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Ключевые слова
infrastructure / infrastructure / agricultural enterprise / elevator / logistics / service cooperative / chamber of commerce and industry

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Нarbar Zh

The article analyzes the organizational and informational component of the infrastructural support of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The functions of the infrastructure of functioning of agricultural enterprises are clarified. The subjects of infrastructure of functioning of agrarian enterprises are characterized. The main obstacles to the development of agricultural logistics have been identified. The role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine as a platform for the formation of business relations and communications is considered. The problems of development of the organizational and information component of the infrastructure of agricultural enterprises have been clarified.

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выбраться в города, где перспектив на дальнейшее образование, работу и лучшую жизнь больше. В целом проблемы с приростом населения, как и во всей стране, происходят из-за совокупности трех кризисов: социального, экономического и экологического. Несомненно, основная проблема - обнищание народа, а в частности молодежи, что приводит в плохому образованию, снижению развития медицины и как следствие раннюю смерть. Снижение уровня образования приводит и к тому, что молодое поколение не видит перспектив в республике и уезжают в другие города или даже страны. Растет так же количество болезней и людей с зависимостями: алкоголизмом, наркоманией, пристрастием к никотину и тд.

Наша команда провела социологический опрос, где приняли участие около 117 человек в возрасте от 16 до 25 лет, обучающиеся в высших учебных заведениях. Он показал, что более половины из них, а именно 69 человек, хотят покинуть республику и после учебы работать в другом городе (47 при этом уточнили, что хотят уехать в Санкт-Петербург или Москву). 33 человека заявили, что останутся в республике, остальные -еще не определились. Подобная тенденция наблюдается не первый год.

Неужели мы ничего не можем сделать стой ужаснейшей картиной? Конечно можем, но не без помощи государства. Для начала нужно улучшить состояние экономики, увеличить количество денег, которые страна будет вкладывать в развитие республики. В частности деньги должны идти на развитие образования, молодежь сможет получать достойные знания, а значит работать на более высоких должностях с большей заработной платой. При этом нужно потом обеспечить занятость выпускников учебных заведений. Построить учреждения, чтобы обеспечить всё население занятостью, а так же сохранять уже существующие рабочие места. Например, в связи с последними событиями, нужно

поддерживать материально каждое предприятие, которое пошло в убыток или обанкротилось. Необходимо так же поднять оплату труда в республике, если люди будут понимать, что смогут получать достаточное количество денег, отпадет необходимость переезжать в другое место. Пройти профессиональную переквалификацию людям, чтобы улучшить качество выполняемого труда. Поддерживать семьи, которые зарабатывают ниже прожиточного минимума, а так же многодетные семьи материально и продуктами первой необходимости. Материальная поддержка развития медицины в Осетии будет играть не последнюю роль в улучшении демографических показателей. Это обеспечит более продолжительную и менее болезненную жизнь. Уменьшится количество больных, а врачи будут лучше понимать, как избавится от того или иного заболевания. Важно не забыть про людей с зависимостями и построить центры их реабилитации. В школах ввести уроки полового воспитания, что увеличит осведомленность подростков о контрацепции, и сократит количество абортов. Последние пункты менее значимые, чем другие, но это не значит, что они и вовсе бесполезны.

Наша команда пришла к выводу, что единичные социальные выплаты не приведут к желаемому увеличению демографического показателя. Его улучшения можно добиться только с помощью поднятия уровня, а так же качества жизни населения республики.


1. В. П. Максаковский. Демографический кризис в современном мире.

2. Оценка численности постоянного населения на 2020 год.

3. Вишневский А. Г. Рождаемость: великий перелом.

4. Справочник статистических показателей.

5. Почему в России растет рождаемость? (Российская газета).



Harbar Zh.

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing,

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article analyzes the organizational and informational component of the infrastructural support of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The functions of the infrastructure of functioning of agricultural enterprises are clarified. The subjects of infrastructure of functioning of agrarian enterprises are characterized. The main obstacles to the development of agricultural logistics have been identified. The role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine as a platform for the formation of business relations and communications is considered. The problems of development of the organizational and information component of the infrastructure of agricultural enterprises have been clarified.

Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure, agricultural enterprise, elevator, logistics, service cooperative, chamber of commerce and industry.

