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professionally oriented teaching / foreign language / component / foreign communication / discipline / non-linguistic universities / specialty / non-linguistic faculties / grammar and lexical materials / interdisciplinary communications / method / suggestionology / impressive-cybernetic integral method / English for special purposes / cultural heritage / cultural community / approach / intercultural communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kismetova G., Tairova D.

Professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language is currently recognized as a priority in updating education. There was an urgent need to take a fresh look at the learning process in general and at teaching a foreign language in particular. Foreign language communication is becoming an essential component of the professional activities of specialists, and the role of the disciplineForeign Language” in non-linguistic universities is significantly increasing in their professional activities. Analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodological sources showed that there are countless methodological areas and technologies for teaching a foreign language at nonlinguistic faculties of universities. Currently, the task is set not only of mastering communication skills in a foreign language, but also of acquiring special knowledge in the chosen specialty.

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Термин аксиология впервые был предложен в начале 20 века П.Лапи. Аксиология- одно из наиболее поздно разработанных направлений философии, однако, несмотря на это, данная философская дисциплина на сегодня является практически самой востребованной и динамично развивающейся частью познания.

Аксиология обуславливалась, как «учение о ценностях» - «философская концепция универсальных основ, характеризующих нацеленность человеческой деятельности, мотивацию и осмысленность поступков». Весьма вскоре подобное определение аксиологии стало неактуальным, а ценности получили наиболее обширное объяснение в теориях разных философских школ.

В древней средневековой философии ценностные свойства включались в саму жизнедеятельность, рассматривались как свойственные ему, неразрывные с реальным миром. Изучение ценностей стало доступным лишь тогда, когда и представление действительности разделилось на действительность в собственном значении и значимость, как предмет человеческих привязанностей и стремлений.

Базовые понятия аксиологии:

> Идеал- высшая степень ценности, совершенный образ имеющий нормативный характер и определяющий отношения и способы поведения, деятельности человека, социальной группы.

> Ценность - социально гуманитарная характеристика объектов, явлений действительности, раскрывающая их значение для индивида, общества с позиции определенного идеала.

> Оценка- способ установления значимости объектов, с точки зрения их способности(или неспособности) отвечать потребностям и запросам субъектов.

> Смысл жизни- понятие, раскрывающее самоценное знание человеческой жизни, ее нравственную оправданность.

> Справедливость - категория нравственно-нормативного сознания, характеризующая одобряемую обществом соразмерность поступков и реакции на них.

> Интерес- осознаваемая субъектом, внутренняя побудительная причина деятельности, связанная с ожиданием определенных личных или общественных благ.

Категория ценности наиболее подробно была рассмотрена традиционной германской философией, в особенности Иммануилом Кантом. Также философ связывает представление ценности, с понятием благой воли. Значимым во кантовском рассмотрении представление значения ценности что это понятие он соотносит с человеком как целью, ее формированием, а таки и аспект ценности, как продуктивность - с миром природы потребностей. Данный подход И.Кант именует сравнительной, предопределенной ценностью. Главный интерес он акцентирует на индивидуальных подходах к ценностям подчеркивает наличие и объективного аспекта, но детально его не разрабатывает кантов-ской концепции ценности восприняли в основном, с некоторыми изменениями, все представители традиционной германской философии.

Детальная теория о ценности во второй половине девятнадцатого столетия дает Р.Г. Лотце. Его ученик В. Виндельбанд стремится аргументировать общезначимость, как абстрактного постижения, так и высоконравственного воздействия, изучая философию, как «учение многозначных ценностей». Виндельбанд переводит вопрос ценности, на язык философии культуры. В качестве ценности у него выступают правда, благо также изящность, дисциплина, порядок, мастерство, искусство и особенно вероисповедание рассматриваются как ценности -блага культуры, в отсутствии каковых общество никак не способно взаимодействовать.


