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Ключевые слова
corporate / innovative / marketing technologies / innovative-corporate activity / management technologies

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shavkat Qodirovich Muxtorov

This article develops mechanisms for developing corporate collaboration skills and increasing the competitiveness of students majoring in economics at higher education institutions. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms is substantiated.

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Shavkat Qodirovich Muxtorov

PhD student of Bukhara State University


This article develops mechanisms for developing corporate collaboration skills and increasing the competitiveness of students majoring in economics at higher education institutions. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms is substantiated.

Keywords: corporate, innovative, marketing technologies, innovative-corporate activity, management technologies

In the context of technological modernization, work is underway to assess, improve and forecast the effectiveness of corporate cooperation of industrial enterprises with educational institutions and the impact of this cooperation on increasing competitiveness, the effectiveness of corporate investment cooperation of industrial enterprises with higher education institutions. SWOT analysis was conducted in order to assess the volume, scope and quality of innovative activities and innovative corporate cooperation with industrial enterprises in the faculties of higher education [1-30]. The essence and significance of this method of analysis is that all the factors influencing the development of innovative corporate cooperation of departments are systematized in 4 groups: * Strengths; * Weaknesses (weak sides); * Opportunities; * Threats (threats). Well, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the department in the development of innovative activities and innovative corporate partnerships, what are the indicators in this regard, and on what indicators to identify and evaluate them.

In our opinion, it is advisable to use the following indicators to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the departments:

-number of teachers and staff of the department;

-scientific potential of teachers of the department;

-practical skills and experience of teachers of the department;

- The staff of the department deserves the trust and respect of organizations interested in cooperation;

- The existence of a scientific-practical school at the department and its public recognition;

- Age, strength, curiosity, initiative (creativity) of the staff of the department,


Thus, the above-mentioned SWOT-analysis on the further development of innovative corporate cooperation of higher education departments allows us to systematize their strengths and weaknesses, internal and external opportunities and threats.

In innovative corporate cooperation it is very important not only the scientific potential of teachers of the department, but also their practical skills and experience. Because it is not enough to know the problem only from a scientific point of view. It is very important for partners to have a deep understanding of its practical aspects, the procedures for its direct application in enterprises, and the ability to clearly show what it gives. Therefore, professors and teachers of the departments, recognized as both scientists and practitioners, play a strong role in the implementation of innovative corporate partnerships. Lack of practical skills in the departments, of course, does not allow the development of innovative corporate cooperation on a large scale.

One of the external opportunities that have a positive impact on the further development of innovative corporate cooperation of departments is the fact that the implementation of these activities has become a state policy, which is fully supported by the state, including various tax benefits.

A good example of this is the tax exemption of revenues from research institutes and research institutes, which are implemented by universities on the basis of innovative corporate cooperation agreements.

The following factors were selected in the assessment of the development of corporate cooperation of Bukhara State University with industrial enterprises, taken as the object of research:

- The resulting factor - the amount of income from the innovative and corporate activities of the university, mln. som (Y);

- Influencing factors - the number of enterprises in innovation-corporate cooperation (Z1), the number of innovation-corporate cooperation agreements (X2), the number of participants in innovation-corporate cooperation (X3), the number of research topics in innovation-corporate cooperation (X4) ), the number of graduate work in innovation-corporate partnership (X5), the number of master's dissertations in innovation-corporate partnership (X6), the number of PhDs and DScs in innovation-corporate partnership (X7).

Using an Excel spreadsheet, we calculate the correlation coefficients that represent the relationships between the factors (Table 1).

As can be seen from the table, the values of the densities of the bonds between the factors, ie the specific correlation coefficients, are as follows:

ryXi = 0.9495, ryX2 = 0.9472, ryX3 = 0.9286, ryX4 = 0.9472, ryXs = 0.9507, ryXfi = 0.9505, ryXy = 0.7314

In addition, it should be noted that the density of double correlations between the factors can be seen, that is, there is a multicollinearity between the factors. This means that none of these factors should be included in the econometric model being constructed. This problem can be solved by creating a multi-factor econometric model based on factors.