Destabilization of the economy, limited financial resources and the political crisis in the country cause numerous problems for the development of agricultural enterprises. During the reform of the agro-industrial complex in Ukraine there was a diversified structure of economic entities, in particular in terms of farm size, organizational and legal forms, etc. In this regard, there is a need to provide a wide range of both general market and specific services (trade and intermediary, foreign economic, information, financial and credit, etc.) and the creation of specialized enterprises and organizations that provide these services. The development of organizational, legal, financial, informational, innovative and other components of the infrastructural support of the functioning of agricultural enterprises allows to accelerate and increase the efficiency of interaction of all business entities in Ukraine.

The formation and development of infrastructural support for the functioning of agricultural enterprises is the subject of research by scientists, including: D. An-tonyuk [1], G. Bachynska [2], O. Vasiliev [3], L. Li-sovska [2], V. Mesel-Veselyak [8], V. Mirakin [10], O. Nepochatenko [11], M. Pivovarov [12], M. Skrynko [14], S. Sonko [4], T. Usyuk [17] and others. In these works the weighty theoretical, methodological and methodical basis for research of problems of formation of infrastructural maintenance of functioning of the agricultural enterprises is put. However, the complexity and scale of these processes makes it possible to find unexplored aspects of this problem and continue scientific research.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the organizational and informational component of the infra-structural support of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine and substantiate the directions of its development.

The infrastructure of functioning of agricultural enterprises is a complex of production and non-production industries that provide conditions for the reproduction of agricultural production. In the agricultural sector of the economy, the infrastructure sectors include all areas of transport, communications, logistics, procurement, sales, warehousing, refrigeration, elevator and packaging (packaging), reclamation and irrigation facilities, a network of scientific and information services.

Given that the basic role of the infrastructure of agricultural enterprises is the provision of various intermediary services to consumers, entrepreneurs, enterprises, institutions and organizations, we have identified such functions as:

- bringing agricultural products to the direct consumer. Infrastructure institutes help products find their consumers. Specialization in intermediary operations allows to reduce time for sale of production, to reduce expenses for circulation, to accelerate turnover of funds of the enterprise, to consider the needs of consumers as much as possible;

- providing feedback between production and consumption;

- redistribution of resources between different industries and within them;

- accumulation of temporarily free funds, regulation of money circulation.

Within the infrastructure of ensuring the functioning of agricultural enterprises, the following components are most often considered:

- financial and credit (financial institutions that provide soft loans, guarantee funds, credit unions, venture funds and insurance companies, government support in the form of a simplified taxation system, benefits, etc.);

- organizational and information (business centers, business incubators, Internet centers, counseling and youth centers, etc.);

- organizational and legal (range of actions of public authorities, specialized institutions and organizations, local governments).

The main function of the organizational and information component of the infrastructure of agricultural enterprises is to find optimal ways of storage, transportation and consumption of products, taking into account such factors as price, volume and speed of delivery, maintaining quality and avoiding risks. Each element of the organizational and information component affects the increase in consumer value of the product.

A characteristic feature of the process of selling agricultural products in Ukraine is the small capacity of the primary market of agricultural products, ie supplies of products by producers directly to processing enterprises, and the growing volume of the secondary market - intermediation. At the same time, the direction of trade flows to commercial sales channels with opaque terms of sale, determination of product quality and prices leads to significant financial losses for producers [6].

The share of agricultural products sold by agricultural enterprises in processing decreases, while in other areas it increases, in particular in the sale of cereals (Table 1).

Table 1

The structure of sales of grain crops by enterprises of Ukraine in all areas, in % of total sales, 2015-2019

Sales directions 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Processing enterprises 3,6 3,7 4,0 3,3 3,3

The population at the expense of wages 0,5 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2

Shareholders at the expense of rent for land and property shares 8,3 6,0 5,6 4,7 3,8

In the market 4,9 3,7 3,4 3,1 2,2

In other areas 82,7 86,3 86,8 88,7 90,5

Source: compiled for [5]

Thus, in 2019, in the structure of sales of grain crops by sales areas, the largest share of sales to other economic entities remained, except for those engaged in the processing of agricultural products, which accounted for 90,5% of the total. The share of products sold to processing enterprises was 3,3%. From the sale on the market, through their own shops, tents by agricultural enterprises in 2019 received 2,2% of all cash receipts. Instead, during the last three years, 2,2% of the total sales of agricultural products were issued by agricultural enterprises..

