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Ключевые слова
agricultural enterprises / organizational and economic mechanism / efficiency assessment / production activities / improvement / integrated indicator. / сільськогосподарські підприємства / організаційно-економічний механізм / оцінка ефективності / виробни-ча діяльність / удосконалення / комплексний показник.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Humeniuk Yurii

In modern economic conditions, with the negative influence of external and internal factors, an effective organizational and economic management mechanism has been formed that allows achieving high results of the enterprise's activities with optimal consumption of resources. In this context, it is necessary to consider issues related to the establishment of an appropriate mechanism, as well as to assess its effectiveness and effec-tiveness. The article reveals the content of the economic category at the regional level (meso-level) and pre-sents studies of elements of the mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises. The system of economic diagnostics of organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural management is proposed and criteria for analysis of performance indicators of its functioning are defined. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of new levels of the mechanism technological and social, which must be taken into account when evaluating the entire system of organizational and economic relations between enterprises. At the same time, new indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the presented levels of the mechanism were introduced. The provi-sions proposed in the article are justified by calculations made on the example of agricultural enterprises of the Vinnitsa region.

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У сучасних економічних умовах із негативним впливом зовнішніх та внутрішніх факторів сформова-ний ефективний організаційно-економічний механізм управління, що дозволяє досягти високих результа-тів діяльності підприємства при оптимальному споживанні ресурсів. У цьому контексті необхідно роз-глянути питання, пов’язані з формуванням відповідного механізму, а також оцінити його результатив-ність та ефективність. У статті розкривається зміст економічної категорії на регіональному рівні (ме-зорівень) та представлені дослідження елементів механізму управління сільськогосподарськими підпри-ємствами. Запропоновано систему економічної діагностики організаційно-економічного механізму агра-рного менеджменту та визначено критерії аналізу показників ефективності його функціонування. Науко-вою новизною дослідження є розробка нових рівнів механізму технологічного та соціального, які необхі-дно враховувати при оцінці всієї системи організаційно-економічних відносин між підприємствами. Од-ночасно запроваджено нові показники, що відображають ефективність представлених рівнів механізму. Запропоновані в статті положення обґрунтовуються розрахунками, зробленими на прикладі сільського-сподарських підприємств Вінницької області.





UDC 338.436.33

Humeniuk Yurii

PhD student of the Department of Agricultural Management and Marketing

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Vinnytsia, Ukraine ORCID 0000-0002-2691-384X DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-4-10



Гуменюк Ю.В.

астрант кафедри аграрного менеджменту та маркетингу Втницький нацюнальний аграрний утверситет

м. Вiнниця, Укра'ша ORCID 0000-0002-2691-384X



In modern economic conditions, with the negative influence of external and internal factors, an effective organizational and economic management mechanism has been formed that allows achieving high results of the enterprise's activities with optimal consumption of resources. In this context, it is necessary to consider issues related to the establishment of an appropriate mechanism, as well as to assess its effectiveness and effectiveness. The article reveals the content of the economic category at the regional level (meso-level) and presents studies of elements of the mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises. The system of economic diagnostics of organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural management is proposed and criteria for analysis of performance indicators of its functioning are defined. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of new levels of the mechanism - technological and social, which must be taken into account when evaluating the entire system of organizational and economic relations between enterprises. At the same time, new indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the presented levels of the mechanism were introduced. The provisions proposed in the article are justified by calculations made on the example of agricultural enterprises of the Vinnitsa region.


