirements for the structure and content. The following parts were obligatory: "About myself", "Educational results", "Foreign language communication

experience", "Tutor practices", "Web-resources, useful links", "Reflection", "Reviews, recommendations", "Gallery".

The section "About myself" should contain brief information about the author of the e-portfolio and his/her appeal to the audience. This block forms a preliminary impression of the professional, educational and personal trajectories of the student's activity.

In the next part of the e-portfolio "Educational results" the author publishes his/her achievements accompanied by supporting documents (certificates, diplomas, publications, etc.).

Students could include professional results: communicative, pedagogical, research, project, methodological. Academic results consist of works on the discipline "Digital technologies in education", reports and practice diaries, projects of individual educational trajectories. Personal results can be represented by development and actualization of various qualities of the teacher, creative activities.

A significant component is included in the structure of the e-portfolio of the future teacher-tutor - "Foreign language communication experience". This part is intended to reflect the author's participation in various international events (conferences, festivals); interaction with native speakers of other languages in chats and social networks; travel and personal communication with the indigenous population; reading books, listening to music and watching films in a foreign language.

In the part "Tutor practices" students presented developments of smart maps, projects of individual educational routes, trajectories, author's methodological developments. Within the framework of the part "Web-resources, useful links", future teachers-tutors published a list of links to web-resources with their brief descriptions that are significant for the teacher's professional activity and which can be used in the professional activity. In another section, "Reflection", students filled in reflective reports, checklists for evaluating individual e-portfolios. Here they analyzed stages of their foreign language communicative, professional, educational activities. There were works where students planned further ways of self-development.

It should be noted that one of the tasks of this study is creation and implementation of a multimedia element into a personal e-portfolio, containing reflection, a view of the teacher and the student, designing and presenting by means of Tilda.

In our opinion, the part "Reviews and Recommendations" can be variable and filled in as preferred by the future teacher-tutor.

The part "Gallery" contains various audio and video files, photos, diagrams, presentations, etc., visualizing results and achievements of the future teacher-tutor.

In the described structure of the e-portfolio of the future teacher-tutor it is permissible to include additional parts, taking into account the individual educational needs of students.

Throughout training and maintenance of the personal e-portfolio, it is assumed that there is a continuous exchange of reflective notes and comments between students, assessments of the content by the teacher and other people on the network, the mutual assessment and self-assessment of their own results.

The level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence based on results of the presentation and discussion of electronic portfolios, online interaction was determined in accordance with the following set of criteria: motivation for foreign language communication and network interaction in the digital educational space; independence in the choice of language means; knowledge of the history and culture of the country of the target language; activity, creativity and initiative when choosing tools for creating a portfolio; the use of electronic portfolio tools in practice for the presentation of the results of professional, educational and cognitive activities; ability and readiness for reflection.

"Advanced" level: the future teacher-tutor has a strong motivation for foreign language communication and network interaction in the digital educational space; is capable of an adequate independent choice of linguistic means that meet the characteristics of intercultural communication; knows peculiarities of the history and culture of the countries of the studied language, modern trends in their development; possesses skills of conducting a dialogue in a foreign language in compliance with norms of etiquette; shows independence, activity, creativity and initiative when choosing tools for creating a portfolio; knows how to create information objects of varying complexity for the presentation of the results of professional, educational and cognitive activities and critically assess them.

"Higher" level: in foreign language communication and network interaction in the digital educational space only certain motives in the leading activities prevail; the student moderately shows independence in the choice of linguistic means that meet the characteristics of intercultural communication; knows only well-known facts of the history and culture, traditions, norms of communication and behavior in everyday life, etiquette of the countries of the studied language; shows creativity and initiative in the selection of tools for creating a portfolio only in case of strong interest (for example, evaluation, encouragement); creates simple information objects for self-presentation; critically assesses own e-portfolio based on the most visible factors.

