METHODS OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN SCHOOLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Society / scientific literature / spiritual training / educational games / communication

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Madina Rahmatilla Kizi Asadova, Sohila Abduhalimovna Aminova

This article provides information on methods of increasing the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in schools and the use of games in it.

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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-252-254


Madina Rahmatilla kizi Asadova

Student of Chirchik State Pedagogical University

Sohila Abduhalimovna Aminova

Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical University


This article provides information on methods of increasing the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in schools and the use of games in it.

Keywords: Society, scientific literature, spiritual training, educational games, communication.

At the present stage of education, a modern teacher will prefer to use well-known innovative methods that show high efficiency in learning a foreign language. Using new forms of learning, the teacher increases the student's interest and his desire to continue learning in cognitive matter, considers each in detail and determines the features of learning. One of the most important tasks of higher educational institutions is the training of specialists to be able to adapt to changes in their professional life. At the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the 21st centuries, some methods for developing foreign language competence, needed for their future professional activity, were created by teachers.

However, the effectiveness of these methods has not been studied. This fact has aroused the authors' interest and generated the idea about the necessity to conduct scientific research in order to identify the most effective methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes.

As we all know, President Shavkat Mirziyayev Miromonovich has prepared many tasks for foriegn language teachers in order to increase the effectiveness of the teaching of foriegn languages in schools. On May 6, 2021, under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a video selector meeting dedicated to the improvement of the foreign language education system was held.

"From now on, the monthly salary of foreign language teachers will be determined based on their qualifications. 40 percent will be given to teachers who

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-252-254

have obtained the international certificate, and 50 percent to those who have obtained the certificate," said the head of state.

Finance Minister Timur Ishmetov was instructed to allocate 50 billion for this purpose this year. "Starting from the next year, newly hired foriegn language teachers will be required to have a national and international certificate. Over the next 3 years, a total of 53,000 teachers in schools will need to obtain international certification," said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The progress of the individual, his education and training are also realized through the cooperative activity of the teacher and the students.

In the lessons, the teacher conveys his knowledge, skills and abilities to the students through classes, and the students acquire the ability to use them as a result of their mastery. In the learning process, students use different forms of learning, that is, there are specific differences in the reception, processing and implementation of the information being learned. In the educational process, educational issues such as cooperation between teachers and students, independence of students, exclusion from class are solved.

The goal of education is formed by meeting the needs of society. Therefore, the goal of education should be appropriate and balanced. In scientific literature, it is emphasized that the purpose of education is the formation of the skills and abilities of correct, accurate and appropriate use of data, the development of logical and creative thinking, the improvement of communicative literacy, the formation of the national idea, the formation of oriental education, and the spiritual enrichment of the individual. On the basis of the educational goal, independent thinking of students, increase of oral and written literacy, development of logical thinking, communication culture of students is improved. The educational goal is based on spiritual, ideological and spiritual training. In the process of language learning, it is possible to get closer to the cultural and moral values of the people.

Nowadays, the interest in using interactive methods and information technologies in the educational process is increasing day by day. The effectiveness of using different tables in the process of teaching a foreign language is also high. Using tables in the educational process, students can learn a certain grammatical rule, for example, making sentences using tenses, placing new words. At a time when the need to learn a foreign language is high, effective use of modern information technologies and innovative educational technologies in the educational process will make this process effective. The effectiveness of innovative educational technologies lies in

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-252-254

their correct and effective use in the educational process.

"Brainstorming", "Thought storming", "Networks" method, "Sink vein", "BBB", "Fifth plus", "6x6x6", "Debate", "Role-playing game" are used in education today. "Working in small groups", "Hot Potato", "Zigzag", "I will say the last word" modern technologies are used. These modern technologies are a clear example of methods that increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages.

The use of interactive methods and educational games, modern information and communication technologies in elementary grades helps students to think independently, expand the scope of creative research and logical thinking, as well as connect what they learned in classes with life, and increase their interests.

Effective use of the conditions created by teachers based on such modern requirements and organization of lessons on the basis of advanced pedagogical and information communication technologies improves the quality of the educational process.

In my opinion, the main requirements for educational games are the following:

• 1. Education should be done by the age of the students;

• 2. The games must be adapted to the content-essence of the topic being taught;

• 3. The time of educational games must be specified;

• 4. Educational games should have both educational and training significance; REFERENCES:

1. Jalolov J. Methodology of teaching abroad. Tashkent. — 1996. — 171-178.

2. Karimov I. The main criterion is to reflect the reality of life. - T: "Uzbekistan", 2009, p. 15.

3. Feng Wang Applying Technology to Inquiry-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education [J]. Early Childhood Educ.

4. Richards J.C. The Language Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge University Press. — 1990. — 81 p.

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