Научная статья на тему 'Features and principles of formation of marketing strategies in the activity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine'

Features and principles of formation of marketing strategies in the activity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Byvsheva L., Kondratenko O., Kovalenchenko A.

У статті визначено, що маркетингова стратегія є загальною філософією ведення бізнесу в умовахглобалізації і передбачає розроблення стратегічних напрямів та методологічного інструментарію для досягнення довгострокових конкурентних переваг та можливості своєчасної адаптації суб’єктів господарювання до динамічних змін факторів макроі мікросередовища, сприяє формуванню потреб і смаків споживачів відповідно до суспільних цінностей. Маркетингова стратегія підприємства формується на базі основної концепції його розвитку та враховує ресурси і можливості, стан та особливості конкурентної боротьби, тенденції розвитку попиту, умови маркетингового зовнішнього середовища та внутрішні чинники, що взаємопов’язані між собою й між ними спостерігається ланцюгова реакція, яка відображається на зміні кінцевого результату. Представлено порядок формування і реалізації маркетингової стратегії підприємств на агропромисло вому ринку, що передбачає планування та втілення на практиці маркетингового інструментарію, вибір найбільш доцільної з існуючих альтернатив моделі стратегічної поведінки підприємства на ринку. Актуалізовано значення врахування стратегічних ринкових ризиків. Обґрунтовані принципи формування маркетингової стратегії дещо відрізняються від принципів формування загальної стратегії розвитку і випливають із самої сутності маркетингу. Доведено, що при формуванні маркетингової стратегії сільськогосподарського підприємства необхідно узгоджувати його потенційні можливості стосовно забезпечення вимог кінцевих споживачів щодо асортименту, якості і ціни сільськогосподарської продукції, враховувати максимальне використання своїх конкурентних переваг та слабкі позиції конкурентів, обґрунтовувати стратегії основних елементів маркетингового комплексу: товару, ціни, розподілу і просування.В статье определено, что маркетинговая стратегия является общей философией ведения бизнеса в условиях глобализации и предусматривает разработку стратегических направлений и методологического инструментария для достижения долгосрочных конкурентных преимуществ и возможности своевременной адаптации субъектов хозяйствования к динамическим изменениям факторов макрои микросреды, оказывает содействие формированию нужд и вкусов потребителей соответственно общественным ценностям. Маркетинговая стратегия предприятия формируется на базе основной концепции его развития и учитываетресурсы и возможности, состояние и особенности конкурентной борьбы, тенденции развития спроса, условия маркетинговой внешней среды и внутренние факторы, которые взаимосвязаны между собой и между ними наблюдается цепная реакция, которая отображается на изменении конечного результата. Представлен порядок формирования и реализации маркетинговой стратегии предприятий на агропромышленном рынке, который предусматривает планирование и воплощение на практике маркетингового инструментария, выбор наиболее целесообразной из существующих альтернатив модели стратегического поведения предприятия на рынке. Актуализировано значения учета стратегических рыночных рисков. Обоснованы принципы формирования маркетинговой стратегии, которые отличаются от принципов формирования общей стратегии развития и вытекают из самой сущности маркетинга. Доказано, что при формировании маркетинговой стратегии сельскохозяйственного предприятия, необходимо согласовывать его потенциальные возможности относительно обеспечения требований конечных потребителей по поводу ассортимента, качества и цены сельскохозяйственной продукции, учитывать максимальное использование своих конкурентных преимуществ и слабые позиции конкурентов, обосновывать стратегии основных элементов маркетингового комплекса: товара, цены, распределения и продвижение.The article defines that the marketing strategy is a general philosophy of doing business in the context of globalization and involves the development of strategic directions and methodological tools for achieving longterm competitive advantages and the possibility of timely adaptation of business entities to the dynamic changes of macro and microenvironmental factors, contributing to the needs and environment. consumers according to social values. The marketing strategy of the company is formed on the basis of the basic concept of its development and takes into account resources and opportunities, the state and peculiarities of competition, demand trends, conditions of marketing environment and internal factors that are interconnected and observed chain reaction, which isdisplayed on the change in the final result. The order of formation and realization of the marketing strategy of the enterprises in the agro-industrial market is presented. The importance of taking into account strategic market risks has been updated. The principles of marketing strategy formation are substantially different from the principles of formation of the overall development strategy and follow from the very essence of marketing. It is proved that in formulating a marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to coordinate its potential capabilities in terms of meeting the requirements of the end consumers regarding the range, quality and price of agricultural products, to take into account the maximum use of their competitive advantages and weak positions of competitors, to substantiate the strategies of the main elements of the marketing complex: distribution and promotion.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features and principles of formation of marketing strategies in the activity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine»

