исключает из него значение вины человека, которым все же нельзя пренебречь. Далее рассуждая, священномученик Иларион говорит, что сам человек, больной грехом, исцелить себя не мог. И, Бог по бесконечной любви к человеку воплощается и в единой Ипостаси Богочеловека соединяются два естества - Божеское и человеческое - неслитно, неизменно, неразлучно, нераздельно. И это единение становится источником спасения. Происходит обновление человека, его обожение, новое творение. Такой подход Владыки Илариона опять таки подвергался определенной критике, например со стороны Антония (Храповицкого), говорившего, что рассуждая таким образом, он как бы принижает значение Голгофы и страданий Христовых. Но тем не менее он не оставляет в стороне и Крестные страдания Христовы. Но рассматривает их в несколько ином свете. Он говорит, что Сын Божий восприняв человеческое естество, преодолевает вместе с ним греховное самоутверждение твари. И происходит это по словам автора именно на Голгофе! То есть на Голгофе происходит отречение от греховной человеческой воли. Он говорит, что эта человеческая воля трепетала Креста, хотела пройти мимо, но соединенная с волей Божественной во Христе, сказала Богу Отцу: «Не моя воля, но Твоя будет» Он называет Голгофу и Крест поворотными пунктами истории человечества. Повротным в смысле движения человека. Раньше человек шел от Бога, теперь же направление изменилось. Человек обращается к Богу. Но задаваясь вопросом почему все же эти страшные страдания на Голгофе спасительны для человека, автор снова возвращается к Вифлеему и Боговоплощению. «Не сама по себе спасительна жертва на Голгофе, но потому, что в Вифлееме Сын Божий мое естество воспринял в единство Своей Ипостаси». Он говорит, что только от Вифлеема Голгофа может получить истинное богословское освещение. Представляя себе учение о спасении чистым, возвышенным, последовательным и связным именно в таком изложении, он полностью отказывается от юридического элемента в вероучении и в области нравоучения. При этом он сам опровергает мысль о том, что испраздняется Крест Христов. Говорит, что на самом деле Голгофа только в таком свете занимает надлежащее место в Божественном домостроительстве. Сосредоточение мысли спасения только около Голгофы омрачает тихую Вифлеемскую ночь Рождения и Светлую ночь Воскресения. И поэтому истинно богословствующая мысль согласно владыке Илариону должна видеть не сосредоточение всего на Голгофе, но приходить к Вифлеему, где Младенец лежал в яслях и в Рождестве усматривать создание новой твари, а в Пасхе видеть Торжество победы над тлением и смертью. Потому что именно в этих двух событиях явилось спасение рода человеческого.
Раздел II Материалы научных конференций
About organization of missionary work in the Russian Orthodox Church
УДК 26/28
Archpriest Alexey Kurenkov
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with missionary orientation), Russia, Belgorod [email protected]
Abstract. In the article organization of missionary work in the contemporary Russian Orthodox Church under the leadership of the Mission Synod Department is examined. Particular emphasis is done on the missionary initiatives, including missionary trips, work of Orthodox missionaries in the Internet. The author describes four levels of organization of the missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church: the all- church level, the diocesan, deanery and parish levels. It is accentuated that along with changing forms of mission preaching of the Christian doctrine being the most important in the church service has been invariable.
Keywords: the Mission Synod Department; a missionary trip; a missionary camp; missionary work in the Internet; levels of missionary work.
Об организации миссионерской работы в Русской Православной Церкви
Протоиерей Алексий Куренков, магистр богословия (зарубежная степень), проректор по учебной работе Белгородской Православной Духовной семинарии (с миссионерской направленностью)
Россия, Белгород [email protected]
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации миссионерской работы в современной Русской Православной Церкви, проводимой под руководством Синодального Миссионерского отдела. Особый акцент делается на миссионерских инициативах, включающих миссионерские поездки, работу в сети Интернет православных миссионеров. Автор рассматривает четыре уровня организации миссионерской деятельности Русской Православной Церкви: общецерковный, епархиальный, уровень благочиния и приходской. Подчеркивается, что наряду с меняющимися формами миссии благовестие христианского учения, будучи наиболее важным в церковном служении, остается неизменным.
