Sultanova Shaxnoza Abduvaxitovna, Tashkent State Technical University, postgraduate student, the Machine-building faculty E-mail: [email protected] Safarov Jasur Esirgapovich, Tashkent State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Machine-building faculty
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The technique and technology of drying medicinal plants with preservation of biologically active substances are developed. The medicinal property of the plant is described. Data on installation and drying procedures are given.
Keywords: ziziphora, plants, drying, technique, technology, composition, installation, convective.
ties. Medicinal plant zizifora used as a cardiological, hypotensive, analgesic, soothing and wound healing medium.
Ziziphora thin [1], is used in folk medicine for the treatment of fever, dysentery, gynecological infections and as an analgesic. It is also used to stop various gastrointestinal disorders, especially as a carminative or anti-diarrheal remedy. The ability to stop attacks of nausea is caused by the presence of essential oil and its main components: piplegone, thymol, menthone, iso-mentone and piperitone [2]. Ziziphora thin contains a large amount of essential oil, which means that it is a good feedstock source of Pulegon, which is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries [3; 4]. Sezik E. et al. (2004) during the study of medicinal plants in Uzbekistan [3] found that this plant has an-tihypertensive properties.
The Bengu zizifora herb is used in Uighur medicine as a decoction that relieves respiratory distress, dizziness and other symptoms associated with cardiovascular diseases, such as ischemic heart disease or hypertension [4]. In the literature there are patents [5-13], on the use of ziphyphor species or their individual components for medical purposes. Capsules containing a mixture of extracts of the aerial parts of
Rational use of wildlife today is one of the most important tasks of the modern food industry. Of great importance in determining the resources of medicinal plants are studies on the influence of environmental factors on crop yields in natural communities. Carrying out of such works allows identifying optimal areas for harvesting high-quality raw materials, outlining measures to increase the yield of medicinal plants, and also to process them for consumption by the population.
In turn, the need for medical and pharmaceutical industry in plant raw materials is continuously increasing, and today the issue of safety of medicines used in medical practice in connection with anthropogenic contamination ofplant raw materials is acute.
To date, one of the priority areas of development is the expansion of the assortment of the pharmaceutical industry through the production of phyto-preparations based on domestic raw materials. The solution of this problem is possible through the introduction of scientific research on the basis of natural raw materials that have sufficient renewable industrial reserves. Flora of Uzbekistan develops more than 6000 species of higher plants. Of these, over 1,500 species are characterized by medicinal proper-
Bunge ziphir and wormwood wormwood and burdock extract are used to treat various viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. In patent applications, data on the antipyretic activity of the extract in rabbits, anti-inflammatory activity in rats, and antitussive activity in mice are also noted. The antiviral activity of the drug was also evaluated in vitro [5].
The method for producing the flavonoid fraction of the Bunge extract is obtained by combining the extraction of the above-ground portion with an organic solvent with dispersion of the obtained extract into an aqueous phase and subsequent filtration through a macroporous resin and washing with ethanol is described in the patent [6]. The flavonoid fraction showed a positive effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The drug based on the fla-vonoid fraction of 3. Bunge for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is registered in the patent [7]. A number of other patents also describe the use of the flavonoid fraction of Z.Bunge [8].
Selection and special development of drying plants for drying medicinal plants makes it possible to preserve the medicinal properties of the plant and to obtain a high-quality product for further use as a raw material for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The above mentioned medicinal properties of the plant scientists of the Tashkent State Technical University decided to preserve by creating an energy-saving water heating convection plant designed for high-quality drying of medicinal plants such as zizifora, plantain, mint and other forestry plants.
To conduct the research, a water-heating convection drying plant was made, which allows to conduct the process of dehydration and fixing the optimum parameters of dried medicinal plants and to save energy. This installation allows you to conduct research: the dynamics of heat and moisture transfer in the layer of a drying medicinal plant; values of specific moisture capacity and moisture conductivity of grass; aerodynamic resistance of the layer, depending on the moisture content and density of the dehydrated plant [14].
The water-heating dryer operates on natural gas (or coal, wood, briquettes, electricity, oil products) using a boiler [15].
In the drying installation, the heat transfer medium is supplied by a line of heat conducting pipes. Metal tubes withstand the long-term impact of active elements released from the product during the drying process. Heat-transfer pipes are attached to the frame of the drying chamber by means of special fastening elements. Hot water is used as a heat agent. A removable pallets are placed in the water heating dryer.
After loading the raw material into the chamber, the boiler of the dryer is lit. The heating temperature reaches 90-100 ° C. With this heating, the temperature inside the drying chamber reaches the required value up to 60-65 ° C. This temperature is considered optimal for drying medicinal plants. In order to maximize the preservation of the final product during the drying process, the temperature is maintained automatically by means of a thermostat located in the chamber [14].
The installation takes into account the adsorption properties of substances saturated with drying products, that is, their own rates of adsorption and desorption of substances in the wet state are determined, according to which the drying regime of the product is established. As a result, a product with a layered distribution of the substances contained in the product is obtained, which makes it possible to maximally maintain useful biologically active substances in the composition of the final product.
In the course of experimental studies, the regularities of the variation in the intensity and rate of drying of medicinal plants were studied, allowing one to determine the moisture content of the material at any time and representing a qualitative picture of the drying process in its various periods.
A water-heating drying plant allows to obtain quality final products. In addition, low-temperature dehydration of the products allows maximum preservation of useful biologically active substances in the final products.
The water-heating convection installation offered by us allows us to intensify the technological process of drying vegetable raw materials from herbs, tubers, fruits and flowers; reduce losses of processed raw materials up to 25%, save up to 80-90% of biologically active substances and obtain high-quality products with improved marketability and chemical composition, solve the problem of energy and resource saving bringing to the required level, due to the use of flue gases or solid fuel.
Freshly cut ziziforu sorted from weeds, washed out the dust is cleaned from other contaminants. Cut into a size of 5 cm and previously wilted in the shade in the open air for 1 to 2 hours to reduce the initial moisture. To preserve biologically active substances exclude direct sunlight. Before drying, chopped pieces of ziphypora evenly place mesh pallets in stainless steel, each with a useful area of 0.9 m2 and a depth of 5 cm. The drying process is carried out by supplying a coolant (bottom-up) at a temperature of 45-55 ° C for 120-180 minutes. Hot air is used as the heat carrier, which is supplied from the outside. The fuel used is gas or solid fuel.
With the method of convective drying, the appearance of the medicinal plant was preserved, the drying time was 100 minutes. When IR drying, changes in appearance are insignificant, the drying
time is 80 min. However, in comparison with convective dehydration, the infrared drying ends for 20 minutes. before. The method has a disadvantage: for generating IR rays, the device consumes energy.
Shadow drying lasted 7 days; the appearance of the product has not changed much. Solar drying lasted 4 days; The leaves of the mint turned yellow, which already speaks of the non-quality of the final product obtained by this method.
Drying temperature is selected individually for each type of product, based on the content of BAS in raw materials. Drying is carried out at a temperature that does not denature enzymes, otherwise lysis reactions that occur during the entire drying process can be obtained.
For the ideal removal of bound moisture in the raw materials, the temperature and velocity of the coolant are regulated, proceeding from the morphological and biochemical characteristics of the raw materials.
The results of the conducted experiments show that in terms of speed and quality, the drying in the water-heating convection dryer gives the most productive. The quality of the resulting finished product meets the requirements of the food and pharmaceutical industries.
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