DEVELOPING SELF-STUDY OF PRIMARY SCHOOLCHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Primary school / thinking / independent creativity / creativity / children's creativity / creative independent work / creative exercise / independent thinking

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shotillo Safarovich Shorakhmetov

This article describes the peculiarities of the formation of independent creativity of primary schoolchildren.

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Shotillo Safarovich Shorakhmetov

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


This article describes the peculiarities of the formation of independent creativity of primary schoolchildren.

Keywords: Primary school, thinking, independent creativity, creativity, children's creativity, creative independent work, creative exercise, independent thinking.


It is necessary to implement a series of complex measures to ensure the entry of talented young people into science. In this regard, it is necessary to radically restructure the activities of higher education, and even general education schools. It is necessary to develop a republican system of searching for, supporting and developing talented and gifted youth and creating all conditions for the development of their abilities.

The Republic of Uzbekistan requires the definition of goals, objectives, content, tools, methods for the formation and continuous development of the cognitive activity of the younger generation on the basis of scientific and pedagogical principles. The solution to this problem depends on the creative thinking of students, the activity of acquiring knowledge in them, the formation of independent cognitive activity. At the same time, it is obvious that the formation of cognitive activity of young schoolchildren is of great importance.

In Uzbekistan, teaching the younger generation to think independently has become a state-level issue. In this regard, the education of creative youth depends in many ways on the creative organization of the educational process. It is no secret that it is impossible to educate creative youth without creative organization of education.

In the theory of traditional education and related pedagogical practice, insufficient attention is paid to the independence, initiative, creativity, thinking of primary school students. The student participates in education in the role of the executor, the teacher's assignment, the executor of desires. The conclusion is that without updating the position, status, status of students in education, without completely changing them where necessary, without making the child an active participant in the educational process, without using his mind, without making his mind

an active participant in the educational process, without using his mind it is impossible to organize the educational process creatively.


Creation is a set of conscious, goal-oriented, active actions with unique human, historical, cultural and creative qualities. It differs from non-creative activity by its originality, novelty and uniqueness. Based on these features, creativity can be defined as pedagogical: children's creativity is a productive activity aimed at creating new material and spiritual values of social and personal value, acting in the synthesis of innate abilities and product qualities.

The creative approach of primary school students to education requires the interpretation of children as subjects of the educational process. On this basis, it is important to describe the principle of interpretation of children's creativity in the "subject-object" system. The personal qualities that are formed in children in the process of education, such as consciousness, independence, ingenuity, etc., are not the result of the work of the teacher, but in many respects depend on the student himself. Following this principle, the study material is considered as a subject of activity, and the components of creative activity are separated.

The core of creative activity is the forms of thinking, which are developed through the education of ability, ability, intelligence, inclination, passion, innovation, creativity are the hallmarks of creative activity.

Creative organization of education is related to another issue - the problem of learning through the mutual discussion of children's learning activities and learning activities. Comparing them leads to a number of conclusions: the composition of these two activities is the same, consisting of motive, purpose, means, result.

According to the activities of primary school students, creative tasks can be analyzed by dividing them into three groups. These are creative independent work, creative practice, learning problems.

a) Creative independent work differs from other types of creative tasks in two respects: the ability to organize operatively (immediately) and the ability to continue educational activities. Consequently, creative independent work is such a means of education that, by applying it to education, the desire to read and learn is continued, and the motivations formed within the course are ensured; leads students to get to know, expand the range of knowledge, skills; prepares the ground for students to continue their activities independently on the studied material; makes it somewhat easier to guide student activities.

In the application of independent creative work in education: "determine the order of the task or separate the principle of implementation of the task", perform the task according to the principle, remember the result, if necessary, share the result with classmates, tell it to the teacher. terms of issue are observed.

b) Creative exercise. Constantly remembering and practicing knowledge makes students bored in education. During the exercise, creative exercises are used to relieve the boredom of the students. So how do you understand a creative exercise?

Creative exercise differs from non-creative exercise in two ways: expanding the range of knowledge learned. At the same time, when the student returns to the previously studied learning material, he enriches the scope of his understanding with new knowledge, ideas, facts, connections.