Ключевые слова: синодальный миссионерский отдел; миссионерская поездка; миссионерский стан; миссионерская работа в Интернет; уровни миссионерской работы.
The Mission Synod Department
The Mission Synod Department was founded by the decree of the Holy Synod on the 26th of December, 1995. Main directions of its activity are defined by enactments of Patriarch, Archbishop's Councils of 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, the Conception of the Russian Orthodox Church missionary activity revival (1995), the Conception of the Russian Orthodox Church missionary activity (2007), by the statute 'About organization of missionary work in the Russian Orthodox Church' (2011), as well as by the decisions of congresses of eparchial missionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church (Belgorod, 1996; Moscow, 1999; Moscow, 2002; Moscow, 2010).
Renewed structure and staff of the Mission Department were blessed by His Holiness Kyrill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, on the 19th of December, 2009.
The Chairman of the Department is His Eminence John, Metropolitan of Belgorod and Stariy Oskol.
One from priority directions of the department activity is realization of the program connected with organization and activity of missionary camps situated in distant eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since the beginning of this program 12 expeditions have been prepared and sent for missionary doing to different eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church as for watch service (6 months duration) as for a long-term stay in mission. In the dioceses of Anadir and Chukotka, Magadan and Sinegorie, Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka, Ulan-Ude and Burjatia, Yakutia and Lena the missionary camps were organized.
In sum 28 men (13 priests, 15 students of the Seminary) took part in the missionary expeditions. According to contracts conclusions the missionary camps activity has been financed by the Synod Mission Department together with the dioceses.
Missionary training is fulfilled by the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with missionary orientation), students and graduates of which take part in organization and activity of missionary camps. Also, in January, 2011, a decision about inclusion of the Orthodox missionary School founded by the killed priest Daniel Sysoev into the Synod Mission Department structure was taken.
Missionary initiatives
The missionary trip to Mongolia from 05.10.2011 to 18.10.2011. For mentioned period Elias Molev, missionary of the Orthodox Missionary School, and missionary Maxim Sokolov have visited more than 20 Protestant organizations and totalitarian sects, have witnessed everywhere the Orthodox Faith, have carried out several disputes with pastors, telling "ordinary members" about difference of the Orthodox Church from their organizations, and have gathered a lot of photo and video facts, information about pastors, sources of organizations, about their actions in cities of Russia.
The missionary action devoted to coming of the Theotokos Belt into Moscow. The action was taking place during last 2 weeks of stay of the Theotokos Belt in Moscow; it was organized by the students of the Orthodox Missionary School. During the action
missionaries were telling people about the history of The Belt, the Vatoped Monastery, significance of Church life, regular participation in Sacraments of the Church and importance of Gospels reading. They were distributing missionary leaflets about the Faith fundamentals and Sacraments of the Church. Almost 20 000 leaflets have been spread. People were listening to the missionaries with great enthusiasm and attention, responding to their sermon with gratitude. The action was proceeding in a kind atmosphere, showing a great wish of people to become active members of the Church.
The missionary trip to Thailand and Cambodia from 31.12.2011 to 17.01.2012/ In the trip Elias Molev and Konstantine Gorditsa, missionaries of the Orthodox Missionary School, took part. The missionaries came to the St. Nicholas parish of Bangkok where they helped in catechization of Russian people arrived to Thailand for the feast. From there they went to the Assumption monastery in the province of Ratchabury where they fulfilled many obediences and also helped in editing of Psalter in Thai language for publishing. On the feast of Nativity from 6th to 8th the missionary trip with participation of Elias Molev to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, where the Divine service by the lay order was celebrated together with Evgeniy Shinkarev, the student of the Tomsk Orthodox Seminary. The Service was celebrated also in the Orthodox church of St. Great Martyr George the Victorious which is situated on the territory of Bulgarian embassy and is always rendered by His Holiness Maxim Patriarch of Bulgaria for purposes of the Russian commune. On the day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ Konstantine Gorditsa was accomplishing reading in the St.Nicholas church during the Night Divine Service (All-night Vigil) which was celebrated by lay order. Other obediences were fulfilled in the Assumption monastery and in Bangkok (Note: In the Orthodox Church of Thailand missionaries and catechisators Roman and Xenia, the graduates from the Orthodox Missionary School work as well).
