Научная статья на тему 'Marketing research in the marketing information system'

Marketing research in the marketing information system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pedko I., Hordiienko V.

У статті визначено сутність поняття маркетингової інформації, маркетингових досліджень та ієрархію цих понять. Проаналізовано класифікацію маркетингової інформації, яка має прикладну спрямованість на створення спеціальних баз даних. Описано суть маркетингових досліджень та їх роль у системі маркетингової інформації. Обґрунтовано, що в умовах невизначеності зростає значення ефективної роботи підсистеми маркетингових досліджень, роль якої полягає у збиранні необхідної інформації для прийняття управлінських рішень, що покликані усунути ринкову невизначеність і знизити ризики підприємницької діяльності в процесі прийняття управлінських рішень щодо проблемних сфер маркетингової діяльності.В статье определена сущность понятия маркетинговой информации, маркетинговых исследований и иерархия этих понятий. Проанализирована классификация маркетинговой информации, которая имеет прикладную направленность на создание специальных баз данных. Описаны суть маркетинговых исследований и их роль в системе маркетинговой информации. Обосновано,что в условиях неопределенности возрастает значение эффективной работы подсистемы маркетинговых исследований, роль которой заключается в сборе необходимой информации для принятия управленческих решений, призванных устранить рыночную неопределенность и снизить риски предпринимательской деятельности в процессе принятия управленческих решений по проблемным сферам маркетинговой деятельности.The article defines the essence of the concept of marketing information, marketing research and a hierarchy of these concepts. The classification of marketing information, which has an applied focus on the creation of special databases, is analyzed. The essence of marketing research and their role in the marketing information system are described. It is substantiated that, in the context of uncertainty, the importance of effective operation of the marketing research subsystem, whose role is to collect the necessary information to make management decisions, increases, that are designed to eliminate market uncertainty and reduce the risks of entrepreneurial activity in the management decision-making process for problem areas of marketing.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Marketing research in the marketing information system»

UDC 339.13:330.47 doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-138-143

I. Pedko,

DrHab (Economics), Professor, ORCID 0000-0001-6005-7007,

V. Hordiienko,

graduate student, ORCID 0000-0001-7046-5549,

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


Formulation of the problem. In the current conditions of globalization, the theory of marketing information has become a very relevant section of marketing, as the scientific basis of the processes of reducing market uncertainty in the face of increasing business risks.

The need for information determines the performance of marketing research, the main task of which is to avoid inaccurate assessments, risks and unjustified costs - monetary efforts, time in making management decisions.

Market research, including the study and forecasting of its market conditions, the calculation of its capacity, the definition of projected sales, analyzing consumer and competitor behavior, and the competitive environment as a whole.

The purpose of marketing research is to provide the company with reliable and reliable information about the market, the structure and dynamics of demand, the tastes and desires of consumers, the creation of an assortment that meets the market requirements and satisfies demand better than the products of a competitor.

Systematic market research, that is, market research, enables the formation of an information base for effective business management.

Analysis of recent research. Marketing studies in both theoretical and practical aspects are devoted to many works of domestic and foreign authors. Among them are the work of such foreign researchers as I. Ansoff, W. Wong, P. Dickson, F. Kotler [1], M. Porter, D. Saunders. Among domestic scientists, these questions were taken care of: S. Garkavenko, V. Gerasim-chuk, N. Goncharova, A. Grechan, O. Zozuliov, Y. La-rina, I. Lilyk [2], I. Pedko, P. Break, T. Primak, M. Auckland, T. Reshetilova, A. Starostina, N Chukhray, Yu. Yakovets, O. Yashkin and many other scientists.

The purpose of this article is to determine the role of marketing research in the marketing information system.

The main results of the study. To solve the marketing problems of a company, firm or enterprise, to study the current market opportunities requires reliable marketing information.

Marketing information is the objective (statistics, marketing research results, etc.) and subjective (estimates, opinions, rumors) information needed to analyze the marketing environment, market, product, consumer and involvement in marketing decisions, development marketing plans [3, p. 37].

There are a number of alternative classifications of marketing information [4, 5, 6].

