Научная статья на тему 'Media education technologies in the preparation of future teachers as a condition of effective functioning of the lifelong education system'

Media education technologies in the preparation of future teachers as a condition of effective functioning of the lifelong education system Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
lifelong education / media education technology / training / future teachers

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Beshock Tatyana Vitalievna

The article deals with the current state and potential of media education technologies in the training of future teachers as one of the conditions for the efficient functioning of the lifelong education system. The results of the survey conducted with teachers and students according to their readiness to use media educational technologies in educational process are presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Media education technologies in the preparation of future teachers as a condition of effective functioning of the lifelong education system»


T. V. Beshock

The article deals with the current state and potential of media education technologies in the training of future teachers as one of the conditions for the efficient functioning of the lifelong education system. The results of the survey conducted with teachers and students according to their readiness to use media educational technologies in educational process are presented.

Key words: lifelong education, media education technology, training, future teachers.

Modern media technologies require a high level of abstract thinking, reaction rate, and willingness to constantly improve the level of education [2]. This requires general improvement of the professional training of future teachers. According to A.V. Litvin, "To ensure that students have learned to distinguish reality from the information supplied by TV or other media, the teachers should use means of communication in the learning process in didactically appropriate, differentiated proportions with the objects of the material world (material means of education), ICT and other didactic means, employing the new technologies (in this case those of media education) in traditional teaching methods and technical means of education ... ". The task of teachers is to teach self-processing, differentiation, evaluation and systematization of information [4, p. 333]. A major component in professional teacher training is not the media education technology itself, but the ability to use it, the ability to perceive it critically, and to analyze and know the peculiarities of application in the educational process throughout life. This should encourage deep learning and effective use of mass-media communications in one’s future professional and educational activities. A teacher, according to G.P. Vasyanovich, bears moral and legal responsibility for the implementation of technologies, aimed primarily at the humanization of human activities, and awareness of future specialists of present and future development of the nation and humanity, to the practice of training and education [1, p. 20, 21]. A media competent future teacher should possess complex media knowledge and skills, and have formed media values in order to create media culture in schoolchildren and their parents with the development of the modern information society.

In order to assess the current state of preparation of future teachers for the application of information, computer and media education technology, we analyzed the curricula and programs of pedagogical universities (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of Kremenets, Evpatorian Institute of Social Sciences, Sarnensky Pedagogical College of RSHU). One of the surveyed institutions does not provide studies of media educational disciplines, key concepts related to media education. Interviews conducted with students made it possible to ascertain the low level of knowledge in the field of information, computer and


media education technology. This is due to the fact that a small number of hours is devoted to the study of information sciences, while in addition, experts of this field of knowledge are not always attracted to conduct courses. In our opinion, human resources potential is a critical factor in the success of media education. Further progress in this area is not possible without an organizational solution to the problem of training professional media educators. To date, none of the universities has a "Media Educator" specialization in the faculties of journalism training.

This problem is also becoming relevant at the legislative level: it is necessary to pass a bill that would provide for the introduction of media education at all levels from pre-school education to self-education.

Fragmentary application of media educational technology in higher education is associated with the low level of information literacy teachers, reluctance to study information technology, explore the possibility of their use in class, a lack of developed methods, software and methodological support, methodological recommendations electives, special courses, and the media education learning environment. According to the study "Innovation in Education" [5], conducted in 2011 on the initiative of Microsoft, 61% of teachers called their own lack of technical training a major obstacle to the implementation of information technology in education [6]. Conversations, observations, and questionnaires that we conducted with teachers and students suggest that a significant portion (66%) did not study information technologies and their possible applications in professional activities at all, therefore they are not prepared to use media educational technologies in the learning process and everyday life. The above is partly related to teachers’ reluctance to study computer and media educational technology, their extreme engagement in training, educational, methodical, organizational and documentary work, insufficient logistical support of schools and universities (insufficient number of computers, problems of access to the Internet), etc. The majority of teachers (62%) are not ready to explain the nature and content of the terms "media education", and "technology", and they occasionally intuitively express opinions that are partly close to their correct understanding. The majority of teachers (72%) do not understand what "Media Education" is, why it is needed, and are reluctant to deepen their knowledge in this area.

The integration of media education into the curricula of universities, according to A. Franchuk, must find points of contact between the training and information flows faced by the student outside of the institution every day as much as possible [8, с. 45].

According to the socio-pedagogical classification, modern mass media are divided: according to the type of the primary means (press, radio, cinema, TV, video, computer networks, etc.), according to the channel of perception (audio, video, audiovisual, sign, text, graphic), according to the place of use (individual, group, mass, home, work, transport, etc.), and according to the content of information, direction of socialization (ideological, political, moral and educational, informative and educational, aesthetic, environmental) [7].

The large amount of negative information in the modern media not only encourages education of pupils and students on processing information from the media, but also the creation of special media education projects, the application of educational and informative information from periodic sources, radio programs,


cinema, television, and Internet sites in lectures, seminar lessons, and independent work of students, and also to work with modern mass media in order to detect falsification, manipulation methods, and negative impacts on the subconscious of children and adults. This contributes to the formation of critical thinking, one’s own thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, which has a positive effect on the development of students’ leadership qualities. According to A.V. Kutsenko, "... an ideal form of media education is a system constructed from elementary school to graduate classes, and this, in turn, will entail a change in teachers' training of all school subjects, actively involving them in the basics of media literacy" [3]. The above leads to the analysis of media education technologies available in today's media space in order to develop methods of their use in the training of future teachers and everyday life, and consequently to an improvement of the system of lifelong education.

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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas


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