Научная статья на тему 'Ways of development of rural (green) tourism in Ukraine'

Ways of development of rural (green) tourism in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
rural tourism / rural green tourism / agrotourism / ecotourism / the rural estate / the rural territory / rural population / market of rural tourist services / сельский туризм / сельский зеленый туризм / агротуризм / экотуризм / сельская усадьба / сельская территория / сельское население / рынок сельских туристических услуг.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sliusar Svitlana Tymofiivna, Burlakov O. O.

Object of research there are current problems and the prospects of development (green) tourism in Ukraine. Methods which were used in the course of the research. A methodological basis of a research is an integrated approach, system structure analysis and a dialectic method of scientific knowledge. The following methods were applied to implementation of the tasks: statistical, comparing, generalizations, deductions and others. Results of a research. Today rural green tourism, by recognition of experts of the World tourist Organization, is one of sectors of the tourist industry dynamically grows. Rural green tourism is the integral component of complex social and economic development of rural territories and one of cures of many rural problems. It very positive influence on expansion of the sphere of employment of a rural population, especially women, gives to villagers additional earnings, expands possibilities of employment of the rural owner not only in the production sphere, but also in services industry. Thus, article is devoted to current problems and the prospects of development (green) tourism in Ukraine, namely: – the essence of categories «rural tourism», «rural green tourism», «agrotourism», «ecotourism», «rural estate», «rural territory», «rural population», «market of rural tourist services» is defined. – are considered and analysed the market of rural tourist services in Ukraine; – factors of influence on the prospect of development of rural (green) tourism are defined and prime measures for ensuring priority of development of this segment of the sphere for development of rural tourism in Ukraine are proposed. Range of application of results: the state tourism agency of Ukraine and resorts bodies, the government, local government bodies, in educational process when teaching registration disciplines. Conclusions. Today development of rural (green) tourism which practices in Ukraine long ago is relevant. In the rural zone having the relevant recreational base there was always a lot of a having a rest urban population. Involvement of travel companies in the sphere of rural tourism, will allow to popularize better green tourism and to bring him to the new level of development.

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Предметом исследования являются актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития (зеленого) туризма в Украине. Методы, которые были использованы в процессе исследования. Методологической основой исследования является комплексный подход, системно-структурный анализ и диалектический метод научного познания. Для реализации поставленных задач применялись следующие методы: статистический, сравнения, обобщения, дедукции и другие. Результаты исследования. На сегодняшний день сельский зеленый туризм, по признанию экспертов Всемирной туристической организации, является одним из секторов туристической индустрии динамично растет. Сельский зеленый туризм является неотъемлемой составляющей комплексного социально-экономического развития сельских территорий и одним из средств решения многих сельских проблем. Он очень положительное влияние на расширение сферы занятости сельского населения, особенно женщин, дает сельским жителям дополнительный заработок, расширяет возможности занятости сельского хозяина не только в производственной сфере, но и в сфере обслуживания. Таким образом, статья посвящена актуальным проблемам и перспективам развития (зеленого) туризма в Украине, а именно: – определена сущность категорий «сельский туризм», «сельский зеленый туризм», «агротуризм», «экотуризм», «сельская усадьба», «сельская территория», «сельское население», «рынок сельских туристических услуг». – рассмотрены и проанализированы рынок сельских туристических услуг в Украине; – определены факторы влияния на перспективу развития сельского (зеленого) туризма и предложены первоочередные меры по обеспечению приоритетности развития этого сегмента сферы по развитию сельского туризма в Украине. Область применения результатов: государственное агентство Украины по туризму и курортам органы, государственной власти, органы местного самоуправления, в учебном процессе при преподавании учетных дисциплин. Выводы. Сегодня актуальным является развитие сельского (зеленого) туризма, который давно практикуется в Украине. Ведь в сельской местности, имеющей соответствующую рекреационную базу, всегда было много отдыхающего городского населения. Привлечение туристических фирм в сфере сельского туризма, позволит лучше популяризировать зеленый туризм и вывести его на новый уровень развития

Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of development of rural (green) tourism in Ukraine»


Полоник Степан Степанович - доктор еконо1^чних наук, професор, заступник декана еконо1шчного факультету,

Бiлоруський державний уыверситет,

Республiка Бiлорусь, 220050, м.Мiнськ, вул. К. Маркса 31,

Хоробрих Елеонора BiKTopiBHa - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, провщний науковий спiвробiтник,

Литвинчук Анна Анатолмвна - аспiрантка Бторуського державного унiверситету, науковий спiвробiтник,

1нститут економiки НацiональноT АкадемiT Наук Бторуа, Республiка Бiлорусь, м.Мiнськ, 220072, вул. Сурганова 1/2, e-mail: [email protected]