S. Chebotar, Y. Larina etc. proposed a classification of marketing information, which contains ten features [7]:

■ purpose - initial data, control data;

■ level - macroplane data, microplane data;

■ property - property of the enterprise, property of other enterprises or the state;

■ measure of openness - open, private, secret;

■ role in the activity of the enterprise - strategic, tactical, operational;

■ content - ideas (hypotheses, concepts), methods (approaches, techniques), fact (statistics);

■ poll source - internal, external;

■ needs of the enterprise - information about the environment, available opportunities for influencing the market, existing restrictions on the impact of marketing tools in different environmental conditions;

■ aspects of marketing activity - information of demand, supply, to what extent and under what conditions the supply and demand were balanced, the state of the market, consumers, prices, competition, macrosystems;

■ time of receipt - secondary, primary information.

I. Pedko [8] proposed a classification of marketing

information based on the principle "marketing environment factor - information on marketing environment factor". This classification has five attributes and has an applied focus on creating customized databases of marketing information for management decisions:

1) factor of marketing environment:

- database of suppliers (importers, domestic, manufacturers, intermediaries);

- database of marketing intermediaries (wholesale, retail);

- customer database (corporate, end);

- database of competitors (domestically, internationally);

- database of contact audiences (state institutions, mass media, banking institutions, insurance companies, public organizations, political organizations);

- database of macromarketing environment (international-economic, socio-economic, socio-demogra-phic, regulatory-legal, social-political, scientific-technological, natural-ecological, cultural);

2) database replenishment cycles:

- continuous;

- periodic;

3) availability of information at the time of the problem:

- primary (does not exist);

- secondary (there are - foreign sources, domestic sources).

4) presentation form:

- text information;

- numerical information;

- graphic information;

- audio, video information;

5) possibility of mathematical and statistical analysis:

- quantitative information;

- quality information.

Marketing information itself is one of the most valuable market products, products. Its value lies in the fact that it: creates prerequisites for competitive advantage; helps to reduce the degree, degree of risk; warns of changes in the environment; facilitates the formulation and coordination of strategies; supports and substantiates decisions; contributes to the growth of the company's image; gives an opportunity to analyze the activity of the firm in order to improve its efficiency [9].

Availability of valuable marketing information provides prompt decision-making, reduces the impact of market uncertainty, reduces the risks of entrepreneurial activity.

Such value is manifested by the following characteristics:

■ purposefulness - the degree of orientation towards achieving the set goal;

■ relevance - the degree of time criticality to solve a particular problem;

■ reliability - the degree of correspondence to objective reality, the accuracy of reproduction of the state of the object;

■ promptness - the degree of timeliness of receipt;

■ relevance - the degree of compliance with the requirements for the required data;

■ completeness of display - the degree of consideration of all factors that determine the state of the object;

■ comprehensibility - the degree of possibility of rational interpretation;

■ consistency - the degree of avoidance of conflicting conclusions in interpretation [8].

Marketing information is collected, analyzed and distributed within the Marketing Information System (MIS), which is part of an organization's management information system.

The main purpose of MIS is to provide valuable marketing information, eliminate market uncertainty and reduce the risks of entrepreneurial activity in the management decision-making process for problem areas of marketing. The goal can be considered achieved if the product obtained meets the set requirements. The product of the MIS is a set of information about the state of the firm's internal environment, the state of the micro and macro environment of the firm, which can be presented in the form of databases or marketing research reports.

For the first time, a combination of marketing information collection was proposed F. Kotler.

The traditional model of marketing information system of F. Kotler, assumes the presence of four elements:

1) the internal reporting subsystem;

2) subsystem of external marketing information;

3) the marketing research subsystem;

4) subsystem of information analysis (Fig. 1).

Each task is assigned its own tasks, so the presence

of each element is justified.

Let us dwell more on the marketing research subsystem. The role of the marketing research subsystem is to gather the necessary information to evaluate marketing situations and make informed marketing decisions based on them.

Marketing manager

Planning using control

Marketing information system

Identifying information needs

Distribution on


Internal data

Data processing and analysis

External data

Marketing researches

Marketing environment

Consumers, target markets, competitors, suppliers, media

Macro environment

Fig. 1. F. Kotler's marketing information system [1]

This system works periodically if necessary to ]

solve certain market problems: introduction of a new i product on the market; search for new markets; increase in sales; study of competitors' activities; development of

advertising campaign [8]. 1

Marketing research is defined as a broad range of i

research, encompassing sociological and public opinion i


EKOHOMHHHH BicHHK ^,OH6acy № 4(58), 2019

polls, which involves the collection and interpretation of information about markets and organizations, and individuals.