UDC 339.13:338.43

doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-117-123

L. Byvsheva,

PhD (Economics),

O. Kondratenko,

Assistant, ORCID 0000-0001-8572-0477,

A. Kovalenchenko,

Donbass State Machine Building Academy, Kramatorsk


Problem statement. With the development of market marketing, there is a greater role for the functioning functions of the country. For a clear position on the market, protection of the product from the market, giving in to marketing visits, you can use the effective function of the state donation.

There are some global trends, a quick technical and technological news, a quick development of national markets, as well as a greater competitiveness to put new opportunities before. One of the most important elements of a wide range of products is marketing and marketing tools, middle-class clients, especially respect for the fragmented marketing strategies, and for the most part, we'll understand the main direct marketing goals [1, P. 25].

Analysis of the rest of the publication and publication. Weighty science contribution to the theoretical aspects of the victorious marketing and marketing strategies has been shown to be so important that I'm I. Ansoff, S. Garkavenko, V. Gerasimchuk, O. Yerankin, F. Kotler [2], N. Kudenko, J.-J. Lamben, J. Larina, M. McDonald, G. Mintsberg, A. Pavlenko, M. Porter, I. Reshetnikova [5], A. Starostin and that. The following particularities and the problems of formulating marketing strategies in the field of social and business gifts were looked at in the hands of V. Andriychuk, P. Borschevsky, V. Gavrish, N. Oliynik [3], Y. Larino, V. Lutsyoz [4], Pisarenka, S. Prokhorchuk, I. Solo-vyova, P. Sabluka, V. Yurchishin and the others.

Advancement of expenses on business days before the target day of marketing strategies and the importance of clear theoretical ambushes development of strategic marketing activities and needs of business.

By the method of statistics, the characteristics and the order are formulated in the form of marketing strategies and social and business enterprises of Ukraine, with the need for minimum strategic risks.

Outline of the main research material. In the system of market economic relations, agriculture is gradually adapting to the entrepreneurial environment through the action of a number of specific features of the industry, in particular agrobiological factors, low elasticity of demand, seasonality of production, which requires finding effective tools for flexible adaptation of the enterprise's capabilities to market demands [6,

p. 56].

In our opinion, the implementation of the marketing approach in the practical activity of agricultural producers will ensure more rapid adaptation of enterprises to the market environment, their competitiveness and sustainable development.

Research on the functioning of agricultural enterprises in terms of their marketing activities should be carried out in the following areas: analysis of resource potential; resource efficiency; assessment of financial condition [7, p. 716-718] (Fig. 1).

/ Effective advertising


Improve organizational structure

Positive image enterprises

Proper marketinginformation system

Exit to international markets

Increase qualifications

c \


commodity policy


Fig. 1. Measures to improve the marketing activity of the enterprise

(developed by the authors based on source [7])

EROHOMÎHHHH BÎCHHR ^OHÔacy № 4(58), 2019

The need for marketing activities in the agricultural sector is manifested in the combination of efforts to sell agricultural products, meet the needs of the population in food, and processing enterprises - in raw materials. The features of agromarketing are first and foremost related to the specificity of agricultural production, which

is characterized by the variety of products and market participants, a large number of organizational forms of management, problems of staffing. Features of agrarian production and marketing activities in this field are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1

Features of agrarian production and its marketing in enterprises

_(created by the authors on the basis of source [8])_

Features of agricultural production Features of agrarian marketing

Seasonality of production and dependence on natural and climatic conditions, so production results are unpredictable The production of basic necessities, most of them have a short shelf life and have not only consumer purpose, but also aesthetic, moral, good health.