У сучасних економiчних умовах Í3 негативним впливом зовнiшнiх та внутрштх факторiв сформова-ний ефективний органiзацiйно-економiчний механ1зм управлтня, що дозволяе досягти високих результа-тiв дiяльностi тдприемства при оптимальному споживант ресур^в. У цьому контекстi необхiдно розг-лянути питання, пов'язаш з формуванням вiдповiдного механизму, а також оцiнити його результатив-тсть та ефективтсть. У статтi розкриваеться змкт економiчноi категорп на регюнальному рiвнi (мезорiвень) та представлен до^дження елементiв механ1зму управлтня альськогосподарськими пiдп-риемствами. Запропоновано систему економiчноi дiагностики органiзацiйно-економiчного механ1зму аграрного менеджменту та визначено критери анализу показниюв ефективностi його функцiонування. На-уковою новизною до^дження е розробка нових рiвнiв механизму - технологiчного та соцiального, ят не-обхiдно враховувати при оцтц всiеi системи органiзацiйно-економiчних вiдносин мiж пiдприемствами. Одночасно запроваджено новi показники, що вiдображають ефективтсть представлених рiвнiв мехашзму. Запропоноваш в статтi положення обтрунтовуються розрахунками, зробленими на прикладi стьсь-когосподарських пiдприемств Втницько1' областi.

Keywords: agricultural enterprises, organizational and economic mechanism, efficiency assessment, production activities, improvement, integrated indicator.

Ключов1 слова: альськогосподарсью пiдприемства, органiзацiйно-економiчний механ1зм, оцiнка ефе-ктивностi, виробнича дiяльнiсть, удосконалення, комплексний показник.

Formulation of the problem. The agricultural sector operates in a rather difficult economic environment, due to the influence of domestic, foreign economic and political negative factors. Therefore, there is a need to create new approaches and requirements to solve existing problems in the agro-industrial complex. One of the ways to solve this problem is to clarify the model of efficiency of the organizational and economic

mechanism of management, its improvement and the possibility of further application in the agricultural sector of the economy. This issue is relevant for agricultural organizations of Vinnytsia region, the state of their economy requires the search for new approaches to increase the efficiency of their activities, improve the financial situation.



Analysis of researches and publications. In

studies by foreign authors (D. Keynes, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, A. Culman), the organizational and economic mechanism is represented by a certain sequence or set of economic phenomena, but without studying all its constituent elements. -economic mechanism of management is also claimed by such scientists as L. Abal-kin, V. Afanasyev, G. Bagiev, P. Bunich, E. Golubkov, O. Grebeshkova, M. Greshchak, O. Dobykina, O. Kotsyuba, B. Rapoport, V. Sklyarenko, S. Shatalin, E. Yasin and many others [1]. However, not all works provide an assessment of indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the management mechanism. Therefore, despite the large number of different studies in Ukrainian and foreign literature, this issue still needs further study.

Formulation of aims of the article. The purpose of this article is to consider the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises in Vinnytsia region and the impact on financial and economic performance. The subject of scientific work is the organizational and economic mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises in Vinnytsia and evaluation of its effectiveness.

The object of research in this work were agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region. The research methodology consists in the analysis of the system of indicators characterizing various parties and features of the mechanism of management of agricultural commodity producers. The study used a systematic approach to the study of this issue using the abstract-logical method, the method of grouping, comparison, economic-statistical method, the method of export estimates.

Exposition of basic material of research. Organizational and economic mechanism should be studied as a system of consciously established forms of management, levers and methods of management, planning,

financing, pricing and other economic structures that ensure the implementation of the reproduction process in agriculture in specific territorial conditions. Thus the complex estimation of efficiency of the management mechanism is recommended to be carried out as diagnostics of functioning of each of elements of the investigated mechanism.

Organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of agricultural enterprises includes macro- and microeconomic components. The macroeconomic component is formed under the influence of the state and determines the objective conditions of management [2].

Organizational and economic mechanism of the micro level - a set of economic and organizational measures aimed at achieving strategic goals of agricultural enterprise.

Vinnytsia region is an agro-industrial region of Ukraine, where the share of agricultural products and processing industries is more than half of the gross output of the region. The long-term development of the region's economy is associated with these industries, so their work requires a productive resource base, which in most cases is represented by agricultural enterprises in the region [3].

The agro-industrial complex of Vinnytsia region is characterized by different conditions, differentiation of the level of socio-economic development and the object of the meso-level economy, which is aimed at achieving the goals developed by regional authorities and should be adapted to methods of state support of agrarian business. The region specializes in the production of cereals, vegetables, potatoes, oil seeds, fodder crops. In animal husbandry, the areas of specialization are meat and dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming, and pig breeding. Indicators that characterize the state of production of farmers in Vinnytsia are shown in table. 1.

