Научная статья на тему 'Main aspects of socio-communicative adaptation to the training-practical activity in higher school'

Main aspects of socio-communicative adaptation to the training-practical activity in higher school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Barabanova N., Hrushevska Yu.

There is offered the necessity of formation of socio-communicative competence of students in the process of adaptation for training-practical activity and then for acquiring the studying-professional skills. The stages of adaptation and corresponding aspects of socio-communication, socio-communicative competence are defined. The authors state that the application in the educational programs of higher education competent approach to the "portrait of the future specialist" must be made taking into account the requirements of time and society, reflected in educational programs and passports of specialties, taking into account the need for the students to adapt to the educational activities at each new level of education. Using the content components of socio-communicated competence in training, training-practical, training-upbringing processes can sooner and intensively adapt the students to every new stage of life. The perspective direction of further researches and the usage of their results into practice authors consider the working out specified profile of higher school graduate that includes a list of socio-communicative competences, invariant to the direction of future professional activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Main aspects of socio-communicative adaptation to the training-practical activity in higher school»

• Для повышения проектно - исследовательской культуры педагогов, необходимо проводить методические семинары, конференции, мастер -классы, по соответствующей тематике, с целью обмена опытом;

• Мотивация студенческой активности в стремлении творчески, с удовольствием обучаться.

Таким образом, изучение возможности использования проектной деятельности в целях формирования профессиональной компетенции будущих юристов, показано, что использование данной методики позволяет с одной стороны активизировать процесс приобретения и углубления знаний по конкретным дисциплинам, с другой стимулировать активность студентов и решать задачи формирование личности, содействуя их профессиональному росту и развитию соответствующих профессиональных компетенций.

Список литературы

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2. Кони А.Ф. «Собрание сочинений» т. 5. Юридическая литература М.: 1967, с.8

3. Кормич Е.В. Москаленко И.С. «Значение формирования математических понятий у студентов специальностей юридической направленности» // Режим доступа: - «Тенденции развития науки и образования» № 49. Ч.12, 2019г. с.34-37

4. Морозли Л.В. «Компетентностный подход в преподавании учебной дисциплины «Русский язык и литература. Литература»». // Режим доступа: - Актуальные вопросы науки: материалы XXXVIII Международной научно - практической конференции (10.04.2018) М.: «Спутник», 2018 с.156-158

5. Немытина М.В. «Эффективные модели обучения праву» // Режим доступа: - Современные формы и методы обучения праву: материалы Всероссийской научно - методической конференции. Саратов: Научная книга, 2018 г.

6. Романова Е.В. «99 популярных профессий». Психологический анализ профессиональной программы. - 2-е изд. - СПб.: Питер, 2003г.

7. Слипкин Д.А. «Роль метода проектов в развитии познавательных потребностей студентов педагогического ВУЗа»

8. Чанова М.В. «Метод проектов в системе проблемного обучения» Новосибирск, 2008.

9. Черникова Л.Ф. «Профессиональная речь юриста как основа успешной коммуникации» // Режим доступа: - Филология. Международный научный журнал № 5 (23), 2009г. с. 17-20.



Barabanova N.,

Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, Associate professor of the Facultu of Journalism The National University 'Odessa Academy of Law, Odesa, Ukraine Hrushevska Yu.

Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate professor of the Facultu of Journalism The National University 'Odessa Academy of Law, Odesa, Ukraine


There is offered the necessity of formation of socio-communicative competence of students in the process of adaptation for training-practical activity and then for acquiring the studying-professional skills. The stages of adaptation and corresponding aspects of socio-communication, socio-communicative competence are defined. The authors state that the application in the educational programs of higher education competent approach to the "portrait of the future specialist" must be made taking into account the requirements of time and society, reflected in educational programs and passports of specialties, taking into account the need for the students to adapt to the educational activities at each new level of education. Using the content components of socio-communicated competence in training, training-practical, training-upbringing processes can sooner and intensively adapt the students to every new stage of life. The perspective direction of further researches and the usage of their results into practice authors consider the working out specified profile of higher school graduate that includes a list of socio-commu-nicative competences, invariant to the direction of future professional activity.

Keywords: adaptation, socialization, training-practical activity of students, socio-communicative competence, professional formation.


The definition of problem in general and its connection with important scientific tasks.

Speaking about social or social-communicative adaptation we mean the process of effective adaptability, the interaction of an individual with social environ-

ment. It is necessary to mark that the social environment for an individual is that surrounding, those social conditions and the sphere of activity in which he realizes himself on a definite stage of life. The necessity of the development (formation) of socio-communicative competence for the adaptation of an individual who en-

ters the social, professional, business relations is connected with the comprehension of peculiarities on the different stages of improvement.

So, the socio-communicative competence of a specialist we consider as an integrate characteristic of professional training degree based on professional knowledge, communicative skills and individual abilities that provide successful realization of an individual in social and professional activity.