Long duration of production cycle of production with determination of financial results at the end of the year Time difference between production and consumption. Demand fluctuations and seasonal fluctuations in prices

High level of competitive environment in the industry, especially within a specific geographical region, due to the presence of a large number of homogeneous farms Diversity of ownership, product range and market participants. The possibility of diversification of agricultural products is limited

Cyclicality of production Low level of marketing knowledge and practical skills; lack of a clear, economically sound marketing system

Land is the main means of agricultural production Imperfection of information support: insufficient and uneven development of market information and, as a consequence, opportunities for intermediaries to easily profit from agricultural producers

Interconnection of agrarian industries High sensitivity to market changes: demand for agricultural and food products is not flexible in price and income, high sensitivity, supportiveness, adaptability, self-organization and self-management

The variety of products produced, its purposefulness and relevance to the end consumer Lack of centralized incentives: the need for agro-producers in state support and coordination

Today, while conducting agrarian business, there are two philosophies - marketing and production-marketing, which differ fundamentally between the orientation of agricultural enterprises. In general, the marketing department plays a very important role in the activities of an agricultural enterprise and must fulfill two main tasks, which are assigned separately to the marketing department and the marketing department at large enterprises [8]:

1) market research, that is, identifying those products that are needed in the market, produced and sold by competitors, as well as forming orders to produce or submit to the procurement department proposals for the purchase of relevant products;

2) promotion, that is, presenting to customers the products produced by the enterprise and encouraging them to take such measures so that they contact the sales department or give the sales department the coordinates of those customers who may be interested in the products of the enterprise.

The main functions assigned to the marketing department [8] are:

- development of production and marketing strategy of products manufactured at the enterprise, in particular: information analysis and development of market and sales forecast; identifying key consumers, strategies and marketing policies.

- preparation of information for management on marketing activities: analysis of the industry market;

- development of recommendations on conducting marketing activities on the basis of the conducted analysis; analysis of the work of intermediaries (sales representatives).

- coordination of activity of the basic structures of the enterprise: management of implementation of improvements in production of products and new distribution channels; constant monitoring of the process of implementation of recommendations in the activity of the enterprise; expansion of the sales channel system.

- promotion: regular provision of recommendations on the promotion of goods on the market; creation and maintenance of a database on consumers of products of the enterprise; organization and participation in exhibitions; organization of advertising activities; developing a customer incentive system.

Marketing strategy of agricultural enterprise development is a set of directions of its activity in the market and decision-making, focusing individual marketing measures on the fullest possible implementation of the basic strategy of the enterprise. World experience shows that marketing is a means of future development of agricultural enterprises. On this basis, the development of marketing strategy of the enterprise is the process of creating and practical implementation of the general program of actions of the enterprise. Its purpose is related to the effective allocation of resources to reach the target market.

Successful functioning of agricultural enterprises in the current market conditions implies high efficiency

of their activity and possibility to adapt to changing external conditions. As the world experience shows, these tasks are most effectively solved on the basis of the formation of a marketing strategy. The importance of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises is increasing also because anti-crisis programs and adaptation processes are traditionally difficult in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Formation and improvement of marketing strategy, allows agricultural enterprises to successfully adapt to changing market conditions and function effectively. The procedure for forming an agricultural enterprise marketing strategy is presented in Fig. 2.

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Formation of marketing strategy

1. Defining the goal and basic prerequisites for creating a strategy

2. Research current market situation

3. Determination of initial positions of the enterprise

5. Formation of options for strategists good behavior appropriate for agricultural enterprises

4. Determination of the market segment, the presence of the company in which it is advisable



6. Choosing the best strategy implementation option (configuration and content of strategy measures) appropriate for agricultural enterprises

7. Formulation of a plan for the implementation of the agricultural enterprise strategy, list and timing of measures within this strategy

implementation of marketing strategy

control of strategy implementation

Analysis of marketing strategy implementation results

Principles formation Effective strategy

Specifics strategic management and implementation m arketing strategy on market

Risks of the agro-industrial market Of Ukraine


Adjusting long-term actions based on marketing strategy results

Fig. 2. The order of formation of marketing strategy of the enterprise on the agro-industrial market of Ukraine (developed by source based authors [9])

Improving the functioning of agricultural enterprises in a market economy is possible with the completed cycle of economic activity, which includes the process of economically profitable marketing of agricultural products on the market. With the change of management methods, the formation of a new strategy for agricultural enterprises, the search for effective marketing mechanisms in enterprise management systems began.