The Missionary action on the feast of the Epiphany from 18.01.2012 to in Moscow. On the feast of the Epiphany and on eve of it the action of distribution of leaflets about agiasma (holy water) was organized. The action was carried out under leadership of a priest Igor Davydov, to whom parishioners of this church and students of the Orthodox Missionary School helped.The missionaries told people about biblical events lying in the base of the Feast, about the Sacrament itself and distributed missionary leaflets about the Feast of the Epiphany printed by library's fund of St. Kyrill and Methodius. In all, nearly thousand leaflets were distributed. People were listening to the missionaries with great attention, asked questions as about the Feast of the Epiphany as other sides of the Church life. Atmosphere of the action was very friendly, a great wish of people to be closer to the Church was clearly seen, nevertheless necessity to do more for Christian enlightenment of people remains actual.
Missionary work in Internet
In connection with rapid development of information technologies in the modern world it is necessary to strengthen activity of missionaries in Internet, so the Orthodox Missionary School began developing informational space. Some sites supporting missionary communes and orthodox churches have been designed and have worked on a base of one of the servers of the School:
The Orthodox Missionary School site (orthomission.ru) works on open software of "Moodle" with rich history, it was made specially for on-line education. "The Missionary Wikipedia» (wiki.orthomission.ru) as the subsection of the site began developing on the base of the modern popular software of "Wikimedia". Besides forming of missionary Wikipedia itself the site helps students to study better this technology in order to have opportunity for publishing of orthodox answers in common Wikipedia where unfortunately only atheists have been writing articles nowadays. On the base of software for making "Joomla!" sites a whole row of sites has been elaborated, for example, k-hram.ru is the site of the church of Kasan icon of the Theotokos in Kotelniky, kurd-orthodox.com is the site of "The Orthodox Kurds" commune, besides this there is the site of "The Orthodoxy of Mongolia" without domen's name and so on. This work helps not only in spreading of the orthodox information in Internet, but in development of students of the School abilities in site making and content filling.
Innovation designs. Modern programming languages allow to decide reverse tasks of cataloguing and processing of Saints Fathers literature, including review of The Holy Scriptures interpretation by all fathers of the Church whose works are collected in the electronic library of the School. It can be done by the way of reverse references arrangement to Holy Bible references in works of Saint Fathers. The example of fore-alpha version of elaboration can be found on http://orthobible.com/main 52.html.
Another server has been created and has been supported only for on-line translations of internal studies of the Orthodox Missionary School. So students from different cities and countries studying at correspondence courses cannot be present on lessons in Moscow, but thanks to this server without installation of other programs they can listen to a lecturer, to see him and to ask him questions in written form. For this purpose the open "BigBlueButton" system with the "Freeswitch" server for voice exchange is used. The system has already been integrated into the "Moodle" software mentioned above, besides this it has good recommendations in secular educational on-line programs. Some lecturers keep their LiveJournal logs with missionary orientation, some students are active participants in social networking service. The school created recently the group in 'Vkontakte' social net (now it includes 557 participants).
Active individual work of students include individual conversations with Christians from other confessions, representatives of other religions and atheists; works in churches, including reading of catechumen conversations, participation in a work of Sunday schools, reading of lectures in the Social centre; help priest Igor Davidov in a missionary work of the St.Nicholas church in New Sloboda, Moscow.
The nearest tasks of the school are as follows: work of the Missionary club in the St. Nicholas church in New Sloboda on Sundays (the club was opened on the 18th of March, 2012); organization of scientific works for internal / external students; active increasing of orthodox presence in LiveJournal and social nets.
Work of missionary camps
One of the interesting experiments in organization of missionary activity under modern conditions of the Russian Ortodox Church is work of a missionary camp, which can be shown on the example of 'Spasskiy' missionary camp.
