METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES OF ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
ecological education / student youth / social consciousness / ecological knowledge / ecological culture / ecological problems

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Khusanov Elshod

At the basis of the civilization of society lies education the transfer of experience and knowledge, culture and spirituality acquired by ancestors to future generations. Therefore, the problem of human survival on the Earth in the current harsh environmental conditions depends on the education system based on the interaction between man and nature. From this point of view, it is scientifically based that the development of sustainable ecological culture among all citizens, including students, is of great importance in order to eliminate environmental problems and prevent them.

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2. European Convention on Human Rights // European Court of Human Rights [Electronic resource ]: URL: https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr/Conventio n_RUS (access date: 09/27/2023)

3. "Law on the condemnation of the communist and national socialist regimes" // Legislation of the CIS countries. [Electronic resource ].: URL : https:// base. spinform.ru/show_doc.__fwx?rgn=77561 (access date: 09/02/2023)

4. Constitutions of the countries of the world. Reader / Comp. D.V. Kuznetsov. In 7 parts. Part 2. Europe. Blagoveshchensk: Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, 2014. 1054 p.

5. "Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany" (Adopted on May 23, 1949) // SPS Consultant Plus.

6. ECHR Ruling of January 30, 1998 Case of the United Communist Party of Turkey Turkey ) and others against Turkey" (complaint No. 19392/92) // SPS Consultant Plus.

7. Tyulkina S. Banning the activities of political parties: an effective tool for protecting democracy? //Comparative constitutional review. 2013. No. 3 (94). pp. 74-81.

8. Benedek W., Kettemann M. Freedom of expression and the Internet // Council of Europe. [Electronic resource]: URL: https://rm.coe.int/prems-167417-gbr-1201-freedom-of-expression-on-internet-web-16x24/1680984eae (access date: 09/28/2023)

9. "Case of Zdanoka v. Latvia" // HUDOC -European Court of Human Rights. [Electronic resource]: URL : https :// hudoc . echr . coe . int / rus /#%7 B %22 itemid %22:[%22001-185937%22]%7 D (date of access: 09/02/2023)

10. 2820 Sayli Siyasi Partiler Kanunu // Mevzuat . [Electronic resource]: URL: https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/mevzuatmetin/1.5.2820.p df (access date: 09/02/2023)

11. Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgericht . Vol . 5. 1956.

Khusanov Elshod

NUUZ, PhD student Phone: +998906392070


Annotation: At the basis of the civilization of society lies education - the transfer of experience and knowledge, culture and spirituality acquired by ancestors to future generations. Therefore, the problem of human survival on the Earth in the current harsh environmental conditions depends on the education system based on the interaction between man and nature. From this point of view, it is scientifically based that the development of sustainable ecological culture among all citizens, including students, is of great importance in order to eliminate environmental problems and prevent them.

Key words: ecological education, student youth, social consciousness, ecological knowledge, ecological culture, ecological problems

Enter. Any culture formed within the framework of social consciousness will have its own direction and content in society. Social culture, which expresses these different contents and essences, is formed by mankind. Along with concepts of political culture and legal culture, ecological culture also has an important status in social life. Thanks to ecological culture, a person gives new beauty and decorations to the purpose, content, essence, form, etc. of his life. Therefore, the problems of regulating relations between society and nature have always been the object of scientific research and research in the society regarding the formation of ecological culture, based on the spirit of the times and times, human demands and needs.

Consequently, consistent research on the correct organization of nature-human relations, based and studied in scientific circles, requires the analysis of the ecological situation, the creation of scientific and theoretical conclusions, and the development of appropriate measures . is given separately. It is said that the complex, systematic study of the human influence on environmental change has gained great practical importance, and it is said that there is a need to develop its pedagogical aspects and principles along with its scientific and methodological foundations. Because

these foundations and principles express the differentiation of natural, concrete, technical, technological, social, humanitarian sciences, especially the integration of interdisciplinary and special research methods, by turning environmental problems into an object of scientific knowledge.

The main strategic goal of socio-economic changes and reforms implemented in Uzbekistan is to create decent living conditions for people. In turn, within the framework of this goal, it is necessary to ensure a stable ecological situation in the country, to systematically study its objective and subjective factors. Therefore, any socio-economic changes and reforms will have their meaning only if human ecological safety is ensured. In the current period, the mutual commonality of criteria and transformation processes defining the world ecological landscape determines the content and nature of global problems. Therefore, it is a fact that ecological culture has a unique status and place in global problem solving.

In scientific circles, ecological culture is defined as an expression of human activity aimed at coordinating the interaction and connection of society and nature. Therefore, ecological culture in society is formed and developed in a state that is not separated

from other processes and factors related to ecology. This situation, of course, is worth noting efforts such as promoting knowledge about the rational use and protection of nature among the population, increasing the geographical and ecological culture of the population, and preserving the unique and beautiful nature. Therefore, the issues of protection of nature and its resources are included in the content of the educational system, so that the ecological culture of the young generation is formed through knowledge and practical training.

The issue of ecological culture formation as a pedagogical problem depends on its pedagogical and didactic mission. Development of the function of education in the formation of ecological culture, comparative analysis of various doctrines of interaction between man and nature, and development of scientific recommendations for the formation of personal ecological culture of young people are becoming especially relevant today. Because, in the words of our President, "the incredibly rich and colorful culture of the Uzbek people has been developing for thousands of years in a series of bright historical events, as a result of the unique nature of our country and the inspiring influence of different cultures on each other." 21Therefore, studying the historical-pedagogical roots of this issue, its meaning and status in the life of our ancestors in ancient times, in our opinion, is relevant not only for today, but also for defining tasks in the future. Inadequate scope of scientific research based on the pedagogical approach of the problem, its growing importance within the framework of global environmental problems, professional factors require further expansion and deepening of scientific research.

