Kh.J. Ruziyev
The problems of teaching a foreign language to students of technical universities have changed dramatically. At present, a qualified specialist must not only have skills in their specialty, but also be fluent in a foreign language, have a means ofprofessional and business communication in the field of their specialty. The use of Internet technologies in practical classes in a foreign language creates conditions for the development of students' cognitive, educational, language and speech competencies, improves the knowledge and skills of students in writing, speaking and listening. The use of Internet resources introduces students to the realities of the countries of the language being studied, presented in authentic sources. In our scientific work, five types of educational Internet materials are considered and identified: Hotlist, Treasure Hunt, Subject Sampler, Multimedia Scrapbook, Webquest. Modern Internet technologies make it possible to increase the motivation of students in learning a foreign language and to establish intercultural communication between linguistic personalities. As a result of the experiment on the basis of the described Internet materials, we came to the conclusion that the use of Internet resources made it possible to increase knowledge of grammar and vocabulary when learning a foreign language. The skills of writing, speaking, listening, reading were improved using e-mail, instant messengers, tele- and videoconferencing.
Key words: teaching foreign languages, Internet technologies, Internet resource, innovations, language environment, social networks, communication.
Statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific and practical problems. The Internet has become an indispensable tool for a person who speaks a foreign language. The Internet currently provides a huge number of opportunities for learning a foreign language to all students, as it provides the opportunity for real communication in a foreign language, the Internet provides access to various authentic materials and an incalculable number of educational programs, resources in text, audio and video formats [1, p. 132].
Analysis of recent studies and publications that dealt with aspects of this problem and on which the author substantiates; highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem. In scientific works, many scientists touched upon the problem of modern education and its improvement. Introspection training. In the work of Tsarevskaya I.V. and Zhuravleva N.S. communicative tasks in teaching a foreign language are described in detail [2, p. 200]. The communicative approach contributes to the development of intercultural communication and business communication [3, p. 117]. Internet technologies such as Skype, e-mail, social networks and various instant messengers are all modern means for the development of verbal communication [4, p. 464]. Modern Internet technologies and Internet resources are ways to increase students' motivation when learning a foreign language [5, p. 175]. Formation of the goals of the article (setting the task). The relevance of this study is due to the use of new information and Internet technologies in the process of intercultural communication and teaching English as a foreign language. The purpose of the work is to consider and identify Internet technologies, a strange language is impossible without a communicative one that contributes to the maintenance of intercultural communication when teaching a foreign language. To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks: to study Internet resources; explore Internet technologies that increase motivation when learning a foreign language; identify Internet technologies that develop communication and speech abilities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive approach to the study of Internet technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language. The problem of this study is due to the use of new information technologies in teaching a foreign language. The research material was modern Internet materials from problematic and search tasks: Hotlist, Treasure Hunt, Subject Sampler, Multimedia Scrap-book and Webquest. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the further development of online courses and Internet resources. The practical significance of the work is due to the use of Internet technologies in foreign language classes.
Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. Students are given the opportunity to participate in online competitions and online olympiads. Students, using Internet technologies, can create multimedia presentations, working on thematic projects, carry out versatile work
© Kh.J. Ruziyev, 2022.
with authentic texts in their specialty to extract the necessary information [5, p. 136]. The Internet is a technical means of information exchange, expanding with great speed the scope of verbal forms of communication. The network is a system of mass and interpersonal communication. The Internet makes it possible to transfer the necessary information to the communicants, to establish the exchange of information between students. At present, there are a huge number of Internet resources that help the teacher in preparing for classes, and students in learning a foreign language [7, p. 43]. Online language courses have become widespread. Their advantage is the flexibility that allows them to change their content according to the needs of the listeners. An important area of online courses is control. Teachers receive reports on the amount of time that a student spent on a particular task and on the results of testing. Modern online courses contain animation elements, video clips and interactive tasks. Most online courses are based on specific educational and methodological complexes and are aimed at a specific field of activity, for example: strategic management or information technology. We list some of the advantages of using Internet technologies: 1) significant time savings in the search; 2) updating the studied materials; 3) the possibility of using several sources simultaneously; 4) great access to information; 5) access to newspapers, magazines of other-speaking publications, which are characterized by low cost compared to print publications. The 21st century is the century of the introduction of modern Internet and computer technologies in all spheres of human activity. In education, the computer has become an indispensable tool. With the help of a computer, the teacher implements a large number of educational programs aimed at training skills and abilities [4, p. 43]. It should be noted that the preparation of a foreign language lesson by a teacher depends on the following factors: 1) the level of preparedness of students (language proficiency), 2) the amount of material studied on the topic in the proposed educational and methodological complex, 3) the type of educational activity in practical classes that dominates, 4) personality-age features, 6) the linguistic and historical complexity of the material being studied. Obviously, the entire lesson cannot be devoted to working at a computer and information programs. Work with computer and Internet technologies should be combined with other types of educational activities, for example: control of the studied material, explanation of new material. It is worth emphasizing that the material can be included in the educational course only after analyzing the information that is posted on a particular site.
Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this area. In this regard, we conducted a survey to determine the most popular social networks used by students of our university. The survey was conducted among students of the Don State Technical University aged 17 - 24 years. We found that the most popular network is VKontakte, but due to limited English content, we chose the social network Facebook for our study. In our experiment, we created a dedicated "English Group" page where we invited general and special purpose English learners and posted various content there to help motivate students to learn the language or just make it easier to learn English. The use of Internet technologies in practical classes creates the necessary conditions for the development of students' cognitive, speech and language competencies. Students improved their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills after using the Internet resources. With the help of the Internet, they were given the opportunity to get acquainted with the realities of the countries of the studied language, through authentic sources and through project activities, using Internet sites in the classroom. Thus, we noted an increase in the motivation of students to learn a foreign language, an improvement in the quality of knowledge of grammar. It was noted that the use of Internet resources yielded results in improving knowledge of grammar. The skills of writing, speaking, listening, reading were improved.
1. Tsarevskaya I.V., Juravleva N.S. Professionally-oriented reading as a means of training specialists in a non-linguistic university // Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. 2014. No. 4 (60). pp. 131-135.
2. Tsarevskaya I.V., Juravleva N.S. Communicative tasks of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university // Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. 2014. No. 6 (62). pp. 198-201.
3. Shcherbakova I.V. The concept and essence of verbal communication // In the collection: tools of modern scientific activity Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Managing editor: Sukiasyan Asatur Al-bertovich. 2016. P. 116-119.
4. Akai O.M., Zavgorodnyaya G.S., Tsarevskaya I.V. The role of Internet technologies in the modern concept of teaching a foreign language // Modern problems of science and education. 2015. No. 5. P. 464.
5. Akai O.M., Tsarevskaya I.V., Zhuravleva N.S. Ways to increase motivation for learning foreign languages through social networks of the Internet // Modern problems of science and education. 2018. No. 5. P. 175.
RUZIYEVKHOLBOZOR JURAYEVICH- teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.