Marketing research is a management function that binds manufacturers to the market through information used to identify market opportunities and problems necessary to formulate and evaluate a company's mar-

keting activities, to monitor marketing activities, to develop an understanding of marketing as a process.

The goal of marketing research is to provide management with accurate, relevant, timely information to make the right decisions [2].

Required elements of marketing research:

- scientific approach based on objectivity and accuracy;

- systematic and complex nature;

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- the ability to use productive information to make decisions at different levels in the enterprise management system [2].

The objectivity of information is ensured when it is confirmed by different sources.

Accuracy is related to the use of research tools, which are developed very carefully, especially when composing the questionnaire, its structure, the selection and training of those who will conduct the survey, the processing of answers.

Complexity means that the application of marketing provides effect only if it is used as a system. Performing individual marketing actions usually does not produce lasting positive results.

As a result of marketing research, executives and specialists of the marketing firm receive information that allows them to obtain benefits in relation to a specific product and market; reduce financial risk; to study the attitude of existing and potential buyers; observe and respond to changes in the external environment; evaluate your own business. Thus, marketing research is an important component of marketing activities in order to reduce the uncertainty that accompanies marketing decisions. It should also be borne in mind that the tasks that are solved in marketing research require close collaboration between marketers and line managers of the customer company who are responsible for operational activities. Therefore, granularity of research tasks will help to reach an understanding between all stakeholders, since among a sufficiently large list of research tasks, it will not be difficult to find at least one solution that would help a specific manager [10].

Empirical MD as a process and method of obtaining data, facts of the development of market processes has its logic, according to which the stages of its implementation are determined. The number of such steps, their nature and sequence are slightly different in different guides. In Fig. 2 shows the most frequently highlighted ones.

In the first stage, the marketing manager needs to articulate the research problem. A clear statement of the problem is the key to successful marketing research.

The concept of marketing research is a general statement of goals, objectives and identifying possible ways and ways to solve the problem. The problem is seen as some kind of contradictory situation, as a complex issue that needs to be addressed.

Therefore, an important prerequisite for a successful solution to the problem is its correct formulation. The classic situation is when marketing research is not addressed to a real problem. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to investigate all possible causes of

symptoms. Often a reconnaissance survey is conducted for these purposes. Most often, clients of marketing firms do not know their problems. They state that profit is decreasing, sales are falling, market share is decreasing, inventory is increasing, etc., but these are only symptoms, and it is important to identify the causes of their manifestation.


Fig. 2. Stages of marketing research (F. Kotler classification) [1]

You need to know what the problem definition is:

- identification of symptoms;

- a clear statement of the possible causes or underlying problems underlying the symptoms;

- Identify a complete list of alternative actions a marketing manager can take to solve problems.

In the second stage of marketing research, a plan for collecting the necessary information is developed. Developing a research plan requires identifying data sources, research approaches, research tools, sampling methods, and contact methods [1, p. 130].

In the third stage, the necessary information is collected. This phase of marketing research, as a rule, high costs and is the source of the maximum number of errors. In the fourth stage, the analysis of the activity, the analysis of information that is obtained through cabinet and field research, as well as the choice of the optimal solution from the alternatives that may arise in the analysis of information. The fifth stage is the implementation of marketing activities. This is the level of decision making by the management of the organization based on the information obtained during the marketing research project. At the end of the marketing research, its results should be presented to stakeholders. The management needs only the most significant results that will form the basis of the marketing decisions made.

The sixth stage is decision making. The results may not satisfy the managers who can make the decision in a deeper study of the issue. If the reliability of the research

results casts doubt on management, the decision may not be made in favor of the new service.

Marketing research requires a careful study of the object of study. Because in the end, the object of the study sets the goals and objectives of marketing research, detailed search technology.

The main objects of marketing research can be the economy and the market, product and product groups, consumers, competitors, elements of the marketing complex [11]. There are different areas of marketing research that are based on common theoretical and methodological principles. There are nine main areas of marketing research: market research, competition research, consumer research, product research, price research, product distribution research, product promotion system research, enterprise internal environment research, enterprise research.

Of all areas of marketing research, market research is of the greatest interest to marketers and business executives. The objects of market research are: trends and processes of market development and factors that influence it (analysis of changes in economic, scientific and technical, demographic, environmental, legislative and other factors); market structure and geography; supply and demand in the market and conditions of their optimal ratio, capacity and its dynamics; market barriers; state of competition; market conditions opportunities and risks.