Ecological culture in general, various aspects of ecological culture are among the most studied and even most studied scientific problems in the process of scientific research of science. In this regard, especially, the history of ecological culture begins with the appearance of homo sapiens (intelligent man) in the biosphere. For thousands of years , the necessary experience has been accumulated in the development of ecological culture in the interaction of humanity with the environment and personal relations in society . "The harmony with the environment, where the agricultural revolution began to face a crisis, led to the formation of new relations" is 22noteworthy. That is, according to the opinion of the scientist, ecological culture has been the focus of attention at all stages of the development of human history and has naturally been studied as a subject of scientific research and scientific research.

Literature review and background

21 Mnp3HeeB ffl.M.HnaTH y^yr xa^HHHr nmn ^aM y^yr, xaeTH y^yr Ba Ke^a^ara $ap0B0H 6y^agH. -TomKeHT: Y36eKHCTOH, 2019. - 276-6eT.

22Karabukaev K.Sh. Ecological culture society. Theory and practice Bishkek Maxprint 2018. - 230 p. 23Ikromov E.J., Khotamov AA Environmental culture of the individual. - T.: AA ibn Sino, 2001; Mustafoev S. Ecological education is an integral part of education in the spirit of national and universal values. // Civil society. T.: - 2018. No. 1; Saidova O'.G. History of ecological culture and stages of

Based on the tasks set within the topic, when the available scientific literature is analyzed, it can be seen that the problem has been studied to a certain extent and in certain directions. Especially in foreign scientific studies, various recommendations and conclusions are presented on the problem of creating ecological culture. The scientific community of Uzbekistan has studied this issue in relation to science and fields , and research work is being carried out. 23-16 pages]. However, the historical-pedagogical aspects of the formation of ecological culture were not considered as a research subject within the framework of pedagogical research. One of the important tasks of today's pedagogy is to study how and to what extent the problem of creating an ecological culture was solved in the opinions of our ancestors on educational issues .


It is worth noting that the problems of ecological culture are analyzed more from a socio-philosophical point of view. According to their general content, issues such as animism, which views nature as alive, development of natural philosophy as the oldest field of knowledge, and the interrelationship of environmental ethics with the problems of upbringing and education should become a source of scientific research.

The fact that various aspects of the ecological problem, its expression in different contexts, has become an object of research within the framework of different disciplines, indicates that this subject needs extensive study and research. However, from the point of view of the pedagogical approach, it is clear that there is a need for more research to be done in the matter of studying the current requirements of environmental education. So, no matter how many scientific works there are on the topic, its need for new researches testifies to the vital importance of the topic. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the current requirements for environmental education.

Summary. In order to shed light on the scientific-theoretical foundations of the formation of ecological culture, it is planned to study and generalize the ecological culture and the normative-legal basis of its formation, the socio-historical factors of the formation of ecological culture, as well as the modern pedagogical-psychological approaches to the formation of ecological culture as a scientific problem.

In order to consider the true essence of the research topic from the point of view of scientific interpretation, the second chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the illumination of the pedagogical mechanisms of the formation of ecological culture. In it, the scientific and didactic foundations of the

its development. f.f.n... diss. - T., 2007; Satorov V. What is ecological culture? Interpretation and research // Tafakkur,

2000. - No. 4; Sobirov O'. From the history of the formation of ecological culture (On the relationship to nature from the history of Eastern peoples // Ecology bulletin, 2005. - No. 3; Usmanov M. Hymn of nature in "Avesto" // Ecology bulletin, 1999. - No. 5-6; Homidov H. "Avesto " benefits / Scientific editor: N.Komilov - T.: Folk heritage in the name of A.Qadiri,


formation of the ecological culture of the youth in the educational system , the main directions of the formation of the ecological culture of the youth, and the pedagogical models of the development of the ecological culture of the youth are researched in the form of a scientific problem.

It is also planned to organize and carry out pilot tests to summarize the state and effectiveness of the

measures implemented in the educational system today on the formation of the ecological culture of young people .

As a result of such an experimental test, the results of the test conducted among the students are as follows . The responses of 100 selected students are as follows.

In your opinion, what is the attitude of people towards ecology in Uzbekistan today ?

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

very good I good



I middle

I bad

number 35 33 22 10



persent 35 33 22 10

I very good Bgood ■ middle


z =

m —n*p 35 — 100 * 0,5 -15

= —0,625

When the results of the above survey are interpreted mathematically, it can be seen that the reliability of the above results is high.

In general, it is important to create an effective, consistent and continuous system of environmental education in the continuous education system, to positively solve the problems of forming environmental culture in young people, and in social life. Because if education does not cover all spheres of life, it cannot justify its position as a basic social science with great potential in the education of a perfect human being. Therefore, based on the ideas of our ancestors, it should become a human virtue of every person to have ecological knowledge, to be the owner of ecological culture, enlightenment and behavior, to treat the laws as sacred and act without doubting them. After all, fighting for the well-being of one's country and the

well-being of the place of residence will serve to make the life of our people more beautiful in the future.


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