'Spasskiy' missionary camp is situated in Tixi town, Republic of Sakha - Yakutia, in Arctic behind a polar circle at the shore of Laptevikh sea in Tixi town, administrative centre of Bulun ulus of Sakha - Yakutia Republic. The territory of Bulun ulus is 235 thousand km, population is 9360 residents. National composition: 32% are Russians, 52% - the representatives of the northern nationalities, 16% - other nationalities. On the territory of Bulun Ulus there are seven naslegs (villages), three ones among them have got a status of national Evenk settlements. Others are places of compact residing of Yakuts and Evenks. Tixi is the large transport junction. Here the sea port serving the Northern sea way is situated, as well as the military air-base, which connects the town with central regions of the country, Chukotka and the Far East aerodromes.
Since the 1st of April, 2009, the head of 'Spasskiy' missionary camp has been Hegumen Agafangel (Belikh). By blessing of Yakutia and Lena Diocese bishop he has been an acting of a senior priest of the church in the name of Saviour Not Made By Hands (Spas Nerukotvorniy) in Tixi-3).
Directions of the work of 'Spasskiy ' missionary camp are divine service and pedagogic work; missionary activity.
In Tixi town and Tixi-3 garrison there are two parishes: the parish of the church in the name of Saviour Not Made By Hands and the parish of own on-site ('Domovoy') church in the name of St. Nicholas. In both churches Divine Liturgies and Vespers on the eve are celebrated regularly. Services are celebrated including ectens and Holy Scriptures readings in Yakut language. In practice the lay order of Sunday and Feast Divine service and Vespers on the eve is elaborated and checked for cases when a priest is absent. During trips through naslegs the order of lay Divine Service is elaborated and approved with using of parallel texts in Russian and Yakut Languages. Also, in cooperation with administration of nasleg design of the Chapel has been developed for its building by the local parish strength. The Missionary camp serves as a place of realization of practice of students of orthodox schools of the Russian Orthodox Church. On the whole since the beginning of a work of 'Spasskiy' missionary camp eight students from the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary have been there, among them two students worked in 2011 (from 15.06.2011 to 29.08.2011) - they are Akhmedov Roman and Zhinkin Igor.
Plan of missionary trips of not very long durance (till 1,5 -2 months) among residents of naslegs, brigades of deer- raisers and fishermen is composed and realized. Regular meetings with pupils of Tixi schools and military men of military units situated in Tixi and Tixi-3 are carried out.
In 2011 approbation of methodical recommendations for catechumen conversations after preview of video lectures began. Also the collection of texts for independent preparation for baptism was prepared, as well as 'Bases of Orthodoxy' and 'Collection of prayers'. The design was elaborated and then type information stands for missionary literature spreading, as well as information leaflets and booklets of anti sectarian content were made and put in social places, in the building of airport, in the central hospital. Systematical work on data collection for the missionary map of trans-polar land has been carried out. A work with the design of a type missionary camp adapted to conditions of the North and the Far East has been coming to the end.
The site of Spasskiy parish (www.spas-na-tiksi.prihod.ru) has started and the thematic group of the parish in social net of www.vkontakte.ru is created. Cooperation with 'The Lighthouse of Arctic' local ulus newspaper is carried out, 2-3 times a week information from colleagues of the missionary camp has been published. These are texts of educational themes, time-table of Divine Services in the churches of both settlements, financial reports of parishes and commentaries about trips through naslegs.
Work of 'Spasskiy' missionary camp is realized in co-ordination with The Synod Mission Department and eparchial Mission department of Yakutia and Lena Diocese.
Financing of activity of 'Spasskiy' missionary camp is accomplished at the expense of Spasskiy and Nikolskiyparishes funds, as well as at the expense of voluntary donations in different forms: money, missionary literature, books of educational orientation, candles and icons.
Mission levels in the modern Russian Ortodox Church
Mission is spreading of Gospel with the aim of conversion of people to Christ. It is integral part of ministry of One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, to shepherds and children of which it is said by the Lord Jesus: 'Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation' (Mk.16:15).