On every stage of the socialization an individual adapts new conditions and rules of existence that is connected with the whole number of solutions of social, psychological, communicative, law and other problems.

The stage of transference of a young individual from secondary school to higher school is connected with the overcoming definite objective and subjective factors. New models of interaction, new purposeful-ness, new self-awareness are present. The studying-practical activity of students is remarkable for more active independent acts, self-determination and the necessity of solving a number of social, moral, business, communicative problems besides receiving new knowledge [2].

During this period there exist such problems that should be solved by a student together with teachers and administration of higher school .In the international documents that define the conception of intellect-moral development of an individual we find the necessity of development of socio-communicative competence besides professional qualification, social and social-business competence. This will help every individual to adapt the process of vital activity in a group, organization, society [5].

The problems of formation and development of professional competence of a young individual plunging into different aspects of studying-professional activity are tightly connected with a problem of socio-communicative adaptation to the educational sphere of higher school.


The analysis of the latest works and publications dealing with this problem.

The present state of the science in our country in the sphere of socialization is fully reflected in the works of our psychologists, sociologists and teachers. For example, in the work of I.V.Vorobjova we find different aspects of the theory of socialization based on the conclusions that have been made in the works of prominent home and overseas scientists (G.M.Andreeva, A.A.Bo-dalev, L.S.Vigotskii, A.N.Leontiev, S.L.Rubinshtain, D.B.Elkonin, etc). She precisely comes to a conclusion that the objective laws of an individual acquiring social experience are stipulated not only by age-long stages of vital activity but also by the development of socialization mechanisms of every individual on every stage [3].

The authors of books for pedagogical institutes (V.G. Kharcheva, O.M. Richkov, A.I. Kravchenko) and writers of monographs, master theses and scientific works (E.A. Smirnova, I.V. Vorobjova, M.I. Ale-kseeva-Volk, etc. [6; 7; 1]) draw attention to the fact that some definite sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology) do not cover the whole system describing

the process of development and socialization of an individual.

The process of socialization should be analyzed together with the formation of an individual in the process of interaction and inter-influence of social groups, communities and individuals.

The institutes of socialization are a family, education, culture, art, religion, etc [1].

Undoubtedly, the source of dreams and corresponding communicative activity of an individual is in the social environment where he or she lives and acts. But the adaptation to this environment should be integral concerning different conditions, motives, possibilities.

On every stage of adaptation to this environment an individual should have necessary conditions for gaining the purposes of moral, intellectual, will-power, emotional, communicative socialization.

We think that the necessity of further research of effective adaptation of a young individual to the social, educational, professional level is stipulated by the social demand for increasing intellectual level of society, competitor abilities of native specialists.


Pointing out the unsolved parts of general problem mentioned in this paper.

The process of socialization continues the whole life of an individual and has a number of stages. In the process of socialization there are a lot of components: a family, classmates, persons of the same age, members of school, students and business community, teachers, mass media, etc. Some psychologists and sociologists consider that the process of socialization continues over all stages during the life of an individual.

Most scientists present these stages in the succession connected with the age of an individual. Thus, L. I. Mischik singles out: a) primary stage; b) formation of social maturity; c) choice of profession; d) choice realization of work activity; e) post-work activity [7].

Each stage is connected with the solution of definite tasks as without overcoming them the next stage can be impossible or spoilt.

As we suppose it is necessary to pay special attention to the peculiarities of the stage of transfer from the position "getting secondary education" to the position "choice of future profession and getting proper higher education". The practice shows that not everyone can adapt the reality of this new stage of life. To see the problem closer, we define the psychological-role direction of interaction on this stage. Parents of schoolchildren and students think that teachers of higher school "will learn" and "will help" if it is necessary as school teachers have done. Schoolteachers are sure that their pupils will be taught and educated in higher school. Teachers and administration of higher school suppose that all the adaptation problems of their students will be solved without any help in the process of professional competence formation.

Owing to the present competitive approach to the training of specialists it is necessary to examine the process of formation and development of definite aspects of professional competence, invariant to future special-

ization of students. The main parts of this paper are devoted to the analysis of the problems of socio-commu-nicative student competence formation that is necessary and invariant to all the profiles of studying.

Formulation the purposes of this paper (the way a problem is put).

The aim of our research is the characteristic and analysis of one of the professional competence aspects. This competence is formed in the process of future specialization mastering, i.e. socio-communicative competence. The adaptation to any profession is not possible without skill formation of socio-communicative character invariant to any kinds of future work activity.

But at present the problem of definition apparatus and technology of socio-communicative adaptation, socialization features in the process of formation of stud-ying-practical knowledge and skills are still unsolved.

The concepts connected with socio-communica-tive feature in the studying-practical process in higher school are not generalized and unified.