"Threshold" level: the student has little motivation for foreign language communication and network interaction in the digital educational space; passivity and independence in the choice of language means; the student is not interested in the history and culture of the countries of the studied language; makes gross mistakes when conducting a dialogue in a foreign language and in the norms of etiquette; inactive, uses patterns when creating a portfolio; works only with ready-made information objects provided by the teacher; does not think about the importance and necessity of assessing the portfolio (both own and someone else's).

Students in the control group formalized the results of their foreign language communicative, educational, cognitive, professional activities in the form of a traditional portfolio as a storage folder.

At the fixing stage of the experiment, a test was also carried out. The types of tasks, the principles of assessment were consistent with the tasks and the procedure for the entry control event. Information about the levels of developed skills in project management before and after the experiment is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Results of the level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence

Advanced Higher Threshold

Control Group (32 future tutors-teachers) Before the experiment 1 21 10

After the experiment 2 22 8

Experimrntal Group (32 future tutors-teachers) Before the experiment 1 20 11

After the experiment 10 18 4

The following statistical hypotheses were accepted: H0: the level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of the future teachers-tutors of the experimental group is statistically equal to the level of the control group; H1: the level of the experimental group is higher than the level of the control group. In the online

resource http://medstatistic.ru/calculators/calchit.html the values of the criterion were calculated before (x2obs J and after (x2obs 2) of the experiment. For a = 0.05 according to the distribution tables x2 . is 5.99. Thus, we obtain: x2 u <X2 (0.07 <5.99), and x2 u ,> X2

crit. ' obs.1 crit. ' " obs. 2 crit.

(7.07> 5.99). Consequently, the shift towards an increase in the level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of future teachers-tutors can be considered not accidental.

When doing a quantitative analysis of the above results, we can conclude that after finishing the experiment, 31% of future teachers-tutors in the experimental group had the "advanced" level of indicators reflecting the degree of formation of the foreign language communicative competence (11 students out of 32), while this percentage was originally 3% (1 student out of 32). The number of students with the "threshold" level dropped significantly from 34% to 13%.

In the control group, 6% of the future teachers-tutors after the experiment turned out to have the "advanced" level (2 students out of 32). The indicator corresponding to the "threshold" level changed from 31% to 25%. So, the dynamics in the levels in the control group is also present, but it is less significant.

Discussion of the results

During the discussion of the results of the development and filling of electronic portfolios with Tilda tools, future tutors-teachers formulated recommendations that would maximally informatively allow them to present their communicative, professional, educational and cognitive achievements.

1. In the information educational space, photography and visuals occupy an important place. Therefore, the image for the cover of the portfolio is the first impression for experts, future employers, interlocutors.

2. The presence of the title, quotations, links to buttons, convenient navigation also optimizes the work with the portfolio for users.

3. It is useful to divide work in the field of foreign language communication by projects or by categories. For example, "Winter Norway", "People of India" or "Shooting with an old camera". it is better to always place the greatest achievements first.

When looking for a job and sending a portfolio to experts or employers, it is recommended to mark first the results that are most suitable for the field of activity of the future job. If later it becomes important to highlight another category, then Tilde tools will quickly and easily allow to swap them. Portfolios made on Tilda can be edited in blocks.

4. При оформлении первого портфолио дидактический эффект имеет попытка повторить чужую идею.

We advise to study works on Behance.net, Portfolios.ru, WebFolio, UchPortfolio.ru, on Instagram, to open every unusual effect, animation or interesting block arrangement in Tilda and to repeat. To comply with copyright, please provide links. The result is likely to be a new solution, since the pedagogical activity implies innovation.

During the discussion, the drawback of Tilda was also found, which is associated with the fact that the font on the platform is connected not to a separate page, but to the entire site. However, almost all specialists, especially teachers, develop their own corporate identity. Many professionals tend to stick with the same fonts quite often. Therefore, the lack of "font variety" in the portfolio can be a unique communication technique.

Also, many students had a question: how to place links to sites that no longer work or have changed their domain name. In this case, it is helpful to use video. This is both a new technique of foreign language communication and a demonstration of mastery in the field of digital technologies. It is enough to install a screen recorder, open the site in a browser and record the page.