1. Ефимова, Н.С. Психология общения. Практикум по психологии: Учебное пособие / Н.С. Ефимова. - М.: Форум, 2018. - 288 а

2. Лаундес, Л. Как говорить с кем угодно и о чем угодно. Психология успешного общения. Технологии эффективных коммуникаций / Л. Лаундес. - М.: Добрая книга, 2016. - 384 а


Kismetova G.

West Kazakhstan University M. Utemisov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Uralsk Tairova D.

West Kazakhstan University M. Utemisov, tutor, Master



Professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language is currently recognized as a priority in updating education. There was an urgent need to take a fresh look at the learning process in general and at teaching a foreign language in particular. Foreign language communication is becoming an essential component of the professional activities of specialists, and the role of the discipline "Foreign Language" in non-linguistic universities is significantly increasing in their professional activities. Analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodological sources

showed that there are countless methodological areas and technologies for teaching a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties of universities. Currently, the task is set not only of mastering communication skills in a foreign language, but also of acquiring special knowledge in the chosen specialty.

Keywords: professionally oriented teaching, foreign language, component, foreign communication, discipline, non-linguistic universities, specialty, non-linguistic faculties, grammar and lexical materials, interdisciplinary communications, method, suggestionology, impressive-cybernetic integral method, English for special purposes, cultural heritage, cultural community, approach, intercultural communication.

Unfortunately, language teaching, taking into account the professional orientation of students, still remains unsatisfactory. This is evidenced by the acute shortage of specialists who have a certain register of foreign-language knowledge necessary for professional communication. In order to teach students a foreign language to the extent necessary for them in their future professional activities, we should abandon the traditional approach and rethink its goals and content.

Already in the 50s of the 20th century, elements of specialized teaching of a foreign language appeared in non-linguistic universities. The study of this subject was limited to the study of "specialized macro language". The focus was on the issues of selection and identification of linguistic features of texts and the creation of specialized teaching and teaching aids (I.G. Venikova, Z.M. Tsvetkova, L.I. Chaurskaya, L.Yu. Kulish, etc.). Most researchers come to the conclusion that literary texts are needed to develop reading skills and speaking skills in the specialty. The novelty of the content of specialized texts, in their opinion, increases interest in studying a foreign language and broadens the horizons of students in their future specialty. During this period, the discipline "foreign language" is not significant for most students. But in the late 60s of the twentieth century, it becomes a means of increasing the level of knowledge within the framework of its specialty and the formation of a student's professional orientation [1]. Considering a foreign language as a means of forming the professional orientation of a future specialist, E.V. Roshchina notes that when studying professionally-oriented language material, a two-way relationship is established between the student's desire to acquire special knowledge and the success of mastering the language. She considered a foreign language an effective means of professional and social orientation in a non-linguistic university, which has great potential for formative influences [2]. According to the author, the following conditions must be met to realize this potential:

— a clear statement of the goals of foreign speech activity;

— social and professional orientation of this activity;

— student satisfaction in solving particular problems;

— the formation of students' skills to be creative in solving particular problems;

— favorable psychological climate in the training team [2].

A huge contribution to the development of the theory of professional oriented teaching of a foreign language was introduced by M.V. Lyakhovitsky [3]. He

substantiated the principle of the professional orientation of the educational material at teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic universities. The author emphasized that the study of a foreign language should not be an end in itself, but a means of achieving the goal of increasing the level of education, erudition within the framework of its narrow specialty [3]. Taking into account the specifics of majors, according to the author, should be carried out in the following areas: work on special texts; the study of special topics for the development of oral speech; study of the minimum vocabulary in the relevant specialty; the creation by teachers of manuals to enhance the grammatical and lexical material of students [3].

The great interest is for the study of the conditions for organizing the process of profile training of a foreign language in non-linguistic universities at that time. In particular, the issues of coordination of teaching a foreign language with training in majors was engaged by G.V. Parikova [4]. Her coordination system was developed by excluding the possibility for students to go through material in a foreign language before they take a course of lectures on majors. The training system proposed by the author assumed strict coordination of work plans for a foreign language with the work plans of the departments of majors [4].