The analysis of the socio-communicative competence formation process of a future specialist as an important aspect of its adaptation to educational and then work activity is the task of this paper as well.


Presentation of the research with motivation of received scientific results and methodic propositions.

Thinking about the necessity of connection of socio- communicative competence with professional competence, let's examine the forms of social activity on different stages of an individual socialization described by a number of researchers.

Long-term observations of the adaptation processes of yesterday's pupils of schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums to the new rules of behavior for them (training) at the university lead to the conclusion that already at the stage of primary educational and professional socialization a student acquires not only academic, but also socio-communicative skills, not previously formed. He or she learns to interact, to communicate with a wide range of people of different status orientations: employees of the dean's office and dormitory, library staff and employees of companies in which he or she has been practicing from the first year. In addition, the tendency to receive education in other cities and countries generates the need to adapt to a particular culture, society, national or regional characteristics of communication.

At this stage self-awareness deepens, self-understanding and the self-identification of a young person takes place.

The process of a student "entering" into society is influenced by various factors. We identified the main factors that affect the characteristics of socialization of students:

• profile of the institution;

• cultural, political, economic aspects of the environment;

• the organization in which the student takes practical training;

• personality (psychological, physiological) features of students.

It can be argued that the educational institutions are one of the main factors that influence the socialization of a modern student personality, and the period of study at the university is a very important stage in the socialization of young people. It is at this age that the process of active formation of a person's social maturity is activated. Throughout the entire period of study at the university students are exposed to the continuous influence of various factors that are part of the institution, to which the researchers include:

1. The educational process, which is an integral part of any educational institution and implies a purposeful holistic process of education and training, a pedagogically planned and realizable unity of goals, values, content, technologies, organizational forms, diagnostic procedures, etc.

2. The corporate culture of the university, which is an attribute of the organization and represents a set of behavioral norms, symbols, rituals, myths, traditions, etc.

3. The identity of a teacher who in the process of teaching the discipline introduces its value judgments and thus implicitly forms the culture and ideological attitudes of a student.

4. The social and educational environment that includes student self-government, student participation in the work of creative, sports, public organizations [4].

Social activity is a constituent part of an individual socio-psychological peculiarity. The comparison of peculiar types with conditions of its existence on every stage of socialization, adaptation to new conditions of self-awareness is connected with the level of behavior development of any individual. Thus, civilization, citizenship, group integration of an individual stipulates their identification with concrete unity. Communicative peculiarities are the creation and development of relations with people on the basis of emotional experience, democracy, justice, honesty and decency that are realized on different stages of overcoming certain psychological, social and moral barriers. Most of these barriers arise on the stage of getting the profession and provision of employment.

In connection with the tendencies of "discontinuous" educational process in the society, it is necessary to define general and special competence of future specialists according to the trend and their professional training that will help to adapt the new conditions and activity principles. As a result, the educational system can act promptly to the demands of labor market, give more perspectives to the graduates who have knowledge and skills of necessary level.

As a rule, in the qualified normative- methodic documents fulfilled in certain higher schools there is a general basis, namely the recommendations of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine for elaboration of higher education standards. But the interaction of theorists and practical men is still out of question. In the documents that are the basis of qualified level formation they say about professional competence as the aspect of qualification but the components of this competence are defined and described differently by various authors of educational project standards in different higher schools.

The comparative analysis of modern foreign systems and technologies together with the elaboration of home teachers allows to make a conclusion that the main ways of educational system development today is the formation of professional qualities. They should help a student to realize his or her intellectual potential, the broadening of student academic mobility that will allow them to use their intellectual potential and constantly refresh their education in order to provide the society requirements in future. Less attention is paid to the development of socio-individual qualities.

Also, as we prove that the main task of individual socialization on the stage of education is the training for

further professional activity, it is necessary to pay more attention to those aspects of professional competence which should be formed for more active and effective adaptation to the socio-communicative conditions of work activity.

Below there are the components of professional competence that show the proper level of individual adaptation for establishing social contacts as one of the mechanisms of work activity.

In this paper we present only socio-communica-tive and socio-business components in order to observe which of them are necessary to be formed during the training-practical activity of students.

Table 1

Content components of professional competence

Components of professional competence Content components

Socio-communicative competence Collaboration, work in a team; Communicative skills; Ability to make own decision; Ability to make proper choice; Wish to understanding own needs and aims; Social integrity, ability to realize own role in the society; Availability of the experience to play different social roles; Possession of the bank of methods for peaceful solution of conflicts; Development of personal qualities.

Socio-business competence Ability of making and creating the documents necessary for work interaction; Ability of editing the documents for processes of office-work; Ability to hold and take part in business talks; Mastering the norms of business etiquette; Adaptation to the conditions and states of concrete professional activity; Adaptation to the standards of socio-business interaction in inner and outer medium of definite organization; Ability to change over one type of activity to another; Adequate receptivity of directions, instructions, orders; Skills of work with mass media and other different sources of information, etc.