For many agricultural entrepreneurs, efficient marketing of agricultural products is currently the most problematic segment in their activities. A particularly problematic issue is the organization of sales of milk, meat and fruit and vegetable products produced by small farms and private farms..

First, it is a technological component of these products. In particular, small producers of agricultural products, especially fruits and vegetables, which are mainly grown on small areas using manual labor, can not use modern technologies, can not unite and agree to grow the same types / varieties of products, which in turn makes it impossible to form homogeneous commodity batches of products and entry into the organized




market. In addition, small producers do not have the financial resources and capacity to build modern vegetable and fruit storages. As a result, they are forced to sell a significant part of their products for nothing from the «field» to resellers, or store grown products in unsuitable premises (cowsheds, garages, etc.) and incur losses from its damage, which reach 50% or more.

Secondly, it is the economic nature of the functioning of farms and private farms. Today, the biggest and key problem is discriminatory tax legislation in terms of value added tax on products produced by individuals - personal farms and sold through official channels. Personal farms lose 10 to 20% of sales revenue through the sale of products through official channels -processing enterprises, trade establishments, etc. That is why a significant part of the products are sold through shadow channels, the so-called sale «out of the field» for cash without documentation. Both producers and the state incur financial losses from such practice, because these products do not fall into the tax field, and only resellers receive income.

The main infrastructural components of the sale of agricultural products are agricultural markets, food markets. The dynamics of the number of markets for products is shown in Fig. 1.

300 250 200 150 100 50 0




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2015 2016

Q Food markets

2017 2018 2019

□ Agricultural markets

Fig. 1. Number of agricultural market infrastructure entities in Ukraine, 2019 Source: compiled for [5]

From the data in Fig. 1 it can be concluded that during the study period there is a negative trend to reduce the number of such entities in the agricultural market. In 2015-2019 alone, the number of agricultural markets decreased from 229 to 172, and the number of food markets decreased by 115 units.

The general picture shows a negative tendency to reduce the number of agricultural market infrastructure, which complicates the sale of agricultural products, objectively contributes to the growth of transaction costs of economic entities, worsening the conditions of entrepreneurial activity.

Effective development of the agar products market is possible only with the interaction and mutual complementarity of all components of its infrastructure, which remain independent and have their own functional focus.

The infrastructure of the modern market of agricultural products is characterized by the fact that the vast majority of agricultural producers are not engaged in harvesting and processing of agricultural products (if engaged, then in small quantities), and sell it to intermediaries.

Intermediaries, dictating to agricultural producers the conditions of sale and sale of products, first of all, set prices for it (overestimation of retail prices for agricultural products, its significant fluctuations and imbalances), which leads to a shortage of income by producers. Intermediaries influencing the development of agricultural entrepreneurship, in addition to wholesale markets, primarily include agricultural trading houses, service cooperatives, exhibitions and fairs, agricultural exchanges, a network of elevators and warehouses.

It is easier for agro-trading houses to make commodity-money settlements taking into account the interests of commodity producers and consumers of agricultural products. However, the efficiency of agro-trading houses due to the imperfection of the regulatory framework and the failure of the economic mechanism of their activities leads to distrust of producers to this structure and unwillingness to sell their products to them.

The main tasks of agricultural trading houses are:

- organization of agricultural markets in the area of agro-trading houses and ensuring their interaction with interregional markets of agricultural products;

- coordination of actions of commodity producers of the region (district) on accumulation and sale of agricultural products through the system of agrarian exchanges of Ukraine, formation of lots of agricultural products and processing put up for auction;

- assistance to producers in obtaining maximum profits from the sale of agricultural products, raw materials and products of their processing.

The sale of agricultural products with the use of trade agrodoms can be called purely paper, because in practice this sales channel is not effective, but for small farmers (or households) and even more so. In view of this, the formation of infrastructure should take place through the creation and expansion of a marketing network for the sale of agricultural products from producer

Storage of grain in elevators aims to reduce the seasonality of its supply and sale, because during the harvest the market price of grain is minimal. Agricultural enterprises, which due to lack of storage capacity are forced to sell grain immediately after harvest, incur losses. In addition, the elevator creates additional value for its owner, because it improves the quality of grain that is stored.

Currently, the total storage capacity of grain, legumes and oilseeds in Ukraine is 78,3 million tons. 58% of these capacities belong to agricultural enterprises, and 42% are elevators. The main storage facilities are concentrated in Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Poltava and Vinnytsia regions.