Полоник Степан Степанович - доктор экономических наук, профессор, заместитель декана экономического факультета,

Белорусский государственный университет, Республика Беларусь, 220050, г. Минск, ул. К. Маркса 31,

Хоробрых Элеонора Викторовна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник,

Литвинчук Анна Анатольевна - аспирантка Белорусского государственного университета, научный сотрудник,

Институт экономики Национальной Академии Наук Беларуси, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, 220072, ул. Сурганова 1/2, e-mail: [email protected]


Polonik Stepan Stepanovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Belarusian State University,

Republic of Belarus, 220050, Minsk, K. Marx street 31,

Khorobrykh Eleonora Viktorovna - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, leading researcher,

Lytvynchuk Anna Anatolyevna - post-graduate student of the Belarusian State University, research fellow, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 220072, Surganova street 1/2, e-mail: [email protected]

УДК 338.48-44( 1 -22) (477)


Слюсар С.Т., Бурлаков О.О.

Предметом досл'дження е актуальн проблеми та перспективи розвитку (зеленого) туризму в Украíнi.

Методи, що були використан в процес досл'дження. Методологчною основою досл'дження е комплексний п'дх'д, системно-структурний анал'/з та д'алектичний метод наукового пзнання. Для реал'зац/' поставлених завдань застосовувалися так методи: статистичний, порiвняння, узагальнення, дедукц/ та ¡нш'1.

Результати досл'дження. На сьогоднШнй день сльський зелений туризм, за визнанням експертiв Всес&тньо/ туристично/ орган'заиЦ е одним ¡з сектор'в туристично/ ¡ндустрП, що динам/'чно зростае. Сльський зелений туризм е не&д'емною складовою комплексного соицально-економ'чного розвитку сльських терито^й та одним ¡з засоб'в виршення багатьох сльських проблем. Вн мае дуже позитивний вплив на розширення сфери зайнятост'1 сльського населення, особливо жiнок, дае сльським жителям додатковий заробток, розширюе можливо^ зайнятост'1 сльського господаря не тльки в виробничiй сфер'1, а й у сфер '! обслуговування.

© Слюсар С.Т., Бурлаков О.О., 2018

Економ1чний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 36/1


Таким чином, стаття присвячена актуальним проблемам та перспективам розвитку (зеленого) туризму в Укра/ш, а саме:

- визначено сутнсть категорй «сльський туризм», «сльський зелений туризм», «агротуризм», «екотуризм», «сльська садиба», «сльська територ1я», «сльське населення», «ринок сльських туристичних послуг».

- розглянуто та проанал'зовано ринок сльських туристичних послуг в УкраТн1;

- визначено фактори впливу на перспективу розвитку сльського (зеленого) туризму та запропонован першочергов/ заходи щодо забезпечення пр1оритетност1 розвитку цього сегменту сфери щодо розвитку сльського туризму в Укра/ш.

Галузь застосування результат '¡в: державне агентство Укра/ни з туризму та курорт1в органи, державно1 влади, органи мсцевого самоврядування, у навчальному процес при викладанн облкових дисципл1н.

Висновки. Сьогодн актуальним е розвиток сльського (зеленого) туризму, який давно практикуеться в Укра!'н1. Адже в сШьськш мсцевост'!, яка мае в1дпов1дну рекреац1йну базу, завжди було багато в'дпочиваючого мського населення. Залучення туристичних фрм в сфер'1 сльського туризму, дасть змогу краще популяризувати зелений туризм / вивести його на новий р1вень розвитку.

Ключов\ слова: сльський туризм, сльський зелений туризм, агротуризм, екотуризм, сльська садиба, сльська територ 'я, сльське населення, ринок сльських туристичних послуг.


Слюсар С.Т., Бурлаков А.О.

Предметом исследования являются актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития (зеленого) туризма в Украине.

Методы, которые были использованы в процессе исследования. Методологической основой исследования является комплексный подход, системно-структурный анализ и диалектический метод научного познания. Для реализации поставленных задач применялись следующие методы: статистический, сравнения, обобщения, дедукции и другие.

Результаты исследования. На сегодняшний день сельский зеленый туризм, по признанию экспертов Всемирной туристической организации, является одним из секторов туристической индустрии динамично растет. Сельский зеленый туризм является неотъемлемой составляющей комплексного социально-экономического развития сельских территорий и одним из средств решения многих сельских проблем. Он очень положительное влияние на расширение сферы занятости сельского населения, особенно женщин, дает сельским жителям дополнительный заработок, расширяет возможности занятости сельского хозяина не только в производственной сфере, но и в сфере обслуживания.

