Markov A.V., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod, Russia
Krivosheeva A., student, Belgorod National State Research University, Belgorod, Russia, anna_krivosheeva1
The work is devoted to the problem of psychological defense mechanisms in men and women with different character accentuations. The study involved 50 people, including 17 boys and 33 girls aged 18 to 22 years. According to the results of the study, a connection was established between psychological defenses and certain types of character accentuations.
Keywords: psychology, psychological defenses, character accentuations, adolescence, coping and defense mechanisms, age-related change, developmental covariates.
In the context of globalization, society requires more and more mobility and the ability to adapt more and more quickly to new conditions. In the process of social adaptation, a person is influenced by many environmental factors, which affects his well-being and psychological state. The modern world is full of stressors and in order to protect yourself from neuroses, a person uses psychological defenses. This problem is especially relevant for young people, since the social situation of personality development in youth differs from the social situation of development in adolescence. These differences are related to the fact that adolescence ends with the experience of the need for one's own integrity, the teenager is on the verge of entering an independent life. He has yet to enter the path of professional work and determine
his position in life. In turn, L. I. Bozhovich [2], called self-determination, including professional, and self-consciousness the key neoplasms of youth.
At this time, in the period of adolescence, a system of ideas about oneself's development, which is a psychological reality that in a certain way affects behavior, generates certain personal experiences and emotions. It is with these reasons that a certain tension of the young man's personality is associated and, consequently, with the mechanisms of psychological protection. In this regard, we can talk about the possibility of the existence of a pattern between the accentuation of character and a certain mechanism of psychological defense, but this problem is still insufficiently studied.
The study of the mechanisms of psychological defenses was carried out by russian and foreign authors who consider the theoretical model of the system of psychological defenses (R. Plutchik, G. Kellerman, G. R. Conte); present psychological defenses as a means of preventing neurosis (Z. Freud, A. Freud); as a temporary refusal from activity (V. S. Rottenberg, E. I. Kirshbaum, etc.); consider psychological defenses in the context of the theory of attitudes (F. V. Bassin); assign the mechanisms of psychological defenses the function of overcoming feelings of self-doubt (A. Adler, K. Rogers, E. Erickson, E. Fromm, et al.); adaptive function (B. V. Zeigarnik, E. T. Sokolova, etc).
E. Kirshbaum says that the first mechanisms appear, which are based on perceptual processes (sensations, perception and attention). It is perception that is responsible for the defenses associated with ignorance, misunderstanding of information [7]. These include denial and regression; these defense mechanisms are the most primitive and characterize the «abusing» person as emotionally immature.
Next, there are defenses related to memory, namely, forgetting information, this is repression and suppression. O. N. Arestova notes that «as the processes of thinking and imagination development, the most complex and mature type of defense associated with the processing and re — evaluation of information is formed-called is rationalization» [1, p.26]. The mechanism of psychological defense, plays the role of
the regulator of intrapersonal balance, due to the suppression of the dominant emotion.
Some authors speak about the role of typological features in the use of certain types of psychological defenses. For example, persons with a predominance of the first signal system, according to I. P. Pavlov, use negation and suppression, and persons with a predominance of the second signal system-projection, displacement and rationalization [9].
So, following A.V. Petrovsky, under psychological protection we understand a system of processes and mechanisms aimed at preserving the positive state of the subject that has already been achieved once. They are subjectively unconscious and manifest themselves in a situation of internal contradiction, conflict. According to V. A. Narizhnyak, by adolescence, all the main mechanisms of protection have already been formed, the choice of which can be determined by many different personality characteristics, including typological characteristics [8].
The problem of character accentuations is connected primarily with the name of K. Leonhard, who created their most famous typology, as well as A. E. Lichko, who developed the typology of character accentuations for adolescents. The accentuation of character as an individual-typological feature of personality was explained in the works of B. V. Belov, P. B. Gannushkin, E. Kretschmer. Among modern psychologists, we can distinguish T. S. Inkina and V. A. Lyalina, who considered the semantic features of the speech of accentuants, as well as S. F. Vocarin, S. G. Fantin, who investigated the features of the professional activities of speakers of different accentuations.
To a greater extent, character accentuations are characteristic of adolescence and early adolescence, however, in adolescence, according to I. V. Vyboyschik, L. P. Parshukova, they become a pronounced character trait [4]. Being firmly fixed in the personality structure, these character traits become the causes of maladjustment, affecting personal identity.
Based on the systematics of the formation of psychopathies by P. B. Gannushkin, it is possible to systematize the factors that influence the emergence and
development of character accentuations in modern adolescents, and in the future, possibly, the appearance of psychopathies in adolescence [5].
In their study, E. I. Vinogradova and E. V. Pronina came to the conclusion that men and womens have different expressions of emotional. «Young men are characterized by a greater expression of strong-willed properties associated with purposefulness and self-control. Girls are characterized by a greater expression of emotional properties: they are more emotionally excitable, their emotional experiences differ in depth, emotional states persist longer, and the emergence of emotions requires less time and the force of the action of the emotionogenic factor. Girls are characterized by a more optimistic perception of the world, they express their emotions more freely and easily respond to the emotional experiences of others» [3, p. 157]
To sum up, it can be argued that a greater degree of character accentuation is characteristic of adolescence and early adolescence, however, in adolescence, they become a pronounced character trait.