In the 70s of the XX century, in order to obtain stronger professional knowledge, it was proposed to use country-specific commentary in classes in a foreign language in non-linguistic faculties (V.A. Skroznikova, R.M. Bodankina, etc.). The authors considered the regional geographic material as one of the forms of realization of intersubject communications. They noted that brief comments of a regional or linguistic and regional nature clearly reveal the connection between the practice of teaching a foreign language and the content of programs in other disciplines and have a positive effect on the acquisition of deeper professional knowledge by students of non-linguistic faculties [5]. According to the authors, there is a need to create professionally-oriented manuals that would contain country-specific material.

The objective development of pedagogical science inevitably leads to the search for new, more effective methodological directions. In the teaching of speech activity, trends appeared that were increasingly recognized as fruitful and promising. One of them was the tendency to strengthen the communicative orientation of the educational process. To one degree or another, many research teams and researchers have been developing the communicative direction. In this case, the goal of the communicative method is teaching speaking. This method is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of the communication process. E.I.

Passov formulated the principles of students' communicative teaching of communication [6], which, in our opinion, give the most complete picture of the communicative approach:

The principle of speech-cognitive activity presupposes, first of all, such an organization of training when the student is constantly involved in the process of communication. Practical speech orientation is not only a goal, but also a means. Speech orientation involves the use of conditionally speech, rather than language exercises. According to the principle of speech-cognitive activity, the substantive basis of communicative learning is problematic [6]. Naturally, in order to organize the process of learning to communicate, it is necessary to select those problems and problem situations that are able to intensify the mental activity of students and cause a need for their discussion.

The principle of individualization of learning, i.e. taking into account all the properties of the student as an individual: his abilities, skills to carry out speech and educational activities, and mainly his personal properties. Communication is always individual, always colored and conditioned by all the traits of a person's individuality: individual, subjective and personal. Individ-ualization is a real means of creating motivation and activity [7].

The principle of functionality prescribes the functional selection and organization of speech means. Functionality means that any speech unit, any language form performs any speech functions in the process of communication. In the process of learning to communicate in a foreign language, students are not able (due to the limited learning hours) to master the entire system of speech means in full. Therefore, it is necessary to create a functional model of this system, which would be simplified, minimized, but could functionally replace the entire system of speech means [7].

The principle of situationality provides for the recognition of the situation as a unit of organization of the process of teaching foreign language communication. Situationality is able to recreate communicative reality and thereby arouse interest in the authenticity of speaking [7]. The situation in communicative learning provides the presentation of speech material, the formation of speech skills, is the basis for the organization of speech units.

The principle of novelty covers the entire educational process, and its implementation is extremely important for the success of communicative learning. The process of communication is characterized by a constant change in the subject of the conversation, circumstances, conditions, tasks, etc. Novelty provides the necessary development of speech skills, in particular its dynamism, ability to rephrase, the combination mechanism, the initiative of the statement, the pace of speech and especially the speaker's strategy and tactics [7].

From an analysis of the above principles of teaching communication, we can conclude that the communicative approach allows you to visualize a system of foreign language communication. Proponents of the communicative method have put forward the proposition that foreign language communication should be taught only through communication, as it is one of the

ways to implement educational, cognitive and developing learning goals. It should be noted that one of the main requirements of the modern foreign language programme for non-linguistic universities is the implementation of the communicative teaching method [8]. At the same time, an analysis of studies conducted in this area shows that the modern concept of teaching a foreign language at a university is to create a full-fledged basic standard and is communicative in terms of purpose and teaching technology, cognitively developing, personally motivated, differentiated in terms of content and teaching methods [8].

One of the promising areas of teaching a foreign language is intensive training. Proponents of this trend (L.Sh. Gegechkori, I.Yu.Shekhter, V.V. Petrusinsky, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya) proposed a realistic and consistent approach to mastering foreign language speech as a socio-psychological problem, on the one hand, and how to controll speech activity, on the other.