For the functioning of an agricultural enterprise, marketing strategy is the most important functional strategy, as it aims to provide a justification of goals and

objectives in each individual market (market segment) and for each product, taking into account the peculiarities of competition and consumer demand [22, p. 387]. The principles of marketing strategy formation are slightly different from the principles of formation of the overall development strategy and follow from the very essence of marketing (Table 2).

Today, the formation of a marketing strategy can be considered the basis of strategic development of agrarian enterprises and is caused by the following factors: most agricultural markets are saturated and highly competitive in modern conditions, so for a successful

Table 2

Principles of formation of marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises and their characteristics

Principles Features of agrarian marketing

Purposefulness Mission statement, goals, orientation of all spheres of activity on satisfaction of needs of the consumer, on the one hand, and on achievement of the final practical result of production and marketing activity - on the other

Concentration of effort Concentration of research, production, financial, sales efforts on strategic directions of marketing activity (search of markets, consumers, unmet needs, creative approaches to the solution of the set marketing tasks)

Focusing on long-term results Forecasting, development of innovative products, introduction of innovations for obtaining the expected result in the future

Synergistic effect Relationship between marketing strategy and tactics, which involves the need for targeted and active stimulating influence on market demand and the complexity of marketing measures to achieve the synergy effect

Flexibility Adaptive response of enterprise commodity strategy to qualitative and quantitative changes in demand, use of flexible pricing in response to changes in market conditions; choice of optimal forms and methods of communication policy; Involvement of employees in active participation in marketing activities

market activity, each agrarian enterprise must define its target segment with specific needs, which is only possible if marketing tools are used; the modern external business environment is changing dynamically, which may give agricultural enterprises additional market opportunities or, on the contrary, threaten its strategic activities. Ongoing monitoring of the market situation will determine market opportunities for its strategic activities. Ongoing monitoring of the situation on the market will be able to identify market opportunities for agricultural enterprises, to identify and use them in a timely manner, while avoiding market threats. It is this component that forms the basis of methodological tools in the formulation of a marketing strategy; the high level of competition that exists in many commodity and regional markets requires agrarian enterprises to have adequate competitive behavior that will enable them to strengthen their competitive long-term position in the market. The theory of competitive advantages is aimed at: developing measures aimed at enhancing competitiveness; forming a mechanism for responding to external changes; integration of strategic actions of the main functional units of enterprises; solving specific business issues and issues that are relevant at the moment. All this is also the basis for formulating a marketing strategy; Consideration of changes in the nature and behavior of the consumer is important for the market activity of an agricultural enterprise.

The choice of the optimal variant of implementation of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises (configuration and content of measures within the strategy), from the possible alternatives of the formation of the marketing strategy can be applied any, depending on the specific conditions of activity, opportunities and prospects of the individual enterprise for which the strategy is being developed.

The most appropriate strategy for implementation should be in accordance with the nature of the changes in the environment and the ability of the enterprise itself

to know and understand the content of these changes. A general characteristic of these conditions is the ability of management and business owners to understand the causes and anticipate changes that occur in the environment [3]. That is why the marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise must be adequate to a certain level of forecasting by that enterprise of future changes in its external environment. The scheme of choice of marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise is presented in Fig. 3.

Implementation of the marketing strategy as a stage that follows the formation of the strategy and provides for the direct practical implementation of the marketing strategy, involves the implementation of the activities planned within the strategic marketing plan. If the marketing strategy determines the general directions and basic principles of adaptation of the marketing potential of the agricultural enterprise to the conditions of the market environment, then its practical implementation is due to the use of the appropriate marketing complex by the enterprises.