Таким образом, статья посвящена актуальным проблемам и перспективам развития (зеленого) туризма в Украине, а именно:

- определена сущность категорий «сельский туризм», «сельский зеленый туризм», «агротуризм», «экотуризм», «сельская усадьба», «сельская территория», «сельское население», «рынок сельских туристических услуг».

- рассмотрены и проанализированы рынок сельских туристических услуг в Украине;

- определены факторы влияния на перспективу развития сельского (зеленого) туризма и предложены первоочередные меры по обеспечению приоритетности развития этого сегмента сферы по развитию сельского туризма в Украине.

Область применения результатов: государственное агентство Украины по туризму и курортам органы, государственной власти, органы местного самоуправления, в учебном процессе при преподавании учетных дисциплин.

Выводы. Сегодня актуальным является развитие сельского (зеленого) туризма, который давно практикуется в Украине. Ведь в сельской местности, имеющей соответствующую рекреационную базу, всегда было много отдыхающего городского населения. Привлечение туристических фирм в сфере сельского туризма, позволит лучше популяризировать зеленый туризм и вывести его на новый уровень развития.

Ключевые слова: сельский туризм, сельский зеленый туризм, агротуризм, экотуризм, сельская усадьба, сельская территория, сельское население, рынок сельских туристических услуг.


Sliusar S.T., Burlakov O.O.

Object of research there are current problems and the prospects of development (green) tourism in Ukraine.

Methods which were used in the course of the research. A methodological basis of a research is an integrated approach, system structure analysis and a dialectic method of scientific knowledge. The following methods were applied to implementation of the tasks: statistical, comparing, generalizations, deductions and others.

Results of a research. Today rural green tourism, by recognition of experts of the World tourist Organization, is one of sectors of the tourist industry dynamically grows. Rural green tourism is the integral component of complex social and economic development of rural territories and one of cures of many rural problems. It very positive influence on expansion of the sphere of employment of a rural population, especially women, gives to villagers additional earnings, expands possibilities of employment of the rural owner not only in the production sphere, but also in services industry.

Thus, article is devoted to current problems and the prospects of development (green) tourism in Ukraine, namely:

- the essence of categories «rural tourism», «rural green tourism», «agrotourism», «ecotourism», «rural estate», «rural territory», «rural population», «market of rural tourist services» is defined.

- are considered and analysed the market of rural tourist services in Ukraine;

- factors of influence on the prospect of development of rural (green) tourism are defined and prime measures for ensuring priority of development of this segment of the sphere for development of rural tourism in Ukraine are proposed.

Range of application of results: the state tourism agency of Ukraine and resorts bodies, the government, local government bodies, in educational process when teaching registration disciplines.

Conclusions. Today development of rural (green) tourism which practices in Ukraine long ago is relevant. In the rural zone having the relevant recreational base there was always a lot of a having a rest urban population. Involvement of travel companies in the sphere of rural tourism, will allow to popularize better green tourism and to bring him to the new level of development.

Key words: rural tourism, rural green tourism, agrotourism, ecotourism, the rural estate, the rural territory, rural population, market of rural tourist services.

Statement of a problem in a general view and its communication with important scientific and practical tasks. Tourism holds a specific place in economy of the countries. Performing a number of functions of economic, welfare, political, recreational, educational and ecological character, it is the sphere of realization of market mechanisms, a source of replenishment state and local budgets. As shows experience of the countries of the world, aggravations an environmental and cultural and spiritual problem in many large cities of Europe, it is connected with processes of an urbanization and industrialization, objectively caused emergence of need for close communication of urban population with the nature. Development of rural tourism in Ukraine is relevant for the reasons of further influence on stabilization of economic development of villages, employment of a rural population, their exit from social and economic crisis, reduction of population shift from rural regions to the cities. Rural tourism in the majority of the countries of the world is considered as the integral component of the program of complex social and economic development of rural territories.

In recent years the special relevance was acquired by a problem of development of rural tourism in the conditions which are brought closer to the nature. The organization of rest and tourism on the basis of rural settlements can have extremely positive influence on economy and ecology of many administrative regions of Ukraine for the account: uses of the available private housing stock, financial resources of a rural population for construction and adaptation of private housing for reception of tourists, self-employment of peasants and providing tourists with organic food.

Review of Past Research and Publications. Separate aspects of rural green tourism are covered in works of the famous scientists in the field of the right, history, a turizmovedeniye, sociology, economy and geography, in particular Y. Alekseev, V. Evdokimenko, T. Zastavetsky, A. Kirillov, S. Kuzik, V. Miklovda, M. Pityulich, A. Starostina, A. Stetsyuk and other scientists. However questions which are considered in these researches do not cover many problems arising on the way of ensuring sustainable development of tourist branch, and is more concrete than green tourism in the rural zone.

