Copyright © 2021 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.
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Published in the Slovak Republic
Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 2729-8132 2021. 17(2): 308-322
Media Education ( Mediaobrazovanie)
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.2.308
On the Question of the Oratory of a Television Journalist (On the Example of Journalist and TV Presenter O. Skabeeva, Program "60 Minutes", TV Channel "Russia")
Olga M. Kultysheva a , *
a Nizhnevartovsk State University, Russian Federation
Among the problems related to the media and requiring resolution, the most acute is the problem of public speaking skills of TV journalists. The attitude of viewers to television programs has a direct relationship with the speech culture of the TV presenter. Proficiency in the language and styles of speech, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts and feelings and contribute to the expression of the interlocutor's position, accurately tell about what has happened, reflect what has happened, and assess what has happened are the main elements of journalistic skills. The TV journalist needs to master the word perfectly. This is especially true of the present, which is the introduction of barbarisms (vocabulary of foreign origin) into Russian speech, when it is attacked by slang and slang vocabulary, when television is littered with illiterate TV presenters.
Correct diction, the ability to breathe correctly, a delivered voice, exemplary orthoepy will allow the presenter to focus the attention of the public on the problem covered, to help the audience understand the content of his speech, influence their consciousness, imagination, and will.
Dynamic television information, which is captured in television programs, remains the embodiment of the viewer's thoughts and hopes, while the television word serves as an effective instrument for reflecting the phenomena and moods of the audience. Therefore, the study of the concept of "oratory" and the possibility of its professional use by journalists on TV screens is relevant both in scientific and practical aspects.
Keywords: oratory; television journalism; TV presenter skill, media.
1. Introduction
At all times, oratory from time immemorial was considered one of the mostpowerful levers of culture. All outstanding people in the era of prosperity of states, the best philosophers, poets, reformers masterfully mastered the art of words. The concept and the word "orator" itself began to be used in Russian speech from the beginning of the 18th century, but it became wider only at the beginning of the 19th century. In Russian culture, the word "orare" came from the Latin language and means "to speak" in translation. The meaning of the word is associated, as a rule, with the emotional mastery of the speaker's speech. In the classical sense, it is generally accepted that an "orator" is the one who makes a speech, as well as a person who has the gift of eloquence or is fluent in oratory.
The terminology of public speaking is extensive. It includes both terms developed by the ancient theory of eloquence and terms reflecting modern ideas about the essence and purpose of public speech.
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O.M. Kultysheva)
The theoretical and methodological foundations of Russian oratory were laid and developed by M.V. Lomonosov, who believed that in order to acquire eloquence - "it is good to speak about any given matter and thus incline others to your own opinion" - five "following consequences are required: first - natural talents, second - science, third - imitation of authors, fourth - an exercise in writing, the fifth - knowledge of other sciences" (Quoted from: Pochikaeva, 2003: 9). All these funds, despite the past two centuries, have survived to this day.
Often, when discussing the issue of who is usually called an orator, opinions differ: some consider the orator to be a person who delivers a speech in front of the audience, regardless of how exactly he delivers it, while other supporters argue that only someone who knows how can be called an orator master the word perfectly. To understand this issue and understand which of the opinions is closer to the definition of this term, it is enough to turn to dictionaries.
In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" Vladimir Ivanovich Dal explains the meaning of the word "orator", choosing words and phrases that are close in meaning to it: "florid, red-tongued, eloquent person, master of speaking" (Dal, 1882: 352). It is fair to say that all these words underline the fact that the speaker is a person who can speak "redly", that is, speaking in modern language, beautifully, figuratively and expressively.
A synonym for the Latin phrase "oratory", as well as for the domestic concept of "eloquence", is the word "rhetoric", borrowed from the ancient Greek language. According to L.A. Konstantinova, "Rhetoric is the designation of a philological discipline that studies the theory of eloquence, methods of constructing expressive speech in all areas of speech activity in different oral and written genres" (Konstantinova et al., 2015: 71).
Traditionally, rhetoric was also considered art, compared with poetry, acting on the basis of the importance of creativity, improvisation in speech, aesthetic pleasure, which brings public "thinking out loud". It would seem that not many are given oratorical talent by nature, however, according to researchers, absolutely every person has a "gene" of rhetorical abilities that can and should be developed.
It is not easy to master the spoken word. This mastery is achieved by several factors: a deep understanding of the subject of discussion, the absence of inertness of mind, in addition, such personal properties that help the TV presenter to timely catch and reflect the challenges of our time in the TV show.
The culture of speech of the media is ensured, first of all, with the help of the oratory of a journalist. Through the fact that the issues of public speaking skills of television journalists have not been studied enough, we consider it relevant to turn to the cultural and speech analysis of a particular journalist working on television.
The purpose of the research underlying the article is to gain an understanding of the oratory of journalists based on the analysis of the speech behavior of the television journalist Olga Skabeeva (program "60 minutes", TV channel "Russia")).
The above stated goal of the study led to the definition of these tasks:
1. To study the theoretical prerequisites for becoming of the culture of television speech.
2. Determine the features of the oral speech of modern journalists on television.
3. Analyze ways to improve public speaking skills.
4. To analyze the features of the speech technique of the journalist O. Skabeeva.
5. Analyze the speech behavior of the selected journalist.
6. Outline the main recommendations for increasing the level of public speaking skills of O. Skabeeva.
The object of the research underlying the article is the culture of speech and speech behavior of TV journalist Olga Skabeva.
The subject of the research is oratory, speech culture, speech technique and behavior of a modern TV presenter in relation to the criteria of good speech and types of speech culture.
