E.N. Lopatnikova, postgraduate
A.V. Rudnitskaya, postgraduate
V.A. Vishnevsky, professor, Ph.D.
Surgut state university, Surgut
Key words: health culture, teacher's professional culture, competency building approach.
Relevance. The competency building approach has become an expression of the principal change in the common orientation of higher education from the knowledge-oriented to activity-centered paradigm. In compliance with the latest generation of the educational standard, one of the common cultural competences is associated with the formation of the culture of healthy and safe way of life of pupils and teachers. So the issue on the level of development of this competence in educationalists is a problem of today, which has become the subject of the study. The purpose of the study was to analyze readiness of teachers and support services of educational institutions for competence formation, associated with the culture of healthy and safe way of life of pupils and teacher's professional health.
Organization of the study. The subjects of the study were the employees of Surgut educational institutions, who attended the refresher courses on the topic "Organization of recreational activity in educational establishments. Formation and self-development of the culture of healthy and safe way of life". The analysis was performed for the whole group (n = 125, age = 40,9 ± 10,4 years, teaching experience = 17,8 ± '97 years) and for groups of specialists of support services (n = 26, age = 40,4 ± 11.3 years, teaching experience = 15,4 ± 10,8 years), Physical Education and Life Safety teachers (n = 39, age = 41,0 ± 9,4 years, teaching experience = 17,5 ± 8,4 years), teachers of other disciplines (n = 59, age = 40,9 ± 10,8 years, teaching experience = 19,0 ± 10,0 years). Statistical hypotheses were tested using the Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.
In order to avoid the transfer of the focus existing in modern interpretations of the concept of "health culture" from the result to the process [1, 3, 5, 6], we used the methodological recommendations, developed by the Institute for innovation in education RAE [4], highlighting motivational-value, cognitive, indicative, operational, experience and effective components [2]. Results of the study. The overall results of the study are presented in Table 1. At large, for the group of subjects the level of development of health culture was 50,7 % of the maximum possible. The group level above the average was shown by Physical Education and Life Safety
teachers, and below - teachers of other disciplines. The motivational-value and the indicative components looked relatively well among the individual components of health culture, while the operational and particularly the experience ones were the weakest. Physical Education and Life Safety teachers were clearly superior to all and the teachers of other disciplines were inferior to all in the experience of recreational activities. The indicators of support services were not significantly different from the average.
Table 1. Level of formation of health culture of teachers and support services of educational institutions, Surgut, M ± a
Indices In general, n = 125 Support services, n = 26 Physical education and Life Safety teachers, n = 39 Teachers of other disciplines, n = 59
points, (%) points, (%) p- level points, (%) p- level points, (%) p- level
Overall level of development 128.2±32.4, (50.7%) 136.9±35.3, (54.1%) 0.222 140.7±30.6, (55.6%) 0.050 116.8±28.8, (46.2%) 0.030
Motivational-value component 25.7±4.0, (82.9%) 26.4±3.8, (85.2%) 0.675 26.5±3.6, (85.5%) 0.262 24.9±4.3, (80.3%) 0.254
Cognitive component 23.7±5.8 (55.1%) 24.8±4.9, (57.7%) 0.246 23.7±6.8, (55.1%) 0.715 23.3±5.5, (54.2%) 0.736
Indicative component 14.2±4.8 (67.6%) 15.9±4.9, (75.7%) 0.108 15.3±4.7, (72.9%) 0.311 12.9±4.5, (61.4%) 0.061
Operational component 37.3±14.2 (43.9%) 41.1±16.1, (48.4%) 0.180 41.1±14.5, (48.4%) 0.180 33.2±11.9, (39.1%) 0.077
Experience component 27.7±11.8 (37.9%) 29.9±12.7, (41.0%) 0.490 31.6±11.4, (43.3%) 0.047 23.8±10.7, (32.6%) 0.050
Motivational-value component. Health is in the top three priorities in life for teachers (8,65 ± 1,99 points out of 10). Most of the respondents answered that they think about their health permanently, but have no time or willpower to strengthen it. Respondents are mainly at the second level of motivational readiness (i.e., care of their health for less than 6 months). To the question "Do you think that conditions for the formation of the culture of healthy and safe way of life of students should be created during their work, along with training, developing and educational functions?", most of the teachers answered that they occasionally try to solve this problem, but they do not have a systematic approach to the implementation of this function.