The acquiring proper professional qualification in higher school is connected with the necessity of the formation (junior courses) and then the development of skills necessary for adaptation to educational-practical, educational-scientific, educational-professional activ-

ity. The long-standing research of an individual adaptation problem to educational and socio-communica-tive activity in higher school allows us to present a list of stages of adaptation and corresponding competences that are necessary to be formed on each stage.

Table 2

Stages of adaptation of content components of socio-communicative competence

Adaptation stage Socio-communicative Content components

First (initial) Competence in the sphere of everyday life (including the aspects of health, new life, hostel, new place, etc. Talks with a tutor (individual and in a group)

Competence in the sphere of knowledge activity based on the acquiring the ways of getting news from different sources (not only Internet). Lectures and practical classes of Fundamentals of scientific researchers, Fundamentals of social communications, etc. Formation of individual- directed socio-communi-cated adaptation of a student up to the environment with the help of improvement of his or her speech activity.

Competence in business sphere (interaction with the administration of higher school; writing business papers; educational-business writing with teachers, consultants, etc. Formation of corresponding skills in the training process (in the frames of a program discipline or practical classes).

General cultural competence (knowledge and usage of etiquette rules in various situations of training and training-practical activity). Formation of the habits of ethics, observance of civil law norms (practical classes on Professional ethics, Law).

Competence in the sphere of socio-work activity (ability to analyze the situation on work market; valuation of own professional abilities; orientation in norms and ethics of work interrelations; habits of self-organization). Self-education, out of class activity in the student communities; training and work practice.

Second (middle) Competence in the sphere of culture-entertainment (including the choice of ways and methods of using free time that enriches culture of an individual). Excursions, trips, talks on corresponding topics.

Competence in the sphere of civil-social activity (playing the roles of civil persons, elector, leader, ordinary people). Work practice, self-education, consultations with specialists. Mastering the skills of work in a team and organization of this work.

Third (high) Scientific-practical competence (showing the interest to social and scientific significance to a chosen profession; ability to see the professional subject through the prism of social and spiritual value. Mastering the skills of research work for course and diploma projects; working out own propositions and presentations on different directions of professional preparation; responsibility for own work; ability independently and efficiently solve problems in the sphere of professional (socio-communicative) activity.

Scientific-pedagogical competence (ability to interact with colleagues on the basis of understanding the problem of socio-communicative part of professional activity. Mastering the skills for transferring knowledge and skills; for organization of upbringing process among schoolchildren, students, co-workers of the organization (in classes of Pedagogies, Fundamentals of social communications, etc.).

A list of socio-communicative competences formed for preparation competitor-able specialists in any sphere of activity can help the officials of higher schools to work out proper training and practical programs while planning the educational and upbringing work.

For example, during the first year students should make notes of oral and written information. Those who do not have such skill after school (majority, as a rule) do not do any notes hoping to use their friends books and Internet. Negative results of this approach to the organization of training activity the students feel at the tests, exams and 'complex test papers'. The formation

(on the first course) of communicative speech competence while writing texts of different complexity (notes, essays, conclusions) will help to study effectively and use the necessary information. One more example: the absence of skills for research work and text analysis of any kind, making conclusions and the description of research results forms indifferent attitude to the planned course and diploma papers, and projects.

Endless repetitions of the texts from Internet change the attaining to own research work and in future it complicates professional activity. Drawing into individual or group work on projects, script of events, etc.

will provide the development of cognitive skills, adaptation to future scientific or creative activity.

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Conclusions of the research and perspectives for further working out.

Owing to the analysis of the problem of mastering the problem of socio-communicative competence in higher education institutions, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Socio-communicative competence stands on the born ability of an individual to interaction, but it continues to emerge at different stages of socialization, carried out in the process of life, including educational and practical.

Declarations in the educational programs of higher education competent approach to the "portrait of the future specialist" must be made taking into account the requirements of time and society, reflected in educational programs and passports of specialties, taking into account the need for the students to adapt to the educational activities at each new level of education.

A compulsory aspect of the professional competence of a future specialist should be socio-communi-cative competence, invariant to the profile or stage of education.

The combination of different competency characteristics forms an understanding of the level of its professional-communicative adaptation to further labor activity.

Thus, it is possible to define the main points that can be accounted while choosing the components of integral professional competence of higher school graduates and put them into educational programs.

Using the content components of socio-communi-cated competence in training, training-practical, training-upbringing processes can sooner and intensively adapt the students to every new stage of life.

The perspective direction of further researches and the usage of their results into practice we consider the working out specified profile of higher school graduate

that includes a list of socio-communicative competences, invariant to the direction of future professional activity.


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