Научная статья на тему 'Missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church (modern directions)'

Missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church (modern directions) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Nikiforov Vladimir V., Poletaeva Tatiana A.

The article discusses issues related to the content of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church from dogmatic, practical and organizational points of view. Particular emphasis is given to the modern direction of missionary activity, which includes the latest methods and forms of missionary activity. The main conclusions include the following: the characteristics of missionary activity are determined both by dogmatic content and by historical conditions. Due to the current situation missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church develops in two directions: struggle against the atheistic legacy of the Soviet Union and use of all available modern tools and methods to expand a field of missionary activity, that leads to emergence of various forms of missionary activity.

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Миссионерская деятельность Русской Православной Церкви (современные направления) (на английском языке)

В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся содержания миссионерской деятельности Русской Православной Церкви с догматической, практической и организационной сторон. Особый акцент делается на современном направлении миссионерской деятельности, включающей в себя новейшие методы и формы миссионерской деятельности. К основным выводам можно отнести следующие: особенности миссионерской деятельности определяются как догматическим содержанием, так и историческими условиями. В связи со сложившейся ситуацией миссионерская деятельность Русской Православной Церкви развивается в двух направлениях: борьба с атеистическим наследием Советского Союза и использование всех доступных современных инструментов и методов для расширения области миссионерской деятельности, что приводит к появлению разнообразных форм миссионерской деятельности.

Текст научной работы на тему «Missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church (modern directions)»

Никифоров Владимир Владимирович Россия, г. Белгород [email protected]

Консультант по английскому языку, научный руководитель:

Полетаева Татьяна А., к.филос.н., доцент кафедры социально-гуманитарных дисциплин Белгородской Духовной семинарии (с миссионерской направленностью) Россия, г. Белгород

Миссионерская деятельность Русской Православной Церкви (современные направления)

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся содержания миссионерской деятельности Русской Православной Церкви с догматической, практической и организационной сторон. Особый акцент делается на современном направлении миссионерской деятельности, включающей в себя новейшие методы и формы миссионерской деятельности. К основным выводам можно отнести следующие: особенности миссионерской деятельности определяются как догматическим содержанием, так и историческими условиями. В связи со сложившейся ситуацией миссионерская деятельность Русской Православной Церкви развивается в двух направлениях: борьба с атеистическим наследием Советского Союза и использование всех доступных современных инструментов и методов для расширения области миссионерской деятельности, что приводит к появлению разнообразных форм миссионерской деятельности.

Ключевые слова: миссионерская деятельность; миссионерское поле; формы миссии; методы миссии; миссия в молодежной среде; организационная структура миссии.

Master student of the Belgorod Theological seminary

(with missionary orientation) Nikiforov Vladimir V. Russia, Belgorod [email protected]

English consultant, scientific director: Poletaeva Tatiana A., PhD, associate professor of the Belgorod Theological seminary (with missionary orientation) Russia, Belgorod

Missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church (modern directions)

Abstract: The article discusses issues related to the content of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church from dogmatic, practical and organizational points of view. Particular emphasis is given to the modern direction of missionary activity, which includes the latest methods and forms of missionary activity. The main conclusions include the following: the characteristics of missionary activity are determined both by dogmatic content and by historical conditions. Due to the current situation missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church develops in two directions: struggle against the atheistic legacy of the Soviet Union and use of all available modern tools and methods to expand a field of missionary activity, that leads to emergence of various forms of missionary activity.

Key words: missionary activity; a mission field; mission forms; mission methods; mission among the youth; organizational structure of the mission.

The Russian Orthodox Church is the largest of all Orthodox autocephalous churches. The influence of the Russian Orthodox Church is not limited only by the borders of Russia, but also includes parishes in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Baltic States [6]. Thus, the missionary principles of the Russian Orthodox Church largely determine the direction of the missionary activities of the entire Orthodox world.

1. The concept of missionary activity

According to the document «The concept of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church» elaborated by the Synod Mission Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, «The mission (testimony) - the sermon for the awakening of the faith -is inherent in the very nature of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and consists in proclaiming the Gospel to the whole world: «Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation» (Mark 16, 15). It is aimed at saving every person» [2].

Thus, missionary activity consists in testimony through spreading of the good news (Gospel). The Orthodox Church also calls itself Apostolic since it is «built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets» (Ephesians 2, 20) and continues the Apostolic preaching based on the words of the Holy Scripture «Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you» (Matt. 28, 19-20).

