Proponents of the second, biopsychological paradigm (G. Gal, A. Medici, G. Malara, K. Rogers, A. Fa-bre) recognize the importance of human interaction with the socio-cultural world and at the same time defending the independence of the individual from the influences of the past.
The third paradigm focuses on the dialectical interdependence of social and biological, psychological and hereditary components in the process of education (A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlinsky).
Higher education institutions must prepare conscious of the national intelligentsia to promote the renewal and enrichment of the intellectual gene pool of the nation, education of its spiritual elite, to increase cultural capacity, which Ensure high working efficiency of future specialists.
This goal can be achieved through:
■ education of future specialists of the authoritative, highly educated people, carriers of the high General, philosophical, political, professional, legal, intellectual, social, psychological, emotional, aesthetic, physical and ecological culture;
■ create the necessary conditions for the free development of the individual student, his thinking and General culture, through the introduction to varied types of creative activities (research, technical, cultural, educational, law enforcement, etc.);
■ enriching the aesthetic experience of students by participating in the revival of the forgotten and the creation of new national and cultural traditions of the region, city, higher education institution; • formation of "I - the concept" of the creator on the basis of self-education, self-development, self-education, self-improvement, moral perfection; promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing students from using alcohol and drugs, and eradicating bad habits, including smoking.
Thus, the education of students - a creative process, focused on issues related to the specifics of higher
education, the peculiarities of the region. Ideally, higher education institutions should become a school of self-development, self-management, self-discipline, conscious responsibility, cooperation and creativity of teacher and student.
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4. Boyko A.M., Bardinova V.D., Grineva M.V., Pashchenko V.O. and others. Staff in the history of national pedagogy. 22 outstanding Ukrainian teachers: Textbook / For general. ed. A.M. Boyko. - K.: "Professional" 2004.
5. Variy M.Y., Ortynsky V.L. Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. Vashchenko GG General teaching methods: A textbook for teachers. - K: Укр. view. union, 1997.
6. Introduction to pedagogical activity: Textbook. allowance. for students. higher system. textbook instituted / A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leontieva, I.G. Shaposhni-kova, etc. - M., 2000. Vishnevsky O.I. Theoretical foundations of modern Ukrainian pedagogy: Textbook. - Drohobych: Kolo, 2003. Vitvytska S.S. Fundamentals of higher school pedagogy: Methodical manual for master's students. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2003.
Bilous I.,
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi
Pavlovych L. MD, PhD
HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. The article reveals the features of the educational paradigm of the information society, argues the need to use new approaches in training in the XXI century. Today we often hear about the information society based on knowledge, about the decisive role of information and communication technologies. The main factor of the new society was the phenomenon of information. It is proclaimed a key factor in production and is superior in importance to all types of material production. Knowledge, information and interactive communications play a key role in social and political change.
Keywords: information society, educational paradigm.
Qualitative transformation of the technological basis can not but affect the processes of human activity and the relationship between people. These changes affect the growing intellectualization of labor, the strengthening of creative moments of labor processes, the growth of the sphere of non-productive interaction
of people, the strengthening of the individual potential of workers.
Constant replenishment and updating of knowledge is a necessary condition for a high level of qualification and competence of staff. This condition is of paramount importance for accelerating the social and economic development of the country. The training
system must take into account the conditions in which the future specialist will have to live and work. There are changes in our lives that should be a signal for the appropriate adaptation of the education system.
Features of the new educational paradigm can be expressed the following main points: 1. Go from learning knowledge and skills by learning the ability to learn and relearn. Extremely fast change of generations of technologies, conditions of life led to the obsolescence of acquired knowledge and skills. The output can be found, if the holders of knowledge and skills acquire the ability to self-education. Unfortunately, often in high school, a situation where students ' activity is replaced by activity of the teacher. Leading the activity remains with the teacher not only lectures but also seminars, practical and laboratory studies (especially in technical disciplines). The teacher acts mainly as a repeater and controller of knowledge. As a consequence a significant part of the students as well as their teachers, prefer the reproductive methods of work related to the transmission, reproduction of scientific or educational information. Ability to self-education is determined by the level of development of such intellectual skills as the ability to see the problem, the ability to restate it in their language, the ability to anticipate the possible outcome, the ability to be critical of the content of the learning task, the ability to raise questions and others Intellectual and professional ability are formed in independent work, if the educational process is modeled professional activities and take into account their difficulties; if the profilisation of the educational and scientific work of students is carried out on younger courses; if your individual lessons combined with group; if the training tasks are problematic in nature and take into account the role of educational components in the development of thinking. Personal development -the way towards peak of professionalism. All students need to develop the habit of self-development, self-improvement, self-education and self-control. The task of the teacher is to help students in shaping their motives and needs.
