METHODS OF FORMATION OF PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS IN MEDICAL STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tlebaldin R., Abirov M., Mustafayeva A. Zh., Ergeshov E., Bissenbayeva Zh.N.

The article deals with the problem of formation of public speaking skills among students of medical universities. Special attention is paid to the development of public speaking skills among students in specialties aimed at training managers of medical institutions and employees of sanitary and hygienic organizations - public health and medical and preventive care. The requirements for the professional speech of physicians within the general criteria of good speech are indicated. Methods of formation of public speaking skills are named, separate exercises aimed at developing and improving the skills of public speaking and interpersonal communication are given. The article also discusses the methods of teaching students the ability to correctly express their speech, first of all, to those who strive for success in life, eager to reach certain heights, both in career growth and in personal development.

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УДК 378.4

DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.74.84.043

1 R. Tlebaldin, 1 M. Abirov, 2 A. Zh. Mustafayeva, 1 E. Ergeshov, 1 Zh.N. Bissenbayeva

iMilitary Institute of Land forces Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university e-mail: zhanat [email protected]


Resume: The article deals with the problem of formation of public speaking skills among students of medical universities. Special attention is paid to the development of public speaking skills among students in specialties aimed at training managers of medical institutions and employees of sanitary and hygienic organizations - public health and medical and preventive care. The requirements for the professional speech of physicians within the general criteria of good speech are indicated. Methods of formation of public speaking skills are named, separate exercises aimed at developing and improving the skills of public speaking and interpersonal communication are given. The article also discusses the methods of teaching students the ability to correctly express their speech, first of all, to those who strive for success in life, eager to reach certain heights, both in career growth and in personal development.

Keywords: health care manager, speech communication, rhetoric, oratorical skills, speech culture.

Introduction. Oratory, rhetoric (from the Greek rhetoric techne from rhetor-orator) as an art of eloquence, as a vivid living speech, it represents the theory and practical skill of expedient and impactful public speech, as a result of which the recipients become like-minded rhetoricians. Anything that is present in reality has two sides: external and internal. In the art of the speaker, the external side is the idea expressed in the text of the speech; the internal side, sometimes unconscious, is its phonemicity, since the speech is connected with the words actually spoken. These two parties are in a certain relationship with each other: the first, textual, becomes peripheral in public speeches, the "live" sounding word becomes dominant [1]. The conditions of modern life, which require a high level of General culture and the ability to communicate in any sphere of human activity, dictate the need to master universal ways of self-realization and self-expression, the ability to solve communicative tasks and achieve the goal of communication. The most popular and therefore relevant for representatives of any profession and any type of occupation today has become adequate speech activity, which primarily involves a high culture of possession of the oral and written word, as well as the presence of skills of speech influence on the addressee Research methods. Specialists whose professional activity is directly related to management processes and direct communication with a large or small number of people are required to possess the ability to convince. Undoubtedly, such specialists include medical professionals of all directions, and especially-the so - called managers-managers from medicine. Management - the science of management, a set of principles, methods, tools and forms of management in order to increase the efficiency of production and profit. Management is not about managing things, but about influencing people. It is the art of getting the right things by controlling people; the ability to achieve a certain goal

using intelligence and motives. Management occurs when there are at least 2 people - the managing and managed parties. The subject of management is the one who manages, the object of management is the one who is managed. Subject of management - people whose functions include the implementation of management. In the health care system, these are heads of health committees, chief physicians, Deputy chief physicians, heads of departments, Directors and heads of clinics, and heads of private medical enterprises. Objects of management - employees, collectives acting according to the order, and any economic and economic objects that are subject to a certain transformation at the will of the subject (who manages this object) [2].

During the training, only some students actively participate in the scientific work of the departments, making abstract reports, with the results of scientific activities, while the majority do not have the proper level of knowledge of the methods of public speaking [3]. The academic discipline, which is designed to form the skills of persuasion through the word, has developed for a long time and has a rich history and tradition of teaching -this is rhetoric, or the basics of oratory (skill). Russian language, professional Russian language, academic writing are aimed at developing the skills of writing, while rhetoric is designed to teach the creation and use of public texts. Public speech is a type of discourse that involves communication with groups of people United by a variety of principles -by profession, by common interests, by joint activities, etc. At the same time, the Association can be stable, permanent, organized, or it can be temporary, random, or spontaneous. The ability to carry out public communication with any of these groups and develops rhetoric.

Depending on the conditions and goals of communication, the medical Manager should select language tools and be able to use them correctly in accordance with the task. So,

in terms of professional communication in the system "Manager - subordinate", "the head of working group", "colleague - colleague" the choice of language units will be dictated in the official, business and scientific spheres of activity, and, therefore, under the relevant functional styles of the literary language [4].