Based on the above, it can be argued that the problem of research is relevant in modern society, because at the moment there is an insufficient number of studies that study the mechanisms of psychological defenses and character accentuation in modern men and women.
The purpose of our study is to study the mechanisms of psychological defenses in young men and young women with different character accents.
To analyze the relationship between the mechanisms of psychological defenses and character accentuations in men and women, the linear correlation coefficient r-Pearson was used. The Pearson linear correlation method allows you to determine the strength of the correlation between two indicators measured on a quantitative scale. The choice of this correlation coefficient was influenced by the size of the sample and the presence of a normal distribution.
Based on the data, the most pronounced among the respondents of the sample is the affective-exalted type of character accentuation, its distinctive feature is the ability to admire. Respondents with an affective-exalted type of accentuation of the
character are smiling, usually more often than others experience a sense of happiness, joy, and pleasure. These feelings can often be caused by reasons that do not cause a great rise in emotions in others, they come to delight in joyful events and to complete despair from sad ones. Perhaps this is due to the fact that youth is the age of specific emotional sensitivity, as it was stated by P. Jacobson. It is in adolescence that all the potencies of a person's emotionality, which are characteristic of his nature, are actively realized and revealed under favorable conditions. This is what can be explained by the intensity of emotive accentuation of character in men and women from the entire sample. This accentuation of character is similar to affective-exalted, but its manifestations are not so pronounced. Respondents with an emotive type of character accentuation are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, talkativeness, fearfulness, anxiety, etc.
Among the respondents of the sample, hyperthymic, dysthymic and cyclothymic accentuations are approximately equally pronounced. Young people with hyperthymic accentuation are mobile, sociable, with dysthymic-laconic, they are characterized by some depression of mood, seriousness, slowness, as well as weakness of volitional efforts.
Young people with a demonstrative type of accentuation of character are characterized by some demonstrative behavior, which is manifested in vivacity, artistry, a tendency to intrigue, mobility, as well as ease in establishing contacts. In addition to the pronounced demonstrativeness, the behavior of these respondents can be characterized by high adaptability to other people, emotional lability, provided that there are no really deep feelings.
Further, the results of the severity of the types of character accentuations in the men and women who make up the study sample were considered separately.
As a result of the analysis of the features of character accentuations in men and women, it was found that respondents with an exalted type of character accentuation prevail. Pedantic and demonstrative types of character accentuations are the least pronounced among the sample respondents.
When comparing the results of the severity of the types of character accentuations in men and women separately, it was revealed that exalted accentuation is more characteristic for men than for women. In turn, the average score of girls with an emotive type of accentuation prevails over the average score of boys with the same accentuation. In almost the same way, the prevalence of average scores between young men with a dysthymic type of character accentuation over young women with the same accentuation and the predominance of the number of girls with hyperthymic accentuation over young men with this accentuation is expressed.
Now we will begin to consider the mechanisms of psychological defenses in men and women. As a result, the following information was obtained.
The most common psychological defense among the respondents of the sample is projection, which is expressed in the localization of feelings and thoughts that are not conscious or unacceptable to a person. They become secondary and alien, being attributed to other people. Perhaps this is due to the fact that according to the study of T. V. Tulupyeva, projection becomes the predominant defense mechanism in adolescence [10], but denial, according to O. N. Chernykh, is one of the main characteristics of adolescence [11]. It follows that the respondents are at the stage of early youth.
The next most pronounced among men and women was such a mechanism of psychological defense as denial. Denial as a psychological defense mechanism is primarily a rejection of thoughts, feelings, needs, or reality that are unacceptable on a conscious level.
Among the respondents of the sample, such mechanisms of psychological protection as regression and suppression are least pronounced (the average score is 36.46 and 36.33, respectively). As T. V. Tulupyeva noted, the maximum severity of these defense mechanisms occurs at the age of 16, and then decreases during adulthood [10]. This is due to the achievement of intellectual maturity, personal self-determination and emotional balance by the respondents of this sample, and it is from this that the use of more constructive mechanisms of psychological protection follows. Students who are at the stage of early adolescence prefer the transition to
earlier stages of development and suppression of emotions, including some infantilism, which characterizes the mechanisms of regression and suppression.
So, we have considered the features of the mechanisms of psychological defense in men and women, which allowed us to conclude that the mechanism of denial between the respondents is most pronounced, it is more pronounced in women than in men.
Thus, we can conclude that the research hypothesis is absolutely confirmed that young men and young women with different character accents will differ in the manifestation of psychological defense mechanisms, namely, respondents with cyclothymic type of accentuation are characterized by the manifestation of the compensation mechanism, respondents with emotive type of accentuation are characterized by the manifestation of the denial mechanism, respondents with exulted type of accentuation are characterized by the manifestation of the regression mechanism. The hypothesis was confirmed with a high level of significance (p<0.01).
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