The Church is named Apostolic not only it is established on apostolic base (Eph.2:20), but because through it sermon of Saint Disciples has continued till nowadays. Witness of faith outside the Church fence is one of the main responsibilities of all Christians in fulfillment of The Lord's commandment: ' Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you'.(Mt.28:19-20)
The Orthodox Mission has the aim of bringing of a man to Chist's faith, his junction to the Orthodox mode of life, transference to him an experience of communication with God and involving him into mystical life of Eucharistic commune.
Nowadays missionary activity in the Russian Orthodox Church has its special structure and is carried out at follow 4 levels:
All-Church level. At the all-Church level main responsibility in organization and realization of missionary activity belongs to the Synod Mission Department.
The tasks of the Department include:
• investigation of missionary field on the territory of the Russian Orthodox Church; development of all-Church missionary programs and coordination of their realization;
• preparation of methodical materials of distinct directions of missionary activity taking into account of regional features and spreading of these materials throughout the dioceses;
• assistance to dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in organization and work of missionary camps, delegation of clerics missionaries and students of orthodox schools for ministry in these dioceses under the agreement of eparchial Heads and the Educational Committee;
• monitoring and analysis of sectarian and dissident organizations activity on the canonical territory of Moscow Patriarchate; publication of respective missionary materials;
• together with the Educational Committee - preparation of missionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church in theological schools and carrying out of regular seminars of lecturers of mission subjects;
• formation of methodology and teaching manuals for carrying out of active laymen study at levels of eparchy, deanery and a parish for their preparation to missionary ministry;
• publishing of missionary literature; exchange of experience with foreign orthodox missionary organizations, analysis of missionary experience of other confessions;
• organization and carrying out of all-Church missionary congresses, conferences and seminars; carrying out of all-Church target financial charges on missionary activity;
• support of missionary work of the Church through informational activity and contacts with social associations together with the Synod information department and the Synod department for relations of the Church and society;
• cooperation with mass media facilities with the purpose of granting to them materials having missionary value and organization of programs with participating of clergy and missionaries in cooperation with the Synod information department;
• assistance to monastic communes in organization of their missionary activity together with the Synod commission on Monastery Affairs; supervision of the implementation of Local and Archbishop Councils' definitions, enactments of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia and statutes of the Holy Synod in sphere of missionary ministry.
Eparchial level. Common leadership of missionary activity is carried out by diocese head. For organization of respective work in a diocese profile eparchial department works or in a case of its absence special responsible collaborators who are guided in their work by All-Church normative documents, enactments of Diocese head, recommendations of The Synod Mission department. Salaries of collaborators, organization expenses, programs and actions of a profile eparchial department are paid from eparchial budget and attracted funds.
• Tasks of a profile eparchial department (responsible eparchial collaborator) include: coordination of all missionary work in Dioseces in cooperation with the Synod Mission Department;
• spreading of methodical and informational materials prepared and approved by the Synod Mission department and designed for teaching of different kinds of missionary work;
• definition of directions and priorities of missionary activity of deaneries and parishes;
• by presentations of deanery heads - definition of measure of participation of parishes in missionary activity taking into account their location, quantity of parishioners, level of their participation in Divine Services and financial means, as well as presence of dissident and sectarian threats;
• holding of training seminars on organization of missionary work, as well as training courses of parish missionaries;
• publication of missionary materials in mass media, in streets of cities and social places;
• missionary work in educational institutions, at enterprises and in a sphere of social associations;
• forming of a promptly renewing department site;
• forming a data base about dissident and sectarian groups functioning on the territory of a diocese, timely monitoring of their activity;
• assistance in strengthening of material base of eparchial, deanery, parish and monastic missionary programs at the expense of the Church and attracted funds;
• petition before a diocese bishop about encouragement of persons developing missionary activity;
• carrying out of eparchial special financial dues for missionary activity;
• inclusion of students of theological educational institutions to missionary
• coordination of missionary work of brotherhoods and sisterhoods acting in dioceses.
Deanery level. At the level of deanery organization coordination and control of missionary work are guided under leadership of a deanery head. Direct realization of this work must be fulfilled by a staff collaborator responsible for missionary work in the deanery. A man responsible for missionary work in a deanery is appointed to the post and becomes free of the post on the proposal of a deanery head, in agreement with a chairman of Mission department of a diocese.