2. Materials and methods
Theoretical basis of oratory are presented in numerous sources. In Russian culture, the word "orare" came from the Latin language and means "to speak" in translation. The meaning of the word is associated, as a rule, with the emotional mastery of the speaker's speech.
To most accurately determine the semantics of this concept, we analyzed special sources of some authors.
The first source is the textbook by I.N. Kuznetsov "Rhetoric". In it, the author argues that the art of mastering a word is defined by several terms:
1) "Rhetoric (Greek) - theory and practical skill of eloquence, persuasion, influence by means of speech" (Kuznetsov, 2000: 403).
2) "Oratory (lat.) - a high degree of skill in public speaking, skillful mastery of a living word, the art of constructing speech" (Kuznetsov, 2000: 4).
3) "Eloquence is the mastery of oral speech, the ability to speak convincingly, interestingly, expressively, at a high level of culture" (Kuznetsov, 2000: 391).
In this source, we observe that the author defines the terms "rhetoric", "oratory" and "eloquence" almost as synonyms.
N.I. Ushkova in her work "Foundations of Rhetoric" defines the concept of "oratory" as "the art of practical verbal interaction, which provides an opportunity to masterfully use the word as a tool of thought and persuasion" (Ushkova, 2006: 5).
It should be noted that N.I. Ushkova, as well as I.N. Kuznetsov, considers the terms "eloquence", "rhetoric", "oratory", "art of the living word" semantically close concepts that allow her to use them as synonyms.
A similar definition sounds in the textbook by L.L. Zakharova's "Rhetoric": "Oratory in its modern sense is a set of knowledge and skills that are necessary for preparing and delivering a public speech in order to fully express the speaker's communicative intention and deliver the desired impression to the audience" (Zakharova, 2012: 34). We noticed that the author of the textbook in his work rightly distinguishes between the concepts of "rhetoric" and "oratory" and highlights the following differences:
1) Rhetoric is the science of persuasive speech that serves the needs of the active side of the communicative process, the needs of the speaker and writer, shows how to make texts, how to build speech and teaches to speak convincingly (Zakharova, 2012: 9).
2) Oratory - it is distinguished by a specific purpose, incentive function and orientation to action, requires certain physical and psychological data, vocation and talent (Zakharova, 2012: 34).
On the basis of this special source, we can conclude that for the author the concept of "rhetoric" has a broader scientific value, which is not exclusively related to the physical and psychological capabilities of the speaker, in contrast to the concept of "oratory", where the problem of managing the activities and thoughts of people in help of speech forms the basis and constitutes the main goal for the master of the living word, because professional oratorical speech is speech that is created with the aim of convincing the viewer.
Modern scientific and methodological literature notes the variety of types of oratory and classifies them on various grounds.
The most complete classification of modern eloquence is presented in the book by G.Z. Apresyan "Oratory". Here the author identifies the following main types of eloquence:
1) The author considers a report on socio-political and political-economic topics, a report report, "a political speech, a diplomatic speech, a political review, an agitational speech to be sociopolitical eloquence;
2) Academic eloquence - a university lecture, scientific report, scientific review, scientific communication;
3) To judicial eloquence - a prosecutor's or accusatory speech; public accusatory speech; lawyer, or defensive; public and self-defense speech;
4) The author considers the anniversary speech, the drinking speech, the memorial speech to be social and everyday eloquence;
5) To theological and ecclesiastical eloquence - sermon, speech at the council" (Apresyan, 1978: 82-84).
It should be noted that this classification, according to L.A. Vvedenskaya and L.G. Pavlova, in general, correctly and fairly fully reflects modern oratory, but does not cover all types of eloquence, which they rightly expressed in the textbook for universities "Business Rhetoric". Namely, "it does not present discussion speeches, such an effective form of oratory as a remark, responses to press conferences, as well as types of eloquence used on radio and television" (Vvedenskaya, Pavlova, 2002: 280).
On television, the oratory of a journalist plays a huge role in the process of influencing the audience. By means of such an element of the language sounding from the TV screen as the sounding word, television achieves its goals aimed at satisfying the multi-vector requirements of
the mass audience for information. M.A. Heveschi believes that "politics considers the mass as the sum of individuals, each of which can be convinced and thereby push to certain political actions" (Heveshi, 2001).
In the scientific monograph "Cultural Mission of Television" (2011) N. S. Gegelova notes that a word spoken on television can influence the development of a television audience intellectually: "to actively influence the tastes, views, worldview of people, formulate attitudes, create guidelines, spiritual, moral cultural values, and form public opinion among the viewer" (Gegelova, 2011: 185). According to the author, the analysis of the culture of speech of journalists on television seems to be relevant for the reason that the meaning of the word and the attitude towards it are still in constant transformation.
Next, we return to the analysis of the textbook by N.I. Ushkova "Foundations of Rhetoric". The author of this source, as well as N.S. Gegelova in a scientific monograph, assesses the importance of the oratorical word for a journalist on television. "It is not difficult for a person endowed with the gift of eloquence to win the trust of listeners, to achieve understanding, to win over to his side, because a journalist who knows oratory has inexhaustible possibilities of self-expression" (Ushkova, 2006: 55).
After analyzing the opinions of researchers, we can conclude that the speaker is not only the creator, but also the performer of the speech. Therefore, it is not enough for a modern journalist to prepare a speech that is interesting in content, but it is important to learn how to make a speech, i.e. to master special qualities, techniques and methods of public speaking. In addition, from the point of view of Maria Claudia Cook, the person should "develop his communication skills, critical thinking, develop his responsibility, tolerance, develop his aesthetic sensitivity and use his own experience, connecting with experience and social reality" (Cuc, 2014: 68). Maintaining constructive self-esteem and constantly cultivating a personal desire for knowledge determine all of the above (Florescu, 2014).