Indicators 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 in % until 2017

Land resources

Total land area for harvest of agricultural crops of all categories of farms, thousand ha 1625,7 1623,7 1623,8 1627,2 100.09

Total land area of enterprises for harvest of agricultural crops, thousand ha 1208,3 1203,9 1202,7 1207,3 99.91

Area of agricultural land used by enterprises, thousand ha 1245,9 1243,7 1241,1 1249,6 100.29

Area of arable land, thousand ha 1224,9 1218,3 1220,5 1229,0 100.33

Area on which mineral fertilizers were applied for harvest of agricultural crops, thousand ha 1103,9 1040,3 966,5 1036,9 93,93

Area on which organic fertilizers were applied for the harvest of agricultural crops, thousand ha 22,8 42,9 37,1 34,2 150,0

Table 1

Dynamics of indicators of agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region in




Continuation of table 1.

Continuation of table 1.

Labor resources

Number of employees in enterprises - total, persons 143418 158541 177354 182753 127,42

Including: agricultural workers, persons 36932 39107 36437 37684 102,03

Amounts of accrued wages per year per 1 employee, thousand UAH 77988,0 99804,0 122433,36 128191,2 164,37

Material and technical resources of enter prises

Tractors of all kinds, units 9297 8559 8701 8853 95,2

Trucks and lorries, units 5765 5280 5323 5456 94,64

Trailers and semi-trailers, units 3354 4418 4501 4591 136,88

Tillage equipment:

plows, units 3733 3743 3891 3789 101,50

cultivators, units 4636 4392 4515 4614 99,52

harrow, units 20431 17652 17478 18520 90,64

Equipment for sowing and planting and for applying fertilizers:

seeders, units 4550 4192 4334 4359 95,80

potato planters, units 68 77 75 74 108,82

manure and fertilizer spreaders, units 2005 1836 1906 1916 95,56

Combine availability:

grain harvesters, units 1765 1653 1670 1696 96,09

corn harvesters, units 156 126 125 136 87,17

potato harvesters, units 37 31 29 32 86,48

beet harvesters, units 319 270 258 282 88,40

fodder harvesters, units 418 322 314 351 83,97

Indicators of production volume at enterprises

Volume of production of cereals and legumes, thousand centners 29436,8 38430,5 45801,3 34654,2 117,72

Volume of potato production, thousand centners 24,4 21,1 10,1 23,6 96,72

Volume of vegetable production, thousand centners 41,1 52,8 83,4 57,9 140,87

Growing (in live weight) of agricultural animals, tons 352700 426800 586195 601463 170,53

Sales for slaughter of cattle (live weight), thousand tons 11,4 12,4 14,8 11,0 96,49

Sales of poultry for slaughter (live weight), thousand tons 329,5 403,8 555,5 580,4 176,14

Milk production, thousand tons 182,5 204,0 202,6 212,3 116,32

Average annual hopes milk from 1 cow, kg 5606 6390 6540 7222 128,82

Number of eggs obtained from poultry, million pieces 363,6 370,3 401,7 369,6 101,65

Source: compiled by the author according to the data [4].

The analysis of the situation in the agricultural sector of Vinnytsia region showed that not all indicators show positive dynamics. Thus, during the analyzed period of time in the region, land and labor resources decreased, there was a negative dynamics of some indicators of production.

One of the main problems is the reduction of the number of employees of enterprises, which becomes an obstacle to providing the agri-food market with qualified labor resources. The wages of most workers employed in agricultural production are also low. The average salary of agricultural workers in Vinnytsia region amounted to 10.4 thousand UAH in 2020, while in Sumy region this figure amounted to 12.1 thousand UAH.

The number of agricultural machinery is decreasing at enterprises (tractors, combine harvesters and forage harvesters), there is a steady moral and physical aging of fixed assets. Insignificant positive dynamics is observed only in some indicators of agricultural production: potatoes, vegetables, livestock and poultry for slaughter, milk and eggs.