Intensive teaching of a foreign language is understood to mean training aimed mainly at mastering communication in the language being studied and based on psychological reserves of the personality and activity of students.

There are 2 factors that characterize this type of training:

— the minimum necessary time to achieve the goal (future speech activity) with the maximum required amount of educational material and the organization corresponding to it;

— maximum use of all reserves of the student's personality, achieved under conditions of special interaction in the study group with the creative interaction of the teacher's personality [9].

Initially, the model of intensive teaching of foreign languages was developed for the adult contingent of students in short-term courses (G. Lozanov), but later on, positive experience was gained in the successful implementation of intensive training for teaching students of non-linguistic departments of universities, pedagogical and technical universities [10].

Intensive training is based on a suggestive pedagogical training system, the author of which is the Bulgarian scientist, psychotherapist G. Lozanov. Sug-gestology is the science of liberating the hidden possibilities of man. The main characteristics of a suggestive pedagogical training system include: disclosure of reserves of memory, intellectual activity and personality of the student; positive emotions, feelings that relieve the feeling of fatigue, etc. The effectiveness of this training system is as follows:

— assimilation of a large number of speech units;

— developing the ability of students to actively use the language reserve in communication in a foreign language, in the understanding of foreign speech;

— creation of learning motivation;

— removal of psychological barriers (constraint, fear, constraint) [10].

Based on G. Lozanov's suggestive pedagogical training system, new didactic methods were developed. The most significant of them were:

The emotional-semantic method of I.Y. Shekhter. The author sees the main way of mastering verbal communication in relying on the semantic formation that arises under the conditions of role-playing [11]. The main means of the method is the system of communicative tasks. Based on this method, three cycles of teaching a foreign language have been developed. The objective of the first cycle is the development of speech-generating capabilities of students who provide communication in the most common life situations. Grammar is not studied, homework is not available [11].

The second cycle provides a transition to business communication, to a detailed monologue speech. The basics of translation, abstracting are introduced, writing skills are developed, grammar is studied. Students work in the form of business games and specialized problem situations based on material of a general scientific and socio-political nature.

Within the framework of the third cycle, specialization and further normalization of speech occur. The material is special texts, business documents and correspondence related to the student's professional activities.

The intensive course of learning a foreign language offered by L. Gegechkori involves a sequential alternation of the cycles of oral speech (speech preparation) and the inter-cycle stages of training (language preparation). The inter-cycle stage provides mainly language training and the formation of communication skills among students. Inter-cycle learning is the conscious development of the language material that was perceived in the course of communicative activity [12].

The "immersion" course (A.S. Plesnevich) is designed for the initial level of language proficiency in the volume of a non-linguistic university. The ultimate goal of "immersion" is to prepare scientists for communication with their foreign colleagues in the context of scientific and professional activities [13]. The course of "immersion" in its goals, content and results is more consistent with the cycles conducted on the basis of the Lozanov methodology [14].

Suggestion-cybernetic integral method of accelerated teaching of a foreign language (V.V. Petrusinsky). The basis of this method is "cybernetization" of suggestive management of the student's state and perception in order to activate various components of mnemonic activity. The learning process is carried out by technical means without a teacher. A teacher is necessary only for the compilation and selection of educational material, the monitoring of knowledge, skills. An important role in the implementation of this method is played by the presentation of information in large arrays for holistic memorization. The absence of a teacher, the availability of sophisticated technical equipment, the presentation of a large amount of educational material are the main disadvantage of the suggestive cybernetic teaching method [15].

The methodological system, which is based on the method of activating the capabilities of the individual and the collective (G. A. Kitaigorodskaya) [16], is characterized by the use of psychological and socio-psycho-logical capabilities of the individual and the collective.

The method of activating the student's reserve capabilities solves the problem of learning to communicate in a foreign language, and its content is mastery of a set of skills that are sufficient and necessary for the future speech activities of university graduates. An important feature of the activation method is the unity of the training and educational functions.