Monitoring the implementation of the strategy involves:

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1. Expert and statistical analysis of the image of the enterprise and its products.

2. Comparison of the amount of resources expended with the planned amount in the context of achievement of specific strategic goals.

3. Determining the market share at the stages of strategy implementation and the dynamics of its changes, ascertaining that the changes are planned.

It is important to take into account in the process of forming and implementing the strategy of marketing risks of agricultural enterprises, which can be implemented in case of adverse changes in the internal and external environment. Risk management of the agricultural market allows to some extent to predict, control, control, take measures to eliminate or reduce the negative effects of these events.

EROHOMÍHHHH BÍCHHR ^OHÖacy № 4(58), 2019

Fig. 3. Selection of the marketing strategy of the enterprise in the agro-industrial market of the alternatives available (created by source based authors [9])

Against this background, the tasks of agricultural market risk management are to: identify areas of increased risk in the agricultural market; assessment of the degree of risk to agricultural products; analysis of the acceptability of such a level of risk in the agricultural market for a particular enterprise; developing measures to prevent or reduce risk in the agricultural market; taking measures to maximize compensation for the damage caused in the event of a risk event.

Conclusions. In formulating the marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to coordinate its potential capabilities in meeting the requirements of end consumers regarding the range, quality and price of the agricultural, to take into account the maximum use of their competitive advantages and the weak positions of competitors, to substantiate the strategies of the main elements of the marketing complex: goods, prices, distribution. The mechanism of effective functioning of the organizational marketing service of an agricultural enterprise implies its integrity, unity, orderliness on the basis of optimization of its structure.

It is determined that the marketing strategy is a general philosophy of doing business in the context of globalization. It envisages the development of strategic directions and methodological tools to achieve long-term competitive advantages and the possibility of timely adaptation of economic entities to the dynamic changes of macro and microenvironmental factors, contributes to shaping consumer needs and tastes in accordance with social values.

The marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise is formed on the basis of the basic conception of its development and takes into account resources and opportunities, the state and features of competition, demand trends, conditions of marketing environment and internal factors that are interconnected and observed chain

reaction, which is reflected in the change in the final result.


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Бившева Л. О., Кондратенко О. О., Ковален-ченко А. Особливосп та принципи формування маркетингових стратегш у дiяльностi сшьськогос-подарських шдприемств Украши

У стати визначено, що маркетингова стратепя е загальною фiлософiею ведення 6i3Hecy в умовах глоба-лiзацiï i передбачае розроблення стратегiчних напрямiв та методолопчного iнстрyментарiю для досягнення довгострокових конкурентних переваг та можливостi своечасноï адаптацп сyб'ектiв господарювання до ди-намiчних змiн факторiв макро- i мжросередовища, сприяе формуванню потреб i смаюв споживачiв вщпо-вiдно до суспшьних цiнностей. Маркетингова стратепя пiдприемства формуеться на базi основноï концеп-цiï його розвитку та враховуе ресурси i можливосп, стан та особливосп конкyрентноï боротьби, тенденци розвитку попиту, умови маркетингового зовшшнього середовища та внyтрiшнi чинники, що взаемопов'язаш

мiж собою й мiж ними спостерпаеться ланцюгова реакщя, яка ввдображаеться на 3míhí кiнцевого результату. Представлено порядок формування i peaлiзaцiï маркетингово1 стpaтeгiï пiдпpиeмств на агропромисло вому ринку, що передбачае планування та втiлeння на практищ маркетингового iнстpумeнтapiю, вибip най-бшьш доцiльноï з iснуючих альтернатив модeлi страте-гiчноï повeдiнки пiдпpиемствa на ринку. Актуaлiзо-вано значення врахування стpaтeгiчних ринкових ри-зикiв. Обгрунтован принципи формування маркетин-говоï стратеги дещо вiдpiзняються вiд пpинципiв формування зaгaльноï стратеги розвитку i випливають i3 само1' сутностi маркетингу. Доведено, що при форму-ванн маркетингово1' стратеги сiльськогосподapського пiдпpиемствa необхвдно узгоджувати його потeнцiйнi можливостi стосовно забезпечення вимог кiнцeвих споживaчiв щодо асортименту, якостi i цiни сшьсько-господарсько1' продукци, враховувати максимальне ви-користання сво1'х конкурентних переваг та слабк пози-ци конкуpeнтiв, обгрунтовувати стратеги основних eлeмeнтiв маркетингового комплексу: товару, цши, ро-зподiлу i просування.