In the theological understanding of the mission, the Most Holy Trinity is the source of missionary work since God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of Pentecost.

The mission is an eschatological event, when the Gospel will be preached «to the end of the age» (Matthew 28, 20). From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, the eschatological perspective determines the correct relationship between the mission and the national culture. Missionary activity serves to transform the whole world. One of the main tasks of missionary activity is the insertion of new

content into the usual way of life. There is no contradiction in making local cultures at the same time giving them a new value, thereby converting by means of Salvation.

2. Goals and objectives of missionary activity

In a broad sense, the ultimate goal of missionary activity is the fulfillment of the original intention of the Creator — deification (theosis) of the entire creation.

In the narrow sense, the mission is an activity aimed at spreading of the Orthodox faith, bringing people to a new life in Christ and sharing the experience of God-Communion. In the Orthodox Church, a new life in Christ and the experience of Communion with God is connected with the participation of Orthodox Christians in the liturgy and the acceptance of the Holy Gifts (Body and Blood of Christ). Thus, the creation of Eucharistic communities is the immediate goal of missionary activity.

Among the tasks of missionary activity there are the following:

- Spreading of the Word of God among those who have not heard about Christ and do not know about Him.

- Attracting all baptized who are not active members of the Church to the Church life.

- Reception of the culture of the people among which missionary activity is carried out.

- Sanctification of those sides of culture that make a unique contribution to the prayer glorification of God, while being in harmony with the fullness of the Church.

- Preaching the Gospel and conducting services in native languages, as well as in languages specifically designed for people with disabilities (deaf).

- Explaining the meaning of the sacraments of the Church.

- Training of clergy and missionaries among the local population.

- Formation of conditions for active participation in the parish life (especially of people recently baptized) [2].

3. Features of the missionary field of the Russian Orthodox Church

According to the document «The concept of missionary activity of the Russian

Orthodox Church» (adopted March 27, 2007): «The canonical foundation of the mission implies the existence of a «territory of pastoral responsibility», within the framework of which the mission of the Local Church is being accomplished. It is generally accepted to designate such a territory as the term «missionary field». In the Gospel understanding, the missionary field of the Church is the entire universe, it is best indicated in the parable of the Sower: «the field is the world, and the good seed means the sons of the kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels.»(Matt. 13, 38-39). The missionary field is a spiritual space where light and darkness fight («The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it» (John 1, 5)), and the battlefield is the hearts of people».

The Russian Orthodox Church survived the years of persecution during the Soviet epoch. As a result, a situation arose in which many people living in the postSoviet space are negatively or indifferent towards religion. In this regard, the need arose for a «second Christianization» of people on the territory of the Russian Orthodox Church. These historical circumstances largely define the features of the missionary field. Based on the foregoing, the following features can be distinguished:

- Preaching is addressed mainly to people born in Orthodox culture, but having an indifferent or negative attitude towards Orthodoxy.

- Preaching takes place in the context of a wide expansion of non-traditional religious teachings and their influence on people's value orientation [5].

- Missionary activity needs rethinking the various traditions of pastoral leadership.

- The use of pre-revolutionary Christian literature is not effective in missionary work (Christian literature of that time implied that the reader was a Christian and did not set as its goal conversion of anyone to Orthodoxy).

- The Russian Orthodox Church sees its goal in mission as achievement of unity and spiritual and moral improvement of society through the testimony of Truth [2].

4. Forms and methods of missionary activity

In the Russian Orthodox Church in a broad sense, missionary activity is divided into external and internal.

The internal mission is directed primarily to members of the Church. It applies to cases when a Christian is insufficiently educated and does not participate in the mysterious life of the Church.

External mission is addressed to all those who are outside the Church. The external mission is addressed to the adherents of various beliefs and worldviews - both religious and secular. The ultimate goal of an external mission is to attract people to the life of the Church and to create new Christian communities [3].

Currently, there are five main forms of missionary activity:

Educational mission (catechization). This form of missionary activity is the most important in the internal mission. The educational mission is to prepare those who wish to be baptized, as well as to teach those who are baptized, but have not received proper teaching of the basics of the Christian faith. The purpose of such a mission is both to show those who want to be baptized and who are baptized completeness of Church life. Another important part of the educational mission is formation of the Orthodox lifestyle. The Orthodox style of life means realization of Christian love through social service and works of mercy.

Bases of the educational mission of the Orthodox Church are as follows:

- Recognition of the Inspiration of the Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition as a priority in the life of a Christian.

