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Ключевые слова
foreign language education / military educational establishment / modernization / humanistic paradigm. / иноязычное образование / военно-учебное заведение / модернизация / гуманистическая парадигма

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Seleznyova N. Ye

The objective of the article is to analyze the modern state of foreign language education in military educational institutions of Crimea from the standpoint of the modern humanistic paradigm of education of military specialists. To do this, a survey of cadets of the main military school of the Crimea – the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (BSHNS) – is carried out, the results of which show that at the present stage the military educational institutions of Crimea have developed a fairly effective system of foreign language education, well-provided legal framework, qualified personnel, material, technical and methodical provision, but in the light of the modernization of Russian education, all its components require updating and improvement, especially at the level of higher military education. The solution to this problem can be facilitated by the introduction of positive experience of foreign and national military educational institutions, including the BSHNS, in the field of modernization of foreign language education of servicemen.

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Цель статьи – проанализировать состояние современного иноязычного образования в военно-учебных заведениях Крыма с позиций современной гуманистической парадигмы образования военных специалистов. Для этого проведен опрос курсантов главного военного вуза Крыма – Черноморского высшего военно-морского училища имени П.С. Нахимова (ЧВВМУ), результаты которого показали, что на современном этапе в военно-учебных заведениях Крыма действует достаточно эффективная система иноязычного образования, хорошо обеспеченная нормативно-правовой базой, квалифицированными кадрами, материально-технически и методически, но в свете модернизации российского образования все ее компоненты требуют обновления и усовершенствования, особенно на уровне высшего профессионального образования. Решению данной проблемы может способствовать внедрение позитивного опыта зарубежных и отечественных военно-учебных заведений, в том числе ЧВВМУ в сфере модернизации иноязычного образования военнослужащих.


На основании представленного выше можно сделать вывод о том, на уроке физики учителю под силу создать пространственно-временные условия, способствующие возникновению мотивации образовательной деятельности школьни-

Библиографический список

ков при изучении физики через такую цепочку, как любопытство - любознательность - интерес - познавательный интерес, тем самым достичь в полной мере запланированных результатов обучения на конкретном уроке.

1. Аванесян М.О., Башмакова Я.П. Исследование эксплицитных и имплицитных представлений о любопытстве. Вестник СПбГУ. Психология и педагогика. 2017; Т. 7, Выпуск 3: 235 - 248.

2. Пономарева Е.А., Искандеров Н.Ф. Теория и практика имплицитного обучения физике в школе: монография. Оренбург: Издательство ОГПУ, 2016.

3. Пономарева Е.А. Технология имплицитного обучения физике в общеобразовательной школе. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. Москва, 2018.

4. Усова А.В. Теория и методика обучения физике. Общие вопросы: курс лекций. Санкт-Петербург: Медуза, 2002.

5. Пономарева Е.А., Искандеров Н.Ф. Внутренний механизм имплицитности в обучении. Успехи современной науки и образования. 2016; Т. 1, № 9.

6. Пономарева Е.А., Искандеров Н.Ф. Теоретико-методологическое обоснование практического применения имплицитного обучения физике: монография. Казань: Бук, 2019.


1. Avanesyan M.O., Bashmakova Ya.P. Issledovanie 'eksplicitnyh i implicitnyh predstavlenij o lyubopytstve. Vestnik SPbGU. Psihologiya i pedagogika. 2017; T. 7, Vypusk 3: 235 - 248.

2. Ponomareva E.A., Iskanderov N.F. Teoriya ipraktika implicitnogo obucheniya fizike v shkole: monografiya. Orenburg: Izdatel'stvo OGPU, 2016.

3. Ponomareva E.A. Tehnologiya implicitnogo obucheniya fizike v obscheobrazovatel'noj shkole. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Moskva, 2018.

4. Usova A.V. Teoriya i metodika obucheniya fizike. Obschie voprosy: kurs lekcij. Sankt-Peterburg: Meduza, 2002.

5. Ponomareva E.A., Iskanderov N.F. Vnutrennij mehanizm implicitnosti v obuchenii. Uspehisovremennojnaukiiobrazovaniya. 2016; T. 1, № 9.

