LOGISTICAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ACTIVITY OF UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Podvirna Kh. Ye.

The article gives general analysis of logistical arrangements for international tourism activities of Ukraine. Under the conditions of intensification of globalization processes in the economy and competition at the tourism market the problems of formation of customer service quality according to global requirements are of great importance. International tourism as a highly effective currency basis of revenues and most profitable form of services export makes it possible to solve many social and economic problems in countries that are actively developing this area. These factors of international tourism show development in Ukraine, the characteristics of international tourist flows and financial flows of international tourism in Ukraine. The share of the total international tourist trade is about 7%. Thus in absolute terms, they are second only to incomes from trade of oil and oil products and auto export at the world market, almost twice exceeding the incomes from trade of hardware, nearly tripled from trade of television and radio sets, more than tripled from trade of grain and gas. Tourism for the times of its existence has evolved from a remote vacation into mass recovery industry for representatives at all levels of the population around the world. International tourism has become part of economic and social development and one of the most characteristic manifestations of globalization. In 2013 Ukraine was recognized as an international tourist portal «Globe Spots» as one of the most interesting tourist destinations. This is due to the fact that Ukraine is increasing in popularity for weekend tours according to the following areas - Lviv, Crimea, Odessa, Kamyanets-Podilskyi and Transcarpathian region, but due to the unstable situation in the country today it is difficult to say something about the development of tourism. Much attention is paid to the influence of international transport corridors on the development of logistics of international tourism of Ukraine.

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Candidate of the geographical sciences Podvirna Kh. Ye.

Ukraine, Lviv, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism

Abstract. The article gives general analysis of logistical arrangements for international tourism activities of Ukraine. Under the conditions of intensification of globalization processes in the economy and competition at the tourism market the problems offormation of customer service quality according to global requirements are of great importance. International tourism as a highly effective currency basis of revenues and most profitable form of services export makes it possible to solve many social and economic problems in countries that are actively developing this area. These factors of international tourism show development in Ukraine, the characteristics of international tourist flows and financial flows of international tourism in Ukraine. The share of the total international tourist trade is about 7%. Thus in absolute terms, they are second only to incomes from trade of oil and oil products and auto export at the world market, almost twice exceeding the incomes from trade of hardware, nearly tripled from trade of television and radio sets, more than tripled from trade of grain and gas. Tourism for the times of its existence has evolved from a remote vacation into mass recovery industry for representatives at all levels of the population around the world. International tourism has become part of economic and social development and one of the most characteristic manifestations of globalization. In 2013 Ukraine was recognized as an international tourist portal «Globe Spots» as one of the most interesting tourist destinations. This is due to the fact that Ukraine is increasing in popularity for weekend tours according to the following areas - Lviv, Crimea, Odessa, Kamyanets-Podilskyi and Transcarpathian region, but due to the unstable situation in the country today it is difficult to say something about the development of tourism. Much attention is paid to the influence of international transport corridors on the development of logistics of international tourism of Ukraine.

Keywords: logistics of international tourism, international tourism, international tourism activity of Ukraine, international transport corridors, international tourist business.

Formulation of the problem. The present national and international practice indicates the increasing role of services, particularly tourism ones in competitiveness of enterprises in the markets. This is explained primarily due to the fact that in today's economy direction of total supply of "product-service" development is clearly apparent. In these circumstances for the majority of consumers the most important was not supply but rather a subjective way of its perception.

Therefore, the formation of logistics of tourism business is extremely urgent issue for the development of services and improving of its profitability.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Modern scientific publications generally highlight the formation of international logistics aspects of international tourism activity in Ukraine. However, some sources considered export and import structure of tourism in Ukraine and Lviv in the context of cooperation with the international tourism business [6]. In addition, national scientists discovered the theoretical basis, scientific and practical logistics concept of tourism as an integral part of logistics services. Also transport microlocation of urban areas of Western Ukraine and its impact on logistics activities in the region are described [3]. In modern scientific researches areas of tourism logistics development in Ukraine are described [7]. Also in scientific publications the theoretical question of positive tourist image forming of the region tourism logistics system using [4]. In addition, the scientific research considers the problem of logistics management of tourism resources in the context of the logistic model of "sustainable tourism" [5].

Setting objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the mechanisms of effective logistics for international tourism activities in Ukraine.

The main material of the research. In the XXI century international tourism as one of the most important components of foreign economic activity of each of the states of international community is one of the most profitable sectors of the global economy. The priorities of the international tourism industry development cover such possibilities as: quality of life increasing, staff turnover reducing, a significant replenishment of budgets of different levels, protection and efficient use of natural resources and helps to strengthen the authority of the country internationally.