Based on market research, you can get forecasts of its development, find out market trends, key success factors;

effective ways of conducting competition policy in the market and information on the possibility of entering new markets; segment the market, justify the choice of target markets and market prices.

Also, with the help of a complex of market research works they find potential buyers, study their needs, real and possible demand for the product, determine the trends of the market situation change, predict the market development in the future. Such studies provide information about all the conditions and processes that affect goal setting, strategy development and marketing planning.

Information about the state of the market makes it possible to: obtain competitive advantages, determine opinions and attitudes of consumers, coordinate strategy, increase confidence in advertising, reduce business risk, monitor the external environment, evaluate their own activities, improve efficiency [11, 12]. The research of competitors is to obtain the necessary data to develop strategies for achieving competitive advantage in the market, as well as to find ways and means to achieve the most favorable position on the market. Objects are different types of competitors. This trend involves identifying the main competitors and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses (production, sales, product policy, personnel, financial status, etc.), studying their market share, as well as consumer reactions to competitors' marketing tools. Consumer research allows you to identify and explore the whole set of stimulating factors that guide consumers in their choice of goods

(income, social status, gender and age structure, education). Objects are individual consumers, families, consumer organizations. First of all, determine the actual and potential consumers, after which the specificity and structure of consumer requests, their possible reactions to measures to promote specific goods in the market. The purpose of the analysis - to study "his" consumer, his real needs and requests.

The process of analysis determines not only their own tastes and habits, customs and inclinations, but also their intrinsic motivations, which makes it possible to predict the peculiarities of behavior of certain groups of consumers in the future as a reaction to the purposeful actions of the producer, as well as to change the situation on the market.

Consumer research involves studying the structure of consumption, the supply of consumers with goods, trends in consumer demand, the analysis of processes and conditions to meet the basic requirements of consumers.

Proper interpretation of these data allows you to develop products that are almost guaranteed to be in demand, as well as an adequate strategy for their promotion in the market.

The study of a product (product or service) is aimed at determining the correspondence between the technical and economic indicators, the quality of goods on the market and the requests and requirements of customers, as well as an analysis of their competitiveness.

The analysis of goods shows, on the one hand, what goods the consumer wants, what he values most in them (design, technical level, convenience in consumption, repair and maintenance, etc.), and on the other - what new (modified) products and how to provide consumers who should first and foremost focus on manufacturing and marketing. In addition, the research results make it possible to determine how products should be distinguished from a number of similar ones (positioned on the market), which should be directly targeted by consumption-enhancing measures that benefit the consumer who purchased the product, etc. Price research is focused on determining the level and price ratio that would make the most profit at the lowest cost. The objects of study in this case are: the cost of development, production and sale of goods; correlation of consumer properties and prices for similar products of competitors; consumer behavior and response to commodity prices. As a result of research, the most effective ratios of cost -price (internal conditions) and "price - profit" (external conditions) are selected.

The results of the analysis are used to develop the pricing policy of an enterprise in specific commodity markets (segments).

The study of the distribution of goods is aimed at finding the most efficient ways and ways to quickly bring goods to consumers, their implementation, determine the optimal number of warehouses, vehicles. The main subjects of the study are product distribution channels, intermediaries, forms and sales methods.

The analysis of methods and channels of distribution (distribution or sale) of products is carried out in

order to determine how it is possible to bring products to consumers most effectively: directly or through intermediaries,

what should be the structure of the sales system, who can be involved as an intermediary and under what conditions, etc. At the same time, they compare all types of costs for the sale of products for alternative options and determine the optimal one.

The study of the system of promotion of goods is aimed at identifying the best means of promotion of goods in the market, increasing the authority of the producer. The subjects of the study are: the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers, the effectiveness of advertising and sales promotion tools.

Research in the field of advertising involves testing (preliminary test) means of attracting consumers, comparing actual and expected results. The data obtained allow us to make decisions on activation of advertising campaigns, to search for new ways of influencing consumers, to increase interest in the products of the enterprise.

The study of the internal environment of the enterprise aims to determine the real level of its competitiveness, the possibility of successful adaptation to the factors of the environment that are dynamically developing.

The study of an enterprise (firm, organization) aims at analyzing the results of its economic activity; research of external and internal environment of the enterprise; research of the enterprise image; evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities. The object of such research is the results of marketing and production and economic activity of the enterprise; external market opportunities and threats.

Within the framework of the analysis of the macroenvironment, the influence of its factors on the market processes in general and on the activity of a particular enterprise is studied.