6. Ponomareva E.A., Iskanderov N.F. Teoretiko-metodologicheskoe obosnovanie prakticheskogo primeneniya implicitnogo obucheniya fizike: monografiya. Kazan': Buk, 2019.

Статья поступила в редакцию 11.03.20

УДК 371.2

Seleznyova N.Ye., senior teacher, Foreign Languages Department, Black Sea Higher Naval School n.a. P.S. Nakhimov (Sevastopol, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

MODERN STATE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION AT THE BLACK SEA HIGHER NAVAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER P.S. NACKHIMOV. The objective of the article is to analyze the modern state of foreign language education in military educational institutions of Crimea from the standpoint of the modern humanistic paradigm of education of military specialists. To do this, a survey of cadets of the main military school of the Crimea - the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (BSHNS) - is carried out, the results of which show that at the present stage the military educational institutions of Crimea have developed a fairly effective system of foreign language education, well-provided legal framework, qualified personnel, material, technical and methodical provision, but in the light of the modernization of Russian education, all its components require updating and improvement, especially at the level of higher military education. The solution to this problem can be facilitated by the introduction of positive experience of foreign and national military educational institutions, including the BSHNS, in the field of modernization of foreign language education of servicemen.

Key words: foreign language education, military educational establishment, modernization, humanistic paradigm.

Н.Е. Селезнева, ст. преп., Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П.С. Нахимова, г. Севастополь,

E-mail: [email protected]


Цель статьи - проанализировать состояние современного иноязычного образования в военно-учебных заведениях Крыма с позиций современной гуманистической парадигмы образования военных специалистов. Для этого проведен опрос курсантов главного военного вуза Крыма - Черноморского высшего военно-морского училища имени П.С. Нахимова (ЧВВМУ), результаты которого показали, что на современном этапе в военно-учебных заведениях Крыма действует достаточно эффективная система иноязычного образования, хорошо обеспеченная нормативно-правовой базой, квалифицированными кадрами, материально-технически и методически, но в свете модернизации российского образования все ее компоненты требуют обновления и усовершенствования, особенно на уровне высшего профессионального образования. Решению данной проблемы может способствовать внедрение позитивного опыта зарубежных и отечественных военно-учебных заведений, в том числе ЧВВМУ в сфере модернизации иноязычного образования военнослужащих.

Ключевые слова: иноязычное образование, военно-учебное заведение, модернизация, гуманистическая парадигма.

In the light of the current changes in the sphere of globalization, international cooperation in military activities to counteract new challenges and threats of the 21st century, such as terrorism and piracy, it appears vital to equip modern military specialists not only with good knowledge of their specialty, but with a sufficient command of a foreign language, communicative competence to deal with a wide variety of professional situations in multicultural environment.

In the sphere of modernization of foreign language training of military specialists at the present stage, a number of issues have been identified, among which the most important is to improve the quality of foreign language training of cadets in higher military educational institutions. One of the most important conditions contributing to the improvement of foreign language training of servicemen is the search for new forms and methods of training. Foreign language education is now more focused on learner's learning process. Students are guided to take a more active role on their learning process. Active participation is encouraged by the teacher, who manages the learning process hoping that students reflect and learn about their own performance and are guided to self-autonomy, learn to learn, and become the center of their own learning [1].

The analysis of scientific literature on foreign language education shows that since ancient times philosophers such as Quintilian, Desiderius Erasmus, Roger Bacon, Wolfgang Ratke, Jan Amos Komensky and others focused on the importance of language learning and its methodology. The term "foreign language" education was first introduced by the founder of the concept of communicative intercultural approach

in foreign language learning Ye.I. Passov in the 1990s. The main issues under discussion of teachers, psychologists, and linguists nowadays are history of foreign language education (A.A. Mirolyubov, M.N. Vetchinova, N.Yu. Gusevskaya), its theoretical principles (Ye.I. Passov, I.Ya. Zimnyaya, L.V. Khvedchenya) and practical application in methodology of language teaching (Yu.Yu. Timkina, Zh. Beisenova, S. Meiramo-va) [2, 3] including military educational establishments (E.V. Zimina, Y.V. Tropkina, G.I. Shemet, L.N. Lazutkina, O.A. Grigorenko, Parakhina) [4], peculiarities of professional continuous language training (O.V. Vydra, Ye.P. Polyakova, S.K. Omarova) [5,6], teaching culture and ideology through language (S.A. Mirhosseini, L. Rasmussen, W. Sieck) [7,8], sociological (I.Yu. Starchikova, G.B. Moshchenok, E.S. Shakurova) [9] and psychological specifics of language learning and motivation (O.M. Grinch-ishin, S.V. Sinkevich, M. Perez-Barriga, V.V.Gavrilov) [1, 10], innovations in forms, methods and technology in foreign language education (P. Szerszen, P. Romanowski, S.S. Kunanbayeva, R.N. Abitov, R.S. Safin, Ye.A. Korchagin) [11-14]. However, the issues of pedagogical analysis of the modern state and modernization of foreign language education in military educational institutions are not sufficiently developed.