In journalism, rhetoric is perceived as a means, as a tool for successful interaction with people. According to V.I. Annushkin, over the course of decades, oratory has developed in the following directions:
1. «The culture of speech, which required to speak correctly, in accordance with the norms of literary pronunciation;
2. Technique of speech, which required the speaker's representative behavior in front of the audience and the speaker's personal "conviction";
3. The use of the laws of formal logic in oratory» (Annushkin, 2017: 81).
Reality testifies that content and form, as correlative categories, require attention in the process of acquiring the skills of speaking in front of an audience. They are so consistent with each other that form and content are inseparable without jeopardizing the intended positive outcome.
Among such components of the speech culture of a TV journalist, on which the success of the speech depends, one can single out:
1. Logical construction of speech using arguments and evidence;
2. The richness and depth of the truths presented, the figurative and emotional expressiveness of speech;
3. "Ability to achieve mutual connection with the audience, because in the process of speaking, the act of interaction between the speaker and the listener is most expressive;
4. The impact of the journalist's personality on the audience" (Kokhtev, Rosenthal, 1988: 47).
To achieve understanding by the addressees of the information about what is said, to grasp
the important aspects and accents of the content, and also to correctly assess why the speech took place, a modern journalist needs certain speech training, which includes:
1. Practicing speech technique, which includes diction, volume, tempo and rhythm.
2. Vocabulary, which is a selection of vocabulary material that helps to most accurately convey the content.
3. Grammar and syntax help the journalist organize the material according to the laws of the language.
4. Logic teaches the speaker to express his thoughts consistently and harmoniously, to build a speech correctly.
5. Knowledge of the style of speech determines the speech form that will most accurately reveal the given content of the speech.
6. Possession of the basics of kinesics - a set of body movements who are involved during communication, with the exception of the speech apparatus, as well as the correspondence of gesture, facial expressions, posture and appearance of the speaker to the spoken words (Rozhdestvensky, 2005: 97).
"The main tool of a journalist is the word" (Vvedenskaya, Pavlova, 2002: 282). Using the opinions of well-known authors and referring to the above sources, we have established that a journalist is a bearer of an average literary type of speech culture, which means that he must master the norms of both the colloquial style and the literary one.
The methodological basis of the study was the methods of analyzing the characteristics of the oral speech of a television journalist and observation of the speech behavior of the object of the study.
3. Discussion
S.R. Koni, in the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," retells an old parable:
"A certain man saw a lumberjack in the forest, with great difficulty sawing a tree with a completely dull saw.
The man asked the woodcutter:
- Dear, why don't you sharpen your saw?
"I don't have time to sharpen the saw, I have to saw," - moaned the woodcutter "(Koni, 2014: 17).
This parable, according to the author, illustrates the fact that many people, in their desire to get success in their professional activities, often forget about the tools that will help them achieve the desired goal. The meaning of this parable is that sometimes you need to pause to sharpen the saw, and only after that something will start to work out. This idea can be applied to the concept of self-education. The self-learning individual readiness is determined by the stages of its socialization and professionalization during the whole life; it means that it has "a tiered character" (Akmanova et al., 2019).
Self-education is one of the most essential habits a journalist needs. A professional must constantly "sharpen his saw". First of all, it is a source of self-esteem and self-confidence. This habit helps in all spheres of life, since with constant self-education, a person replenishes his resources, develops abilities and becomes more adapted to changes around.
M. Gorky said: "In relation to very many of our writers, it must be said that they treat the Russian language barbarously and know it poorly" (Quoted from: Ivin, 2003: 173). First of all, this applies to modern "feather sharks", which just force people to talk about the so-called "language problem", which is incredibly relevant to our time.
The public's perception of a TV show depends to a large extent on the TV journalist's mastery of speech culture. It should be borne in mind that each speaking journalist has his own individual characteristics, which, as a rule, affect the style of speech and are manifested in the manner of speech.
It is known that the language for a journalist is an everyday working tool, therefore, the improvement of his culture of speech and speech technique of a journalist should occur constantly, without interrupting his main activity. That is, the culture of speech and speech behavior of the individual are capable of be construed as a way of intelligent behavior that maintains discipline in the community and in society (Alba-Juez, Larina, 2018; Arevalo, 2018; Wierzbicka, 2018).
Even in ancient times, two approaches to the perception of oratory were clearly identified. Some supporters believed that the main thing was the idea and content, while others considered rhetoric as the art of decorating speech and considered its form and style to be the main advantage of speech. What important professional qualities should a television journalist develop in order to improve the level of public speaking?
The source we turned to to study this issue was the book "My Life in Art" by K.S. Stanislavsky. Here the author examines in detail an important quality that a good speaker should possess - this is speech technique. According to Stanislavsky, "a well-developed speech technique should ensure simplicity and nobility of form, musicality, sustained faithful and varied rhythm, good, calm, easily conveyed inner pattern of thought and feeling" (Stanislavsky, 2009: 372).
Some authors consider the concept of "speech technique" in the aspect of the speaking process. So, N.M. Pochikaeva in the textbook "Fundamentals of Oratory and the Culture of Speech" believes that this concept primarily includes "correct breathing (physiological basis of speech),
voice (continuous sound), pronunciation (diction) in the process of speech and reading" (Pochikaeva, 2003).
From these definitions, we can conclude that a developed speech technique is an obligatory, necessary quality for a public speech, which helps to embody and convey the depth of the text taken for reading to the viewer and listener. It should be assumed that the development of this skill will increase the journalist's level of public speaking skills.
