Научная статья на тему 'Linguistic and semantic features of multi-word verbs in modern English'

Linguistic and semantic features of multi-word verbs in modern English Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bazarova Lobar Bazarbaevna

The article is about the phenomenon so called multi word verbs. The author tries to clarify her points concerning the linguistic and semantic preferences of multi word verbs by bringing illustration from the scholars points of views. Throughout the article focus is on the phraseological units, as this unit can be classified as part of speech.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Linguistic and semantic features of multi-word verbs in modern English»

даже если учащийся владеет ограниченной лексикой и не всей грамматикой, он может при определенных условиях чувствовать себя свободно.

В-четвертых, по своим индивидуальным особенностям обучающиеся, изучающие иностранный язык, бывают двух основных типов, - считает М.К. Кабардов [2]. Люди, так называемого коммуникативного типа «выходят в общение» легко, у них развита слуховая память, попав в чужую языковую среду, они очень быстро схватывают на слух основные стереотипы речевого общения, а могут и вообще научиться владеть языком без специального обучения. Люди некоммуникативного типа обязательно должны осознать систему иностранного языка, у них преобладает зрительная память и им нужно увидеть иностранный текст, и лишь после этого они могут заговорить на этом языке. Поэтому считается, что коммуникативный барьер у них высок и труднопреодолим.

Речь здесь не о наличии или отсутствии способностей к изучению иностранного языка. Человек некоммуникативного типа, в частности, может иметь прекрасные аналитические способности, позволяющие на лету схватывать структуру языка, но говорить ему все равно будет труднее, чем студенту коммуникативного типа.

Список литературы

1. Курбанова Д.Ш. Язык, открывающий все двери на жизненном пути студента: Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции «Современные инновации: актуальные проблемы III тысячелетия» // Современные инновации. М., 2017. № 5 (19). С. 55-56.

2. Кабардов М.К. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.studbooks.net/2009027/pedagogila/novye_informatsionnye_tehnologii_obuchenii_inostranny u_yazykam:delasuper.ru/view_postphp?id=10939#i-6/ (дата обращения: 23.04.2018).




Abstract: the article is about the phenomenon so called multi word verbs. The author tries to clarify her points concerning the linguistic and semantic preferences of multi word verbs by bringing illustration from the scholars points of views. Throughout the article focus is on the phraseological units, as this unit can be classified as part of speech.

Keywords: criterion, classification, semantics, phraseological, variable.

Most scholars today accept the semantic criterion of distinguishing phraseological units from free word -groups as the major one and base their research work in the field of phraseology on the definition of a phraseological unit offered by Professor A. V. Koonin, die leading authority on problem of English phraseology: «A phraseologism is a stable word combination with complicated semantics» [2.4].

Phraseological units can be classified as parts of speech. This classification was elaborated by I. V. Arnold [1.134]. Here we can distinguish substantive (a Jack of all trades), adjectival (as cool as a cucumber), verbal (to set the Thames on fire), adverbial (like a dog with two tails), prepositional (on the stroke of), interjectional (Pretty kettle of fish!), as well as sentence equivalents - proverbs and sayings, quotations (Too many cooks spoil the broth, To be or not to be, etc). Among all these treasures of the phraseological subsystem of the English vocabulary there is a special class of complex verbs which are frequently called «phrasal verbs» although, in many studies the term is variable. It is usually applied to two or three member constructions in English: a verb and a particle and/or a preposition co-occur forming a single semantic unit this semantic unit cannot be understood based upon the meanings of the individual components in isolation, but rather it can be taken as a whole. In other words, the meaning is non-compositional and thus unpredictable. Phrasal verbs that include a preposition are known as prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs that include a particle are also known as particle verbs. Additional alternative terms for phrasal verb are compound verb, verb-adverb combination, verb-particle construction, two-part verb, and three- part verb (depending on the number of particles), and multi-word verb.