Ключовi слова: маркетингова дгяльшсть, сшьсько-господарське пiдпpиемство, агропромисловий ринок, маркетингова стратепя, стратепчш ризики, страте-гiчнa повeдiнкa, сiльськогосподapськa пpодукцiя.

Byvsheva L., Kondratenko О., Kovalenchenko А. Features and Principles of Formation of Marketing Strategies in the Activity of Agricultural Enterprises of Ukraine

The article defines that the marketing strategy is a general philosophy of doing business in the context of globalization and involves the development of strategic directions and methodological tools for achieving long-term competitive advantages and the possibility of timely adaptation of business entities to the dynamic changes of macro and microenvironmental factors, contributing to the needs and environment. consumers according to social values. The marketing strategy of the company is formed on the basis of the basic concept of its development and takes into account resources and opportunities, the state and peculiarities of competition, demand trends, conditions of marketing environment and internal factors that are interconnected and observed chain reaction, which is displayed on the change in the final result. The order of formation and realization of the marketing strategy of the enterprises in the agro-industrial market is presented. The importance of taking into account strategic market risks has been updated. The principles of marketing strategy formation are substantially different from the principles of formation of the overall development strategy and follow from the very essence of marketing. It is proved that in formulating a marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to coordinate its potential capabilities in terms of meeting the requirements of the end consumers regarding the range, quality and price of agricultural products, to take into account the maximum use of their competitive advantages and weak positions of competitors, to substantiate the stra-

tegies of the main elements of the marketing complex: distribution and promotion.

Keywords: marketing activity, agricultural enterprise, agro-industrial market, marketing strategy, strategic risks, strategic behavior, agricultural products.

Бывшева Л. А., Кондратенко О. А., Ковален-ченко А. Особенности и принципы формирования маркетинговых стратегий в деятельности сельскохозяйственных предприятий Украины

В статье определено, что маркетинговая стратегия является общей философией ведения бизнеса в условиях глобализации и предусматривает разработку стратегических направлений и методологического инструментария для достижения долгосрочных конкурентных преимуществ и возможности своевременной адаптации субъектов хозяйствования к динамическим изменениям факторов макро- и микросреды, оказывает содействие формированию нужд и вкусов потребителей соответственно общественным ценностям. Маркетинговая стратегия предприятия формируется на базе основной концепции его развития и учитывает ресурсы и возможности, состояние и особенности конкурентной борьбы, тенденции развития спроса, условия маркетинговой внешней среды и внутренние факторы, которые взаимосвязаны между собой и между ними наблюдается цепная реакция, которая отображается на

изменении конечного результата. Представлен порядок формирования и реализации маркетинговой стратегии предприятий на агропромышленном рынке, который предусматривает планирование и воплощение на практике маркетингового инструментария, выбор наиболее целесообразной из существующих альтернатив модели стратегического поведения предприятия на рынке. Актуализировано значения учета стратегических рыночных рисков. Обоснованы принципы формирования маркетинговой стратегии, которые отличаются от принципов формирования общей стратегии развития и вытекают из самой сущности маркетинга. Доказано, что при формировании маркетинговой стратегии сельскохозяйственного предприятия, необходимо согласовывать его потенциальные возможности относительно обеспечения требований конечных потребителей по поводу ассортимента, качества и цены сельскохозяйственной продукции, учитывать максимальное использование своих конкурентных преимуществ и слабые позиции конкурентов, обосновывать стратегии основных элементов маркетингового комплекса: товара, цены, распределения и продвижение.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговая деятельность, сельскохозяйственное предприятие, агропромышленный рынок, маркетинговая стратегия, стратегические риски, стратегическое поведение, сельскохозяйственная продукция.

Received by the editors: 04.11.2019

and final form 19.12.2019

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