Shavkat Kodirovich Muxtorov
PhD Student of Bukhara State University
This article analyzes ways to train and meet the needs of highly qualified personnel in higher education institutions today. In addition, recommendations on ways to solve existing problems in this area have been developed.
Keywords: real needs, project portfolio, personnel agency, board of trustees.
The infrastructure of the market of specialist education services regulates the relationship between employers and workers on labor costs, working conditions, training and retraining of workers, protection of the rights of employees and consumers. The system of training specialists is one of the elements of the infrastructure of the labor market, which directly regulates supply and demand in the market.
One of the problems of the country is the underdevelopment of infrastructure in the market of educational services. Creative groups of leading professors and representatives of enterprises at the specialized departments of universities serve as a mechanism for cooperation - a unique infrastructure in the labor market, which in turn is a key link in the organization of innovative cooperation. plays the role of. Creative groups collect detailed information on the list of modern enterprises and their activities in accordance with the specialization of the department. Studies, analyzes and systematizes the existing scientific and technological problems of each enterprise on the list. This will allow to mobilize the intellectual potential of the department to solve these problems and thus ensure the effectiveness of research in higher education. As a result of such mutually beneficial cooperation both for the higher education system and for production, on the one hand, the practice of training and production will be improved, the quality of education will increase, the practical knowledge and skills of teachers will be improved. nicknames are constantly updated, potential employers are involved in the process of employment of graduates.
On the other hand, in accordance with the real needs, the supply of highly qualified, competitive personnel will be established, a portfolio of investment projects will be formed on the practical problems of enterprises, product quality improvement, cost reduction, transition of enterprises to innovative development. As a result of the work done in the country, including about 4,500 mature professors and scientists, graduate students, doctoral students and researchers, gifted students, more than 600 specialties of higher education institutions, More than 750 innovative groups have been
formed, consisting of representatives of industry, and a database of modern enterprises in accordance with the direction of the departments has been created. Appropriate work has been done to establish innovative corporate partnerships with about 1,200 of these enterprises on a contractual basis, and a bank of existing scientific and technological problems has been formed. These practical problems of enterprises serve as a basis for the formation of topics of graduate work, master's, candidate's and doctoral dissertations, scientific research on the basis of economic contracts, which are carried out at the departments since the new academic year. Such creative groups have been organized at more than 40 departments of Bukhara State University and contracts have been signed with more than 200 enterprises. The work being done, in turn, requires improving the infrastructure.
It is necessary to further expand the market of educational services for specialists and organize and develop the activities of personnel agencies and various specialized labor exchanges, which collect information on the supply and demand in the labor market, work on decent employment of specialists. It would be appropriate for these agencies to focus on remote areas and rural areas.
It is known that the personnel agency is an independent organization that selects employees at the request of the employer [1-30]. Applying to recruitment agencies is often ineffective, as resumes submitted by young professionals are sometimes ignored. This is due to the fact that many agencies are not adapted to work with young professionals, and their resumes are kept with people who do not have work qualifications. The low demand for graduates is due not only to their low qualifications, but also to the fact that many companies do not have the principles of working with young professionals, and recruitment agencies do not provide such services.
The activities of regional personnel agencies are aimed at coordinating the interaction of universities in the region and with government agencies, helping professionals to find suitable positions in the labor market and forecasting the demand for specialists in the labor market. The solution to the problem of employment of specialists can be solved only in the coordination of relations between universities and regional enterprises, organizations and the formation of mutually beneficial relations.
One of the new organizational methods of interaction between higher education and industry is the Board of Trustees. At present, each higher education institution has a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is a voluntary society, a non-profit organization, a public administration organization that wishes to assist the institution in training and retraining, development of the scientific base, social protection of students and staff of the institution. However, at present this opportunity is not fully used. The relationship of the institution with the Board of Trustees is a direct link of the institution with the production. Through these contacts, the issues of student internships, the
expansion of research, employment of young professionals can be addressed. Relations should be developed in a way that satisfies mutual interests.