The study of the modern state of foreign language education is based on modern humanistic philosophy of education. Thus, it was conducted on the basis of learner-oriented, professional-oriented, communicative and competence-based approaches.

The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis of research in modernization of foreign language education in military schools, empirical

- survey of cadets to assess the current state of this issue and to determine the difficulties to be solved; mathematical statistics: quantitative and qualitative analysis -for processing and interpretation of data on the content, procedural, and motivational aspects of foreign language education at BSHNS; prognostic - for generalization of conclusions, recommendations and proposals for the improvement of foreign language training in military educational establishments.

In order to evaluate the modern state of the foreign language education in the military education, it is necessary to determine the main aspects of this system to be estimated:

- motivational, related to the attitude of learners to the studied subject, their understanding of its importance and aims, practical application in future life and professional activity, interest and emotional involvement in learning process [10];

- content, referring to the aims and contents of foreign language education


- procedural, defining the organization of the teaching-learning process, choice and application of methods, forms and means of teaching, tools of control and estimation of the results of education.

In order to analyze the motivational, content and procedural aspects of the foreign language training in military educational establishment a survey of 2-4 year cadets of the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov was conducted. The cadets (113 persons aged 19-23, of whom 18 cadets of the 2nd course, 37 - 3rd course, 58 - 4th course) were asked to answer a questionnaire of 16 questions of different types: alternative, non-alternative, open and semi-closed. The results of the survey have been processed and assessed.

Motivational aspect. Most of the respondents (96%) are aware of the need to learn foreign languages, and the desire to learn more than one foreign language (English, Chinese, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, languages of possible opponents) was noted by 58% of respondents, 38% believe that one English is enough, 4% believe that this choice is individual depending on the possibilities.

In further professional activities, the cadets see the possibility of using a foreign language (English): 66% - during visits to foreign ports, business trips or service abroad, on joint exercises when communicating with foreigners; 21% - in the study of foreign weapons and equipment, reading and translating foreign literature, instructions and documentation, when working with topographic maps; 4% - in teaching, 16% - as an interpreter, diplomatic worker; 8% - during the interrogation of a prisoner of war, intelligence gathering; 5% - for advanced training; 7% - for participation in international conferences. 10% of respondents believe that they are unlikely to need a foreign language in their future professional activities due to the specifics of the military specialty, 9% found it difficult to give an answer. Most of the respondents (96%) are aware of the need to learn foreign languages, and the desire to learn more than one foreign language (English, Chinese, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, languages of possible enemy) was noted by 58% of respondents, 38% believe that one English is enough, 4% think that this choice is individual depending on the personal abilities.

In further professional activities, the cadets see the possibility of using a foreign language (English): 66% - during visits to foreign ports, business trips or service abroad, on joint exercises when communicating with foreigners; 21% - in the study of foreign weapons and equipment, reading and translating foreign literature, instructions and documentation, when working with topographic maps; 4% - in teaching, 16% - as an interpreter, diplomatic worker; 8% - during the interrogation of a prisoner of war, intelligence gathering; 5% - for advanced training; 7% - for participation in international conferences. 10% of respondents believe that they are unlikely to need a foreign language in their future professional activities due to the specifics of the military specialty, 9% found it difficult to give an answer.

Content aspect (Fig.2). 73% of cadets consider the main goal of foreign language education to be the formation of skills of everyday and professional communication with foreigners, 34% - the ability to work with foreign literature of professional orientation, 45% emphasize the importance of mastering narrowly specialized terminology for communication, reading and writing, and only 18% see foreign language training as a means of acquaintance with foreign language culture.

