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Kryvetska I., Kryvetskyy I.
State higher education institution of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University "
The problem of quality medical education is currently one of the first places in the national health care system. Medical education cannot ignore the changes taking place in medical science and modern society, which require certain changes in the forms of education, the amount of information received by students in educational institutions and the technology of obtaining information. Modern fast - changing society requires changes in educational standards, needs new approaches to the educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce learning technologies based on new methodological principles, modern didactic principles and psychological and pedagogical theories that develop an activity-based approach to learning.
Keywords: the method of competing groups, the method of "case study".
Introduction. Education is a process and result of students' acquisition of scientific knowledge, cognitive skills, development of creative forces and abilities. Improving the quality of education is important nowadays. One of the components of improving the quality of education is a high level of informatization. The effectiveness of learning depends on the student's ability to manage information, find, perceive and distribute it. Informatization and individualization of learning are interconnected, because at the center of the educational process is the individual and his cognitive interest [1, 2].
Teaching disciplines in medical schools should be based on the relationship of medical-biological, medical-preventive and elements of clinical disciplines, which will contribute to the holistic perception of students of the subject, teachings and theories, understanding their scientific and practical significance for human life, contribution to characteristics and processes of public health of the population of the region and the country [3]
The main part.
The effectiveness of the educational process in a medical school, in the first place, depends on the teach-
er's choice of form of practical training, ie special design of the educational process, the nature of which is determined by the content of teaching, methods, techniques, means of teachers and students. Most teachers use traditional forms of teaching in their practice. At the same time, the implementation of practical orientation requires students to acquire life skills for successful adaptation in society, ie the development of a group of psychosocial skills and interpersonal skills that help students make decisions, and then as a specialist to solve problems that may arise in the workplace. , think critically and creatively, communicate effectively [4].
A radical change in the educational environment should be considered a priority in survival and competition.
The student's educational and research environment is determined by the national education system, the educational policy of a particular region, the peculiarities of the educational institution, and, ultimately, the student himself. When the formed educational environment resonates with the environment created by the student, the best results are achieved. It is up to the teaching staff to choose whether the student's environment will be formed spontaneously, which will mean the uncertain future of a particular person and society,
or to form a student's research environment that will contribute to its full implementation in the future and get professionals who are in place. and fully implemented.
But this is possible only with a clear separation of things from each other, their location relative to each other. If we transfer this definition to the educational plane, we get a space in which the teacher and the student interact, and sometimes, unfortunately, only coexist. This space has certain limits and possibilities. In it, the teacher and student can be located differently, move, interact. In this space, everyone should be in their place: the teacher should be a teacher by vocation, and the student should, for example, choose a profile according to their own educational needs, inclinations and abilities.
I would like to see the space of teacher-student interaction as well organized as possible, and the participants of the educational process - able to use all its benefits.
Significant changes in the exchange of information, methods of transmission, perception and reproduction require at the present stage of development of medical education a significant correction of approaches to the organization and planning of the educational process as a whole and individual disciplines, taking into account the ultimate goals of the discipline. Particular attention should be paid to the development of a special type of thinking of future doctors, aimed at understanding the need, first of all, to maintain the physiological state of the body (preventive direction of medicine). This approach in the future, in the study of clinical disciplines, will form in students a system of necessary ideas about the ultimate goal of the treatment process ~ return function to normal, maintaining, if possible, the physiological state of healthy organs in the presence of a disease in another and functional system, and understanding the need differentiated approach to treatment taking into account the systemic effects of drugs [5,7].
The main problem in the study of medical disciplines is related to the way information is perceived by modern youth, due to the need to quickly navigate the information space, which offers a lot of often redundant, unimportant facts that need to be eliminated, selecting only important. Psychologists believe that the imperfection of abstract thinking and memory of adolescents and young people in the process of formation does not allow such effective "censorship", which leads to memorization of unnecessary but bright and emotionally colored information, and the elimination of important. Assimilation of material that requires constant return to the previous studied and logical connection to the system of knowledge, is complicated by the inability of students to retain in memory a large array of information and use it dynamically.
In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use modern interactive teaching methods that allow to actively participate in the learning process of students with different initial levels of knowledge and skills, to use various mechanisms of perception and assimilation of theoretical material and skills. Thus, the
method of competitive groups with an element of discussion allows students to creatively approach situa-tional problems, suggest different ways to solve them and learn to logically justify the appropriate solution, actively using knowledge and skills acquired not only in the study of previous disciplines. To solve complex problems, it is advisable to offer students a method of brainstorming. The skill of using this method will help future doctors to work with colleagues in solving complex clinical situations.