In recent years, the total number of agricultural enterprises has increased (in 2016 - 2545 units, in 2019 -2860 units), in addition, many of them in 2020 are in a difficult financial situation.

Elimination of negative causes at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Vinnytsia region is impossible without analyzing the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of manage-

«шушшшим-шигмак» 2®2 а economic sciences


ment, which is, according to most economists, a complex holistic system consisting of many elements of economic, organizational, legal and social levels.

Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate the constituent elements of this concept using multifaceted indicators. The basis for assessing the organizational and economic mechanism of management was the method considered in the works of V. Andriychuk [5], it should be noted that there are other models of balanced score-cards, such as: BSC model L. Meisel, efficiency pyramid K. McNair, R. Lunch, K. Cross, модель EP2M -model - K. Adams and P. Roberts, the model of «stakeholders» [6], the system of selective indicators of Weber and others. Each of the models contains a set of factors that, according to the authors, most fully describe the management mechanism of a set of interrelated in-

dicators [7], now the study has been improved by making additions and adjustments to expand the system of indicators that reflect not only efficiency implementation of the organizational and economic component.

For the presented components of the mechanism were introduced indicators (crop yield, gross output, energy, material consumption, average annual number of employees, the amount of taxes and insurance premiums, etc.), reflecting the scope of additional levels of organizational economic mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises and organizations.

Indicators of efficiency of organizational and economic mechanism for agricultural enterprises of Vin-nytsia region for 2017-2020 are shown in table. 2. The assessment of each of its levels is determined by the interaction of growth rates of the presented coefficients.

Table 2

Dynamics of indicators of organizational and economic mechanism of management of agricultural enter-

Indicators 2017 2018 2019 2020 Deviation 2020 to 2017 (+;-)

Indicators of organizational efficiency of the mechanism

Profitability ratio 25,8 19,8 10,5 8,4 -17,4

Return on assets, UAH 1,99 1,95 1,84 1,75 -0,24

Fixed assets renewal ratio 0,63 0,51 0,64 0,65 0,02

Fixed assets growth ratio 0,08 0,13 0,13 0,14 0,06

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Labor productivity, thousand UAH 917,2 1053,9 1179,3 1304,3 387,1

Indicators of economic efficiency of the mechanism

Profit from the main activity per employee, thousand UAH 2,4 2,7 3,4 2,8 0,4

Produced products for 1 UAH salary, UAH 7,20 6,94 6,80 6,75 -0,45

Profitability of sales, % 15,29 14,67 15,34 16,64 1,35

Level of return on equity, % 15,96 13,6 14,0 14,92 -1,04

Return on total capital, % 9,25 2,99 5,32 8,67 -0,58

Absolute liquidity ratio 0,18 0,25 0,31 0,21 0,03

Coverage ratio 2,06 2,39 2,20 1,84 -0,22

Autonomy ratio 0,52 0,51 0,54 0,58 0,06

Current assets turnover period, days 385 330 326 291 -94

Financial leverage ratio 1,23 0,82 0,86 0,72 -0,51

Coefficient of production lever 1,84 1,28 1,29 1,11 -0,73

Indicators of technological efficiency of the mechanism

Yield, c/ha

of cereals and legumes 55,2 69,3 71,9 50,4 -4,8

open ground vegetables 168,0 256,5 176,3 194,2 26,2

potatoes 113,9 169,0 104,4 173,6 59,7

Average annual milk yield per cow, kg 5606 6390 6540 7222 1 616

Average annual eggs obtained from laying hens, million units 362,0 370,3 401,7 369,1 7,1

Rearing (live weight), tons

cattle 11057,0 11313,0 11953,0 12567,0 1 510

pigs 9074,0 9308,0 10693,0 10954,0 1 880

Produced gross output per 1 ha of agricultural land, thousand UAH 8,75 8,66 10,09 12,95 4,2

Produced gross output per 1 person, UAH 32286 36044 36814 37584 5298

Labor productivity (per 1 worker employed in agricultural production, thousand UAH 917,2 1053,9 1179,3 1304,7 387,5



Continuation of table 2.