Communication has its own characteristics in conditions when a medical worker acts as a propagandist of a healthy lifestyle, an educator explaining the need for vital medical procedures (vaccinations, routine examinations, etc.), in the role of explaining the nature of a socially dangerous disease. Such communication involves mastering the skills of creating and presenting texts in a journalistic style, distributed both through the media and in direct communication with the public.

Results.As a result, the objectives of the course of teaching oratory skills are:

* formation of skills of organizing speech-thinking activities of students (in the process of implementing the approach to rhetoric as a " technology»);

* improving the level of speech culture of students and their General cultural level in General;

* formation of effective professional communication skills (including public speaking skills) based on knowledge of rhetorical laws and rules;

* development of practical skills of interpersonal and business communication as the main condition for achieving success in professional activities.

Materials and methods by which public speaking skills are developed:

* practical methods: exercises, practice, etc.;

* visual: illustration, demonstration, observation, etc.;

* verbal: explanation, story, conversation, instruction, lecture, discussion, etc.;

* working with a book: reading, taking notes, quoting, drawing up a plan, referencing;

* video methods: viewing, learning via the Internet, monitoring;

* methods that contribute to the primary assimilation of the material (conversation, reading books);

* methods that contribute to the consolidation

and improvement of knowledge (practice, exercises);

* gaming/social / simulation;

* business games;

* analysis of specific situations.

Rhetoric (the basics of oratory) from the entire Arsenal of its capabilities for medical managers offers mastering the skills of public communication within the framework of official business, scientific and journalistic functional styles of speech (competent speech at forums, meetings and meetings of various levels; propaganda and educational speeches, personal communication), as well as the use of non-verbal means of communication due to the oral form of speech (conscious use of facial expressions, gestures, body position in space).

It is important for a Manager in the field of medicine to take care of the quality of speech, because speech deficiencies often spoil the overall picture of communication. You must learn to adjust their speech in the communication process to achieve the desired reaction from the interlocutors or listeners, what is included in the list of tasks public speaking skills [5].

An integral part of oratorical skills is the culture of speech of the speaker both in front of a mass audience and in front of a personal interlocutor. The impact of the word without the culture of this word is impossible: incorrect speech itself discredits the personality of the speaker (writer)! In addition, mastering the culture of communication involves

tolerance for the weaknesses and shortcomings of partners, tact, justice, respect for others, as well as demanding of yourself.

A full-fledged formation of oratorical skills is possible only in the process of teaching rhetoric (the basics of oratory) as a separate discipline.

Given that the qualities of good speech are correctness, purity, accuracy, richness, expressiveness, relevance, logic, there are specific methods, techniques and exercises for the development of each of these qualities. The Central quality is correctness - the correspondence of speech to the norms of the modern literary language. To develop correctness, we use exercises aimed at mastering the norms of the language at all levels - from phonetic to grammatical (including the level of text creation). These are well-known exercises for mastering the rules of spelling, orthoepy, vocabulary and grammar. The purity, accuracy and richness of speech are related to the lexical level of the language, its semantics. It is supposed to exclude parasitic words, vulgarisms, barbarisms, jargonisms, etc.from speech; use words in accordance with their lexical meaning and meaning in a certain context; replenishment of personal vocabulary, creating its diversity. Exercises on mastering the lexical meaning of words are aimed at the implementation of the tasks set.

Expressiveness includes the use of means that affect the feelings, imagination of listeners-these are primarily figurative, pictorial and emotionally colored units (tropes, first of all). This quality of the speaker's speech is formed in the process of studying recognized examples of public speeches, artistic works of modern art of speech and classics. Expressiveness requires a creative approach to the creation of the text and is largely due to the artistic abilities of the author of the statement. Relevance is determined by the correspondence of the speech to the communication situation, the nature of the audience and the stylistic norms of the literary language. The mastery of relevance is carried out in the process of studying the stylistic division of the language and its genre diversity.

Logic, which characterizes the statement from the point of view of its content, requires compliance with the laws of logic, reasonableness and evidence of the speech, i.e. the impact on the mind of the addressee. An important skill is the ability to build the composition of the text, to divide it into structural and semantic components. Logic is developed in the process of formulating the topic, the purpose of the speech, creating its plan, writing the introduction and conclusion, selecting materials and illustrations.

Additional efforts are required to develop special oratorical skills in managers. The ability to communicate competently is necessary, first of all, for those who strive for success in life, who are eager to reach certain heights, both in career growth and in personal development, since in fact oratory and business communication are closely related to each other.