According to grain market experts, 95% of elevators store wheat grain, 93% - barley grain and 82% -corn grain.

Until a few years ago, agricultural holdings built most elevators solely for their own use. This is due to

to consumer. It is the infrastructure, improving relationships and interconnections, creates conditions for the transition of agricultural entrepreneurship to a qualitatively higher organizational level of development.

Entities of agrarian entrepreneurship, specializing in the cultivation of grain, receiving high yields have problems in providing them with warehouses, elevators, transportation of products to ports for further export. Elevators under such conditions unreasonably increase the prices for their services. Maintenance of high grain yields requires significant investment for the construction of new powerful elevators that can ensure their safety.

According to the experts of the news agency «APK-Inform» in Ukraine there is a shortage of modern elevator capacity, so in 2019 there were more than 1237 elevators of various classes, which are designed for storage and primary processing of grain and oilseeds. Of these, certified, which not only store but also improve the quality of grain - 800 with a total storage capacity of 42 million tons. Of these, at the end of last marketing year, 898 elevators were connected to the Main Register and had the right to issue storage documents for grain. According to the Rating of regions of Ukraine with elevator capacities in 2019, the first place is occupied by Poltava region. Closes the rating - Transcarpathian region (Table 2) [4].

Table 2

the fact that the companies increased the land bank, respectively, received increasing yields of grain, which had to be preserved until the moment of sale at the best prices. After the abolition of grain certification standards in 2014, the pace of commissioning of new elevators increased sharply, and motivation changed: companies plan not only to store their grain, but also to provide services. At present, agricultural holdings and medium-sized farms mostly invest in the construction of elevators.

The largest owners of elevators include: Kernel (60 elevators); State Food Grain Corporation of Ukraine (53 elevators); Nibulon company (24 elevators); Myronivsky Hliboproduct Company (15 elevators) [15].

In Ukraine, there are many efficient companies that make money by providing farmers with grain processing and storage services, or buy grain at a low price, bring it to the desired condition and sell it at a peak price.

Ton-10 ofi.iacieii yKpaÏHH 3 eieBaiopiiiiMH iioTy^iiocT«Mn-2019

№ Region Total area of the region, km 2 Elevator capacity, t

1 Poltava region 28,748 4000600

2 Odessa region 33,310 3888970

3 Kirovograd region 24,588 3200000

4 Mykolaiv region 24,598 2819600

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5 Vinnytsia region 26,513 2784340

6 Kharkiv region 31,415 2359310

7 Dnipropetrovsk region 31,914 2200300

8 Khmelnytsky region 20,645 2165150

9 Cherkasy region 20,900 2162260

10 Sumy region 23,834 2084000

Source: compiled for [4]

Currently, the most popular elevator complexes with a capacity of 5,000 tons to 50,000 tons of simultaneous storage. The cost of turnkey construction of a granary from 50,000 tons of storage per planned ton of storage reaches 100-140 dollars USA. And the larger the complex, the lower the cost of construction. The payback period depends on many factors and ranges from two to seven years.

One of the most expensive services in elevators is shipment by road and rail. According to one of the agricultural holdings, prices for loading and unloading depend on the region, on whether your own or hired locomotive, and range from 120 to 800 UAH for 1 ton [15]. Some companies double the tariff when shipping grain on weekends, holidays and at night. However, high prices do not make these services the most profitable.

High profitability of elevators is provided by finishing of grain, and the most profitable is drying though one of the most expensive for the elevator. The average humidity of corn from the field in Khmelnytsky, Vin-nytsia or Ternopil regions is 24%, and the throughput is 14%. It is possible to earn UAH 440 on drying 1 ton of grain, the margin of this service at elevators is very high. To accelerate the payback period of investment it is necessary to install modern automated grain dryers with maximum energy efficiency.

Storage of grain in comparison with other services is the least profitable. In addition, prices for services depend on the market and competition.

However, high prices do not make shipment services the most profitable. High profitability of elevators is provided by part-time work. The most profitable part-time job is drying grain crops. Although this service, paradoxically, at the same time one of the most expensive for the elevator.