In general, the pedagogical experiment confirms that the use of Tilda tools for development of the electronic portfolio of the future teacher-tutor makes it possible to improve the quality of education in terms of formation of skills that form the basis of the foreign language communicative competence.

It should be noted that the category of tasks related to the assessment and analysis of information and content of the electronic portfolio can be considered the most difficult for future tutors to perform. For this part of the tasks presented in the discipline "Digital technologies in education", the lowest dynamics of formation of the practical-operational component was stated. This fact is primarily due to the multidimensionality and variability of the proposed tasks using e-portfolio tools in intercultural communication. Tasks for work in the foreign language virtual environment required from the students not only additional operational knowledge in the field of digital technologies, but also the ability to use various Internet resources at a highly professional level.

This confirms the interdisciplinary didactic potential of the electronic portfolio for further study and use in the process of training future teachers-tutors.

The research materials confirm the conclusions of K. Bezukladnikov, B. Kruze, B. Zhigalev that the functionality of modern digital technologies can provide additional conditions for formation of the foreign language communicative competence of students [7]. In addition, the presented results complement the conclusions of O. G. Smolyaninova, E. A. Bezyzvestnykh on the potential of e-portfolio software tools for training future teachers [1].


The content and structure of the foreign language communicative competence of future teachers-tutors should be determined in accordance with main directions of their professional activity, which involves the inclusion of motivational, emotional-volitional, attitudinal-behavioral, reflexive, linguistic, socio-cultural and practical-operational components.

The electronic portfolio is an effective means of multimedia support for formation of the foreign language communicative competence of teachers-tutors, which follows from its didactic properties and methodological functions. It is the wide range of e-portfolio capabilities supported by Tilda tools that allows it to be used with the support of educational courses in the information environment of the university based on the blended learning model, taking into account personal, communicative and professional development of students.

The study describes the use of Tilda tools for development of the electronic portfolio of future teachers-tutors. The proposed approach is based on a model of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of students, which includes goals, principles of organizing training, content, forms, means and methods of teaching in the process of mastering system-forming disciplines.

The features of using Tilda as a software tool for developing the electronic portfolio were formulated:

1. The dominant importance of multimedia content.

2. Possibility to group material by projects or categories.

3. Block editing of the portfolio.

4. Using a font of the same style.

5. Portfolio exchange with interlocutors via virtual communication using a hyperlink. Obligatory parts of the portfolio are "About myself", "Educational results", "Experience

of foreign language communication", "Tutor practices", "Web-resources, useful links", "Reflection", "Reviews, recommendations", "Gallery". Each part corresponds to a component from the structure of foreign language communication. For example, within the framework of the part "Web-resources, useful links", future teachers-tutors worked out skills of the practical-operational component.

Despite the fact that the experiment is presented for the use of the electronic portfolio as a means of forming the foreign language communicative competence when training future teachers-tutors, such educational and cognitive activity is of an interdisciplinary nature.


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Информация об авторах Бабушкина Лариса Евгеньевна

(Россия, г. Москва) Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных и русского языков Российский государственный аграрный университет -МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3549-9329

Information about the authors

Larisa E. Babushkina

(Russia, Moscow) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the

Department of Foreign and Russian Languages Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3549-9329

Сергеева Наталья Анатольевна

(Россия, г. Москва) Старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных и русского языков Российский государственный аграрный университет -МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7116-3526

Natalia A. Sergeeva

(Russia, Moscow) Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7116-3526

Рублёва Ольга Сергеевна

(Россия, г. Киров) Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков неязыковых направлений Вятский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7346-025X

Olga S. Rubleva

(Russia, Kirov)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of Non-Linguistic Directions Vyatka State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7346-025X

Тютюнник Ирина Аркадьевна

(Россия, г. Киров) Доцент, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков неязыковых направлений Вятский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3076-1383

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Irina A. Tyutyunnik

(Russia, Kirov) Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of Non-Linguistic Directions Vyatka State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3076-1383

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