2. Learning non-linear way of thinking. Has long been known that the problem cannot be solved, if you stay at the same level of thinking that created a problem. It is necessary to develop a new vision of the problems that more accurately corresponds to our rapidly changing time. The acceleration of social and cultural processes has led to the fact that quite often began to emerge of the situation and to form a new sirn industry, where traditional technologies of knowledge ineffective. This behavior of the system near the unstable critical modes, sudden abrupt transitions, periods of chaos (disorder), interaction of dialectics of chaos and order, entropy and information, rhythmic behavior and the laws of the deviation from the rhythms. Among "fans" of the new States and this is where the system is better adapted to the changed environment, i.e. the phenomenon of self-organization (synergetics) are born the most open system spontaneously as a result of loss of its previous steady state, and the choice of which way to go evolution after the bifurcation (the point of the breakdown process, where there is no single solution), is determined randomly at the time of instability. In such circumstances violated the linear dependence. Fail knowledge and skills based on linear thinking. The main feature of nonlinear thinking - to use the problems and obstacles that arise as additional benefits.
3. Educate through positive motivation. It is known that man as a person has the motivation to develop (and is developing) if she is given the opportunity to engage in activities appropriate to their individual abilities. That's when people will be able to achieve success, which it would have in any other sphere. The principle of operation of educational institutions not to teach but to help to learn, to stimulate a desire to learn. Predictable and expected global changes make appropriate adjustments in ideology, strategy, goals, objectives, technologies and methods of education and training. The world is every day becoming more complicated and it is necessary to prepare thoroughly, learn new things, and predicting ahead of him in knowledge. All these changes affect society, employment, family life of people and their environment. Thus, the process of education in human life a constant motivating factor and at the same time a necessary condition of its life support. New challenges in society (the economy) require a new style of training based on positive motivation. You need to redefine what it means to learn, what is taught, how we learn, how to motivate people to learn throughout life and how with the help of state management and self-management to make education a powerful motivating factor in human life and society. 4. The transition from the standard knowledge and skills to the development of individual potential. In the information society functional features of education is not only the ability to serve those who are learning accumulated in previous years knowledge and skills, but also enhance the ability to perceive and use in practice of new scientific ideas, technical tools and production methods, the formation of innovative abilities, initiative and enterprise. The educational process should focus on the support of the student in the process of becoming his own experience, correspond to the capacities and aspirations of realization of his personality; on the development of society (and all the components of this development -scientific, technical, technological, social, ethical, environmental, etc.); to create conditions and provide necessary assistance to the student in the imp41amentation of free and responsible choice. The development of individual potential of students is closely associated with the creative, innovative nature of education, provides a number of innovations - organizational, structural, managerial, didactic and the like - on all levels of education. First and foremost, on the recognition of multiple higher education, the development of various types and forms. Each institution, training students solve a complex problem: to create the necessary educational-methodical, scientific, material and technical conditions, to ensure that each student reached the highest professional level through your own intellectual resources, high diligence, their own. Well-organized training should be tailored to the individual characteristics of students. The solution to these problems requires teachers in higher education higher level teaching skills. At the level of genuine pedagogical creativity is the process of integrating various elements of knowledge into some coherent structure or system is manifested in the creation of new productive ways of working. Additional characteristics of pedagogical creativity is the generation rate of new teaching methods and their diversity and willingness to change orientation of a teacher in their life and professional values for the future. The ultimate goal of the teacher - training of competitive specialist, able to easily adapt in the economic space European countries.
5. To teach life skills in a global environment. The globalization of society will inevitably require the skills of transition from life in the local (regional, national) environment to life and cooperation in the global namespace.
Globalization as "the widening and deepening of social relations and institutions across space and time" [3, 55] is not possible without tolerance. The escalation of racial and religious intolerance potentially threatens the whole world. This threat is global, it is impossible to shut out of the national borders. So, all the achievements of globalization - the formation of a unified economic and informational space, an intensive exchange of results of material and spiritual production, mobility of people without a tolerance is lost. The era of globalization entails the formation of a new type of personality, tolerant, open to communication and development in the national and international dimensions of personality, which appreciates and develops his own and generously shares with others; the person who rejects violence, which above all values human fundamental values. Of course, such a person does not appear by itself. To a new social status and role in the world should be prepared. For today's youth the importance of understanding the need to preserve ethnic and cultural identity, the ability to ethnic tolerance, to life in the modern globalized world. Respect, acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity, forms of manifestation of human individuality give hope for peace. All part of tolerance, because tolerance is the basis for a culture of peace that encompasses values, attitudes and behaviors towards social interaction and cooperation based on the principles of freedom, justice and solidarity. Culture of peace denies the violence and is aimed at overcoming conflicts through dialogue and negotiations. The concept of "tolerance" has become an international term, in some intuitive perception of the unity of humankind, the interdependence of all from each and each from all. The model of tolerant behavior include respect for the rights of another person, including the right to be different, to refrain from causing harm because caused another person harm means harm to everyone.