Indicators 2017 2018 2019 2020 Deviation 2020 to 2017 (+;-)

Energy intensity of products kW-h/UAH. 0,007 0,006 0,009 0,010 0,003

Material consumption of products, UAH 0,52 0,57 0,53 0,54 0,02

Indicators of social efficiency of the mechanism

Number of employees in agricultural organizations, people 36932 39107 36437 37684 752

Average monthly nominal salary of employees of organizations, thousand UAH 6499,0 8317,0 10202,78 10682,6 4 183,6

Volume of paid insurance premiums per 1 employee (minimum wages), UAH 3200,0 3723,0 4 173,0 4723,0 1 523,0

SSC 704,0 819,06 918,06 1039,06 335,06

PIT 576,0 670,14 751,14 850,14 274,0

Military duty 48,0 55,85 62,60 70,85 22,85

Volume of taxes and fees paid by private individuals, UAH:

I single tax group

Single tax 160,0 176,20 192,1 210,20 50,2

SSC 352,0 819,06 918,06 1039,06 687,06

II group of the single tax

Single tax 640,0 744,60 834,60 944,60 304,6

SSC 704,0 819,06 918,06 1039,06 335,06

III group of the single tax

Single tax 5% 5% 5% 5% -

SSC 704,0 819,06 918,06 1039,06 335,06

III group of the single tax (includin g VAT)

Single tax 3% + 20% 3%+20% 3% + 20% 3% + 20% -

SSC 704,0 819,06 918,06 1039,06 335,06

General system of taxation

SDR 22% 22% 22% 22% -

PIT 18% 18% 18% 18% -

Military tax 1,5% 1,5% 1,5% 1,5% -

Source: compiled by the author according to the data [8, 9

The normative value of individual parameters of the organizational, economic, technological and social level of the mechanism should be more than 1.

The value of the complex indicator should be more than one, which will indicate the successful development of enterprises and effective functioning of organizational and economic mechanism. If the value of the complex indicator does not exceed one, it is necessary to pay attention to which component of the mechanism (organizational, economic, technological or social) there is a decrease in the final result:

CI = VO * E * T * S (1)

where CI - a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of organizational and economic management mechanism; O - individual indicator of the organiza-

tional component of the mechanism; E - individual index of the economic component of the mechanism; T -separate index of the technical component of the mechanism; S - social component of the mechanism Individual indicators; n - level of control mechanism, units.

The calculation of individual indicators of each of the components of the mechanism can be calculated by the following formula:

Im = 'VGR, * GR2 *... *GRn (2)

where Im - is an individual indicator of the effectiveness of the component of the mechanism; GRn -growth rate of relevant indicators; n - level of control mechanism, unit. The calculations reflect the following values of the integrated indicator on average for the period 2017-2020:

IO = ^GR1 * GR2 * ... * GR5 = yi,01j * 1,012 * ... * 1,35 = 1,10137

iE = it =

iS : , _

CI = ^1,10137 * 1,023652

>R1 * gr2 * ... * GR13 = 1v 1,421 * 1,042 * .. • * 1,0113 = 1,02365

>R1 * gr2 * ... * GR12 = 711,041 * 0,642 * .. . * 0,4512 = 1,00327

7GR1 * gr2 * ... * gr8 = 70,911 * 13,722 * . • * 1,2312 = 0,98828



Thus the complex indicator of efficiency of the and social components of the mechanism which are management mechanism is calculation of individual presented in tab. 3. parameters of organizational, economic, technological

Table 3

Indicators of effective development of organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural enterprises

Characteristics of the Indicators Normative

mechanism value

• Coefficient of management profitability;

• return on assets;

Organizational (O) • fixed assets renewal ratio; • fixed assets growth rate; • labor productivity O > 1

• Profit from operating activities per employee; • production for UAH 1 wages of employees; • profitability of sales; • level of return on equity;

• level of return on total capital;

Economic (E) • total liquidity ratio; • coverage ratio; • coefficient of autonomy; • period of one turnover of current assets; • financial leverage ratio; • production lever ratio; E > 1