Any career, if the work is aimed at communicating with people, depends more on the successful use of public speaking skills and the right moment for its application. For example, in a situation where it is necessary to speak convincingly, in addition to the usual emotions, the main role is played by special skills and techniques of speech that are acquired through training. Here, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, timbre and pitch of the voice, convincing construction of sentences and much

more are important. In other words, you need oratory and communication skills.

The gift of eloquence is not given from birth, it is acquired through hard work and constant training. To form the skills of public speaking, there are many training exercises. Here are some of them [6]:

Loud read out loud. Taking any newspaper or magazine article, you need to read it aloud loudly, addressing an imaginary audience. When reading, you should try to get ahead of yourself a little, memorizing what is written in a small passage, so that you can then reproduce it. Reproducing the meaning of what you read. A passage consisting of two to five sentences is read and retold. At the same time, the goal is to remember the details, for which a verbatim retelling is used as much as possible. It is necessary to try to formulate thoughts and speech, telling what you read in your own words.

The development of verbal thinking. Oratorical skills include such a concept as" speech thinking": a sentence or phrase is built on the basis of keywords or key sentences, which encourages the speaker to construct sentences and reveal the thought according to the keywords. The essence of the exercise is to find these keywords and their new formulations. Modification of this exercise: to read aloud half of the sentence and continue it on their own. Useful training on the definition-formulation of concepts. This exercise will allow the Manager, as well as any speaker, to learn how to formulate the definition of the subject more specifically, identifying and defining its essence accurately, clearly and succinctly.

The telling of stories. Any story, anecdote or note must be told vividly, vividly, figuratively and fascinatingly. It can be a life story or a story about one day lived. The beginning of a story or story should always be intriguing, interesting and have a touch of tension. During the climax of the story, the tension reaches a peak, and the end of the story gives the listener the opportunity to relax and catch their breath. Paraphrasing a business message. The task is to reproduce in free form the essence and content of a newspaper article or article based on the keywords selected from it. The article is paraphrased several times. At the same time, you need to compress its content into a single sentence, and then expand it by adding your own comment. Speech should be coherent, smooth, without forced and unjustified delays, pauses. In the exercise, you need to rephrase at least ten sentences. The same exercise can include a description of the picture and the images depicted on it, details, and connections between them [7]. The art of speech implies constant replenishment of the vocabulary. This is a very important part of training. A rich vocabulary will help to make the language, speech and its style diverse and unique.

Study the speech of other speakers. It is good practice to observe, listen, and constantly study the speech of other speakers. Listening to reports, discussions, broadcasts, sermons, the Manager should analyze what he has heard from the point of view of the content and from the point of view of the qualities of speech. The first position includes the analysis of the presentation of content, compliance with the plan, logical presentation, imagery, stylistic techniques. The second category includes the assessment of voice strength, timbre height, logical accents, smoothness of speech of the speaker, his articulation and gestures.

Listen to the speeches of speakers, famous politicians, famous personalities, taking rhetorical means as a basis for analysis. At the same time, you should pay attention to how: the speaker makes an introduction and conclusion, uses comparisons, uses imagery of speech, wordplay, uses repetitions, exaggerations and contrasts. It is important to notice where and how there is an increase in the tension of speech and its decline, as well as to monitor other means of influencing speech used by the speaker.

Practice in discussions. The most effective method for the development of skills has been and remains the practice, public speaking skills honed in the discussions. You can start practicing in a circle of friends or colleagues, only briefly entering into controversy and speaking out about certain issues. This practice will help you gradually move on to speaking to a wider and less familiar audience. Presentation of the report. Preparing an independent business message is another way to develop public speaking skills. When preparing a business message, it is better to choose a well-known topic. Throughout the preparation, as well as during the entire speech, it is necessary to constantly ask the question of what rhetorical means can be used to Supplement the speech so that it is clear, organic, plastic and accessible. To do this, you need to use visibility-maps, diagrams, or graphs.

It is necessary to try to make an attractive, bright beginning, so that the audience begins to listen to the speech from the first words and comes to a state of intense attention. To do this, the Manager must constantly put himself in the place of the listener. A good start will be an unexpected question or statement that will cause, firstly, interest, and secondly, will give an impetus to reflection on what you have heard.

Exercises using online videos will help you improve your speaking skills, so that the speaker can evaluate himself from the outside.

Conclusion. And, finally, oratorical skills presuppose the presence of the speaker's communicative culture, which is understood as

* ability to make a good impression during a conversation with a partner;

* the ability to Express your thoughts or talk about the offer in such a way that the partner will certainly be interested;

* the ability to adapt the form and content of your speech to the nature of the audience or a particular interlocutor;

* ability to objectively evaluate the addressee;

* creating the most favorable conditions for conversation [8].