Of the 113 respondents, 60% believe that foreign language education affects the formation of spiritual values and worldview, 30% - no, 10% - found it difficult to answer.

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60% of respondents answered "Yes", 10% - "no", 30% found it difficult to answer the question whether the knowledge and skills obtained in the study of foreign languages contribute to the expansion of personal professional opportunities.

As for the educational function of foreign language education, 48% of cadets do not believe that learning a foreign language contributes to the development of the leader, creative personality, patriot, and 29% do not agree with them, 8% found it difficult to answer, 6% believe that to some extent it does, 5% identified only ethical impact, and 4% effect on the development of creative personality in the process of foreign language education. However, recent research works prove the necessity and possibilities to increase the cross-cultural and educational effect of foreign language learning [6-8].

Procedural aspect (Fig.3). In assessing the quality of teaching the discipline "Foreign Language" at the higher school, no one assessed it as "unsatisfactory", 4% rated it "satisfactory", 44% - "good" and 52% - "excellent".

To improve the quality of foreign language education, according to 22% of respondents, it is necessary to make changes in the curriculum, increase the number of hours for the discipline "Foreign Language", 29% - to improve the forms and methods of training, 26% - to improve the material and technical support of the educational process, 30% - to strengthen the practical professional orientation of training, 5% - to improve the skills and quality of teachers, 12% - to provide additional provision of educational, reference books, periodicals in foreign languages.

Considering the results of the survey, it can be stated that the cadets are well aware of the need to study at least one foreign language and more than half of the respondents are ready to learn a second foreign language mainly to use it in future professional activities during visits to foreign ports, business trips or service abroad, on joint exercises when communicating with foreigners. In this regard, the main purpose of foreign language education is seen mainly as the formation of skills of everyday and professional communication with foreigners, mastering narrowly specialized terminology for communication, reading and writing.

As for the quality of teaching a foreign language, the majority of cadets of BSHNS evaluate it as "good" and "excellent", while among the main means of its improvement they suggest strengthening the practical professional orientation of training, improvement of forms and methods of training, development of material and technical support of the educational process.

In management of teaching-learning processes, problems revealed by recent research are related to students, physical infrastructure, educational system and society/environment. It can be asserted that most of the problems can be solved if their reasons are determined and handled [15]. Consequently, conducting analysis of the state of foreign language education in military educational institutions on a regular basis would contribute to the solution of these problems.

Subject content of language learning is acquired through the application and use of the target technology, methods and techniques, such as: information technology, the technology of situational analysis (case study), creative tasks, games, self-study [3, 14, c. 2]. Implication of innovative means of education proved by the present research could also solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of foreign language training of military personnel.

Thus, it can be concluded that at the present stage, at the military educational institutions of the Crimea a fairly effective system of foreign language education, well-provided legal framework, qualified personnel, material, technical and methodical provision have been developed, but within the provisions of the Russian education modernization, all its components require updating and improvement, especially at the level of higher military educational institutions. Among the most urgent tasks facing the management and teaching staff of military educational institutions are strengthening the professional orientation of teaching foreign languages, motivation of students; intensifying the self-study of cadets and students; using innovative means, forms and methods of teaching; compliance of programs, syllabus and teaching materials to the requirements of modernization of education, and results of learning outcomes - to international standards. The solution to this problem can be facilitated by the introduction of positive experience of foreign and national military educational institutions, including the BSHVS, concerning modernization of foreign language education of servicemen.

1. Perez-Barriga M. Motivation, Styles and Strategies. European Scientific Journal. 2013: 915 - 924. Available at: http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/viewFile/1414/1423

2. Timkina Yu.Yu. Methods of individual variable independent work on mastering a foreign language at the linguistic university. International Research Journal. 2017; P. 2, № 11 (65): 151 - 155. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2017.65.036

3. Beisenova Zh. & Meiramova, S. Language Education in the Aspect of Preparing Students for Professional Career. European Scientific Journal. 2013; Vol. 9, № 28: 227 - 237.

4. Parakhina J.V. Development of foreign language communicative competence of future engineers in the system of additional professional education of the Naval higher educational institution: thesis ped. sci. Kaliningrad, 2016.

