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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mamajonova Zulfizar Madaminovna

This article, which is devoted to the study of the problem of psychological readiness of a person for professional activity, discusses different approaches to identifying its main components. Despite the diversity, information has been provided on the identification of the motivational component associated with the development of motivational skills of future teachers in its person-centered learning process in its structure with the understanding of human needs. The need to successfully complete these tasks is based on an interest in the activity, manifested in the options for its implementation.

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68 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(55), 2020

Mamajonova Zulfizar Madaminovna lecturer at Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


Abstract. This article, which is devoted to the study of the problem of psychological readiness of a person for professional activity, discusses different approaches to identifying its main components. Despite the diversity, information has been provided on the identification of the motivational component associated with the development of motivational skills of future teachers in its person-centered learning process in its structure with the understanding of human needs. The need to successfully complete these tasks is based on an interest in the activity, manifested in the options for its implementation.

Keywords: psychological preparation of the person, motivational training in professional activity, potential motivation of students, professionally based motives, pedagogical practice, professional motivation, pedagogical education, career guidance, learning motivation.

In the process of person-centered education, in order to determine what personal and professional qualities should motivate future teachers to acquire the motivational skills that determine the effectiveness of professional activity, it is necessary to analyze this activity from a pedagogical and psychological point of view. It also allows for the development of a system of measures aimed at the laws of professional activity.

Particularly relevant in this regard is the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2018 "On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms in the country".

Indeed, today's future teachers are required to have a high level of knowledge of the psychology of professional activity, moral culture, worldview, level of knowledge and intelligence, culture, personality psychology.

The basic principles of training, such as the unity of education, the integration of theory and practice, the approach to the training of personnel for this field by specialties and in a differentiated manner. The specialist must have a broad outlook, political maturity and training. Only then will he be able to successfully carry out the tasks assigned to him, because the work of future teachers is focused on practical work in the classroom.

The process of modernization of the educational process, the preparation of future teachers for professional activity is reflected in modern research. The main results are the study of theoretical and practical issues of the organization and conduct of educational practice as a link between theoretical knowledge and practical professional activity.

The semantic conditionality of professional self-determination leads the individual to the problem of motivated activity. Therefore, it is appropriate to emphasize its motivational component by highlighting the various components of the psychological preparation of university graduates for their careers. Researchers have talked not only about the psychological phase of education, but also about the motivational preparation of students, and are discussing ways to shape it in future professionals.

In addition, this component incorporates professionally important qualities that define attitudes

toward professional activity [3, 204] and allows for the effective implementation of practical activities [4, 54]. Thus, in terms of a person's psychological readiness for professional activity, motivation determines the conscious direction of action to achieve defined professional goals.

According to researchers (T.G.Bokhan, M.V.Shabalovskaya, S.A.Moreva) motivational objects - cognitively processed needs - "... determines and regulates the direction of activity, the content of motivational orientation determines the level of development of consciousness, especially professional reflects the formation of the object in the activity" [5, 88].

Motivational training of students not only affects their attitude to the chosen specialty and focuses on the study of their content, but also "encourages the use of the potential of the learning environment for the actualization of their potential and the quality of professional development" [5, 88].

According to N.Yu. Maksimova, motivational training of students is "the direction of personality, the conscious acceptance of the values of professional activity, the predominance of motives that ensure the effectiveness of future professional activity, which allows to activate the cognitive, behavioral and emotional-voluntary components of personality" [6,40].

In addition, motivational preparation leads to students 'professional self-awareness. The research work of S.S. Kudinov, N.P. Avdeev and K.V. Arkhipochkina shows that students who consciously stand out in the profession participate not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of society, and have not only socio-spiritual significance. Motivation is also an acceptable type of self-awareness, characterized by socio-moral determination, emotional-voluntary regulation of behavior, aspirations for self-expression, and personality traits [7, 88].

The training of highly cultured teachers depends in many ways on the application of tried and tested methods and forms of education, which mainly affect the consciousness of the future teacher. Today, we see the improvement of person-centered education in the education system of economically developed countries. Taking into account the ongoing changes in the field of education in our country, we must aim to make a radical

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turn in the training of competitive personnel. In the process of education of future teachers, it is important to instill confidence in their profession, future, their capabilities and abilities. It is expedient to introduce into our educational process the process of individual approach to the individual in the education system of European countries.

Individual educational work differs from other forms by the following features:

1) purposefulness;

2) speed, i.e the ability to carry out at any time, in any place, in any conditions;

3) effectiveness, i.e the strength of the ability to influence the person, and so on.

Forms of individual educational work:

One-on-one conversations: one-on-one conversations with the prospective teacher, conducted in a friendly manner, based on mutual trust, to quickly realize and correct his shortcomings, to quickly grasp the events around him, to find answers to self-puzzling questions, serves to form moral qualities.

Personal assistance: is often carried out during the study and execution of normative documents, techniques, personal documents, requirements for service duties, public assignments, improvement of living conditions.

Assignment of individual assignments and tasks: this form of educational work is usually carried out on the basis of teaching, research, public assignments.

Control over the activities of the future teacher: this form of education is based on the individual examination of the performance of each student; are represented in the verification of the execution of assigned tasks, information, notifications and other documents prepared by them. This allows them to evaluate their work objectively, to organize the work properly.