Persons with a high motivational-value component put health on the top of their other priorities in life (r = 0,625, p<0,01), pay more attention to their health (r = 0,614, p<0,01), are at the higher level of motivational readiness (r = 0,582, p<0,01), often set to themselves the task of creating the culture of healthy and safe way of life of students (r = 0,585, p<0,01). Among the relations of the motivational-value component with other components of health culture the relations with the total of points (r = 0,527, p<0,01), experience of recreational activities (r = 0,469, p<0,01), possession of recreational methods (r = 0,433, p<0,01), ability to formulate health tasks (r = 0,373, p<0,01) can be identified.
Cognitive component. The greatest difficulties among the course attendants were caused by the questions showing their overall intelligence in the issues of health and healthy way of life, as well as describing the level of expertise, related to the work of health services (centers) of educational institutions. The cognitive component has the weakest links with other components. One can only note the average relationship with the total score (r = 0,439, p<0,01), and the weak - with the experience (r = 0,327, p<0,01) and the operational components (r = 0,248, p<0,01). Indicative component. To the question "Did you set a goal of formation and self-development of the culture of healthy and safe way of life?" the vast majority responded that they set this goal and generally know how to do it. To a number of questions regarding orientation in the formation of teacher's professional health the vast majority of teachers answered that they have only the most general idea concerning this. The ability to set recreational objectives and general orientation in various aspects of recreational activity has an average relationship with the total score (r = 0,599, p<0,01), the experience of such an activity (r = 0,566, p<0,01) and the operational component (r = 0,563, p<0,01). The relation with motivation is weaker (r = 0,373, p<0,01).
Operational component. The proficiency in the ways of using elements of healthy way of life to improve teachers' health is minimum (they can choose exercises for morning exercises and a sports break in a class, to distinguish good and bad for health products, to use natural factors without a clear dosage, to make their own day regimen, determine their level of anxiety, know the simplest methods of prevention of bad habits, have annual medical examinations). To the question "Do you have the skills to create conditions for the formation of a healthy way of life among students?" the vast majority of teachers responded that they have only the most general idea about this. Most respondents do not have the skills of development and implementation of individual preventive and recreational programs. Their technological skills in health protecting pedagogics is limited to basic skills (for example, they can hold sports breaks). The level of methodological and technological skills in recreational activities has several pronounced relationships with other components of the health culture: the total of points (r =
0.849. p<0,01); experience (r = 0,774, p<0,01) and indicative components (r = 0,563, p<0,01); motivation (r = 0,432, p<0,01). The relationship with the cognitive component is much weaker (r = 0,248, p<0,01).
Experience component. Teachers have no experience in the development and implementation of individual prevention and recreational programs. From the elements of a healthy way of life they use those that do not need significant efforts (promptly ask for medical assistance, improve their knowledge in health and healthy lifestyle issues, try to stick to the day regime). From the experience of formation and self-development of the students' health culture only single attempts are marked to optimize the conditions of educational and training activity, enhancing individual processes in the area of self-knowledge, self-fulfillment, self-control, formation of single elements of the healthy way of life. Teachers have virtually no experience in the formation of teacher's professional health.
Experience is the most significant component of health culture. It is closely correlated with the total score (r = 0,881, p<0,01) and the operational component (r = 0.774, p<0.01) and the average - with the indicative (r = 0,566, p<0,01) and the motivational-value (r = 0,469, p<0,01) components. The relations with the level of knowledge are weaker (r = 0,327, p<0,01). Conclusion. Proceeding from the findings, the level of teachers' readiness to form the culture of the healthy and safe way of life of students and teacher's professional health does not exceed 50 % of the maximum possible and is obtained mainly via motivation-value, cognitive and indicative components. Meanwhile, the experience component and possessing recreational methods and technologies, being the weakest part in teacher's training, are the most important for the competence.
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