Creative exercises are designed to accommodate both memory and thinking, as opposed to regular exercise. In this case, the student, in addition to the repeated use of knowledge and methods of work learned in the field, learns additional information, methods of activity creatively.

c) Learning problems - a set of learning tasks, which can be imagined in the form of a system of creative tasks.

Creative organization of education is a teacher's activity; students learn creatively only when education is organized creatively.


Reading lessons show ways to encourage children to be creative. The following examples can be used to encourage creativity by giving examples from fairy tales. By changing the character of fairy tale characters, children can also be taught to weave new fairy tales. Fairy tales, no matter who weaves them, are often the product of fantasy, not logic. And the imagination of children is strong. Creating a new fairy tale based on a familiar fairy tale plot, i.e. weaving another fairy tale with the same characters, playing with memory — remembering words and events, acting as a storyteller in class — telling a fictional story. In lessons such as storytelling, taking the place of the narrator, the teacher should record the children's creativity, no matter what it is. The child makes sure that the teacher does not change or misspell anything. It is to give the child freedom of speech, to have his own word.

In the primary grades, it is important to encourage students to be creative, to direct them to independent thinking. The intellectual development of children, anyone who wants to be able to make lofty dreams and realize them, must ensure that they are familiar with creativity. Creativity is a factor in teaching independent thinking.

After a comprehensive study of the problem of organizing the creative work of students in primary school, we came to the following conclusions:

• In the primary grades, it is possible to understand that deep meaning and logic in the creativity of students is not at the required level. Because the goal is not to make them have deep logic or high meaning in their work. They appear later, in the higher stages of education. What matters is the creative process, their creativity

is to give them the opportunity to do so. Any activity that is fun for the child is beneficial, he should try to do what he wants, what he is interested in.

• There are many ways and opportunities to encourage children to be creative in primary school reading and mother tongue lessons. By changing the behavior of fairy tale characters, children can be taught to create new fairy tales, to create new fairy tales based on familiar fairy tale plots, to memorize words and events related to memory, to play the role of storyteller in class, to tell fiction.

• Teaching children to plan on a text and retell their reading based on a plan while working on a literary text in elementary 4th grade reading lessons leads to children's creative activity.

• The organization of problem-based learning is an important factor in the development of students' creativity. Each student can demonstrate a certain level of creativity in their learning activities. Creativity is not the same thing as intellectual ability. Great intellectual potential does not always correspond to the high development of creativity. It is possible to cultivate and develop creative abilities, to teach creativity.

Experts in the human psyche have shown that the main condition for the formation of the human thought process is the desire to know the secrets of existence in it, the inner need, that is, the motive. Without it, man cannot think. A thinking person is formed and developed through the joint work, interaction and cooperation of others. The development of a person is characterized by its social significance, that is, the degree of usefulness to others.

Hence, when thought in general, the aspects of things-events discovered by others are known. When one thinks independently, one learns the essence of world events and life situations in a way that is different from others. Based on a number of schools devoted to the analysis of human thought and our own observations, independent thinking can be defined as follows. Independent thinking is a mental activity in which a person solves a problem independently, using various ways, methods and means, at the level of his intellectual ability, based on his knowledge and life experience, defining specific goals and objectives.


It is known from research studies that the level of independence of thought is reflected in the initiative, perseverance and criticalness of human mental activity. One of the signs of the independence of human thought is initiative, which is manifested in the fact that a person sets clear goals and objectives, finds solutions to problems, and uses the necessary methods and tools to achieve them. The perseverance of this activity is reflected in the ability to perform tasks quickly, to quickly find the methods and tools available in the process, to distinguish them. The critique of mental activity is reflected in the attitude of the independent thinker to the event, the ability to distinguish its features.

In short, each interesting lesson passed will help the student to stay better in his mind, as well as expand his worldview, as well as develop his independent creative ability. The creative reader thinks in a unique, unique way, his thoughts are independent, clear, unlike anyone else, and can often find unnatural solutions as well.


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