- Recognition of the fact, that becoming a member of the Church means entering the Body of Christ, of which every member of the community is a part. Recognition of Jesus Christ as the head of the Church.

- Acknowledgment that becoming a new person in the Sacrament of Baptism and receiving gifts of Grace means blossoming of the personality in its entirety.

- Acceptance of the Eucharist and understanding that it is the center of the life of an Orthodox Christian.

- Consciously participating in the Divine Service as complicity in the sacrament of Salvation.

Apologetic mission. The apologetic mission is the testimony of Orthodoxy through comparing truths of the Orthodox faith with truths of other non-Orthodox teachings. Apologetic activity is mainly aimed at confronting proselytizing activities of non-Orthodox missionary groups. Another goal of the apologetic mission is to prevent the emergence of sects and internal splits.

Information mission. The information mission is an Orthodox testimony through all available media. The information mission includes creation of parish libraries and publication of missionary literature. The goal of the information mission is not only to master diversity of the latest information technologies, but also to respond in proper time to events in society, as well as to express the Christian position.

External mission. The external mission is testimony of the Orthodox faith among peoples who do not have a Christian foundation in their national tradition and culture. The external mission also includes missionary activities among migrants. Here, great importance is attached to the study of cultural characteristics of each ethnic group. Missionary activity among the non-Christian population is based on the principle of the Church reception of all creative components in the national culture. There is a danger when migrants bring their culture, which, as a rule, leads to conflicts in social and spiritual spheres. In the context of ethno-confessional conflicts, a special approach called the «mission of dialogue» is required. The «mission of dialogue» means a particular course of action Orthodox Christians associated with the search for non-violent solutions to the conflict in the spirit of love for one's neighbor.

The mission of reconciliation. The mission of reconciliation means the realization of the possibility of reconciliation between people of different nationalities, different ages and social groups. The main objective of the mission of reconciliation is to create peace at all levels of personal, family and social life. This principle is largely based on the commandment of love of neighbor. Neighbor is anyone around us, regardless of gender, nationality, social group or religion. The

mission of reconciliation includes a «dialogue of social activity». «Dialogue of social activity» implies joint work of people of different faiths for prevention of conflicts, extremism and preservation of civil peace. By acting together for creative traditional spiritual and moral values and more equitable laws, peace can be achieved by confronting dangers of globalization. Another important aspect of the mission of reconciliation is the «mission of reconciliation in memory», when reconciliation takes place in the socio-political consciousness of people. The «reconciliation mission in memory» treats conflicts and divisions caused by civil wars and polarization of society [2].

In recent years, a new direction of missionary activity has emerged, which can be singled out separately. Mission as a direct preaching is still the main vocation of the Church. Nevertheless, direct preaching is not always appropriate and possible, and thus another direction of missionary activity, called the «mission of presence», appeared.

The «mission of presence» is an indirect, mediated testimony of the gospel. The «mission of presence» expresses the Orthodox position in various areas of the cultural and social life of the countries in which representatives of the Orthodox Church live. «Mission of presence» is divided into the following forms:

The informational form of the mission ofpresence implies the dissemination of knowledge about the history of Christianity, the culture of Orthodox peoples, the Orthodox Church and its position on various issues of social life with the help of the media. The information mission of the presence can be expressed through the participation of representatives of the Orthodox Church in public discussions.

The cultural form of the mission ofpresence is expressed in participation of representatives of the Orthodox Church in cultural events for a purpose of Orthodox testimony.

The social form of the mission of presence is expressed through social service, charity, helping poor people, and doing other good deeds.

The personal form of the mission of presence is expressed in personal testimony of Orthodox Christians about their spiritual experience, Christian values and their faith.

The «mission of presence» is relevant both in countries where there is a legal principle of freedom of conscience and religion, and in countries where for political reasons the right to freedom of conscience and religion is not recognized [3].

5. Mission among the youth

One of the most important areas of modern missionary activity is mission among the youth. On the territory of the Russian Orthodox Church there was a generation gap, caused by both rapidly changing lifestyles and persecutions on the Russian Orthodox Church during the Soviet epoch. The Russian Orthodox Church has been confronted with many situations that impede missionary work among the youth. The period of persecution during the Soviet epoch brought into the society a spirit

of secularism, negative attitude and indifference towards the Orthodox faith, and in some cases, towards religion at all. Thus, the younger generation who sincerely want to be baptized and to devote their lives to God often face ridicule and incomprehension from both the older generation, who grew up in conditions of atheistic propaganda, and from their peers. The current situation requires a careful and deliberate missionary approach to the younger generation. According to the «Concept of the Missionary Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church», the youth should be divided into the following groups:

- Church youth.