Phrasal verb - a combination of verb and one or more adverbial or prepositional particles, as catch on, take off, bring up, or put up with, functioning as a single semantic unit and often having an idiomatic meaning that

could not be predicted from the meanings of the individual parts. Samuel Johnson, a famous linguist and lexicographer of the 18th century who, in 1755, published the Dictionary of the English Language, wrote in the preface to the Dictionary, that»there is another kind of composition more frequent in our language than perhaps in any other, from which arises to foreigners the greatest difficulty. We modify the signification of many words by a particle subjoined...», and gives such examples as make up, take over, sort out, etc. Dr. Johnson was one of the first lexicographers to pay close attention to what is referred to in Modern English as the phrasal verb; and he couldn't have been any more accurate in stressing just how frequently we use them, and how dumbfounded foreigners can become on hearing them [3.52].

A phrasal verb in Present-Day English is a verb that takes a complementary particle, in other words, an adverb resembling a preposition, necessary to complete a sentence. A common example is the verb «to fix up»: «He fixed up the car» The word «up» here is a particle, not a preposition, because «up» can move: «He fixed the car up.» These movements of the particle «up» quickly distinguishes it from the preposition «up». Because the forms of the particle and the preposition are themselves identical, it is easy to confuse phrasal verbs with a very similar-looking type of verb: the prepositional verb. A prepositional verb takes a complementary prepositional phrase. Movement verbs are readily identifiable examples. For example, the verb «to go» is intransitive, and without the benefit of context, it cannot operate in a complete sentence only accompanied by a subject. One cannot say, «I went» and expect to satisfy a listener without including a prepositional phrase of place, such as «I went to the store.» Prepositional verbs are immediately distinguishable from phrasal verbs in terms of movement, as prepositions cannot move after their objects. It is not possible to say, «I went the store to» and so «went» is a prepositional verb. There are, in fact, several syntactic tests to distinguish phrasal from prepositional verbs, and these will be discussed in detail in the final section. It is also necessary to understand that the term «verb phrase» refers not to phrasal verbs, but more generally to a sentence verb, its complements, and matters of tense, aspect, mood, voice and so on. Phrasal verbs are currently productive, and there has been the rise of a more complex form, the three-part phrasal-prepositional verb, which includes a verb, a post-positioned particle, and a complementary prepositional phrase. Examples of the first type include «put up with» and «do away with», which qualify as phrasal verbs because they can be translated by the single Latinate verbs «tolerate» and «abolish», although their particles are not movable: «I put up with traffic every day», not to put with traffic up every day.


1. ArnoldI.V. Leksikologiya sovremennogo angliyskogo yazo'ka- Ucheb. dlya in-tov i fak. inostr. yaz. M.: Vo'sshaya shkola, 1986.

2. KuninA.V. Kurs frazeologii sovremennogo angliyskogo yazo'ka. Moskva, Dubna, 1996.

3. Pak A.D. Frazovo'e glagolo' v sovremennom angliyskom yazo'ke. Tashkent, 2003.

4. Bozorova L.B. Sovremenno'e informatsionno'e texnologii v protsesse formirovaniya leksicheskix navykov na urokax angliyskogo yazyka «Nauka, obrazovanie i kultura» № 4 (19), 2017.

5. Bazarova L.B. Learning foreign language through reading «Nauka i obrazovanie segodnya» № 5 (16), 2017. Str. 40.

6. Bozorova L.B. The use of grammar-translation method in teaching foreign language for adults «Voproso' nauki i obrazovaniya». № 2 (14), 2018. Str. 59.




Abstract: the world of geographical names is exclusively various and interesting. From the birth we live in this complicated and unlimited world. By geographical names we perceive most of the events of our life. However, we rarely think about the deep meaning of this or that well-known name for us. So in this article the author clarifies the challenges most people face during active usage of geographical names. Keywords: civilization, geographical, toponyms, linguistic, expression.

It is impossible to imagine the modern civilization without geographical names. Toponyms - are obligatory elements of the development of society and humanity in general. Geographical names- are visiting cards, from which begins acquaintance with the country, city or natural objects.

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