Purpose of the Article. The purpose of this article is directed to a research of a role and the place of rural green tourism in development of national tourist branch in the sphere of green tourism in the rural zone and a socio-political situation in rural regions of Ukraine.

Presentation of the Results. The concept «rural tourism» is often identified with the concept «agrotourism». Really, between them there are a lot of parallels. But, adhering to the classification accepted in the world, the equal-sign between the called terms can't be put. The concept «rural tourism» on substantial filling is much wider in comparison with the concept «agrotourism». In other words, it is possible to claim that agrotourism is one of the most widespread (especially in the countries with the farmer organization of agrobusiness) forms of rural (green) tourism.

Agrotourism (agritourism) is the entertaining type of tourism concentrated on rural territories which provides use of rural (farmer) economy for the purpose of a recreation, education or active attraction to traditional forms of managing [1, p. 59].

Agrotourism can be shown in different forms, but always includes renting of the rural house.

Distinguish two basic forms of agrotourism:

- i will eat apartments with service directly within economy;

- placement on a lodging for the night with self-service on the lands belonging to economy, for example, in campings and tents.

Agrotourism are the main key to success:

- farmer's level, skills of service of guests;

- esthetics of farm;

- proximity of placement of farm in the city center.

The concept «rural green tourism» is faithful carrying out leisure in the concept «ecological tourism».

Ecological tourism (ecotourism) is the informative and entertaining type of tourism concentrated on natural (a little changed by the person) territories which provides occupations various forms of an active recreation in natural landscapes without infliction of harm to the environment.

For definition of such multi-purpose tourism I have appeared the new concept «ekoagroturizm» recently. This type of tourism provides use of guest lodges without owners (as, for example, in Finland) or the agroestates located in limits or sides of biospheric reserves and rational parks which, along with occupations ecological agriculture, offer a wide range ecological (from a robinzonada to observation of animals in their habitat) and sports and tourist occupations (hunting, fishery, etc.).

However, rural green tourism (and also agrotourism) and ecotourism differ in main objectives of use of free time. Rural green tourism is a type of carrying out free time in the form of stationary rest with a possibility of near radial departures or campaigns. But the ecotourism is a type of carrying out leisure in the form of the continuous movement, opening of the wild nature, route acquaintance with natural and historical sights of the territory derivative knowledge of traditions and local culture.

The concepts given above were already included into lexicon of the Ukrainian tourists and tour operators and also the government institutions dealing with issues of regulation of these types of tourism in Ukraine. It is legislatively fixed the term «rural green tourism» which legal contents are treated as rest in the Ukrainian village. This sphere of leisure has captured a wide range of forms of rest in the village: from stationary rest in rural areas (actually rural tourism), rest in the tourist centers and resorts that in the administrative plan settlements or the small cities, to rest in agriculture (agrotourism).

Agrotourist to services, as well as any other services, peculiar features, such as are inherent:

- non-material character;

- continuity of production of tourist's service and its consumption;

- inability to preservation;

- inconstancy of quality (fig. 1).

Figure 1. Specifics of a Tourist's Product (complex of services) of rural (green) tourism.

Development of rural tourism demands accurate planning. Planning is developed taking into account accurately certain time frames with application of flexible modern integrative, ecologically safe and steady methods. The biggest problem of planning at the level of private owners of agroestates consists in absence in them special economic knowledge and the corresponding skills of management of rural tourism. Tourism in rural areas is a private initiative sector therefore level his planning has to happen in line with the general local and regional planning of social and economic and cultural development of rural communities.

Planning of rural tourism is one of forms of management of the agrotourist organizations, consists in accurate definition and a concrete regulation of strategy, tactics and the mechanism of functioning of the agrotourist organizations and institutions in the market environment for the purpose of ensuring their effective competitiveness and economic prosperity [11, p. 171].

The essence of strategic planning of rural tourism is in what the owner of the agroestate is able to offer people than and as his offer differs from the proposal of potential competitors, potential opportunities, technologies and resources, company services, the corporate style and so forth.

Strategic planning should be considered as dynamic set of the interconnected administrative processes which follow the friend from the friend.

Strategic planning provides in rural (green):

1. Appointment definition to the hospitable estate - process consists in establishment of content of activity of the agroestate, her appointment, characterizes activity, proceeding from market requirements, features of production, the nature of her consumption, competitive conditions.