Work with Church youth should be aimed at awakening initiative and active personal participation both in the life of the Church and beyond its borders. Vivid examples of such an initiative are participation in the choir or volunteer activities.

- Neophytes.

Young people who have recently become members of the Church do not have a sufficient basis in matters of the Christian faith and the life of the Church. Very often, young people overestimate their competence in these matters. The main tool for working with this category of youth is its catechization and involvement into practical activities under the guidance of a clergyman or a church man.

- Non-Church youth who have a positive attitude to the Orthodox faith.

In relation to this category of young people, any obsession should be

avoided. The best solution in this situation will be to engage in leisure and creative activities not contrary to Christian spirituality.

- Young people belonging to other Christian or traditional religions, at the same time maintaining respect for Orthodoxy.

When working with young people who are members of other religious traditions, attention should be focused on educational and cultural programs.

- Youth has indifferent attitude towards Orthodoxy or religion in general.

This category of young people is the most common. One can judge the

success of a mission among the youth by how many members of this category have become members of the Church. Work with this group is mainly aimed at destruction of formed stereotypes concerning the Church and spiritual life. Another important factor is formation of new understanding of the Church and spiritual life, as well as creation of appropriate motivation. One of the ways to work with this group is to engage it in forms of activity with Christian content that can be interesting for today's youth. The main tool of a missionary must be sincerity, openness and patience excluding any obtrusion of external forms of the Orthodox faith.

- Youth which negatively behave toward the Church.

When working with this category of youth there is no methodological approach. The only available method in this situation is a dialogue in the spirit of love [2].

6. Organizational structure of missionary activity

The missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church has a certain structure consisting of 3 levels: general church, diocesan and parish.

General Church level. The organ responsible for organizing missionary activities at the general church level is the Synod Mission Department.

According to the document approved by the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of December 27, 2011, entitled «On the organization of missionary work in the Russian Orthodox Church», the tasks of the general Church level include:

- Study of the mission field on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

- Development of missionary programs.

- Preparation and distribution of teaching materials about missionary activity.

- Help in organization of missionary camps. Sending of clergy and students of theological schools to serve in them.

- Analysis of activities of schismatic and sectarian organizations on the territory of the Russian Orthodox Church. Publication of missionary materials related to splitting and sectarian organizations.

- Preparation of missionary personnel in theological schools.

- Creation of educational and methodological materials aimed at preparing of laity for missionary service.

- Exchange of experience and analysis of experience of missionary activities of other confessions.

- Conducting of a financial gathering to support missionary activity.

- Organization of conferences and missionary congresses at the general Church level.

- Collaboration with the media.

- Assisting to monasteries in organizing of missionary activities. Diocesan level. At the diocesan level, the main body responsible for

missionary activity is the Diocesan Mission department, headed by a diocesan bishop. The Diocesan Mission department assumes responsibility for paying organizational costs and issuing salaries to employees. The Diocesan Mission department has the following tasks:

- Coordination of missionary activities, both between the Diocesan Mission department and the Synod Mission Department, and between the existing brotherhoods and sisterhoods in the territory of the diocese.

- Distribution of various missionary materials approved and prepared by the Synod Mission Department.

- Determination of priority direction of missionary activity on a particular territory and in specific parishes.

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- Determination of part of participation of each parish in accordance with the parish's capabilities.

- Conducting of courses and seminars aimed at training missionaries and organizing of missionary activities.

- Conducting of missionary work among public associations, in educational institutions and various enterprises.

- Placement of materials related to missionary activity in the media.

- Availability of the diocesan department website and its maintenance.

- Analysis of actions of various sectarian and schismatic organizations on the territory of the diocese.

- Strengthening of material providing of missionary programs and organizing of financial fees aimed at maintaining and increasing of missionary activity.

- Encouragement of those engaged in active missionary work.

Parish level. The prior supervises missionary activity at a parish level. Missionary activity at a parish is carried out by a parish missionary in a case when the parish has such opportunity. It's not obligatory for every parish to have a parish missionary. It depends mainly on the size of a parish.

The duties of a parish missionary include:

- Work with members of a parish and formation of a group of parishioners who can carry out missionary activity. Parish training of basics of the Orthodox faith and missionary methods.