6. The transition from the skills in the use of material means of production to the skills of using information of the means of production. Feature of information society is the integration of all components of information support of production processes: engineering services (stage of research and development work), technological support (preparation of manufacturing new products) and management support (an Association of individual artists and of the means of production into a single system that allows you to achieve your goals with maximum efficiency). Increasingly do not sell equipment and even patents and the integral product know-how, which involves the entire production cycle: what to do, how to do and how to manage from initial equipment and raw materials to the method of placing on the market of finished products. In all these means and objects of labor information component performs its functions in conjunction with the material component. But there are means of production, where information reigns unchallenged, constituting almost one hundred percent of their content is intangible assets. The means of production are not of material nature, can be identified and used by the enterprise for production, trade, administrative purposes or lease to others. Key components of the formation and use of intangible assets are: invention, know - how, patent,
trademark, license, utility model or industrial design. The main purpose of the use of intangible assets - manufacturing products in which the information component plays a key role. Since most of these assets affects the form of ownership, they are part of economic relations between people, that is part of the information program governing the flow of goods and money. Future professionals must be able to implement this relationship in practice (in particular, to defend against pirate forgeries and theft) that is also an information activity of lawyers, managers, specialists of information security, programmers, designers etc.
7. To teach the skills of consumption of information goods. The specificity of information goods is that their production and use (consumption) leading role does information. The nature, content and forms of realization of products called "information goods" is so diverse that it is difficult to list them all possible manifestations (goods materialize the information - intensive products and services; goods intended for exposure to information - computers, storage devices; products that use information in the production as a "working body" - genetic engineering, educational technology; products that use information as an object of consumption - tourism, perfumery; goods, which are themselves the information - computer software, digital services). The transition to consumption of information goods (goods and services) signalled a transition to a new lifestyle, which should also be taught.
8. To teach the basics of information ecology. Development of society through technogenesis and strengthen its influence on the biosphere has led to a conflict between humanity on the one hand, and the environment for its existence in the broad sense, on the other. The environmental crisis hit our planet has made significant changes in the relationship of man and nature, forced to rethink all the achievements of world civilization. Approximately 60-ies of the last century when before mankind for the first time as there is an acute problem of the destruction of all life in industrial activities, began to form a new science - ecology. Elimination of environmental problems is impossible without application of new ecobiotechnologies for the diagnosis of environmental pollution, sewage treatment, decontamination of dangerous gas emissions, the use of the promising methods of disposal of solid and liquid industrial waste, improving the efficiency of methods of biological restoration of contaminated soils, replacement of a number of agrochemicals for biotech drugs, etc. is a Vital organization for qualitative training of specialists in the field of information ecology, environmental biotechnology, environmental psychology for the solution of environmental problems. This approach is the best to meet the requirements of the environmental problems.
The main directions of transformation of educational processes are designed to create a unified educational information environment, implement the transformational socio-economic component of the development of the information society.
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Джальмамбетова И.П.
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
г. Астрахани «СОШ№ 49», учитель русского языка и литературы
Dzhalmambetova I.
Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Astrakhan
"Secondary school No. 49 ", teacher of russian language and literature
В данной статье рассматриваются разнообразные виды творческого диктанта, его преимущества перед другими видами работ по проверке знаний учащихся. Ведь именно творческий диктант является не только эффективным методом обучения, но и доступным способом привлечения учащихся к работе по русскому языку с целью повышения их интереса к данному предмету.
This article discusses the various types of creative dictation, its advantages over other types of work to test students' knowledge. Indeed, it is a creative dictation that is not only an effective teaching method, but also an affordable way to attract students to work in the Russian language in order to increase their interest in this subject.
Ключевые слова: Диктант, творческий диктант, орфограмма, орфографические и пунктуационные навыки, словарный запас.
Keywords: Dictation, creative dictation, spelling, spelling and punctuation skills, vocabulary.
Учителю необходимо знать о разнообразных видах творческого диктанта и владеть методикой его проведения. Это поможет ему в дальнейшем умело использовать данный вид упражнения на своих уроках, выбирая в каждом конкретном случае наиболее подходящую форму.
При этом следует учесть, что каждый вид творческого диктанта специфичен по своей сути, и, применяя какой-либо из них в своей работе, учитель пытается достичь конкретных целей. Так, если возникает потребность в проверке хода усвоения нового материала, контрольный диктант без изменения текста становится неэффективным в силу своей громоздкости. В данном случае проведение творческого диктанта со вставкой является более уместным. На этом промежуточном этапе контроля деятельность учителя будет направлена на разрешение следующих задач:
1) выяснить, насколько успешно учащиеся научились пользоваться определенными группами слов или конструкциями предложений;
2) определять, удалось ли им достаточно точно и ярко описать предметы или явления действительности за счет вводимых в текст слов или словосочетаний.
Те же задачи решаются, если диктант проводится как обучающий.
Еще Т.А. Ладыженская (1963) обозначила проблему, которая, как правило, возникает при проведении такого рода диктантов. Дело в том, что предложенный учителем текст может быть по-разному воспринят учащимися в силу их конкретного жизненного опыта. В результате вставляемые ими слова могут не соответствовать уже данным в тексте, а также мало отражать авторский замысел. При этом предвидение результата со стороны учителя невозможно.
Методист видит выход из сложившейся проблемы в том, чтобы обеспечить единство в восприятии того, что должно быть описано учащимися. При этом Т.А. Ладыженская предлагает подбирать для описания предметы, которые ученики могут