Научная статья на тему 'Method drying medicinal herbal using a helio accumulation drying equipment'

Method drying medicinal herbal using a helio accumulation drying equipment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Dadaev G'Ani Toshxodjayevich

In this work, a method for drying medicinal herbal (Allium motor) using a helio accumulation drying plant is considered. During the drying process, the temperature was held at 46-54 °C and the drying time was 13 hours. With these parameters, the engine is well dried and it is well preserved vitamins. In appearance you can determine that the color and taste has not changed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Method drying medicinal herbal using a helio accumulation drying equipment»

Section 5. Technical sciences

Dadaev G'ani Toshxodjayevich, Tashkent state technical university, researcher, deputy dean of the machine-building faculty E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: In this work, a method for drying medicinal herbal (Allium motor) using a helio accumulation drying plant is considered. During the drying process, the temperature was held at 46-54 °C and the drying time was 13 hours. With these parameters, the engine is well dried and it is well preserved vitamins. In appearance you can determine that the color and taste has not changed. Keywords: energy, drying, accumulation, motor, helio dryer, quality.

Drying is a complex technological (physico- times used fresh. But these cases are an exception

chemica: l) process that should ensure not only the preservation of quality indicators of the material, but in some cases, the improvement of these indicators. Therefore, the choice of methods and rational process regimes should be based on the scientific principles of drying technology from the study of the properties of the product as a drying object - to the selection of the method and the justification of the process regimes and on this basis to the creation of rational designs for drying plants [1].

The increase in air temperature increases the rate of drying, which, according to some authors, leads to an increase in the coefficient of heat transfer between the body and moist air. However, increasing the temperature, as a rule, limiting the thermal sensitivity of most herbs, fruits and vegetables leads to an increase in the coefficient of heat transfer between the body and moist air [2]. High temperatures can lead to irreversible changes in the components of colloidal tissue, as well as to increased heat loss and reduce the effectiveness of the entire system [3-4].

Most medicinal plants undergo drying. Some of them, such as lily of the valley and fern, are some-

to the general procedure for the use of medicinal plants in pharmaceuticals.

The drying process is used to obtain and store raw materials that are more stable during storage, more economical in transportation and more convenient for further operations with it.

When preparing medicinal herbs, the drying process is a very important and important operation. Having exposed the wrong regime of drying medicinal herbs, you can not only significantly reduce, but completely destroy the medicinal substances contained in raw materials.

In each plant, continuous physical, biological and biochemical processes take place throughout life. There is the formation of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, organic acids, alkaloids, glycosides, the processes of cleavage and formation of new compounds [5-6].

Drying as a way of preserving food is known since ancient times. This method is based on dehydration of plant material to a moisture content of 8-14% in it and a high concentration of solids [5-7]. For the development of microorganisms, water is needed: bacteria require at least 30% moisture for

life, 15% for molds. Microorganisms use substances found in cell sap in relatively low concentrations, and all biochemical reactions take place in aqueous solutions. With the removal of moisture, the concentration of these substances increases, and they are already inhibitors of the life of microorganisms, which, although not dying, but due to unfavorable conditions do not develop [5].

The main task of drying medicinal plants is to create conditions for the maximum speed of the process with minimum energy consumption and the most complete preservation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of biological active substances.

When choosing the optimal regime of the drying process, first of all, one should be guided by the requirements of normative documentation for a specific kind of medicinal plant raw materials, taking into account those properties of plants that will influence the nature of the drying process.

In any living plant, there are simultaneously thousands of different chemical reactions, the sum of which is called metabolism. In all chemical reactions of cells, enzymes - catalysts and regulators of metabolic processes participate. There are two directions of metabolism - anabolism (the sum of chemical reactions involved in the synthesis of substances) and catabolism (a set of reactions leading to the disintegration of substances). In living medicinal plants the processes of anabolism prevail, in the medicinal raw material immediately after the preparation, catabolism begins to predominate.

In the process of drying the raw material, when it is heated to a temperature of45-60 °C, enzymes that accelerate the processes of decomposition of substances first slow down their activity, and then stop it because of protein denaturation. The lower the drying temperature, the more active are the enzymatic processes ofdecomposition ofbiological active substances. The cardiac glycosides, triterpene saponins, glycosides of flavonoids, alkaloids and some other substances undergo the greatest disintegration.