Tourist activity on the international market as one of the most important components of foreign economic activity of each of the state of world community is one of the most profitable sectors of the global economy. Since tourism is now one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy which intensively develops, this market accounts for 9% of global GDP, 6% of exports and every the 11-th workplace [9]. The transition to a market economy in Ukraine has identified international tourism as one of the promising areas for the country and its regions to foreign markets.

Ukraine does not still belong to the world leaders according to the index of international tourism, but peculiarities of its geographic location and topography, the favorable climate, wealth of natural resources, historical, cultural and tourist - recreational potential create opportunities for intensive development of many kinds of domestic and foreign tourism. Thus the assessment of the current state and trends of international tourism of Ukraine development is topical in retrospect analysis of logistical arrangements for its implementation which may contribute to the competitiveness of the tourism industry of Ukraine and bring it to international standards.

It is important to take into consideration that at present abroad and in Ukraine new scientific direction related to the research of areas of tourist services and active implementation of logistics concepts for the organization of tourist services for population is actively developing. The use of logistics in this area has significant features because in addition to economic efficiency there is also social efficiency: lack of queues and saving of time and human health.

So in recent years the prerogative of the logistics is management of material and service flows. In addition, the logistics approach was effective for companies that only provide services (transport, forwarding, cargo processing and in particular tourist and hotel and restaurants etc.) [8]. Using of logistic principles and techniques in the management of travel agencies gives the opportunity to increase their profitability by reducing costs and improving level of logistics coordination of all operations of customer service.

Logistics of international tourism foresees highlighting of international tourism development factors, characteristics of tourist flows according to macroregions of the world and financial flows in international tourism as well as tourism business management models abroad.

State of international tourism development is determined by the impact of groups of factors and conditions necessary to ensure its development, and the factors affecting it (fig.1).


Regulatory framework

- political and legal rules

- environmental protection

- safety and protection

- state of health and hygiene

- priorities for development of tourism

Features internationa

tourism economic

- social

- humanitarian -wellness -cognitive -public education -communicative -distributive -aesthetic -creative -environmental

Business environment and infrastructure of tourism

■ air transport infrastructure

■ land transport infrastructure

- tourism infrastructure

- information and communication infrastructure

■ price competitiveness in tourism


- human

- tourism attraction

- cultural

- natural

- climatic conditions


Types of tourism

educational, religious, adventure, missionary, communication, ethnic thematic, ecological, shopping tourism, medical and health, event, cultural, sports, business, recreational

Economic Social Demographic Scientific and technical International Public opinion


Fig. 1 Organizational mechanism offunctioning of international tourism

For the development of international tourism in a particular country, above all, such conditions as favorable climate, nature, historical and cultural heritage are necessary, developed hotel infrastructure and infrastructure of the related sectors, high levels of security including against international terrorism; affordability of travel services, national folklore and cultural heritage, developed system of sports entertainment and active activity of friendly local organizations. In order to use maximum natural resources and cultural potential it is necessary to have significant investment in this area, professional staff, appropriate state regulation, stabilization of the macroeconomic situation.

An important aspect of the research of logistics mechanisms of effective international tourism activity of Ukraine is the availability of international transport corridors on the territory of Ukraine.

Analysis of official statistical information [1,2] indicates a slow but steady development of international tourism in our country in recent years. The majority of foreign tourists visited Ukraine in 2014 with the private purpose (76.3%), as cultural and sports exchange, with religious purpose (22.1%), tourism (1.15%), with business or diplomatic purpose (less than 1%) (fig.2). In spite of considerable tourist potential tourism in Ukraine has not reached significant development: it attracts only 4% of foreign tourists [2].

Fig.2 The structure of the inbound tourist flow to Ukraine, 2014 р. [1, 2]

According to the data [1] with tourism aim in 2014 Ukraine was visited by 1 271.5 thousand foreigners. The number of citizens of Ukraine who traveled abroad amounted to 22.4 million people. When comparing data from 2000 to 2014 growth of inbound tourism by 27.9% and outbound tourism to 62.6% in 2014 is noted [2]. Very often Ukraine was visited in 2014 by citizens of Russia (18.5%), Poland (8.8%), Romania (4.6%), Hungary (6.8%), Slovakia (3.2%), Germany (1 %). Furthermore, citizens of Ukraine prefered the Russian Federation (20.8%), Poland (34.1%), Moldova (11.5%), Hungary (9.3%), Romania (3%), Turkey (3%), Slovakia (2.7%), Germany (2%), the Czech Republic (1.5%).