2. Assessment of a condition of the external environment provides studying of influence on agroestates of his such elements as: state of the economy, features of legal regulation of production, characteristic of the environment and existence of resources, scientific and technical level and so forth. The analysis direct environments includes definition of buyers, competitors, the market of labor.

3. Assessment of a condition of internal structure allows to define strong and weaknesses of the agroestate, internal opportunities on which he can count in competition in the course of achievement of the purposes. The internal environment is investigated in the following directions: personnel capacity, organization of management, marketing, finance.

4. Development of versions of alternative decisions. Show full structure of versions of decisions, establish the greatest possible set of options. Each option is connected with conditions and resources, consider restrictions which can influence the decision. Among the factors influencing the following is important: obligations, existence of financial resources and providing with qualified personnel.

5. Justification and choice of an optimal solution. This process is the basic in strategic planning as in him decisions on how the firm will achieve the objectives are made and to realize the mission. The chosen strategy allows to consider all factors which can influence her activity.

6. Introduction of an optimal solution and assessment of results. Assessment of implementation of the optimal strategic solution is the final stage of strategic planning. An instrument for ensuring of objective assessment is control, defines the system of control actions, finds out reasons for rejection of results of activity of the agroestate from the reasonable development strategy, allows to introduce amendments in indicators of the plan and in strategy realization process [7, p. 285].

Also it should be noted that at strategic planning it is necessary to consider seasonal fluctuations of demand for a tourist product. The seasonality is defined by a number of factors.

Thus, owners of agroestates have to develop the plan of managing (business plan) providing versatile elements of rural tourist business. It is necessary to involve the informed persons from the private sector, public organizations, local administrations in development of plans for development of rural tourism.

The business plan is a peculiar advertizing document on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions not only on business, but also about its owners. Therefore both contents, and appearance of the business plan is important.

On (green) tourism, identification of all possible risks which can arise both at the owner of the rural estate, and in the tourist is important.

For the purpose of identification of risks in the sphere (green) tourism first of all it is necessary to identify them. In a broad sense identification (Latin of Identificus - identical) can be considered from two positions: 1) identification, likening; 2) establishment on the basis of certain signs of identity of various objects. Concerning risks of subjects (green) tourism identification helps their identification for the purpose of search of methods of management (fig. 2) by them.

Thus, the list of risks of subjects (green) tourism can be divided into two groups: the risks which are directly not connected with implementation of tourist activity (spontaneous, natural, technogenic,

ecological, etc.), and the risks which are directly connected with implementation of tourist activity (economic, financial, currency, social, etc.).

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The international experience of carrying out travel business demonstrates that one of the most effective methods of management of risks of subjects (green) tourism is insurance which not only allows insurance of expenses of the owner of the country estate upon destructive natural disasters, but also provides protection against adverse change of an economic environment.

The complex of marketing communications is the system of the actions directed to informing and belief of consumers, a reminder to them about a tourist product, sales promotion and creation of positive image of the agroestate or region in the opinion of the public.

At a stage of assessment of needs of consumers it is necessary to create the main lines of the offered product (rest in the village) and to reveal what needs and expectations of consumers can be satisfied with this product.

Estimating appeal of a tourist product define such features of rural (green) tourism:

- rest in natural to the environmentally friendly environment;

- acquaintance with rural culture, traditions, crafts;

- family atmosphere;

- interesting rest for children;

- contact with the nature (plants, animal)

- participation in life of a rural household;

- more self-service [4].

Figure 2. Identification of risks of subjects (green) tourism [2, p.7].

The specified features of services in rural green tourism can satisfy such needs of potential tourists: rest, improvement of health, improvement of a physiological and mental condition of the person; need for new experience, receiving new impressions and knowledge of the nature, animals, village lives, etc.; change of a kind of activity - a temporary separation from vanity of the city, carrying out is a lot of time in the fresh air, communication with the nature, isolation from other tourists or big groups of people.

Rest in the village gives the chance not to communicate constantly with other vacationers as it usually happens in hotels or on recreation facilities, and most to plan the mode of rest.

Planning of creation and development of the agroestate provides development of the marketing plan in which it is necessary to define accurately needs of tourists which will come to the concrete region and to predict what services are necessary to them.

Marketing planning in general means definition of main goals of marketing and optimum model of their achievement through optimum distribution of resources.

The marketing strategy of development for the agroestate and its product in the sphere of rural (green) tourism it is possible to represent schematically (tab. 1).

For the purpose of development of the qualitative plan of marketing it is necessary to estimate the current state of the market, to compare the opportunities to opportunities of competitors, to define the place in the market. For this purpose use the SWOT method - the analysis which finds weak and strengths of the agroestate, its opportunity and threat of activity and development in the market of services of rural (green) tourism.