As a result of our research, we have come to the conclusion that in order to increase the professionalism of students in the market of educational services and increase their competitiveness in the labor market, a fund should be established to assist graduates in employment. The fund's activities to help graduates find jobs are coordinated with the authorities and employment services. Employment assistance centers should develop comprehensive measures to regulate vocational education services in the labor market on the basis of current legislation. In our opinion, these measures should include: annual analysis of the professional staff, monitoring of the number of unemployed graduates and their employment; formation of a database on the structure of vacancies for young professionals; organization of contacts with employers in order to provide employment for graduates; Establishing relations with the regional authorities, the leadership of the university and the funds of educational institutions for the employment of graduates; planning requirements for young professionals in the regional economy; making suggestions for new emerging specialties.
The coverage of teachers with higher education in rural schools is 65%, while in urban areas it is about 95%. 126.4 thousand teachers (27.4%) working in schools of the republic do not have higher education, of which 16.4 thousand teachers (7.4%) have basic subjects - native language and literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry , history, basics of state and law, foreign language, geography, biology. The issue of providing primary school teachers also remains relevant. Among them, 60-65% by region have higher education, although the foundation for the next life is laid at the age of primary school.
The level of education and the status of the profession (job position) are compatible only if the supply and demand for skilled labor in the labor market are balanced. If the demand for skilled labor is higher than the demand for skilled labor, employers will be forced to fill existing jobs with less skilled labor than required. In this case, the professional requirements for the specialist change.
One of the problems that still need to be addressed in the field of education is the still high demand of employers for specialists trained by higher education institutions for production, service and management systems. This problem has existed before, at the heart of which is the concept of specialization, and now at the heart of this expression is the training of specialists and quality indicators based on the requirements of market relations.
The market for educational services to some extent reflects the socio-economic aspects of society that affect the adaptation and employment opportunities of university graduates. In this regard, as a subject of market relations, university graduates must be ready to look for jobs that meet the needs of the labor market and employers.
A group of scientists classifies the strategy of behavior of university graduates in the market of educational services as follows: -start work at the end of the study period; -to continue studying;
- "Waiting" not to start studying or working; -Spending free time with the family without starting work.
In the current situation, not only the changes in the system of vocational training from a socio-psychological point of view have led to the selection of flexible professional skills from narrow specialties and small responsibilities to a wide range of qualifications, but also to the graduation of university graduates. market movements have not yet been sufficiently studied.
Graduates will have to prove their superiority over others in their social activities. In addition to socio-economic relations in society, employment also depends on the characteristics and factors of market relations, personal qualities. Young professionals often do not take full advantage of job opportunities. To avoid these cases, it is recommended to hire them earlier.
With the improvement of databases and platforms of different levels, supported by ministries, committees and agencies in the state structure, first of all, it is possible to conduct quality employment monitoring using the data of these databases (platforms). secondly, it allows not only to determine the employment status of the graduate, but also to study and analyze indicators that are useful for a number of different analyzes.
- The following information can be obtained from the databases of government agencies:
- State Statistics Committee - general reports on graduates of higher education institutions;
- State Tax Committee - information on income tax deductions;
- Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance - allocations from the salary fund to extra-budgetary pension funds;
- From the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education - information and identification of the educational document issued to the graduate;
- Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations - information on graduates registered as unemployed;
- People's Bank - information on contributions to the accumulative pension fund of citizens;
- Ministry of Mahalla and Family - through the processing and integration of data on child care, conscription or graduates who have gone abroad, there will be an opportunity to obtain integrated and reliable information.
- Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance - allocations from the salary fund to extra-budgetary pension funds;
- From the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education - information and identification of the educational document issued to the graduate;
- Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations - information on graduates registered as unemployed;
- People's Bank - information on contributions to the accumulative pension fund of citizens;
- Ministry of Mahalla and Family - through the processing and integration of data on child care, conscription or graduates who have gone abroad, there will be an opportunity to obtain integrated and reliable information.
- Decision-makers need to ensure that higher education institutions are competitive in national and international markets, as well as in line with the goals of the region in which the university is located. Laredo (2007) summed up the third mission of higher education as follows:
Studies show that in the middle of the twentieth century, the link between the popularization of higher education and the restructuring of the global economy grew, leading to the emergence of a post-industrial knowledge-based society. In a postindustrial society, knowledge has become a means of creating wealth and a major resource of society in relation to agricultural and industrial production. Agricultural and industrial production is not completed, new technologies and industries are efficient and require the least labor force.
The development of a knowledge-based economy is leading to the improvement of market relations on the basis of knowledge production. In this context, the university faces rapidly increasing competition in research and training. The commercialization of knowledge has a significant impact on the internal organizational structure of the research community.
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