METAPHORS IN LITERATURE AND DAILY SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
metaphor theory / metonymy / similarity / linguistic units / figurative meaning / methodological coloring of words. / теория метафор / метонимия / сходство / языковые единицы / переносное значение / методологическая окраска слов.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abduolimova, Maftunakhon, Ibrokhimova, Mokhchekhra

Although there is a lot of research on metaphor in linguistics, there is a growing interest in it. Because in order to use words in the language, it is necessary to know not only the meaning of words, but also their figurative meanings. This, in turn, means that in linguistics there is a need for a comprehensive study of metaphor. Indeed, linguists associate the study of metaphor with the manifestation of metaphor in linguistics and its importance in language.

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Хотя исследований метафоры в лингвистике много, интерес к ней растет. Потому что для того, чтобы использовать слова в языке, необходимо знать не только значение слов, но и их переносные значения. Это, в свою очередь, означает, что в языкознании возникает необходимость всестороннего изучения метафоры. Действительно, изучение метафоры лингвисты связывают с проявлением метафоры в лингвистике и ее значением в языке.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023


Maftunakhon Abduolimova

Teacher at Fergana State University Mokhchekhra Ibrokhimova-

Student at Fergana State University

Although there is a lot of research on metaphor in linguistics, there is a growing interest in it. Because in order to use words in the language, it is necessary to know not only the meaning of words, but also their figurative meanings. This, in turn, means that in linguistics there is a need for a comprehensive study of metaphor. Indeed, linguists associate the study of metaphor with the manifestation of metaphor in linguistics and its importance in language.

Key words: metaphor theory, metonymy, similarity, linguistic units, figurative meaning, methodological coloring of words.


Today, among a number of new directions in linguistics, cognitive linguistics is one of the main objects of study of researchers. Because cognitive linguistics is not only from ancient times, but also in modern linguistics, it is always a topical direction that causes wide discussions. With the high scope of study, it is of particular importance among many areas of linguistics. Although the theory of metaphor and metaphorology, which is recognized as one of the important areas of cognitive linguistics, has been thoroughly analyzed today, it is still in the focus of researchers' attention with its aspects that need to be analyzed. It is natural to notice that metaphors and metaphorology are touched upon in all the studies conducted in world linguistics. The study of metaphor dates back to the times of the great thinker Aristotle. Aristotle examines metaphor at the level of nouns. According to him, metaphor is the name of a strange thing that is nameless based on the principle of species to genus or genus to species. When a name refers to a foreign thing that is difficult to understand, perhaps its meaning can be more clear.

According to Aristotle, in order to create a metaphor, there must be four principles of probability: genus to species, species to genus, species to species, and analogy or proportion. In Keying's work, he says that the main purpose of rhetoric is persuasion. Nevertheless, metaphor includes such qualities as accuracy, warmth, comfort, coherence and elegance that decorate the speech scene before the eyes of the listeners.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

Metaphor is a figure of speech, that we use in literature and daily life. We use metaphors to increase quality of our speech and improving knowledge. More and more writers use it in their works. In literature, metaphor main part of some stories, novels etc. Metaphors rise the level of influence of works of art and enriching them.In daily speech, it helps us to fully express our thoughts and convey it to our interlocutor1.


Metaphor, one of the oldest rhetorical and stylistic tools, is widely used both in colloquial speech and in artistic (poetic) text, as it is inextricably linked with a figurative vision of the world. Poetry is sometimes defined by reference to metaphor. In its features, researchers are trying to discover the features of the artist's poetic world.

Metaphor occupies an important place in poetic speech, because according to B. Tomashevsky, artistic speech always gives the impression of "something new in dealing with words" in order to give the effect of surprise to the individual image of the world. the reader's emotional response activates the imagination that creates a new meaning in him. Metaphor, according to B. Tomashevsky, "occurs when the object represented by the direct meaning of the word has a certain indirect similarity to the figurative object" [Tomashevsky 1951: 30]. As N.D. Arutyunova wrote: "Poetry's attraction to metaphor...is due to the poet's repulsion from his simple view of the world" [Arutyunova 1990: 17].

Metaphor occupies a special place in a literary text because it expresses the author's intention. The works of ancient philosophers also set the basic principles of understanding this complex phenomenon and presented the main approaches to its study. Many scholars deal with the issue of metaphor, starting from the foundations of Aristotle, who interprets metaphor as a figurative comparison.

The word metaphor came from the Greek. It is a connection and comparison of one thing to another that has no connection, no resemblance.

Metaphors are parts of the figurative languange and have a large place in literature. From large works to small stories, we can encounter metaphors. Especially in short stories, we often come across them. Why are metaphors used in literature? Writers use the emotions and conflicts in their works to fully convey to the reader, to reveal any hidden character or ability of the protagonists. In the play, the atmosphere that the writer wants to express can be created through metaphors2.