For storage, you should choose crops with high demand on the world market and taking into account the tendency to increase quotas on Ukrainian grain supplies to the European Union - such as rapeseed, soybeans and corn. In the international market there is a stable trend to increase the area under legumes with a high margin: chickpeas, lentils, beans and more. As large elevators, which are part of agricultural holdings, have low interest in them, farmers can earn by filling their «banks» in the off-season. The most marginal crop for storage is sunflower. Its deficit in the domestic market in February-April leads to a significant increase in prices. Net storage income from harvest to maximum value is about $30 USA for 1 ton. While wheat has a minimum margin in Ukraine. There is a stable tendency in the world to reduce the area under this crop.

It should be noted that the cost of elevator services in connection with the rising cost of energy is growing.

There is an increase in prices for basic elevator services, including drying, cleaning, storage, as well as shipment by road and rail.

Most elevators and railway junctions for grain transshipment are in the southern regions of Ukraine. Therefore, the agricultural enterprises of the North do not have enough grain trucks or elevators to maintain their harvest. At the same time, the higher the costs of harvesting, transporting, storing, processing, processing and certifying agricultural products on their way from the agricultural enterprise to the port or retail network (logistics costs), the smaller the share of world or retail price received by agricultural producers. products. In addition, inefficient logistics means that the end consumer pays more for the goods in the supermarket or market.

The global community uses the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) to measure the effectiveness of logistics. The Logistics Performance Index was developed and proposed by the World Bank. LPI allows you to analyze and compare logistics activities in 155 countries and determine their ratings on a scale from 1 (worst value) to 5 (best value). LPI is determined by surveys of more than 6,000 representatives of the logistics business, who assess the infrastructure of 8 countries with which their companies most often carry out their logistics activities and provide transportation services.

More than 5,000 individual country assessments are used to compile the Index. The index is calculated as a weighted average of indicators that characterize the areas of quality assessment of the country's logistics system. The LPI rating includes 5 criteria according to which the study was conducted: customs procedures; infrastructure; international cargo transportation; logistical competence; cargo tracking; timely delivery.

The inefficiency of Ukrainian logistics and infrastructure is also reflected in the low rating of Ukraine according to the Logistics Efficiency Index (LPI) of the World Bank - 2018 (2,83), which is almost 33% lower than the first country in the ranking - Germany (4,20) (Fig. 2).

Logistics costs in Ukraine today are extremely high compared to its international competitors. For example, in the grain sector of Ukraine, logistics costs are 50-55 dollars. US per 1 ton of grain, while in France and Germany they average only $ 30 US per 1 ton, in the US - 34 dollars USD per 1 ton. This difference is 20 dollars. The United States is a potential source of increased income and investment in agriculture. The cost of transporting products in Ukraine is 40% higher than in the United States and Europe.

120 100 80 60 40 20












2012 Œ Place


2016 □ LPI


Fig. 2. Ukraine's place in the Logistics Efficiency Index (LPI)

Source: compiled for [16]

Analysis of the current state of agricultural logistics in Ukraine allows us to conclude that the main obstacles to development are:

- lack of a government program for the development of agro-logistics at the appropriate level;

- lack of qualified logistics personnel in agricultural enterprises;

- lack of funds for the implementation of logistics approaches, as software logistics products are too expensive for domestic enterprises;

- lack of funds for the construction of a sufficient number of modern warehouses;

- lack of funds for the purchase of modern vehicles;

- low quality of road surface, imperfect digital GPS software of Ukrainian roads and lack of network of communication systems for large vehicles;

- low investment attractiveness of agricultural sectors in Ukraine, which is mainly due to the imperfect regulatory framework and unstable political situation in the country;

- corruption component.

Constraining factors in the development of transport logistics are given in table 3.

Due to inefficient logistics, Ukrainian agricultural enterprises lose about $ 20 USD per 1 ton of manufactured products, which in annual equivalent at the current turnover of Ukrainian exports reaches 600 million dollars USA. Currently, the cost of logistics in the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy is 30% higher than in the US and 40% in the EU.

Therefore, as Ukraine, as a country with great agricultural potential, plans to increase its potential for exports of grain and other agricultural products in the near future, special attention should be paid to the effective development of agro-logistics. At the same time, due to inefficient logistics, agricultural producers receive lower purchase prices and, consequently, less profit, invest less in production, which in turn negatively affects profits and production volumes, which could later be transported by traders.