Table 1. Models of development of the agroestate

Мodel Characteristic

A - delivery of rooms for tourists Accommodation by food, is not present orientation to target groups. Profit small and casual.

V - a board to agroestates Specially equipped rooms for guests, rather high profit.

C - the organization of continuous rest The traditional agroestate with the wide range of services, is not present specialization on groups of vacationers.

B - reception of certain groups of guests Special services for certain groups of tourists. Profit invests in further development of activity.

E - advanced services Very high-quality services, profit in a year it is approximately identical. There is a search of new segments of the market.

For each agroestate such analysis is individual, the experience in this sphere of action considering features of its arrangement, resource providing and gained. The chosen marketing strategy has to answer the purpose of the agroestate and be used for formation of long-term plans of activity [15, p. 164].

Tourism even more often plays a role of the indicator of the political relations between regions, the stabilizer of partnership at the nation-wide level. Therefore, despite great importance of tourism, the state determined it by one of the priority directions of development of national economy and culture, the sphere of realization of the rights and needs of the person and society, one of the defining components of social and economic policy of the state and regions. For today in Ukraine there is a number of problems which do not contribute to the development of tourist branch, lead to essential destruction of the economic and social relations in the tourist sphere. It first of all lack of a control system in the tourist sphere in connection with uncertain special central executive authority concerning tourism, but also absence to the clear public policy aimed at the development (green) tourism. Problem in management of tourism is the imperfection of legal regulation at the regional and local levels, lack of plans of complex development of tourist and recreational zones.

In the territory of Ukraine the word «cluster» began to be used relatively recently, and its major importance consists in association of various elements in a whole for achievement of a goal or performance of a certain function.

Important characteristics of clusters are:

- geographical concentration (the enterprises are close located attracts an opportunity to save on the ambulance production interactions, exchange of a social capital;

- specialization (clusters concentrate around a certain sphere of action in which all participants are related)

- plurality of economic agents (activity of clusters covers not only the enterprises entering them but also public organizations, financial intermediaries, the institutes promoting cooperation, etc.);

- competition and cooperation (as main types of interaction between participants of a cluster);

- achievement of the necessary «critical weight» at a rate of a cluster (for obtaining effects of internal dynamics and development);

- viability of clusters (are intended for a long-term outlook);

- involvement into innovative process [12, p. 243].

The tourist cluster represents the group of the interconnected enterprises and structures of the industry of tourism and related branches (health care, communication, transport) concentrated in a certain territory which in the interaction complement each other in the course of creation of a complex tourist product of the region.

The tourist cluster is rather compact territory growth of the industry of tourism, is characterized a certain tourist specialization and attaches particular importance attractive (appeal) of a component of a cluster. Besides, external communications are of great importance (ensuring transport availability (proximity) communications in a cluster) [60, p.460].

Cluster associations is very effective form of regional growth and a form of the organization of innovative processes, in that case in the market not the separate enterprises, but complexes which can reduce own expenses due to joint technological cooperation of the companies compete.

Such type of associations is capable to form characteristic economic space, the strukturnoutvoryuvalnikh of elements of global system performing functions as aims at expansion of the sphere of free trade, free movement of human resources and the capital.

The cluster of rural (green) tourism can be defined how the group of the interconnected enterprises concentrated in a certain territory, institutions and the organizations of the sphere of tourism and hospitality (tour operators, tourist agents, means of placement, food) and other related branches (transport and communication of the equipment of communication, trade, etc.), regional authorities and the public associations interacting.

The essence of cluster model of rural (green) tourism consists in ensuring commercial activity, improvement of business relations and achievements between participants of a cluster indissoluble and the interconnected cooperation. Observance of conditions of equality and creation of conditions for growth of the competition in the market of rural (green) tourism is inherent in also cluster model of rural (green) tourism.

The main objective of a cluster of subjects of managing of rural (green) tourism is training, financing, marketing, full support of development of rural (green) tourism in Ukraine.

Not only tenants in severalty of estates, but also rural consultative services, that is the enterprises to which duties rendering consulting services in the organization, productions of rural tourism will belong can be participants of a cluster of rural tourism.

Each of participants of a cluster of rural tourism to perform accurately established function - in the course of formation and realization of a tourist product of rural tourism, at the same time members of a cluster will be closely connected among themselves. As participants of a cluster of rural (green) tourism can function rural consultative services - the enterprises providing consulting services including. On training, marketing of services of rural tourism and so forth [5].

Public authorities and local government bodies have to carry out effective support of all participants of a cluster in the course of the organization of rural tourism. Besides, their competence has to include carrying out standardization and certification of means of accommodation of tourists in the rural zone, estimates of quality of production and services, compliance to certain standards. The credit unions founded by association of property and the interests of citizens will provide means for financing of development of subjects of rural tourism [9, p. 150].