5. Vydra O.V. & Polyakova Ye.P. The essence and features of the military pedagogical process. Pedagogics today: problems and solutions: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Chita : Young Scientist, 2017: 132 - 134.

6. Omarova S.K. Peculiarities of modern foreign language education in higher school. Pedagogics today: problems and solutions: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Chita : Young Scientist, 2017: 140 - 143.

7. MirhosseiniS.A.Issuesof ideologyinEnglish languageeducation worldwide:An overview. Pedagogy, Culture&Soc/ety.2018;№ 26(1):19 -33. DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2017.1318415

8. Rasmussen L., Sieck W. Strategies for developing and practicing crosscultural expertise in the Military. Military Review. 2012; № 92 (2): 71 - 80.

9. Starchikova I.Yu., Moshchenok G.B. & Shakurova E.S. Sociological study of the influence of studying foreign languages on the formation of the world outlook and spiritual values of student youth. International Research Journal. 2017; P. 2, № 11 (65): 147 - 151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2017.65.001

10. Gavrilov V.V. The main aspects of forming motivation to learn in the process of developing communicative competence of higher educational institution students. International Research Journal. 2017; P. 2, № 11 (65): 95 - 98. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2017.65.158

11. Szerszen P. & Romanowsk P Do contemporary e-learning solutions support the development of intercultural competence? Insights from European projects. Journal of Pedagogical Research. 2018; № 2 (3): 192 - 202.

12. Kunanbayeva S.S. The modernization of foreign language education. The linguo-cultural-communicative approach. United Kingdom: Hertfordshire Press, 2013: pp.105 - 231.

13. Kunanbayeva S.S. Theory and practice of modern foreign language education. Almaty: Edelveiss Printing House, 2010: 94 - 261.

14. Abitov R.N., Safin R.S. & Korchagin Ye.A. Intensification of teaching foreign language to students of technical University. Bulletin of Samara STU: Psychological and pedagogical Sciences. 2018; № 4 (40): 6 - 20.

15. Góksoy S. Reasons of the problems that academicians experience in management of teaching and learning process. Journal of Pedagogical Research. 2018; № 2 (1): 55 - 62.

Статья поступила в редакцию 10.03.20

УДК 37.013.43

Solonovich M.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Branch of Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (Essentuki, Russia), E-mail:[email protected]

Sakieva S.M., senior lecturer, Karachayevo-CherkesskState University n.a. U.D. Alieva (Karahcayevsk, Russia)

VALUE ORIENTATIONS AND PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE OF THE NORTH CAUCASIAN PROSE OF ENLIGHTENERS OF THE LATE XIX - EARLY XX CENTURY. The article deals with literary phenomena in the context of the modern cultural paradigm of artistic consciousness, which allow to understand the history of national literatures in the light of national guidelines that are one of the effective means of moral education. Organically linked parts of the culture of any nation are material and spiritual values that are designed to provide a change in the mentality of society, old stereotypes, and form a new social consciousness. An analytical approach is needed to the circumstances and circumstances in which this legacy was created. The needs of that time dictated a particular choice of methods and subjects for North Caucasian educators. In retrospect, many things are seen differently, the past time makes us rethink this legacy, and place many aspects in a new way.

Key words: heuristic potential, аdyghe educators, axiology, artistic tradition, literary process, pedagogical heritage.

М.А. Солоноеич, канд. пед. наук, доц., филиал ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт», г. Ессентуки,

E-mail:[email protected]

С.М. Сакиееа, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет имени У.Д. Алиева», г. Карачаевск,

Карачаево-Черкесская Республика


В статье рассматриваются литературные явления в контексте современной культурной парадигмы художественного сознания, которые позволяют осмыслить историю национальных литератур в свете национальных ориентиров, являющихся одним из действенных средств нравственного воспитания. Органически связанными частями культуры любого народа являются материальные и духовные ценности, которые призваны обеспечить смену менталитета общества, старых стереотипов, формировать новое общественное сознание. Необходим аналитический подход к обстоятельствам и обстановке, в которых это наследие создавалось. Нужды того времени диктовали северокавказским просветителям выбор тех или иных методик и предметов обучения. Ретроспективно многое видится иначе, прошедшее время заставляет переосмысливать это наследие, по-новому расставлять многие аспекты.