1 Stilisticheskiye priyemy gazetnoy rechi., SPb 2000

2 Арутюнова Н. Д. Языковая метафора (синтаксис и лексика) // Лингвистика и поэтика: сб. М.: Наука, 1979. 311 с.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

Metaphors discussed above can be found in the works of O. Henry, a well-known writer and master of short stories. In O. Henry's famous "the last leaf" we can find figurative language, metaphors. The writer skillfully used metaphors in this play. The first metaphor we encounter in the beginning of the work is "Mr Pneumonia". We know pneumonia is a disease, and O. Henry likens it to a person who, through metaphorical language, identifies it and makes the disease unfamiliar, making all the people on the streets of New York his victims with his cold fingers.

If the disease were not described in the play with such analogies, we would not have fully understood this sad situation at that time, would not have paid so much attention to the fact that it was a dangerous disease that claimed the lives of many people, and would not have cared for the heroes. It is in such situations that we can see how important the place of metaphors is in the play.

Another metaphor we can find in the section in which Behrman is portrayed in the play. Writer "old men thinks of himself to be" especial mastiff -in-waiting to protect the two young artists in the studio above "says old Behrman compares his care for young artists to a mastiff (a large dog) .

We know that the mastiff is a big, strong and protective type of dog. and the writer used it skillfully. The familiar and well-known story "Gift of the Magi" also contains many metaphors.

The writer used the first metaphor in the title of the story. "The gift of the Magi" reflects its central metaphor: the comparisons of Della and Jim's selfless love to the Magi (Biblical wise men Magi who gave baby Jesus gifts on the night of his birth). The efforts of the two youngsters to please each other are vividly expressed by the writer3.

There's another episode described by O. Henry as a "hashed metaphor": Delia's beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. Della's hair is also highlighted in the play. One of the culmination points of the play is that she sacrifices her precious hair to please the person she loves. The writer expressed this situation through metaphor.Many metaphors can be found while reading O. Henry's works, and with their help the writer has provided an effective and realistic solution to many difficult situations4.

Metaphors are widely used not only in literature but also in everyday communication. We don't always pay attention to them i.e. we don't feel like we are using metaphors in our daily speech.

Examples of metaphors can be found in everyday life:

3 D. Devidson. Chto oznachayut metafory // Teoriya metafory. M., 1990.

4 Anna Vezhbitskaya. Sravneniye-Gradatsiya-Metafora // Teoriya metafor., M. 1990. Vtoraya drevneyshaya. M., 1999.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

Life is a race and life is like a race and one should try to be a leader in all its aspects. Blanket of snow- compares a layer of snow to a soft, fluffy blanket. There are many such metaphors used in simple and everyday life and we use them constantly.


When we talk about the types of metaphors, we can say that standard metaphors serve as a basis for creating other types of metaphors, and the remaining types are cognitive metaphors and conceptual metaphors. Representatives of generative-transformational linguistics J. Lakoff and M. Johnson see that metaphor exists not only in poetics and rhetoric. they showed Therefore, our simple conceptual system in which we think and act is fundamentally metaphorical5.

To sum up, the figurative meaning of a word is called by its name because it is related or related to the referent of the lexical meaning of an objective entity, such as a thing, reality, action, state, sign or sensation. occurs through That is, the lexical meaning of the word creates a second lexical meaning. Therefore, the next lexical meaning is called metaphor. Many scientists, including Prof. M. Mirtojiyev and I. Shukurov, Z. Tohirov, D. Khojayeva; as well as prof. Sh.Rakhmatullayev and R.Yunusov conducted in-depth scientific research. Modern linguists are also scientifically researching various aspects of metaphors, especially metaphors. We think that any research conducted in the field of linguistics today will serve as a basis for future scientific work.


1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Языковая метафора (синтаксис и лексика) // Лингвистика и поэтика: сб. М.: Наука, 1979. 311 с.

2. Anna Vezhbitskaya. Sravneniye-Gradatsiya-Metafora // Teoriya metafor., M.1990. Vtoraya drevneyshaya. M., 1999.

3. Stilisticheskiye priyemy gazetnoy rechi., SPb 2000.

4. D. Devidson. Chto oznachayut metafory // Teoriya metafory. M., 1990.

5. Dzh. Lakoff i M. Dzhonson. Mir ponyatiy, okruzhayushchiy nas // Teoriya metafory. M., 1990.

6. Прокопчук О.Г. Развитие представлений о метафоре в античной риторической традиции. (Аристотель и Квинтилиан). Весшк Беларускага дзяржаунага ушверсггэта. Серыя 4, Фшалопя. Журналютыка. Педагопка. -2009. - N 2. - С. 75-78.

5 Dzh. Lakoff i M. Dzhonson. Mir ponyatiy, okruzhayushchiy nas // Teoriya metafory. M., 1990.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

7. Крбулова У.С. Метафорик матнда интеграл ва дифференциал семалар муносабати (узбек халк топишмоклари мисолида): Филол. фан. номз. дисс. -Тошкент, 2007

8. Reddy, M. J. (1993). The conduit metaphor: A case of frame conflict in our language about language. Metaphor and thought. A. Ortony. New York, Cambridge University Press: 164-201.

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