The importance of cluster approach to the organization of rural tourism is that he pays much attention territorial and social to aspects of economic development, offers effective instruments of stimulation of regional growth owing to what employment grows, the competitiveness of regional production systems increases, the budgetary receipts grow.

Therefore in the course of creation of a quality product of rural tourism in Ukraine it is necessary to combine efforts of representatives of the different branches connected among themselves by a common goal.

So, advantages of introduction of cluster model of rural tourism following:

- rational use of local resources;

- attraction of new internal and external investments;

- increase in competitiveness of the enterprises and region in general and growth in volumes of production of a local product;

- expansion of interregional exchange;

- combination of efforts of public authorities, local government bodies, enterprise structures and public organizations for the purpose of development of rural tourism;

- community of use of personnel potential;

- community of use of resources;

- increase in number of training programs and increase in its qualification;

- decrease in prime cost of services of rural tourism due to the preferences provided to participants of a cluster;

- coordination of tactics and strategy of business activity;

- development and deployment of joint marketing and advertizing activities;

- advance of a tourist brand of the region;

- participation in tourist fairs, exhibitions;

- increase in opportunities for innovative forms and activities in the sphere of rural (green) tourism [13, p. 7].

Thus, creation of clusters in the sphere of rural (green) tourism is one of the most important methods

of innovative development of tourist branch, method of association of traditional and new forms of the organization of rural (green) tourism and method of rational use of natural capacity of the region.

Advantages of creation of a cluster of rural tourism are that on a miscellaneous of businessmen (owners of estates, representatives of service trade, local masters), public authorities and local government bodies, the public associations are formed, due to coordination of joint efforts can effectively create and realize a tourist product of rural tourism, all-round development of rural territories through effective use of resources will be a consequence of what.

For creation of a cluster of rural tourism it is necessary to carry out a complex of legislative, economic and humanitarian affairs and to provide basic conditions of regional growth.

Creating a tourist cluster in the sphere of rural tourism, it is necessary to observe a certain algorithm.

The first step during creation of a tourist cluster is need of carrying out the analysis of tourist capacity of the territory, including:

- audit of the available tourist resources;

- definition weak and strengths, threats and opportunities, that is SWOT analysis of the available complex of rural (green) tourism;

- comparison of the available complex of resources for providing tourist branch with tourist resources of other regions, countries.

Further it is necessary to carry out the choice of the strategy of development of rural tourism, having investigated:

- the available conditions for development of rural (green) tourism;

- potential of marketing positioning;

- aTpaKTMBHMCTb resources for rural (green) tourism;

- transport proximity to main the target markets;

- the level of development of communications in the territory [14].

It is also necessary developments of the development program of clusters of rural tourism with the instruction concrete (on subjects) making its introductions, that is measures for development:

- cluster atraktivnost;

- productive system of communications and interaction between the enterprises of the tourist industry;

- the transport component of a cluster providing cluster entry into the main target markets;

- actions for the organization of development of cluster infrastructure [10].

The following step during creation of a cluster in the sphere of rural tourism has to be development by investors (in this case owners of estates) and authorities (regional and regional public administrations) of investment projects for development of a cluster of rural (green) tourism.

At development and deployment of the investment project the investor has to:

- to achieve the project objectives according to its role in a cluster;

- to provide economic effect;

- to provide social effect;

- to observe terms of implementation of the project.

In turn, authorities, that is regional and regional public administrations have to:

- to prepare investment the platform, that is to provide completeness of documentation on questions of ownership rights, conditions of use of the land plot, information about available communications and risks;

- to provide transparency of system of necessary coordination of activity of owners of estates with authorities;

- to organize the system of measures for support of the project (for example, the tax concessions, the special credits, etc.) [6, p. 13].

Therefore, the organization of clusters of rural (green) tourism has to become perspective long-term a program problem of state policy which success also depends on combination of efforts of public authorities, local governments, the public, owners of estates, will promote elimination of social and economic problems of rural territories.

To attract the greatest number of vacationers to rural (green) estates and to get for it the corresponding profit it is necessary to create the minimum standards of service, to bring rural estates to appropriate level. It agrees with service level in Ukraine certification of estates is carried out, the certificate

means a preliminary guarantee of services for the tourist. The Program of ecological certification of estates for rural (green) tourism «the Green Estate» works in our state. Tourists prefer to those estates, having the certificate and the sign «Green Estate» [3].