The main theoretical principles of the activation method are based on the concepts of a psychological school (A.N. Leontiev's personality concept, A.V. Pe-trovsky's theory of activity mediation), with ideas about speech activity developed by Russian psycholin-guistics (A.A. Leontyev, I.A. Zimnyaya ), using reserves of the sphere of the unconscious in learning (G. Lozanov). The principles of the implementation of the method of activating the capabilities of the individual and the team are [17]:

The principle of collective interaction, which connects the goals of training and education, characterizes the means, methods and conditions of a single educational process.

The principle of personality-oriented communication suggests that the main form of educational activity is not listening, speaking or reading, but lively and active communication between the teacher and students. To organize more effective communication, certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the study group are taken into account: its optimal volume (1012 people), personality characteristics, spatial arrangement of the participants in communication (sitting, in a semicircle, facing each other, etc.) [17].

The principle of the role organization of the educational process. Role-based educational behavior is a kind of social behavior of an individual, but has its own content. In the study of role-playing educational behavior, the initial position is the activity approach developed in general and educational psychology. Role-based communication is at the same time a game, educational and speech activity. From the position of a student, role-based communication is a game activity or natural communication, from the position of a teacher it is a form of organization of the educational process.

The principle of concentration in the organization of educational material and the educational process characterizes not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative specifics of intensive learning. This specificity is manifested in various aspects: the concentration of academic hours and classes; concentration of educational material related to its volume and distribution in the course of study [17].

The principle of semi-functionality of exercises reflects the specifics of the exercise system in the activation method. Such an approach to learning, which involves the simultaneous and parallel mastery of linguistic material and speech activity is productive[17].

Within the framework of the intensive learning system, new principles for the selection and organization of speech and language material were developed, and a new model for teaching and managing students' communicative and educational activities was created. This is the advantage of this training system from those previously considered.

In the 70-80s of the XX century, non-linguistic faculties of the university increased interest in the discipline "foreign language", namely, the problem of students working independently to replenish their professional knowledge with foreign language means (T.O. Garber, A.I. Kozyreva, L.I. Kornikova, F.L. Lem-berskaya, P.O. Rusanova, L.V. Stolbovaya, etc.). This interest was explained by the fact that in the context of an increase in the volume of professional knowledge required by a future specialist, it is important to teach him to navigate the flow of information in the chosen specialty. In this regard, much attention is paid to the selection of highly informative professional texts and the development of a system of exercises for them [18]. The main purpose of teaching a foreign language at this stage is to teach reading literature, taking into account the professional needs of a future specialist. As a result of a study of professional needs when reading literature in foreign languages (N. G. Vavilova, G. I. Slavina, N. I. Shevchenko, S. K. Folomkina), scientists came to the conclusion that the use of sources in a foreign language most often pursues the following goals: acquaintance with publications on a specific problem, elucidation of the main directions and trends of foreign researchers in any industry, selection of material for scientific work, etc. According to S.K. Folomkina [19], for the implementation of these goals the following types of reading are required: introductory, search, viewing, studying.

Along with the described approach to teaching students of non-linguistic faculties of universities in the 80s of the XX century, the question of increasing the role of the discipline "foreign language" in the formation of the qualities of specialists determined by the qualification characteristics of specialists is considered. Researchers T.Y. Polyakova, E.V. Sinyavskaya and others note that the successful development of a creative personality and the qualities necessary for a profession are impossible without taking into account the interests and needs of students [19]. And this, in turn, should be reflected in the training materials and the construction of the educational process. Textbooks and teaching aids in a foreign language of that period had a number of shortcomings: they were extremely ideolo-gized, contained little country-study material and authentic texts. Their content was not aimed at developing students' communication skills in the field of professional activity.