Table 1

Matrix of correlation coefficients calculated among the factors influencing innovation and corporate activity at Bukhara State University

Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7

Y 1

X1 0,94 95 1

X2 0,94 72 0,99 66 1

X3 0,92 86 0,91 46 0,91 46 1

X4 0,94 72 0,99 66 1,00 00 0,91 46 1

X5 0,95 07 0,91 55 0,90 75 0,97 10 0,90 75 1

X6 0,95 05 0,92 13 0,92 12 0,92 61 0,92 12 0,91 18 1

X7 0,73 14 0,70 36 0,71 49 0,56 81 0,71 49 0,59 53 0,55 11 1

Now let's create a multifactor econometric model based on the above factors. It has the following appearance:

Y = 0.5849 + 0.244X1 - 0.248X, + 0X4 + 0.180X5 + 0.302X6 + 0.577X7

R2 = 0.9905; Fxisob = 165.54 (1)

Based on this model, it can be concluded that if the number of innovative-corporate partnerships (X1) increases by one unit, the university's revenue will average 0.244 million. soums. If the number of innovation-corporate cooperation agreements (X2) increases by one unit, the university's revenue will average 0.248 million. soums. If the number of participants in innovation-corporate cooperation (X3) increases by one unit, the university's revenue will average 0.084 million. soums. If the number of BMIs (X4) implemented in innovation-corporate cooperation increases by one unit, the university's revenue will average 0.18 million. soums. If the number of MDs (X5) implemented in innovation-corporate cooperation increases by one, the university's revenue will average 0.302 million. soums.

An increase in the number of PhDs and DScs (X6) implemented in innovation-corporate cooperation by one unit will increase the average income of the university by 0.557 million. R = 0,9905 - coefficient of determination shows that the income from innovation-corporate cooperation at Bukhara State University depends on the factors included in the multi-factor econometric model by 99.05 percent. The remaining 0.95 percent is due to unaccounted for factors. The values of the Student Criteria calculated on the values of regression coefficients in the constructed (1) econometric model are as follows:

tXi = 0.296, t^ = -0.323, t^ = -1.54, t^ = 65535, tXs = 3.71, t^ = 5.94, tXy = 5.32 o check the reliability of these parameters, we refer to the Student Distribution table. If ^caicuiation > ^tafeie then the regression coefficients are called reliable, otherwise they are called unreliable. According to the student distribution table, with 95% accuracy, ¿toMe = 2,0160.

After subtracting the insignificant factors (1) from the model, the correlation coefficients between the factors take the following form. (Table 2).

Table 2

Matrix of correlation coefficients calculated among the factors influencing innovation and corporate activity at Bukhara State University

Y X1 X2 X3 X5 X6

Y 1

X1 0,9262 1

X2 0,9287 0,9716 1

X3 0,9286 0,8457 0,8850 1

X5 0,9507 0,8687 0,8832 0,9710 1

X6 0,9505 0,8763 0,9103 0,9261 0,9118 1

X7 0,7314 0,7529 0,7033 0,5681 0,5953 0,5511 1

The specific correlation coefficients between the factors are as follows:


= 0.926, ryX2 = 0.929, = 0.928, = 0.951,



^ = 0.951,7^ = 0.731


We will create a new multifactor econometric model based on the factors excluded from the model. And it looks like this:

? = 0.487 + 0.075xx - 0.126x2 - 0.085x3 + 0.184x5 + 0.311x6 + 0.559x7

fl2 = 0.9888, Fxisofe = 177.72, tXi = 0.209, t^ = -0.450, t^ = -1.515,

tXs = 3.772, t^ = 5.788, tXy = 5.127 (2)

The obtained multivariate econometric model (2) is more statistically significant than the model (1), the model's parameters are found to be reliable. The forecast results of the calculations performed on the Trend models are as follows. (Table


By 2023, the income from innovation and corporate cooperation at Bukhara State University will amount to 76.7 million soums. This figure is 17.04 times higher than in 2000 and 3.12 times higher than in 2010. This means that innovative and corporate work at the university is carried out according to plan.

In 2000, Bukhara State University completed 20 graduate works on topics concluded on the basis of innovation-corporate cooperation agreements with enterprises and organizations in the region. In 2000, due to the lack of master's specialties, master's theses were not completed. However, in 2000, 3 (PhD) dissertations were completed.