Oratory theorists have long distinguished different types of orators. So, academician I.P. Pavlov, in his writings, substantiated the presence of two types of higher nervous activity in humans, namely, artistic and mental. The author believes that depending on what type of higher nervous activity a person belongs to, he will make a speech in different ways. In addition, when we talk about different types of speakers, it is necessary to take into account which side prevails in speech - emotional or logical (Pavlov, 1954: 18)
For a successful speech, a journalist needs to determine the "golden mean" for himself. For example, it is not recommended to be only an emotional speaker and at the same time not worry about the logic of reasoning. If the speaker speaks enthusiastically, but his speech is empty, then this, as a rule, irritates the audience and causes protest. Also, oratorical speech will not be of high quality if the journalist speaks dispassionately and unemotionally.
Therefore, a television journalist must work on his intonation capabilities, it is possible to diversify the tempo of speech, think over where it is appropriate to pause. In this case, the presentation will not sound monotonous and monotonous, which will help to keep the attention and interest of the audience.
Freedom of communication determines the personal choice of the addressee, giving him the right to choose from a number of possible the very alternative that is acceptable in communication with a specific addressee of information (Kulikova et al., 2019). Of no small importance for the emotional impact of the speaker on the audience is the problem of mastering facial expressions and gestures. The arsenal of basic human emotions that are reflected on the face includes surprise, fear, disgust, joy and sadness. It is very important for a TV journalist to learn how to manage them during a speech in order to improve public speaking skills in general.
Knowledge of the expression system gives the journalist an effective tool with which you can change your emotional state during a public speech.
Australian specialist A. Pease in the book "Body Language", based on his own experience of public speaking and research, concluded that "with the help of words 7 % of information is transmitted, sound means - 38 %, facial expressions, gestures, posture - 55 %" (Pease, 2007 : 94).
Based on this example, it can be assumed that mastering the means of non-verbal communication perfectly can convey much more information to the audience than verbal ones. Thus, establishing contact, capturing the public attention ensures the success of public speaking and increases the level of skill, and is also a prerequisite for conveying information, providing the desired impact on the listener and consolidating certain knowledge and beliefs in them. Therefore, in our article devoted to the analysis of the oratory skills of a particular television journalist, we will refer not only to the theory of oratory technique and culture of speech, but also analyze the special skills and abilities necessary for effective speech.
Many changes are taking place in modern society, which, as a rule, attract the interest of the media. Issues of importance to society in the field of politics, international relations and economics are actively discussed on television in political talk shows. E. Gregus, J. Minarikova, and K. Kubikova indicate that newscast is one of the main determinants of opinion-making (Visnovsky et al., 2019: 51). Due to the diversity of opinions expressed and often fundamentally different points of view of the participants, talk shows are very popular with the majority of the audience of Russian television. In programs of this kind, a special role always belongs to the presenter, who must be able to competently and constructively support the discussions and skillfully manage the opponents' speech parties.
In the course of preparing the article, we decided to analyze speech technique, speech culture and speech behavior of the popular journalist and Russian TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. We examined the level of oratory skills of this journalist on the example of the program "60 minutes" on the TV channel "Russia-1".
Olga Skabeeva is a Russian journalist and TV presenter. In 2008, she began work in the federal editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) and became a laureate of the Profession-Reporter competition in the Journalistic
Investigation nomination. In 2015-2016, she hosted the author's program Vesti.doc on the Russia-1 TV channel. In this TV project, journalistic investigations were combined with a studio discussion. Since September 12, 2016, together with her husband Yevgeny Popov, he has been conducting a social and political talk show "60 minutes" on the Russia-1 TV channel, declared as a discussion program on high-profile topics. In February 2017, she was awarded the "Golden Pen of Russia" award from the Union of Journalists of Russia "for the development of discussion platforms on Russian television."
The image of a presenter on television is not only an appearance, but also speech behavior, speech technique, as well as possession of an instrument of lexical means of expression. "The image of a person is an already formed holistic image with which a person makes an impression on society" (Oleshko, 2016: 236).
The image of Olga Skabeeva characterizes her as a confident, straightforward and rather tough personality. The presenter, as a rule, does not allow the opponent to interrupt herself, she is fluent in the art of arguing. Enters the discussion, and then abruptly interrupts it if the statements of the opponent are not based on facts or contradict the reality of the problem under discussion.
The basis of the image is the psychological component, which in turn consists of three elements:
1. "Appearance;
2. Behavior (includes facial expressions, gestures, various motor habits and reactions);
3. Speech" (Osetrova, 2004: 14).
Critics often define Olga Skabeeva's style as "prosecutorial and accusatory". TV reporter IE Petrovskaya quite sharply comments on her manner of presenting news material: "This is a spetsnaz correspondent. Follower of Mamontov and other people, when it is necessary to hammer the last nails into the lid of the coffin, where, however, a person still lies alive" (Quoted from: Somina, 2013).
"When I listen to her, I think about Prosecutor Vyshinsky. If Andrei Yanuaryevich were a lady, then he, quite possibly, would have spoken in a harsh, assertive voice of Skabeeva, "expressed Slava Taroshchina, a columnist for "Novaya Gazeta" (Quoted from: Somina, 2013). The researchers emphasize that caution is needed when perceiving news that is narrated by a TV presenter, with emotional outbursts in the presence of subjective evaluative statements about news reports (Albright, 2017).
Indeed, it is fair to agree that the culture of speech and speech technique of the TV journalist figure prominently in shaping the image on television. The formation of the image takes place with the help of lexical and technical tools implemented in speech. It is they who regulate the moment of contact between the TV presenter and the addressees of the information. Hence, speech is the most powerful tools by which the speaker achieves greater impressive power.