Conclusions from the conducted research. Currently, Ukraine is developing international tourism cooperation within the WTO, the Central European Initiative (CEI), it is cooperating with the European Union, Council of Europe, the Council of Baltic Sea States, GUAM etc. Its strategic goal is to create a single tourist space as zone of free trade of tourist services and freedom of tourism movement; effective use of the tourist recreational potential for the intensification of tourist flows; elaboration of joint competitive tourism product of the participating countries, joint promotion of tourism product into the international market.


1.В'!зд шоземних громадян в Украшу за крашами, з яких вони прибули, у 2014 рощ. -Режим доступу : https://ukrstat.org/uk/operativ/operativ2013/ tyr/tyr_u/vig2014_u.htm - Заголовок з екрану

2.Ви!зд громадян Укра!ни за кордон за кра!нами, до яких вони ви!жджали, у 2014 рощ -Режим доступу : http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/operativ2012/ tyr/tyr_u/vigw2014_u.htm -Заголовок з екрану

3.Грицевич В.С., Сенькiв М. Тополопя i метрика автотранспортного простору, як чинник транспортно-лопстично! дiяльностi/В.С. Грицевич, М. Сеньюв // Геополитика и экогеодинамика регионов - №2. - 2014. - С. 483-488.

4.Лопстичний аспект управлшня туристичними шдприемствами: формування позитивного iмiджу регiону/ Н.В. Короленко// Режим доступу : http://www.agrosvit.info/pdf/23_2013/12.pdf - Заголовок з екрану

5.Лопстичний менеджмент туристичних ресуршв як складник ефективного управлшня туризмом у регюш/1.Г. Смирнов// Режим доступу : http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/ IMV/article/view/3231- Заголовок з екрану

6.Подвiрна X.G., Дщович I.I. Аналiз стану участi туристично! галузi Львiвського регiону у мiжнародному туристичному бiзнесi /Х.С. Подвiрна, I.I. Дiдович // Науковий вiсник Донецького шституту туристичного бiзнесу, серiя «Економша, органiзацiя та управлiння пiдприeмствами туристично! шдустрп та тустично! галузi в цшому». - №16. - 2012. - С. 58-63.

7.Розвиток лопстики туризму в Укра!ш/ Н.В. Задорожна, О.Я. Кобилюх// Режим доступу : http://ena.lp.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/ntb/17127/1/89-Zadorozhna-146-147.pdf- Заголовок з екрану

8. Умови та чинники розвитку мiжнародного туризму /1.О. Темник// Режим доступу : http://tourlib.net/statti_ukr/temnyk.htm - Заголовок з екрану

9. UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2014 Edition [Електронний ресурс] Режим доступу:http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront.net/sites/all/files/pdf/unwto_highlights14_en_hr_0.pdf -Заголовок з екрану


К. е. н. Сергеева О. С.

Укрална, м.Одеса, Одеський нащональний eKOHOMÍ4Huüутверситет

Abstract. In the article it is formed the author's approach to the systematization of exogenous factors of macroenvironment that affect the activities of banks. It is advisable during the formation of the author's approach to use scientific developments, which are devoted to systematization the factors, affecting the activities of banks, since the cash flows, as it was founded, are the results of it.

Summarizing approaches of scientists, in this article the term «factors of influence on the cash flows of banks» is offered to understand as the phenomena or processes of the banks activity in the exogenous environment, leading to a change in the quantitative and / or qualitative parameters of the cash flows.

It should be noted that as a form of structuring factors influencing the activities of banks, scientists identify the following features: a place of occurrence (exogenous and endogenous); a scale of impact on the achievement of goals (major and minor), a structure (simple and complex), a duration of impact (permanent, temporary and force-majeure); a direction of influence (positive and negative); a content (political, legal, economic, social, technological, informational, organizational, etc.); a scale of the impact (general, specific and individual); the possibility of appearance (real or potential) and others.

Exogenous factors of macroenvironment are those, which have an indirect and delayed in time influence on the cash flows of the banks, which, in this case, can be very significant. Considering the above, we believe that in order to achieve long-term goals of cash flows management in a bank needs a strategic analysis of exogenous factors of the macroenvironment and predicting their changes. In additional, it is a necessary to select the trend, cyclical and structural components.

Summarizing the results of the research of factors affecting the quantitative characteristics of the cash flows of banks it is suggested to structure them as exogenous factors of the macroenvironment

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