The main driving force of rapid development of rural (green) tourism is quickly growing demand for a recreation outdoors, is defined by increase in discrepancy of the circle of the modern person to his physiological and biological requirements. Increase in demand for rural rest increases owing to reduction of duration of working hours, increase in number of paid holidays, growth of education level, development of transport network - railway, road, the air and marine transport.

Also, it is possible to mark out lines which the region for successful development (green) tourism has to have: the clean environment, low urban saturation and industrialization of which are characteristic low population density the involvement of the working population in nonagricultural professions had free resources of rooms harmonious agricultural a landscape high recreational potential the low income of local population.

Conclusions and prospects of further researches. The main directions and tendencies of development of rural tourism demonstrate that it is very perspective branch of economy with high social-and-ecological potential. In Ukraine rural tourism acts as rather new form of rest which is one of key links on the way to the ekologo-focused development of tourist branch and an agrosfera in general. Therefore the state program of economic development has to be focused on comprehensive greening of tourist branch and actively promote distribution of ecologically safe types of tourism and also include various stimuluses or stimulations of development of rural tourism Development of rural (green) tourism contributes to the development of the peasantry, namely is one of the directions of diversification of rural economy, provides her financial improvement, stimulates formation of a strong layer of the middle class in the village, it is also additional bo3m ivost for promoting of the Ukrainian culture, dissemination of knowledge and information on historical, natural, ethnographic features of Ukraine that deserves all support from the state.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Слюсар Свiтлана Тимофпвна, кандидат економлчних наук, доцент кафедри облiку i оподаткування e-mail: [email protected]

Бурлаков Олексш Олександрович, кандидат економiчних наук, доцент кафедри облку i оподаткування

e-mail: [email protected]

ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагопчний унiверситет iменi Григорiя Сковороди» вул. Сухомлинського, 30, м. Переяслав-Хмельницький, Ки'вська область, 08401, Укра'ша


Слюсар Светлана Тимофеевна, к.э.н., доцент кафедры учета и налогообложения e-mail: [email protected]

Бурлаков Олексш Олександрович, к.э.н., доцент кафедры учета и налогообложения e-mail: [email protected]

ГВУЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницкий государственный педагогический университет имени Григория Сковороды»

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Sliusar Svitlana Tymofiivna, PhD (Economics), аssociate рrofessor of account and taxation e-mail: [email protected]

Бурлаков Олексш Олександрович, PhD (Economics), аssociate рrofessor of account and taxation e-mail: [email protected]

SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky state pedagogical university named Gregory Skovorody Sukhomlinsky St., 30. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Kiev region, 08401, Ukraine

УДК 338.45


Череп А.В., Кушшр В.В.

Метою дано/' статт'1 е розкриття змсту зароб'тно/' плати та анал'/з динамки зароб'1тно/' плати як важеля управлння персоналом пдприемства у альськогосподарськш галуз\.

В умовах переходу до ринкових в'дносин i при економiчнiй криз'1, що р'зко погiршили матер'альне становище сльських трудiвникiв, на перший план вийшли матер'альн'! мотиви до прац. Система матер'ального стимулювання прац\, що склалася в аграрнiй сфер'1, не дозволяе працiвниковi забезпечити задоволення сво/х матер'альних потреб нав!ть при досягненн високо/ '¡ндив'дуально/' продуктивностi прац на м'1н'1мально необх'дному рiвнi.

Створення системи мотивац)' до прац в аграрному сектор'1 економiки належить до найскладнших проблем. Це пояснюеться тим, що в даному випадку потрiбне врахування складно/' специфки аграрних вiдносин, об'ективно зумовлених, як особливостями землеробсько/' прац, так i складнстю сльського укладу життя.

У статтi розглянуто заробтну плату як ключову складову ефективно1 роботи персоналу. Визначений змст зароб'тно)' плати, та особливост'1 мотивац/' прац у сльському господарств'1. Охарактеризовано основы проблеми мотивац!' прац працвниюв сльськогосподарсько/' галуз'!. Проанал'зовано динамку заро&тно)' плати у данй галуз'1 та //' вплив на управлння персоналом. Система мотивац/' трудово! д'яльност'! на пдприемствах, що займаються альським господарством включае рзн методи мотивацйного заохочення, але найвпливовшим засобом мотивацйного впливу залишаеться заробтна плата, тому ми проанал'зували динамку мМмально)' заро&тно)' плати порiвнюючи '¡з середньою заробiтною платою.

Ключов\ слова: заробтна плата, мотиваця, матер'альна мотиваця, структура зароб'тно/' плати, продуктивнсть прац, сльське господарство, стимули, ефективнсть, управл'!ння персоналом.

© Череп А.В., Кушшр В.В., 2018

Економiчний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 36/1


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