As a possible educational technology to test the degree of practical skills in the training of qualified professionals involved in the decision-making process, the method of "case study" (CS) has successfully proven [6, 7].
The COP provides for the study of a real problem on the basis of the presented quantitative and qualitative information, search, choice and substantiation of the way to solve the problem, which is optimal in the current situation.
The COP puts the student and the teacher in the position of a participant in the situation, who acts in real conditions and is faced with the need to make decisions and develop an action plan based on them. The task of the teacher, as follows from this definition, is to select the appropriate real material, and students must solve the problem and get the reaction of others (other students and the teacher) to their actions. It should be understood that different solutions to the problem are possible. Therefore, the teacher must help students to reason, argue, and not impose their opinion on them. Students must understand from the beginning that the risk of decision-making lies with them, the teacher only explains the consequences of the risk of making ill-considered decisions. An important feature of the COP method is its effective combination with different teaching methods: modeling, systems analysis, experiment, description methods, problem method, classification method, game methods, "brainstorming", discussion.
Stages of development of the COP include the choice of a situation model, the creation of a description, the collection of additional information, the preparation of the final text, the presentation of the case, the organization of the discussion. The text of the COP should be distributed to students before the lesson for self-study and preparation of answers to questions. At the beginning of the lesson the knowledge of the CS material is checked. The main problem underlying the COP and how it relates to the relevant section of the course is highlighted. Students are divided into temporary small groups for collective preparation of answers to questions during the time allocated by the teacher. In each small group there is a comparison of individual answers, their completion, development of the uniform position which is made out for the presentation. In each group, a student is selected to represent the decision. Speaking students present the decisions of the group and answer questions. The teacher organizes, directs and concludes the general discussion, analyzing the process of discussing the COP and the work of all groups, tells and comments on the actual development of events, summarizes.
Conclusions. Thus, the use of COP technology during practical classes for students allows to show initiative, feel independent in mastering theoretical positions and mastering practical skills. This technique allows the teacher not only to realize their full potential, but also to develop them. The method of competitive groups allows students to creatively approach the solution of situational problems, suggest different ways to solve them and learn to consistently justify the appropriateness of the chosen solution.
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Купенко О.В.
Сумський державний унгверситет, доцент кафедри психологи, полтологи та соцюкультурних технологт
Kupenko O.
Sumy State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technologies
Обгрунтовуеться штегрований характер моделi педагопчно! системи формування проектно! компете-нтност майбутшх бакалаврiв сощально! роботи. Доведено, що така модель мае втшювати властивосп уп-равлшня та синергетики. Доведения здшснено через застосування вторичного щдходу, зокрема, через ана-лiз досвщу методу проеклв у педагопчнш дiяльностi С.Т. Шацького та А.С. Макаренка.
Визначено специфшу проектно! компетентносп бакалавра сощально! роботи: розробляти та реалiзо-вувати сощальш проекти орiентуючись на ствавторство iз ментами сощально! роботи, сприяти самоор-гашзацп, створювати умови для розроблення та реалiзацi! клiентами власних проектiв. Уточнено, що для бакалавра бтшою мiрою характерш соцiально-педагогiчнi проекти.
На пiдставi реалiзацi! iсторичного пiдходу доведено, що проекти студенлв можуть бути доволi амбь тними. Реалiзацiя таких проектiв вимагае комбiнацi! методу проектiв з шшими, зокрема, iндивiдуального перспективного планування, кооперативного навчання.
The integral character of the model of pedagogical system of formation of project competence of future bachelors of social work is substantiated. It is proved that such a model should embody the properties of control and synergetics. The proof is made through the application of the historical approach, in particular, through the analysis of the experience of the project method in the pedagogical activity of S.T. Shatsky and A.S. Makarenko.
The specifics of the project competence of the bachelor of social work are determined: to develop and implement social projects focusing on co-authorship with social work clients, to promote self-organization, to create conditions for clients to develop and implement their own projects. It is specified that the bachelor is more characterized by socio-pedagogical projects.
Based on the implementation of the historical approach, it is proved that students' projects can be quite ambitious. The implementation of such projects requires a combination of the project method with others, in particular, individual long-term planning, cooperative learning.