Effective public speaking is impossible without various means of expression. A speech based on reasoning alone is not able interest the public as much as possible through the use of figurative speech by the communicator. Lexical techniques are the basis for a successful public speech. The figurativeness of speech is facilitated by epithets, comparisons, tropes and figures. The lexical techniques of oratorical speech are designed to increase the expressiveness and expressiveness of the prepared speech. When played together, they can ensure the success of a political speech.
To organize successful communication with opponents and interaction with the audience, O. Skabeeva often resorts to speech clichés, for example: now this is a fundamentally important moment; let's get a look; let's pay attention; let's quote, etc. When communicating with the guests of the studio, he always addresses by name and patronymic or uses the address "for you". But in rare cases, he allows himself to address his co-host Evgeny Popov or colleagues only by name, for example: "Zhen, thank you very much; What do you say, Zhen?" (see broadcast 19.11.19).
"A speech stamp is a stylistically colored speech means that has become a popular universal unit due to its high usage" (Vvedenskaya, Pavlova, 2002: 250). The use of cliches is not considered a mistake or a flaw in the construction of speech, but excessive use of them in speech can irritate some audience.
In the program «60 Minutes», the presenter often uses cues using epithets, metaphors and exaggeration. Consequently, the speech of the presenter in each issue is presented by expressive statements and expressive means:
- "Donald John Trump becomes President, triumphantly, with an advantage, because of which the Clinton headquarters were crying" (broadcast on 9.11.16);
- "with righteous anger" (broadcast on 9.11.16);
- "BloodyAssad" (broadcast29.11.16);
- "You spoke about the bloody mess, into which Russia is being dragged" (broadcast on 29.11.16);
- "rocket stake in the heart of Russia" (broadcast on 3.03.17).
The way and manner of presenting the topic by O. Skabeeva may resemble the presentation of arguments against a person who is accused of committing some kind of offense. Indeed, in the course of a discussion, a journalist, as a rule, always works in the style of the so-called "prosecutor". It seems that this often contradicts what is called «social responsibility and ethics: the ability to apply the principles of social responsibility, democratic citizenship and ethics to one's own identity, communication, behavior and media activities» (McDougall et al., 2018: 7).
In order to have a clearer idea of the arsenal of speech techniques, techniques and lexical means of expressive speech used by the presenter, we analyzed a fragment of the journalist's address to the guests of the studio in one of the episodes of the program (broadcast 23.09.16):
Olga Skabeeva:
"It's a very important question, perhaps it seemed to us, but Poroshenko started this European tour last week, first he visited Estonia, then Finland. Today is such a kind of political climax, because today he landed in Berlin, and exactly last week the offensive began in the Donbass".
We dare to make the assumption that in this case the presenter's goal is to accuse Petro Poroshenko (the former president of Ukraine). The reasons for this article help to understand the power of language as an ideological tool in production and promoting the "we and them" doctrine (Lajevardi, Oskooii, 2018).
In her address, Skabeeva begins with the designation of an urgent business trip of the Ukrainian leader abroad, but with a clearly sarcastic intonation and sarcasm, instead of the phrase "business trip" she uses the word "tour" (meaning "travel"). Further, the presenter uses an oxymoron and calls the landing in Berlin "a political climax", i.e. the highest point of a political career - which belittles Poroshenko's authority.
The presenter continues the statement: "It was no coincidence that at the beginning we said that it was to a certain extent, well, in fact, you correct me if I'm wrong ...". Note that in programs with the participation of Skabeeva, you can periodically record such techniques; I think they should be interpreted as a desire to avoid censure for a rude tonality in assessing the situations under discussion..
"It is very similar to a kind of Poroshenko's handwriting, when he goes somewhere, he always brings photos of the funeral. Brought today, buried yesterday. Demonstrated by Merkel, and necessarily, a second, and necessarily aggravation in the Donbass ... ". In this case, the TV presenter discusses the existence of a possible connection between Poroshenko's business trips and his alleged death in the area of hostilities in Donbass. By making such a statement, O. Skabeeva commits incitement and acts to undermine the image of the President of Ukraine.
The TV presenter supplements her tirade with an expressive epithet, in fact, reprimanding Poroshenko for his frequent business trips abroad, while blood continues to shed in Donbas and a civil clash occurs: "Neither before nor after, exactly on the eve of the visit, so that he had such a bloody background, you know. Alas, that's right".
So, in the course of observing the vocabulary and speech technique of O. Skabeeva, we can conclude that this is a powerful image component. The lexical arsenal of the TV presenter includes the use of speech stamps, replicas using a variety of expressive and pictorial means: epithets, metaphors, hyperbole, oxymorons, irony and sarcasm. The technique of speech - a strong, sonorous voice, clear diction, correct and expressive intonation - corresponds to the image of an accuser, prosecutor, straightforward, tough, confident in his position.
Different social groups differ in their speech behavior. Professor of Philosophical Sciences Cheslav Daletsky in the textbook "Rhetoric: Speak, and I will tell you who you are", explains this phenomenon by "the existence of a number of stereotypes" (Daletsky, 2003: 27).
The role of speech behavior in the preservation of culture becomes clear when speech culture is an indispensable condition for the preservation and transmission of value codes.
In the modern world, the problem of acquiring speech competence by a person aggravated by the fact that it involves not only mastering various social role situations.
The high level of the TV presenter's speech culture is evidenced by his freedom in handling various means of speech expression (tropes and stylistic figures), but - at the same time -the ability to keep within the boundaries of literary and ethical norms, pursuing a specific goal.
Olga Skabeva's speech behavior during the "60 minutes" program pursues the following
1. Management of the process;
2. Controlling reasoning.
In accordance with the named goals, the TV presenter has developed a number of gestures that perform the following functions:
1. "Pointing function. It is manifested by a directed movement of the hand at the one who should take the floor, or at the screen in the studio;
2. Accentuating function. More often presented in the form of hand movements during the pronunciation of intonationally highlighted words.