In General, we can say that the speaker's communicative culture is the observance of ethical norms in communication. For a Manager in the field of medicine, ethical norms combine the so-called universal ideas about ethics and morality, as well as professional norms of communication, including following the Hippocratic oath, observing the laws and instructions by which the state and society regulate the work of physicians. Thus, the formation of public speaking skills in health managers is a multi-component task that requires a comprehensive solution, which can be implemented in the framework of professional training of students of medical universities in the classroom on rhetoric.


1 Bern E. Games that people play. People who play games / General ed.M. S. Matskovsky. - St. Petersburg.; Moscow: AST " Univers. kN.", 1996. - 399 P.

2 Management in healthcare //http://www.it-med.ru/Nbrary/rn/management. htm.

3 Pervishko O. V., Baum T. G., Shashel V. A. the Role of oratory of medical students in the implementation of professional competencies // International journal of applied and fundamental research. - 2016. - № 4-1.

4 Oratory - exercises for improving speech //http: superiorseller.com/oratorskoe-iskusstvo-uprazhneniya-dlya-sovershenstvovaniya-rechi.


5 Health care Manager: Journal //http://www.idmz.ru/idmz_site.nsf/pages/mz.htm

6 Kultura russkoi Rech: Uchebnik dlya vuzov [Culture of Russian speech: a Textbook for universities], edited By L. K. Graudina and E. N. Shiryaeva, Moscow: NORMA-INFA publishing group, 1999, 560 p.

7 Vvedenskaya L. A. Culture and art of speech. Modern rhetoric / L. A. Vvedenskaya, L. G. Pavlova. - Rostov-on-don: Feniks, 1996. - 576 p.

8 Oratorical art and business communication: Textbook. -Mn.: New knowledge, 2001. - 328 p.

1 Р. Тлебалдин, 1 М. Абиров, 2 А.Ж. Мустафаева, 1 Е. Ергешов, 1 Ж.Н. Бисенбаева

1Военный институт Сухопутных войск МО РК, Алматы, Казахстан 2 Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова


Резюме: В статье рассмотрена проблема формирования навыков ораторского мастерства у студентов медицинских вузов. Особое внимание уделено выработке навыков публичного выступления у обучающихся по специальностям, направленным на подготовку руководителей медицинских учреждений и работников санитарно-гигиенических организаций -общественное здравоохранение и медико-профилактическое дело. Указаны требования к профессиональной речи медиков в рамках общих критериев хорошей речи. Названы методы формирования ораторских умений, приведены

отдельные упражнения, направленные на выработку и совершенствование навыков публичного выступления и межличностного общения. Также в статье рассмотрены методы обучения студентов в умении грамотно излагать свою речь в первую очередь тем, кто стремится к успеху в жизни, жаждет достичь определенных высот, как в карьерном росте, так и в личностном развитии.

Ключевые слова: менеджер здравоохранения, речевая коммуникация, риторика, ораторское мастерство, культура речи.

1 Р. Tлебaлдин, 1 М. Абиров, 2 А.Ж. Mустaфaевal 1 Е. Ергешов, 1 Ж.Н. Бисенбaевa

ЩР КМ Курлык эскерлернц эскери институты, Алматы, Казакстан 2 С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы Казак улттык медициналыкуниверситетi


tyüíh: Макалада медициналык ЖОО студенттершщ шешендк шеберлктерт калыптастыру мэселес карастырылган. Медициналык мекемелердц басшылары мен санитарлык-гигиеналык уйымдардъщ - котамдык денсаулык сактау жэне медициналык-профилактикалык с кызметкерлерт даярлауга багытталган мамандыктар бойынша быт алушылардыц квпшшк алдында свйлеу дагдыларын дамытуга ерекше назар аударылды. Дэргерлердщ кэаби свйлеуте койылатын талаптар жаксы свйлеудщ жалпы критерийлерi аясында кврсетыген. Шешендж дагдыларды калыптастыру эдiстерi

аталды, квпшшк алдында свйлеу жэне тулгааралык карыш-катынас дагдыларын дамытуга жэне жетiлдiруге багытталган жеке жаттыгулар келтiрiлдi. Сондай-ак, макалада студенттерд1 Ец алдымен, вмiрде сэттшкке умтылатын, мансаптык всуде де, жеке дамуында да белгш бiр бшктерге жетудi калайтындарга вз свздерт дурыс жетюзе быуге уйрету эдiстерi карастырылган. TYÜiHdi свздер: Денсаулык сактау менеджера свйлеу коммуникациясы, риторика, шешендк внер, свйлеу мэдениетi

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