Table 3

Constraining factors in the development of transport logistics in Ukraine

Road transport Railway transport Water transport

- elatively high cost of transportation; - loss of time due to the accumulation of cars in ports during «peak» periods; - significant wear and tear of equipment and high depreciation costs due to low quality roads; - inefficiency of long-distance transportation - state monopoly on services and property of most cars; - critical service life of grain wagons; - low capacity of railway stations in «peak» periods in ports, lack of state investment programs to update the fleet of grain wagons - high capital intensity of development of own terminals and fleet; - low mobility and efficiency of transportation, limited transportation areas; - limited access to deep-water areas when placing the terminal


Logistics is still a «problematic» factor in agricultural entrepreneurship. This is a shortage of modern elevators, and low quality road infrastructure, insufficient investment in the modernization of rail and road transport, so in almost all parts of the process we have reserves to improve performance, and hence - for further growth. At the same time, only 44% of them can store grain for more than a year, and 80% of existing elevators need modernization in accordance with modern requirements. Due to the imperfection of the infrastructure, Ukrainian farmers annually lose from 15% to

30% of the harvest. Thus, the need for new storage areas remains very high, especially given the government's plans to increase the gross harvest of cereals and legumes to 100 million tons in the near future.

Currently, the sale of agricultural products for profit is a necessary final stage of any agricultural producer. That is why exhibitions-fairs of agricultural products, which are the movement of goods and money, are quite widespread: the buyer gets what he needs, and the seller - a material reward for the work done, reim-

bursement of production costs and the necessary financial resources for the next production cycle (purchase of seeds, lease of necessary equipment, etc.). But if auctions and commodity exchanges are relatively permanent events and institutions, then exhibitions and fairs are held less frequently, but with a clear frequency [9].

Among the exhibitions of agricultural and agro-industrial products, the main and largest event is the exhibition «Agro-...». It is held annually and allows producers to sell their products to customers (wholesale). However, its main purpose is to demonstrate the achievements of the national economy, establish contacts with foreign partners, solve industry problems (conferences, round tables to discuss various issues of agriculture and agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, agro-industrial products market).

Fairs are first of all entertaining and tourist action and secondly - trade. Therefore, successful and regular

1400 1200 1000

holding of such events is not only the final link of agriculture and agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, but also raises the authority of the state, gives the opportunity to develop tourist resources and cultivate patriotism, preserve good old traditions and involve young people.

To participate in the fair, the participant must:

- draw up an application-agreement with the organizer; transfer funds; sign and provide the Agreement to the organizer;

- get a participant card and a car pass.

An important direction in the development of agricultural entrepreneurship is the development of agricultural service cooperatives.

As of January 1, 2019, the total number of agricultural service cooperatives was 1286 (Fig. 3).

800 600 400 200 0











Fig. 3. Number of agricultural service cooperatives in Ukraine, 2014-2018 Source: compiled for [5; 13]

Most of the registered and operating agricultural service cooperatives are multifunctional, ie carry out more than one type of activity [7].

The largest number of working cooperatives is in the following oblasts: Ivano-Frankivsk region - 72 units, Cherkasy region - 67 units, Kyiv region - 58 units, Kherson region - 46 units. and Ternopil region -

31 units (Table 4).

Rivne (27 vs. 38 respectively), Sumy (33 vs. 47, respectively), as well as Vinnytsia and Zakarpattia ob-lasts, in which 67.0% of registered cooperatives do not operate, became the leaders of the anti-rating in terms of the share of non-working cooperatives declared in the documents.

Table 4

Region Agricultural cooperatives

processing procurement and marketing supplier others multifunctional

Vinnytsia region 1 11 - - 10

Volyn region 1 - - 2 14

Dnepropetrovsk region 2 8 - 1 12

Donetsk region - - - 10

Zhytomyr region - 2 - 1 15

Transcarpathian region region 2 - - - 1

Zaporozhye region - 2 1 3 10

Ivano-Frankivsk region 1 19 1 6 45

Kyiv region 5 8 - 31 14

Kirovograd region 1 5 - - 5

Lviv region 3 11 - 5 11

Mykolayiv region - 1 - - 10

Odessa region - 10 1 - 6

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Poltava region - 10 - - 8

Rivne region - 2 2 1 6

Sumy region - 1 - 2 11

Ternopil region 6 5 0 13 7

Kharkiv region - - - 2 -

Kherson region - 19 1 1 25

Khmelnytsky region - 4 - - 5

Cherkasy region 6 5 - 2 54

Chernivtsi region - 7 - 3 7

Chernihiv region - - - - 12

Total 28 130 6 82 312

Source: compiled for [5]

Today, in terms of the volume and quality of services provided, agricultural service cooperatives do not meet the growing needs of agricultural producers and consumers. To successfully implement their functions, agricultural service cooperatives must become part of the infrastructure of the agricultural market, the development of which in Ukraine is quite slow.