In the 90s of the XX century, the attitude to a foreign language as an educational discipline changed. The main purpose of his study at the non-linguistic faculties of the university is to teach a foreign language as a real means of communication between specialists from different countries. The development of all language skills (reading, speaking, writing and listening) takes on a professionally oriented character. During this period, new models of language education are being introduced. The use of modern teaching methods and technologies at universities helps to broaden their horizons and increase the professional competence of future specialists [20].

The adequacy of the learning process to the real process of communication becomes one of the methodological requirements for the process of professionally

oriented teaching of a foreign language in subsequent years. The description of communication from the point of view of the culture of language, semantics, and psychology makes it possible to take into account the structural complexity and dynamics of communication based on a functional-conceptual approach [21]. This approach allows you to create a model of dialogical communication, comprehensively form its mechanism, taking into account the communicative needs and the meaningful side of the statements. A functional-conceptual approach to teaching communication in a foreign language involves the systematization and activation of communicative intentions of students, the varied use of lexical and grammatical means in typical communication situations based on informative, cognitive, professional and communicative motivation. At an advanced stage of training, when the content, and not the form, becomes the determining factor, it is the functional-substantive basis of the teaching of oral speech that is the most important factor in improving oral foreign language speech. Thus, the implementation of a functional-conceptual approach on a communicative basis creates the opportunity, on the one hand, to introduce and activate new and previously studied lexical and grammatical material in speech, and, on the other hand, to develop and improve creative speech skills [23].

According to S.F. Shatilov, a functional-conceptual approach to organizing language material allows you to use language material to solve more creative communicative problems with a minimum number of translation operations and fewer speech errors [22]. This is of great importance for professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties, since the future specialist must learn to recognize and classify the phenomena of culture, science and other fields of activity to the same extent as he learns linguistic facts. Otherwise, the study of a foreign language will be reduced to the assimilation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical phenomena, while the study of this discipline should not only assimilate the sound form of words, but also a new system of concepts underlying them.

The introduction of a functional-conceptual approach to teaching a foreign language brings it closer to the area called "Foreign (English) for specific purposes" (Language (English) for Specific Purposes LSP (ESP)). British courses "English for special purposes" have rich experience and were considered priority in the field of business, economics, computer science. The theory and practice of teaching a language for special purposes was dictated by the needs of international communication and the natural stratification of language units depending on the sphere of human activity. The development of the ESP programme requires the definition of a professional socio-communicative position of a university graduate, which is a set of communicative roles of a particular specialist when using his professional duties [23]. One of the advantages of the ESP teaching methodology is the adaptation of training programs to the needs of specific groups of students. When compiling the ESP programme, special attention is paid to textual material, which is a motivating factor

for students. The selection of material should take place with the participation of specialists with education in the field for which this programme is being compiled. This will allow you to analyze the original material included in the language course for special purposes, from a professional point of view. Thus, teaching the language for special purposes is fraught with special difficulties for students and for the teacher. ESP training programs are being developed around the world because there is a constant demand for them. This is due to the fact that teachers, specialists and students feel the need for foreign language training programs that have been compiled in the framework of a specific professional context [22]. On the basis of the theory of "language for special purposes" (LSP), teaching aids are beginning to be created that help students to master the "language for special purposes" in the field of a certain professional activity and increase their professional competence.

At the end of the 90s of the XX century, the concept of "intercultural competence" firmly entered the theory of teaching foreign languages as an indicator of the formation of a person's ability to effectively participate in intercultural communication [24]. When mastering a new language, a person expands not only his horizons, but also the boundaries of his worldview and attitude. Using linguistic and cultural experience, national-cultural traditions and habits, the subject of intercultural communication simultaneously tries to take into account not only a different language code (development of speech experience), but also other customs and habits, different norms of social behavior. The requirements of intercultural communication put teachers before the need to teach students at different levels of proficiency:

— use a foreign language in authentic situations of intercultural communication;

— explain and assimilate at a certain level the alien way of life, behavior;

— expand the individual picture of the world by introducing native speakers of the studied language into the linguistic picture of the world [24].