- Solving of financial issues related to missionary initiatives, with the support of the prior.

- Planning of missionary activities and reporting about it.

- Regular advanced training of a parish missionary in diocesan training courses.

The tasks of the parish missionary are closely related to the words of the Holy Scriptures «Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you» (1 Pet. 3:15).

At a parish level, missionary activity is connected not only with a parish missionary, but also with labors of clergy. Thus, at a parish level, the following types of missionary activities can be carried out:

- Conducting of educational conversations with everyone who came to a temple

- Conversations with temple staff who are in constant contact with the faithful.

- Conducting of missionary actions corresponding to opportunities of a parish

- Counteracting atheistic, splitting and sectarian acts within the parish.

- Attraction of parishioners to an active church life, including creation of various commissions.

- Distribution of literature and movies with Christian content among people who are not members of the Church.

- Interaction with educational and cultural institutions for missionary purposes [4].


The features of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church are largely determined both by the dogmatic foundation of the Church and by the prevailing historical conditions. During Soviet epoch the Russian Orthodox Church was persecuted. Several generations of people have grown up, brought up in conditions of atheistic propaganda who maintain an indifferent or negative attitude towards the Orthodox Church and religion as such [5].

In modern conditions there is an urgent need for missionary activity, a new stage of the revival of Orthodoxy has begun. In this regard, there is a belated development of the media, printed actual missionary literature, actively developing inter-faith dialogue, are being sought cooperation between Church and State, opened a lot of prospects for the Russian Orthodox Church which were not available at the time of the Soviet Union.

New methods and approaches of missionary activity are being applied in the modern world. One of these directions is the «mission of presence», which is expressed in the testimony of the Gospel not directly, but indirectly, expressing the Christian position on certain issues arising in society.

There are new approaches to the mission in the youth environment. There is an apologetic mission, directed both against proselyte activity from other Christian denominations, and against internal schisms.

A serious challenge to the modern Russian Orthodox Church is lack of religious education and stereotypes formed in the Soviet Union. Thus, one of the main directions of the modern missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church is the educational mission, aimed to teach people the basics of the Orthodox faith and the Christian way of life. In the modern world, a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church is obliged to be religiously educated; therefore, each clergyman must regularly take advanced training courses. Another important principle of the external mission of the Russian Orthodox Church is the principle of reception, which consists in accepting of creative components of a national culture and giving them a new, Christian meaning.

Despite emergence of new forms and opportunities of missionary activity, the Russian Orthodox Church retains the same dogmatic foundation. One of this basis is participation in the liturgy as the center of the life of an Orthodox Christian. The purpose of the missionary activity of the Orthodox Church is to create Eucharistic communities and to include new members into the life of the Church. Thus, from the point of view of the Orthodox Church, missionary activity cannot exist outside the Church and be separated from the church life. The place of missionary activity in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church can be seen in the

organizational structure, where all levels of church authority, from the Synod Mission Department to a parish, are responsible for different areas of missionary activity. Thus, the entire Orthodox Church participates in this Christian endeavor by transforming the whole world and acquiring new members for eternal life in Christ.


1. Bible Gateway Revised Standard Version (RSV). URL: https://www.biblegateway.com (date of the application 2.01.2019).

2. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov. «Kontseptsiya missionerskoy deyatel'nosti Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi» [Russian Orthodox Church. «The concept of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church»]. 27.03.2007. URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/data/781/526/1234/Konzepzia.doc (date of the application 1.01.2019).

3. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov. «O sovremennoy vneshney missii Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi» [Russian Orthodox Church. «On the modern external mission of the Russian Orthodox Church»]. 16.07.2013. URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3102956.html (date of the application 2.01.2019).

4. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov. «Ob organizatsii missionerskoy raboty v Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi» [Russian Orthodox Church. «On the organization of missionary work in the Russian Orthodox Church»]. 28.12. 2011. URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/1909481.html (date of the application 2.01.2019)

5. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov. «Zayavleniye Osvyashchennogo Arkhiyereyskogo Sobora Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi o zhizni i problemakh korennykh malochislennykh narodov» [Russian Orthodox Church. «Statement of the Consecrated Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on the life and problems of indigenous peoples»]. 3.02.2011. URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/ 1401214.html (date of the application 2.01.2019).

6. World Council of Churches. «Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) ». URL: https://www.oikoumene.org/en/member-churches/russian-orthodox-church (date of the application 2.01.2019).

Раздел III. Научные конференции.

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