The modern business environment, under the influence of information overload, in conditions of fierce competition and integration processes (formation of free trade zones, customs unions, etc.), requires rethinking conceptual approaches to further development, finding new mechanisms to enter promising markets for goods and services. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chambers) plays an important role in these conditions. This is facilitated by the Chamber's activities through a number of its tasks, areas and providing a wide range of services in the field of agar entrepreneurship.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine is a platform for the formation of business relations and communications between members and customers, on the one hand, and national and foreign consumers, business, government - on the other, using unique information technologies and business communications culture.

Over the years, the system of chambers of commerce and industry has proven its effectiveness in supporting business. The regional structure of chambers of commerce and industry includes the Central Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and 25 regional chambers of commerce and industry. Today the system of chambers of commerce and industry unites in its ranks more than 8 thousand members.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Federation of Chambers, the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Europe.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry provide practical assistance to entrepreneurs in conducting trade and economic operations in domestic and foreign markets, promote the export of Ukrainian goods and services, for which they provide their members with a wide range of professional services, including consulting on foreign trade and market assessment, conduct independent examination of goods, assess movable and immovable property, intangible assets, provide bar cod-

ing services, patent and license services, draw up documentation to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights, etc.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry provide Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs with business and legal information, organize seminars, conferences, exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, and provide business negotiations on economic issues. To promote the development of entrepreneurship in any industry at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry there are 20 sectoral committees: agro-industrial complex; in the field of energy efficiency; basic industries; small and medium business; manufacturers of building materials and construction; sphere of transport; the market of financial services and on issues of social responsibility of business; light industry; tourist and hotel industry; in the field of foreign economic activity; health and pharmacy; in the field of housing and communal services; tax; nature management and environmental protection; industrial partnership and research and production cooperation; on issues of assistance in combating corruption and corporate responsibility; on electronic communications; development of economic competition; industrial modernization; aviation committee; Commission for Protection against Unfair Competition.

Committees of Entrepreneurs work successfully in many regional chambers, promote the involvement of entrepreneurs in the scope of their activities and strengthen their influence on creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity. There are 16 Export Support Centers in the system of chambers of commerce and industry in Ukraine, the main purpose of which is to create and operate effective information and service support of chambers of commerce and industry in Ukraine for export activities of Ukrainian enterprises in accordance with current legislation.

The main services of the Export Support Coordination Center: market research; construction of export strategy of the enterprise; product classification by product code; partner reliability check; assessment of the company's export potential; market entry conditions; analysis of competitors abroad; determining the uniqueness of the product on the market; organization and holding of business events on foreign economic activity.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry are a tool to intensify the development of agricultural entrepreneur-ship, which promotes the development of economic and trade relations with foreign partners.

Thus, the process of formation and functioning of the organizational and information component of the infrastructure for the development of agricultural enterprises faces obstacles and shortcomings of an institutional nature. Among them, such as: non-fulfillment by exchanges of the functions on definition of indicative prices; lack of arranged and accessible for rural entrepreneurs wholesale markets for livestock and fresh agricultural products, in particular, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products, etc.; lack of cooperative centers for wholesale sales of agricultural products.

The solution of the outlined problems will ensure the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises, as it will increase the volume of sales of agricultural products, increase the number of consumers and increase the entrepreneurial image of goods and enterprises in both domestic and foreign markets.


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Gryshkevych O.

Assistant, Department of Management in Construction, VSP "Innovation education Institute of

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture "


The purpose of the study is to determine the components of the tools of public investment administration based on the analysis of the development of methodology for assessing the quality and effectiveness of public investment administration over the past 20 years. The study found that since the 2000s, international organizations have developed and put into practice a number of tools for assessing the quality of public investment management, based on project life cycle assessment, integration of public infrastructure investment into the budget cycle, the formation of national indices (ratings) of efficiency public investment. Diagnostic tools can be used to determine the necessary measures to transform management to a qualitative level. However, the components of administration related to the areas of government regulation should not be overlooked as they may cause additional risks and losses.

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