In recent years, in the theory and practice of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties of the university, much attention has been paid to issues related to using it as a communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world (I.L. Bim, N.D. Galskova, R .P. Milrud, A.A. Mirolyubov, V.V. Safonova, S.G. Ter-Minasova, E.I. Passov). The communicative and soci-ocultural development of students by means of the subject "Foreign Language" is carried out to a greater extent due to the correct implementation of the linguistic and regional approach [25]. This approach ensures the assimilation of the language in close connection with the foreign language culture, which includes a variety of cognitive information about the history, literature, architecture, life, customs, lifestyle and traditions of the people of the country of the language being studied. Attracting cultural materials increases the motivation of students' learning, which is extremely important, since

learning without motivation is ineffective. "Sociocul-tural competence provides an opportunity to navigate in the sociocultural markers of an authentic language environment, to predict possible sociocultural hindrances in the context of intercultural communication and how to eliminate them" [26]. Sociocultural knowledge helps students adapt to a foreign language environment, following the canons of courtesy in a foreign culture environment, showing respect for the traditions, rituals and lifestyle of representatives of another cultural community. The sociocultural approach to teaching a foreign language is carried out taking into account the following principles:

The principle of didactic culture-building. According to this principle, the selection of facts should:

— to determine the value meaning and value significance of the selected materials to form students' un-distorted ideas about the history and culture of the people studied;

— to realize the extent to which educational material can serve as an incentive for students to familiarize themselves with such concepts as "cultural heritage", "cultural community", "cultural diversity", "language and linguistic culture", etc [26].

The principle of dialogue of cultures and civilizations. This principle draws attention to the need to analyze authentic cultural studies from the point of view of potential possibilities of its use in the student audience. This principle also implies that in the formation of the cultural space in the conditions of foreign language educational communication, cultural material about the native country is used.

The principle of dominance of methodologically acceptable problematic cultural studies orientates the teacher to build such a learning model in which students:

— train in the collection, systematization, generalization and interpretation of cultural information;

— master cultural search strategies and ways of interpreting culture;

— participate in creative works of a cultural character [26].

In modern conditions, when professional and personal contacts of teachers and students of different countries are expanding, the appeal to the analysis of the sociocultural context of teaching a foreign language is of particular relevance. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that knowledge of a foreign language at present is not only an attribute of the cultural development of a specialist, but also one of the conditions for his successful professional activity.

The foreign language teaching technologies used today at non-linguistic faculties of universities are usually focused on the student's personality, on his active participation in self-development, obtaining high-quality knowledge, professional skills, including teamwork and creative solutions to specific problems. At present, creative technologies of active learning are widely used (A.V. Alferov, S. Broomfit, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya, E.A. Maslyko, E.I. Passov, V.V. Petrusinsky, G.V. Rogova and etc.). The use of creative technologies ensures the development of creative abilities of future

specialists, which is especially important in connection with the growing share of mental work and creative solutions in all areas of professional activity [14].

Leaders are active methods of working with educational material and in the study group. In accordance with this, the type of activity and the role of both the teacher and students, who act as full-fledged actors in solving professional problems, are getting the necessary help and support from the teacher.

The essence of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language lies in its integration with special disciplines in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant personality traits. In this case, a foreign language acts as a means of increasing the professional competence and personal and professional development of students and is a prerequisite for successful professional activity of a specialist - a graduate of a modern higher school who is able to carry out business contacts with foreign partners [4].

In the process of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language, work with information is intensified, professional cooperation, various types of communication and the use of numerous verbal and nonverbal means of pedagogical influence on students are modeled, therefore modeling of professional communication should be considered as a guide to action, as a mechanism for managing a person's professional orientation in educational process. In this regard, there is a need to design a model of professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language to students of non-linguistic faculties using modern information technologies in conjunction with other means and forms of organization of the educational process that are characteristic for conducting classroom and extracurricular activities at a university.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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