Ключевые слова: эвристический потенциал, адыгские просветители, аксиология, художественная традиция, литературный процесс, педагогическое наследие.

Современное прочтение наследия патриархов, стоящих у истоков национальных литератур Северного Кавказа, показывает, что «акустика времени способствует формированию социокультурной среды в системе вечных культурных и литературных движений. Эвристический потенциал художественного наследия северокавказских просветителей моделирует новое видение художественной динамики, контекстуально необходимое на современном этапе осмысления истории национальных культур в свете ценностных нравственных ориентиров, «аксиологической выверенности накопленного».

Современное общественное и художественное сознание всё чаще обращается к проблемам становления исторического мироощущения, восстановления утраченного по тем или иным причинам культурно-исторического контекста. Возросший уровень духовных запросов формирует новые временные перспективы, позволяющие осмыслить литературные явления, далеко отстоящие друг от друга во времени, но имеющие глубокую внутреннюю связь. Новые перспективы, новые проблемы - свидетельство духовного роста, изменение привычного ракурса, позволяющее обнаружить не увиденные прежде или недооцененные возможности национальной духовной культуры.

Литературная ситуация, складывающаяся как в адыгской прозе, так и в прозе многих литератур Северного Кавказа, довольно часто демонстрирует ее приверженность принципу униформизма, отсутствие национального мироощущения, утрату культурной почвы, на которой она выросла. Возможно ли восстановить, и восстанавливается ли связь между предшествующим во времени адресантом и историческим адресатом информации, представляющую собой свод литературных памятников, художественную традицию или какую-либо иную форму исторической и художественной памяти?

Позитивный ответ диктуется, с одной стороны, формальными соображениями: всякая культура может существовать лишь постольку, поскольку она передается от одного поколения к другому, а ее возможности определяются тем содержанием, которое она стремится передать.

В то же время литературная практика последнего времени показывает, что в ряде произведений адыгской прозы и прозе других народов Северного Кавказа проявляется способность творить «духовную фауну», определяющую высокий уровень «внутренней механики» персонажей, осмысляющих реальность под углом зрения бытийных вопросов, великих и древних, как мир: о смысле челове-

ческого существования, конечности жизни, бессмертия. Между тем, произведения подобного рода возникли не внезапно и не случайно, а явились следствием развития соответствующих традиций, самобытного детища национального художественного мира. Механизм воспроизводства генетического кода национальной культуры возможно проследить на разных смысловых уровнях. В данном случае речь идет о художественной традиции, понимаемой в общефилософском смысле этого слова как определенный тип отношений между последовательными стадиями развивающегося объекта, в том числе и культуры, когда «старое» переходит в новое и продуктивно работает в нем. Традиция в таком ее понимании - предпосылка существования культуры как целостного и развивающегося организма.

Трансляция художественной традиции через речевые или ментальные компоненты возможна при всей сложности исследования ситуации, по крайней мере, при одном условии - глубоком, интенсивном усвоении, максимальной восприимчивости, в то же время существо традиции заключается не в простой передаче какого-либо знания или художественного опыта, а в их воспроизводстве, традиция превосходит принцип соответствия, адекватности сущности и выражения.

Осмысленный интерес к культуре прошлого позволяет выявить глубокий смысл явлений. Прочитанные нами заново, в другой смысловой и исторической перспективе произведения предшественников заставляют во многом по-иному взглянуть на историю национальной литературы, зарождение и развитие ее жанров.

Воспитательное влияние художественного творчества на жизнь народа безгранично, и его трудно переоценить. Буквально с первых лет жизни человека искусство художественного слова оказывает благотворное влияние на формирование его личности.

Эстетика народной культуры с ее ритуалами, архаичными чертами, которая позволяла проникнуть в глубинные пласты народного сознания, в его национальный мир, с ее безграничными возможностями коллективного ощущения целостности мира оказала сильнейшее влияние на художественное творчество адыгских писателей именно этими своими сторонами.

Поэтический мир таких национально-самобытных жанров народного творчества, как историко-героическая песня, ориентированная на реальный прототип; хабар с его свободной стихией повествования; эмоционально разомкнутая джы-лау джыр - песня-плач; таурух - предание, - сыграв решающую роль в становле-

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