3. The pictorial function. Includes a visual demonstration of words" (Oleshko, 2016: 146); for example, outlining the halo of hostilities in the Donbass on broadcast on 30.01. 2017.
In the speech behavior of O. Skabeeva, the gender peculiarity is clearly manifested - this is a female intense and expressive gesticulation, with all the normative restraint of the leading one.
In a situation where there is no need for regulatory gestures, the presenter keeps her arms crossed at waist level. Often her gestures are constrained, due to the fact that she is holding a folder with a script.
The presenter has an excellent command of the "art" of provoking conflict, but also - rarely -can "soften" conflict situations. In the process of observing the journalist's behavior on the air, we noticed that Skabeeva more often pays attention to the talk-show participant who is the most aggressive in his speech behavior. The presenter uses techniques to reduce the distance, smile and touch the opponent's hand. It is fair to assume that such a manner is a win-win option precisely in the matter of female behavior during conflict resolution. An illustration can be a fragment of the program "60 minutes" with the participation of Vladimir Zhirinovsky (from 29.11.16).
In order to have a complete picture of the level of professionalism of the presenter and to identify possible violations of the law in her speech behavior, we decided to be guided by the "letter of the law" (Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on 01.03.2020) "On the mass media information").
On television, this issue is relevant due to the frequent ignorance, ignorance and negligence of journalists in matters of legal and ethical standards of the profession. One of the consequences may be lawsuits against journalists and the media.
The "lawsuit" against the journalist can be caused by several reasons:
1. Negative reaction of the media audience to factual errors, unfair assessments, which often relate to the reputation of the object of journalistic attention. Studying the process of TV reporters' perception of the revision of facts is now something commonplace (Mena, 2019: 657-672).
2. The idea that with the help of scandalousness, cynicism, shocking, as well as an aggressive style of presenting information, the rating of the program rises.
3. Legal unpreparedness of journalists (Lozovsky, 2004: 3).
It is known that in the Law "On the Mass Media" of the Russian Federation, the same norm is fixed in two articles: 47 "Rights of a journalist" and 49 "Duties of a journalist" - "to check the accuracy of information communicated to him and her" (Electronic Fund, 2020). The reliability of the information is extremely important, since neglect of the requirements for checking information often significantly worsens the reputation of the journalist and the TV channel. "Misinformation is pollution" (Adams, 2018: 232-234)
So, in the program "60 minutes", dedicated to the massacre in the Kerch college, presenter Olga Skabeeva contacted by video link on the air, allegedly with an eyewitness to the incident, sophomore Alina Kerova. Later it turned out that a student with this name and surname died during the shooting. A classmate of the deceased confirmed to the Dozhd TV channel that it was not Kerova's voice that sounded on the air of Rossiya 1. She assured that there are no more girls with such a surname in the college (broadcast from 17.10.18).
According to the Law "On Mass Media" Skabeyeva as a journalist has the right not to come out with a message or material, the content of which, in her opinion, was distorted in the course of editorial preparation (Article 47 "Rights of a journalist"). This can be defined as "lying" or "distorting" some reality or experience (Besana et al., 2019). Fake news and misinformation is one
of the problems that the present age presents (Lotero-Echeverri et al., 2018: 295-316; Young et al.,
2018: 49-75).
Note that such a violation was most likely due to an editorial oversight of the TV channel, however, that is why it is important for a journalist to check sources for the veracity of information before broadcasting.
On the air from the presenter, harsh and insufficiently correct statements about the opponent are often heard, which is also a violation of journalistic ethics.
Skabeeva criticized the guest of the program, politician Nikita Isaev, who spoke about the problems in Ukraine (broadcast from 01.10.18).
Nikita Isaev: (interrupting Skabeeva) "And this is absolutely correct!"
Olga Skabeeva: "Is that correct?! Please go away, Nikita Olegovich, get out of here. I think you are an idiot".
Such a statement by the presenter is of a sharp evaluative nature, expresses a negative position and negative attitude towards the guest of the studio, which may serve as a reason for a claim for "protection of the rights, honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen" (Electronic Fund, 2020) (Article 49 "Duties of a journalist"). The problem of bullying in childhood and adolescence quite often attracts the attention of teachers and social psychologists, but it is impossible to constantly close our eyes to the fact that adults are being bullied, as well as to the fact that the initiators of violence are able to sufficiently lower the self-esteem of seemingly already formed people (Friesem, 2019). We have to admit that verbal abuse occurs quite often in life. Many individuals face bullying and insults every day, which is necessarily reflected in their psyche and self-esteem (Kubiszewski et al., 2019).
It is much more correct and safer not to use harsh words and statements towards the opponent, but, on the contrary, to demonstrate a set of facts that will themselves lead the audience to the same assessment. The task of a professional speaker is to minimize these mistakes in their professional activities.
In general, by observing the behavior of the presenter, we have identified the main property that is inherent in the speech manner of O. Skabeeva - categoricalness. She often uses constructions with a direct and negative assessment, for example: "On the other hand, well, this is rudeness" (in this case, a negative assessment of the act of the British Prime Minister and a negative assessment of the British government are given).
The manner of speech behavior is also characterized by distinctness, clarity and sharpness. It should be noted that the speech rate of the presenter is quite fast. The voice is high-pitched, clear, with metallic notes.
Olga Skabeeva's general speech style can be characterized as aggressive, assertive and organizing. All these characteristics are definitely more characteristic of the male style of performance.
Modeling the communicative behavior of media personalities, as a rule, is associated with a personal set of tools of various communication tactics that the presenter uses in the process of discussion and to establish contact with the participants in the program.