By 2023, the income from innovation and corporate cooperation at Bukhara State University will amount to 76.7 million soums. This figure is 17.04 times higher than in 2000 and 3.12 times higher than in 2010. This means that innovative and corporate work at the university is carried out according to plan.

In 2000, Bukhara State University completed 20 graduate works on topics concluded on the basis of innovation-corporate cooperation agreements with enterprises and organizations in the region. In 2000, due to the lack of master's specialties, master's theses were not completed. However, in 2000, 3 (PhD) dissertations were completed.

Table 3

Dynamics of income from innovation-corporate cooperation in Bukhara State

University in 2000-2018 and forecast indicators for 2019-2023

Years 3 i i-H GO ! O ! CP Ö ° 1= 1 o H ; à ^ ! o O ! 'ü Ü 1 £ <u § ÉP a o • S o o m en <D S m .O 'G ts & à 8 S* r Ö os O <u > o ^M o ° O Ö D <D 03 •S 5 ° 1 ° Number of innovation-corporate partnership agreements participants in innovation-corporate <D n o3 d ö fe 1 T3 & Q £ o £ 3 £ o t a i t s Ü § £ 2 <U VfH H 3 ^ £ c 3 Ö > c • i-H <D ö 1 d 0 <-> ^ EP r o ö o o: <D JL S- g 8 § & 3 CP <3 c 3 Ö > c ^ 3 • i-H 11 umu^/i ui i 111—' j u-iivi DScs implemented in innovation-corporate

2011 25,9 6 11 112 95 46 11

2012 29,7 12 13 120 112 58 6

2013 32,4 10 18 136 123 54 5

2014 35,7 16 24 142 131 67 10

2015 38,9 15 20 120 109 86 3

2016 43,3 21 30 154 151 80 12

2017 54,1 22 26 160 198 76 18

2018 62,5 29 35 162 156 88 37

2019 62,9 25 28 173 173 91 17


2020 * 66,3 27 30 181 181 97 18

2021 * 69,8 28 31 189 190 102 19

2022 * 73,2 29 33 197 198 108 19

2023 * 76,7 31 35 205 207 113 20

By the forecast period, the number of final qualification works on the basis of innovative-corporate cooperation is 207, and master's dissertations - 113.

Higher education institutions are a key link in the development of the society [1-30]. This is because the training of specialists for both production and the development of public administration is connected with the activities of higher education institutions. At the same time, a specialist trained in higher education institutions, along with education, studies the existing problems in manufacturing enterprises and institutions. Participates in problem-solving research and contributes to the development of society in the chosen specialty on the basis of passing all the tests. Therefore, it is expedient to cooperate with industrial enterprises and institutions that are consumers of personnel trained by higher education institutions.

Improving the functioning of free economic zones in our country as a factor in attracting foreign investment, especially direct investment, to create new modern hightech production facilities that ensure the production of competitive products that meet the requirements of the world market is important.

In accordance with the decrees and resolutions on activation and expansion of free economic zones, in order to create more favorable conditions for foreign investors to invest in real sectors of the economy, a single legal regime for free economic zones has been established, tax, customs benefits and preferences have been unified. Exemption of foreign and domestic investors from a number of taxes and mandatory payments has increased the investment attractiveness of the regions. Investments and innovations will allow to close the gaps in the socio-economic development of the country, as well as the efficient use of resources and thus improve the effective structure of the economy. In 2019, Uzbekistan has implemented modernization and competitiveness programs in 12 leading industries, resulting in economic growth of 5.6% and industrial production of 6.6%.

In accordance with the decrees and resolutions on activation and expansion of free economic zones, in order to create more favorable conditions for foreign investors to invest in real sectors of the economy, a single legal regime for free economic zones


ISSN: 2181-1601

has been established, tax, customs benefits and preferences have been unified. Exemption of foreign and domestic investors from a number of taxes and mandatory payments has increased the investment attractiveness of the regions. Investments and innovations will allow to close the gaps in the socio-economic development of the country, as well as the efficient use of resources and thus improve the effective structure of the economy. In 2019, Uzbekistan has implemented modernization and competitiveness programs in 12 leading industries, resulting in economic growth of 5.6% and industrial production of 6.6%.


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