A man responsible for missionary work in a deanery becomes a staff member of one of parishes of a deanery with a salary according to a list of members of staff. This person submits to a deanery head and coordinates his activity with a chairman of a profile eparchial department ( or with a profile responsible eparchial collaborator).
A deanery head takes care of funds attraction for carrying out of profile programs and actions in a deanery.
Duties of a man responsible for missionary work in a deanery include: investigation of a deanery missionary field, elaboration of main directions of missionary ministry; assistance in inter-parish cooperation in missionary work; planning, coordination and control of missionary activity of parishes; research and analysis of parish reports in sphere of missionary activity; making of a design of a report of a deanery on missionary work which is established by a deanery head and is sent to a ruling bishop; he regularly improves his qualification, particularly at eparchial courses of advanced training.
A parish level. At a parish level common organization, coordination and control of missionary work are in competence of a father superior.
Direct realization of this work must be fulfilled by staff in those parishes where it is possible to establish such a post. Decision of a parish liberation from necessity to have a given staff person is adopted by a deanery head on the proposal of a father superior with the subsequent report to a diocese head. Such a decision can be accepted relative to parishes with not numerous parishes, situated firstly in country side and in small towns.
A parish missionary is appointed to the post and becomes free of the post by a father superior. He becomes a staff collaborator of a parish with a salary according to a staff
time-table, he obeys a father superior and coordinates his activity with a chairman of a profile eparchial department ( a profile responsible eparchial collaborator) and with a man responsible for missionary work in a deanery.
A Parish Missionary forms a group of parishioners who are able to do missionary work and organizes their study of orthodox faith bases and Mission methods; under support of a father superior of a parish he takes care of financial support of parish missionary initiatives; makes a year plan of a work and a year report about his activity, which must be signed by a father superior and passes it to a man responsible for missionary work in a deanery; regularly improves his qualification, particularly at eparchial courses of advanced training.
A parish missionary must know bases of Orthodox faith firmly and he is able to ' do an answer to anyone inquiring (1 Peter 3:15)
Missionary work at a parish can be fulfilled in follows kinds of activity: educational conversations with those who come to the Church; consultation of the Church collaborators who have a constant contact with parishioners - workers of a candle store, persons on duty; missionary actions in educational, youth, social, cultural offices etc. which are situated within a parish; monitoring of dissident, sectarian, occult and atheist activity within a parish, counteraction to it, protection of people from its pernicious influence; attraction of laymen to an active Church work by means of fulfillment of concrete missionary tasks, including participation in missionary expeditions, works on preparing of those who wish to be baptized, duty in a church, participation in discussions in Internet, in TV and radio programs; spreading of educational leaflets, literature and video films of theological and educational content among people who are not regular participants of Divine Church services; cooperation with educational and cultural institutions for the purpose of realization of cooperative designs with missionary purposes
Missionary communities. Missionary communities (movements, brotherhoods, sisterhoods or centers) are unions of clergy and laity of one or some dioceses, created for the purpose in missionary ministry to the Church and for its support. In their activity they are called to be guided by definitions of supreme authority. The Charter of a missionary community, as well as his head are confirmed by Chairman of the Synod Mission Department by agreement with eparchial bishops of those Dioceses, where according to the Charter the community will act. In those cases when a community is called to act within one diocese the Charter and the head of a community are confirmed by a diocese head. Missionary communities send the annual report about their activity to diocese heads and to Chairman of the Synod Mission Department. Actions carried out by missionary communities on the territory of one or another Diocese are realized by agreement with a diocese bishop.
Problem of spreading of the Lord Jesus Christ teaching being one of the most important problems in Church ministry remains invariable forever similar to Feat founder of our Salvation is invariable , Who has been 'The Same yesterday and today and forever' (Hebr.13:8). So not only staff collaborators of missionary structures but all Orthodox Christians are called to participate in this doing commanded by God remembering the words from Holy Scripture: God ' desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth' (1Tim.2:4).