L.A. Vvedenskaya and L.G. Pavlova in their textbook on rhetoric, give the following definition of the concept of "Discussion". "This is a public dispute, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, search, reveal the true opinion, and find the correct solution to the controversial issue" (Vvedenskaya, Pavlova, 2002: 326).
In the course of the research, we focused on tactics typical of political talk shows: presenting a topic, defining a problem and addressing it to the interlocutor, stopping the discussion, limiting and, conversely, pushing the interlocutor to dialogue, stopping the talk show.
1. Submission of the topic. Olga Skabeeva in the situation of presenting the topic uses a universal tactic of self-presentation, avoiding welcoming formulas or by giving the role of a "good" TV presenter to another host of the program, Evgeny Popov. The discussed information was presented with an accusatory intonation towards the object of discussion. The facts are selected in such a way that they fulfill the function of corroborating the allegations made. Personal assessments of the facts or people under discussion are aggressive and are designed to cause an ambiguous reaction from the opponent. The TV presenter sometimes turns to quotes or authoritative sources in order to strengthen her position in the dispute (for example, broadcast on 9.12.16).
2. Turns to the interlocutor by asking a question. This process is always personified -Skabeeva refers to the interlocutor by name. With her, as a rule, lengthy questions, the TV presenter resorts to the interlocutor as an expert on the problem under discussion or as a participant in one of the past programs, even using flattery. The method of collecting information of interest to the TV presenter is sometimes the naming of a fact and a problem interconnected with it. Often questions related to its discussion are provocative (for example, broadcast on 20.03.17).
3. Termination of discussion. The TV presenter makes intermediate conclusions, resorts to promises in order to invite one of the participants in the program to speak, and thus continue the discussion of the topic. In view of the fact that the program "60 minutes" includes the showing of a video sequence on the screen in a television studio, Skabeeva quite often stops the discussion of the problem, inviting the audience to watch the video sequence (for example, broadcast on 14.09.16).
4. Containment of the opponent. It is difficult for Olga Skabeva to stay in such a situation, since the broadcast lasts a maximum of one hour, meanwhile there are 2-8 invited guests in the TV studio. In such a situation, Skabeeva turns to strict methods of restraining the opponent with verbal attacks and accusations against him. She gives her voice a metallic hue, resorts to repeated repetition of commands. The TV presenter does not hesitate to intercept the opponent's word, independently determining the sequence of speeches (for example, broadcast on 14.09.16).
5. Encouraging the interlocutor. The TV presenter defends the point of view of the interlocutor, shows agreement with him, plays along with him in every possible way, encourages the participant in the program. Skabeeva introduces the interlocutor in order to increase the status of the communicative partner, which can be considered as support (for example, broadcast on 14.09.16).
6. Situation of the conclusion of the discussion. At the end of the program, Olga Skabeeva draws conclusions from the discussion in the television studio, emphasizing the positive aspects of the discussion, expresses hope for an early successful resolution of the problem, referring to the "positive" facts and expressing gratitude to the interlocutors. Olga Skabeeva ends the program with a call to watch the newscast of the "Vesti" program (for example, broadcast on 29.11.16).
Despite the stream of criticism directed at her, Olga Skabeeva has been successfully conducting various political projects on television for many years, retaining her rhetorical features that distinguish her from other journalists and attract TV viewers. Olga Skabeeva diligently maintains the image of "the iron doll of Putin's television" - this is how the TV presenter Irina Petrovskaya called the TV presenter on one of the broadcasts of radio "Echo of Moscow".
The main tasks of Olga Skabeyeva in the context of a conflicting political discussion are gaining authority, strengthening her image and defending her position, even by lowering the status and discrediting the communicative partner, creating the image of an "enemy".
Consequently, the considered situations of the TV show "60 minutes" make it possible to generalize the following signs of the presenter's speech behavior: in the speech behavior of Skabeeva shines through the emphasized attention to the interlocutor, the detailed formulation of the questions addressed to him, a verbal attack on the object of discussion or opponent, the desire to complete her thought, but in parallel with this, the TV presenter is rather passive when challenging the opponent's point of view and conducting a mutually respectful dispute. She "takes part in verbal bullying in order to assert himself and to gain higher status in his social group" (Tuzel, Hobbs, 2017).
An analysis of Olga Skabeeva's speech behavior in a conflict situation revealed the discrepancy between her speech actions and the prevailing stereotypes of female communicative behavior, which she rarely exhibits. In the verbal behavior of Skabeeva, there are much more non-cooperative, conflict tactics. A woman in political discourse, as we can observe, is no less active in a situation of defending her opinion than a man, often resorts to tactics of "overturning" the interlocutor and ignores his opinion, making negative evaluative statements about him. Intimidation in the process of communication appears due to an imbalance in the distribution of power or power - the stronger attacks the weaker, hence there can be no equals in the dialogue built on intimidation. This imbalance can manifest itself due to various circumstances: through physical contact, verbal abuse and humiliation, the spread of rumors (Allcott, Gentzkow, 2017). Unfortunately, insults in the media (de Lenne et al., 2020) are now becoming more and more popular. Sometimes the presenter appeals to unverified data in her speech and distorts the facts. Sometimes the named features of speech behavior contradict the legislation of the Russian
Federation in the field of mass media (in particular, Articles 47 "Rights of a journalist" and 49 "Duties of a journalist").
4. Results
Today it is already difficult to imagine a modern society without television. The real influence of the mass media in the world is constantly growing, therefore, the profession of a journalist requires them to have the highest level of humanitarian training and high intellectual and professional abilities.
In our article, we studied the theoretical prerequisites for the development of oratorical skills and culture of speech and carried out a cultural and speech analysis of the acting journalist and TV presenter of the TV channel "Russia-1" "60 minutes" Olga Skabeeva.