Hearing the report during the practical training: the report is a test of conscience given by the student on the work done in front of his teammates. How honestly he worked, how honest he was, how loyal he was to his work, to his loyalty to his friends will be known through this report.

Visiting the future teacher's place of residence: this is one of the individual forms of education conducted by the university teacher in order to get acquainted with the marital status of his student, to study his living conditions and to help him.

All forms of individual educational work are inextricably linked, and the main goal is to raise the morale of future teachers. So, given the growing demands on the training of future teachers, we will focus on the following aspects that serve us in revealing the essence of our research work.

Socio-biological characteristics of a person affect his development as a whole. The structure of a person consists of ability, temperament, character, motivation, and social determination. Therefore, the role of such characteristics as temperament, intelligence, ability and its characteristics, direction of the person (motivation, character, will and emotion) is important in the formation of the personality of an elderly professional.

In the research of G.V. Novikova, she found that motivation is a key factor in determining a person's

professional self-awareness and professional health, because "professional satisfaction and readiness for professional self-improvement depends in many respects on its content" [7, 82]. According to E.M. Kochneva and L.Yu. Pakhomoa, motivational preparation of students for professional activity is the formation of an integrated personality, in which four components can be distinguished:

- installation (motives of professional choice, important-semantic professional directions);

- cognitive (knowledge, skills, awareness and self-awareness that contribute to the successful start of professional activity);

- personal-voluntary (personal qualities - an integral indicator of determination, initiative, will);

- professional identification (indicators of professional identification and hidden professional motivation).

In general, motivational training "reflects not only the motivational characteristics of the individual, but also the effectiveness of the process of training future professionals in a particular vocational education institution" [10,79]. And "may play a compensatory role in cases of low special abilities".

A theoretical analysis of the problem of motivational preparation of a person for professional activity shows that it can be considered as a direction of psychological training expressed in a set of motives that determine the attitude to the profession within a particular specialty. In the process of choosing a profession, these motives form a combination of motivation and need.


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70 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(55), 2020

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Allayarov M.

Lecturer at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute,




Abstract. This article defines methods for determining the effectiveness of environmental education in elementary school pupils. At the same time, the forms of environmental education have been clarified.

Keywords: environmental education, primary school students, nature, people, teaching methods, environmental protection, environmental culture, environmental education criteria.

The urgency of the problems of ecology and nature protection in our country puts the task of pedagogy one of the most important tasks is to educate the younger generation, who knows how to protect nature, preserve the ecological situation and rational use of natural resources. This extremely complex issue can be solved positively only when pupils fully grasp the scientific basis for the relationship between humans and nature.

Contemporary scholars believe that the purpose of environmental education is to create a system of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs that will help pupils develop a responsible attitude towards the environment.

This purpose of environmental education is inextricably linked to the common goals of our society. Commitment to homeland and a conscious commitment to work is hard to imagine without a responsible, attentive and caring attitude to the environment around us. Therefore, the purpose of environmental education is characterized by a broad range of categories of personality, such as "behavior", "attitude", "responsibility". It is no coincidence that the result of environmental education provided by teachers is the formation of a high culture of human behavior towards nature.

To date, the educational impact of nature on the pupil's personality, the development of ways and techniques for building a positive attitude to nature, have not yet attracted the attention of educators, psychologists and methodologists. However, in recent years, a lot of work has been done to define the concept of "ecological culture", to define its essence, to describe the conditions for the formation of the ecological culture of the individual, to define the indicators of different levels of culture.

The importance of enriching the educational content of the Karakalpak schools with the environmental education of elementary school pupils is of paramount importance. The formation of elements of ecological culture in pupils can assist in the selection of criteria, types, forms and methods of environmental education for elementary school pupils in Karakalpak schools by demonstrating their overall content in a pedagogical and psychological manner.

Thus, the psycho-pedagogical foundations of the formation of a responsible attitude to the elements of environmental culture, namely the nature and the environment in elementary school pupils, include:

1. Integration of environmental education goals, objectives and principles in the elementary grades.

2. Understand the purpose of environmental education in primary school as the formation of elements of environmental culture (environmental responsibility) in young children and the elimination of consumer attitudes only to nature.

3. Determine the content of the environmental education in elementary school and its didactic principles.

4. Justification of the principles of ecological education in the elementary grades of Karakalpak schools.

5. Building a positive attitude towards nature as an integral part of the outlook of junior high school pupils.

The 1st grade curriculum for Karakalpak schools is one-off excursions and tours and is introduced to the "Alphabet of Nature". They learn about water, soil, flora and fauna, and the way people interact with them through paintings, poems, puzzles, folk tales, and small mantles. In the process of getting acquainted with nature, it is necessary to learn to protect, preserve it, treat it with affection, and to understand the practical meaning of words, such as situations, wastes, rewards and death.

The junior school age is a time when the abilities and interests of the natural sciences are developing. Pupils of this age are very kind and responsive. Therefore, they can be directed to a specific purpose and to encourage conservation through texts from textbooks and additional literature.

Karakalpak schools have their own criteria for providing environmental education to primary school pupils.

Criteria usually refer to measurements, symbols, and signs. Criteria for determining the value of our research are:

There is a need to establish the pedagogical and psychological basis of environmental education in the elementary grades of Karakalpak schools. It is also necessary to rely on these pedagogical and psychological bases in determining the criteria, types,

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