Drying can be considered as the most simple and economical method of preserving medicinal raw materials, ensuring the preservation of biologically active substances.

Allium motor R. Kum from Levichov - Onion motor. (Uzbek), the Endem of the Western Tien Shan. As an onion plant, the onion motor has become more or less known in the last 10-15 years [8].

Chemical analysis showed that leaves collected in the budding phase contain fiber - 12,3%, crude protein -22,6%, dissolved protein 7,7%, water 10,4%, flavonoids 0,7%, phosphorus 0,11%, the amount of soluble sugars is 3,6%, moisture is - 4,5% [8].

Among the country's fauna "Motor" (Allium motor) is distinguished by its medicinal properties and rich vitamin composition. The composition contains vitamins C, B, B2, PP, E and provitamin A. Sugars, proteins, macro- and microelements.

Therefore, the motor has long been used by the population for cooking Uzbek sams from greens and other culinary products. According to the stories of the elderly people, in the famine years, experienced by our ancestors, the local population used wild-growing motor, plantain, shepherd's ordinary bag, the boyar saved his life.

Currently, these medicinal plants have not lost their importance in people's lives, on the contrary, they are used to heal many diseases.

The main advantage of the motor is an increase in the power of man, enhances sexual activity, raises immunity, positively affects the digestive system of man.

The motor belongs to the family of bulbous plants. It mainly grows on the foothills of the Chat-kal mountains of the western Tien Shan. Refers to endemic plants, t. grows only in a limited area. The motor grows on the foothills of mountains, in sandy places, among shrubs, in open wastelands, in shady places. There are 250 species of bulbous plants in the republic, but the motor that belongs to this family differs sharply from other family members, external morphological species of vegetative and

morphological organs (bulb, stem, foliage, flowers) and taste.

The motor is known to people for a long time, but science knows almost nothing, for a long time remained unknown to what kind of motor concerns. The reason for this is the peculiar biological properties of the motor. Usually, to study a plant growing in nature, the herbarium is made from it during flowering, which consist of stems, leaves, flowers. To complete the herbarium, the underground organs of the plant.

The biological properties of the motor are that in addition to a sharp difference from other bulbous plants, they first grow a leaf, then the stem grows and the plant blooms, but at that time the leaf will be already dried. Therefore, they could not study the herbarium motor completely, therefore, for many years scientists could not collect complete information about the motor. The motor belongs to the Molium section of wild relatives of Allium onions.

It is known that wild bulbs, like cultural ones, have a sharp odor, but the motor differs from wild bulbous ones such as anzur, Chimian onion, Suvo-rov onion, etc. with a sweet taste and pleasant taste. This indicates the abundance of sugars and aromat-

ics in the engine. In the 80th years of the last century, in the biosphere reserve Chatkal, by scientist biologists A. Levichev and professor R. Kamelin, on the basis of his own research, the motor was introduced into science as Allium motor, thereby imprinting the word motor, emanating from our people.

The motor can multiply from the seed, from the extra bulbs that have appeared. First, the motor should be propagated in places close to growth in natural conditions, then gradually transferred to other places.

Currently, work is underway to cultivate the motor by employees of the scientific and production center «Shifobahsh» under the State Forestry. Only in this way can you achieve the production of this miracle plant, and make available to the people [9].

Currently, drying medicinal plants is carried out in a natural way. It is associated with a significant low quality of the finished product, so it is necessary to develop new drying plants and technologies.

Scientists of Tashkent state technical university have developed helio accumulation drying plant for obtaining high-quality products from medicinal herbs [10-15].

Figure 1. Diagram of change in humidity by time of herbal motor - Allium motor

Experiments were carried out on the developed time was 13 hours (fig.1). With these parameters, mini solar-drying plant. During the drying process, the engine is well dried and it is well preserved vi-the temperature was held at 46-54 °C and the drying tamins. In appearance you can determine that the

color and taste has not changed. The authors determined the optimal drying time for drying the plants. The dried motor can be ground as needed to produce a powder.

The time of drying of each medicinal plant is determined depending on their properties. According to the results of scientific research, it is recommended to dry medicinal plants in solar energy plants with accumulation of solar energy.


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