These factors determine the field of market activity of the enterprise, and therefore the purpose of the analysis is to study the possible directions of development, of course, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

The enterprise market analysis is carried out by a specific type of product or group of homogeneous products. The purpose is to study demand, its quantification (market capacity) and trends (long-term, seasonal, etc.).

In doing so, the estimates should reflect both the overall market situation of specific product changes and the distribution of demand by market segments, the position of the company being analyzed (market share), and the elasticity of demand relative to prices. As a result of such studies, measures are being developed to ensure that the activities of the enterprise are fully adapted to the dynamic environmental factors; identify the weaknesses of the enterprise and what measures should be taken to reinforce those weaknesses. All marketing research in general can be divided into two main groups: fundamental and applied.

Fundamental MD is the study of the basic market patterns and trends, macroeconomic indicators. The

subject of such studies are consumer price indices, so-cio-demographic structure of the population as a whole and by region, the structure of the average consumer basket and so on.

Applied MDs are studies that are conducted to meet the needs of organizations for the information that is needed to make management decisions.

Conclusions. Thus, the main purpose of a marketing information system is to provide valuable marketing information, eliminate market uncertainty, and reduce the risks of entrepreneurial activity in the management decision-making process for problem areas of marketing. The traditional model of the marketing information system involves four elements: the internal reporting subsystem; external marketing information subsystem; the marketing research subsystem; subsystem information analysis.

The role of the marketing research subsystem is to gather the necessary information.

Therefore, marketing research is concerned with the systematic collection, display and analysis of data from various aspects of marketing activities. Marketing research is a function that, through information, connects marketers with markets, consumers, competitors, with all elements of the external marketing environment. Thus, they reduce the degree of uncertainty and apply to all elements of marketing that affect the marketing of a particular product in a specific market.


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Педько I. А., Гордieнко В. В. MapKe^HroBi до-сл1дження в №CTeMi маркетингово'1 шформаци

У статп визначено cyTHicTb поняття маркетинго-boï iнформацiï, маркетингових дослiджень та ieрархiю цих понять. Проаналiзовано класифiкацiю маркетинго-boï iнформацiï, яка мае прикладну спрямованiсть на створення спецiальних баз даних. Описано суть маркетингових дослщжень та 1'х роль у системi маркетинго-boï iнформацiï. Обгрунтовано, що в умовах невизначе-носп зростае значения ефективно1' роботи пвдсистеми маркетингових дослвджень, роль яко1' полягае у зби-раннi необхвдно1' шформаци для прийняття управлш-ських ршень, що покликанi усунути ринкову невизна-ченiсть i знизити ризики тдприемницько1' дiяльностi в процесi прийняття управлшських рiшень щодо про-блемних сфер маркетингово1' дiяльностi.

Ключовi слова: маркетинг, маркетингове до-слвдження, система маркетингово1' iнформацiï, управ-лiнське рiшення.

Pedko I., Hordiienko V. Marketing Research in the Marketing Information System

The article defines the essence of the concept of marketing information, marketing research and a hierarchy of these concepts. The classification of marketing information, which has an applied focus on the creation of special databases, is analyzed. The essence of marketing research and their role in the marketing information system are described. It is substantiated that, in the context of uncertainty, the importance of effective operation of the marketing research subsystem, whose role is to collect the necessary information to make management decisions, increases, that are designed to eliminate market uncertainty and reduce the risks of entrepreneurial activity in the management decision-making process for problem areas of marketing.

Keywords: marketing, marketing research, marketing information system, management decision.

Педько И. А., Гордиенко В. В. Маркетинговые исследования в системе маркетинговой информации

В статье определена сущность понятия маркетинговой информации, маркетинговых исследований и иерархия этих понятий. Проанализирована классификация маркетинговой информации, которая имеет прикладную направленность на создание специальных баз данных. Описаны суть маркетинговых исследований и их роль в системе маркетинговой информации. Обосновано, что в условиях неопределенности возрастает значение эффективной работы подсистемы маркетинговых исследований, роль которой заключается в сборе необходимой информации для принятия управленческих решений, призванных устранить рыночную неопределенность и снизить риски предпринимательской деятельности в процессе принятия управленческих решений по проблемным сферам маркетинговой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: маркетинг, маркетинговое исследование, система маркетинговой информации, управленческое решение.

Received by the editors: 10.12.2019

and final form 19.12.2019

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