• Yield of crops (grains, potatoes, vegetables in the open ground);

Technological (T) • average annual milk yield per cow; • average annual eggs obtained from laying hens; • average daily increase in live weight of animals; • cultivation (in live weight); • gross output per 1 ha of agricultural land; • gross output per 1 person; • productivity labor (per 1 worker employed in agricultural production; • energy consumption of products; • material consumption of products T > 1

• Number of employees in agricultural organizations; • average monthly nominal wages of employees of organizations,

Social (S) • the amount of insurance premiums paid per 1 employee (minimum wage); • the amount of taxes and fees paid by private individuals (including SDRs, personal income tax, military duty). S > 1

As a result of the calculations, a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of more than one. However, despite this, there are some difficulties in using the social component of the management mechanism, which is largely due to the reduction in the number of agricultural enterprises in the region and the reduction in the number of agricultural workers. In addition, in recent years, the dynamics of many indicators of production and financial results of agricultural producers in Vinnytsia, as well as inefficient management of their resource potential.

Conclusions. The current stage of development of agricultural production requires significant changes in the concepts and methods of evaluation of organizational and economic instruments of management. Thus, there is a need to consider and improve the organizational and economic mechanism of management at the

regional level. The proposed diagnostics of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises reflects the use of new levels of the mechanism - technological and social, within which the relevant indicators were introduced draw the following conclusions:

1. Despite the fact that agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region occupy leading positions in the production of crop products, in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce material and, to a greater extent, labor resources.

2. Organizational and economic mechanism of management is a complex in its composition and content economic category, consisting of many elements that interact and complement each other. Different indicators, both differentiated and generalized, should be used to evaluate and analyze them.



3. Among the elements of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region, the technological and social level were considered..

4. The complex indicator of efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of the enterprises of the Vinnytsia region for the investigated period was more than 1 that testifies to its rather successful functioning. However, it is necessary to note the value of the social component of the mechanism, which deviates from the normative value.

The proposed model for assessing the organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural producers goals of the agricultural sector, to respond quickly to the emergence of new problems in the economic activity of the subject.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Kysh LM.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of computer sciences and economic cybernetics Vinnytsia National Agrarian University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-10-16 E-COMMERCE AS ONE OF THE KEY FACTORS ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF



The scientific research examines the use of e-commerce by agricultural producers in Ukraine under conditions of the impact of quarantine restrictions on the functioning of the national, international, world economic systems and individual markets. The influence of e-commerce (EC) on the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises in the country is revealed. The aim of the research is to reveal the importance of e-commerce for ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural producers and to clarify the features of its use for agricultural holdings, large, medium-sized and small enterprises under conditions of a global pandemic and development of the quarantine crisis. The methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, monographic and graphic methods and the method of logical generalization are used in the work. The research methodology is based on the system-functional and historical approaches. Based on the critical analysis of foreign scientific developments by domestic scientists, the essence of the term "e-commerce " was defined at the beginning of the research with the emphasis on the growth of the competitiveness and economic efficiency of business entities and relevant software products in the context of the increase of meeting customer needs in products (jobs, services). The study of statistics on the development of commercial activity and e-commerce in the world during 2014-2020 has revealed that EC grew faster and was the main driver of commercial activity growth in the global markets. At the same time, the use of e-commerce tools by agricultural producers was low.

However, quarantine restrictions of2020 have significantly accelerated the use of e-commerce by agricultural enterprises throughout the world having defined e-commerce as a key factor ensuring competitiveness of agricultural producers in modern economic conditions. A study of statistics on the development of e-ecommerce in Ukraine and its use by agricultural producers indicates a lag behind global trends and the growing role of ecommerce in 2020 under the influence of the quarantine crisis and inability to carry out financial and economic activities in the agricultural sector. The importance of intensification of e-commerce by agricultural producers in Ukraine in order to increase their competitiveness is emphasized. The benefits and limitations for the competitiveness of the domestic agrarian enterprises when using e-commerce tools considering the size of business entities

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