After analyzing the opinions of authoritative researchers, we found out that there is a lot of controversy about the culture of the language of modern media and about the oratory skills of journalists, which arouses scientific interest. The speaker is not only the creator, but also the performer of the speech. Therefore, it is not enough for a modern journalist to prepare a speech that is interesting in content, but it is important to learn how to make a speech, i.e. to master special qualities, techniques and methods of public speaking. Public speaking involves, first of all, the study of the tools of successful speech. Among the elements of the culture of the journalist's oral speech activity, on which the success of the speech depends, the following factors were identified:
1. Logical construction of speech using arguments and evidence;
2. The richness and depth of the presented arguments, facts and truths, figurative and emotional expressiveness of speech;
3. Achievement of mutual connection with the audience;
4. The impact of the personality of the journalist on the audience.
We also determined the qualities of speech that, ideally, a professional speaker should have:
1. Precision and Wealth
2. Comprehensibility of speech
3. Purity of speech
4. Brightness, imagery, expressiveness
Each of these qualities determines the effectiveness of speech on television.
The study identifies the main features of the oral speech of modern journalists:
1. Ease of communication;
2. Informality of relations between interlocutors;
3. Often unpreparedness of speech;
4. Direct participation of speakers in the act of communication;
5. The widespread use of sensorimotor methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures, etc.).
In the course of observing the vocabulary and speech technique of O. Skabeeva, the host of the social and political talk show "60 minutes", we came to the conclusion that this is a powerful image component. The lexical arsenal of the TV presenter includes the use of speech stamps, replicas using a variety of expressive and pictorial means: epithets, metaphors, hyperbole, oxymorons, irony and sarcasm. The technique of speech - a strong, sonorous voice, clear diction, correct and expressive intonation - corresponds to the image of an accuser, prosecutor, straightforward, tough, confident in his position.
As a result of the analysis of the journalist's speech technique, its main qualities were identified:
1. Conflict
2. Perseverance
3. Determination
To a large extent, the named characteristics of the vocabulary and speech technique of O. Skabeeva are explained by the role of the host of a TV show of such a format, which obliges to take a leadership position.
An analysis of Olga Skabeeva's speech behavior in a conflict situation revealed the discrepancy between her speech actions and the prevailing stereotypes of female communicative behavior, which she rarely exhibits. In the verbal behavior of Skabeeva, there are much more non-cooperative, conflict tactics. A woman in political discourse, as we can observe, is no less active in a
situation of defending her opinion than a man, often resorts to tactics of "overturning" the interlocutor and ignores his opinion, making negative evaluative statements about him. Sometimes the presenter appeals to unverified data in her speech and distorts the facts. Sometimes the named features of speech behavior contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of mass media (in particular, Articles 47 "Rights of a journalist" and 49 "Duties of a journalist").
5. Conclusion
Having analyzed the use of elements of oratory in the activities of the television journalist Olga Skabeeva, we concluded that they are the main reasons that impede productive communication, as well as the positive reaction of the audience to the speech behavior of the presenter. As a result, we formulated some recommendations designed to improve the level of public speaking skills of the TV presenter.
Recommendations for non-verbal behavior:
a) The jaw and lips of the leader are in most cases in a slightly tense state, showing restraint in facial expressions. This tension gives Skabeeva's voice a "metallic note" that is difficult for many viewers and critics. If these parts of the face are relaxed, moving freely, the voice will sound in a softer manner and less tense.
b) Gesturing is often stiff. While listening to the opponent's speech or speaking with her own argument, the presenter often stands with in a closed position, keeping her arms crossed at waist level. Thus, a non-verbal barrier is created between the speaker and the audience. This explains why this pose cannot be taken in journalists' speeches on television. Note that Skabeeva often resorts to unfemininely restrained gestures, because there is a folder with a script in her hands.
Recommendations for verbal behavior:
a) It is noticed that the presenter in her speech resorts to the use of words-parasites "like", "well", "here", "in general", "on this", "means" when she forms the thought of the statement.
Example (broadcast on 30.11.16): Olga Skabeeva: "Tomorrow, as it was, it was said again by the very same official Kiev, tomorrow at 9 am the start of Ukrainian missile firing in Russian airspace is supposedly scheduledAvoiding the use of such words, it is better to take a short pause before speaking.
b) O. Skabeeva often interrupts guests, raises her voice to them, and sometimes kicks them out of the studio. For this reason, many critics accuse the journalist of being unprofessional.
Example (broadcast on 27.01.17):
Yakub Koreyba: "I say that, from my point of view, Russia is suspect number one...".
Olga Skabeeva: "Come on, when Jacob has evidence, then he will continue to speak out, yes, on this score".
We would recommend the TV presenter to be more restrained in her emotions and respectful to the interlocutor, even if it is an opponent.
c) It is fairly noted that in the speech of the presenter there is an inaccuracy of some statements, which is why false information may sound on the air. So, in one of the broadcasts Skabeeva mistakenly stated that the novel "Young Guard" was written by Mikhail Bulgakov, although in reality the author is Alexander Fadeev.
Example (broadcast 28.03.17):
Olga Skabeeva: "Probably Bulgakov's Young Guard or Chekhov's Cherry Orchard will now look fun and amusing".
We would recommend in such a situation to refer to verified facts that are known for sure by the TV presenter, so as not to distort them. In search of protection from information and psychological aggression, the audience resorts to proven, high-quality information provided by sources with a high degree of reliability (Pearson, Knobloch-Westerwick, 2018).
A high level of speech culture, oratorical skill is an integral feature of a cultured person. Improving your speech is the task of every journalist.
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