UDK 81-13
Mamadaliyeva N.
teacher Isomiddinov G. teacher
Ferghana medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city LANGUAGE IS THE SPIRIT OF THE NATION
Annotation: In this article highlights of national language and language is the spirit of the people.
Key words: language, spirituality, law of "On the state language ".
The strategy of actions defined by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for 2017-2021 years, implemented at the country level, has launched a new stage in our life. Further decrees and resolutions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan also relate to the practical outcome of the implementation of actual tasks in all spheres.
The language is the means of characterizing and differentiating the man. Looking at language culture as a form of national culture is of a special interest in culture learning and learning the people. In as much as the language is the basis and root of any culture. In this respect the language is regarded as a unity of generally excepted conception of people about the universe. The question of the unity of language and culture has been a point of interest for scientists for several centuries.
The adoption of the law "on the state language" on October 21, 1989 was one of the great socio-political, cultural and educational events in the life of the Uzbek people. Also, in the essence of the adoption of this law reflected the history of the multi-Millennium struggle of our people, selfless intellectuals. This struggle seems to be a logical continuation of the tragic and courageous actions towards the restoration of national consciousness, National thinking, national pride and values, replacing the position and status of the native language in the same period. In the years of independence, our native language was again connected with its historical roots. Currently, our literary language is undergoing deep social processes - renewal and re- discovery of opportunities. This is evidenced by the growing strengthening of the ideas of independence in economics and Politics, thought and worldview.
Since the emergence of personality society and states, language construction, language policy, state language issues have also been of particular importance. Over the centuries, the Uzbek nation has kept its language and traditions and values in mind. His M.Qashgariy, Yusuf Khos Hojib, Ahmad Yugnaki, Atoiy, Sakkokiy, Lutfiy, A.Navoi, Mirza Babur, Agahiy, Furkat, Mukimi, A.Kadiriy, Oybek, and others of self-sacrificing and wise children, such as Abdulla Kahhor, Ghafur Ghulom, struggled to ensure that the mother tongue was clean, clear, understandable, not far from the National Foundation. The ability of the Uzbek language to express not only national, but also universal, universal concepts and values has proved in practice that no language remains.
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com
In the years of independence, the Uzbek society created equal and free conditions not only for the Uzbek language, but also for the development of languages and cultures of other nationalities and peoples living in our country. This is due to the humanitarian and democratic principles of our laws.
Language is an integral part of the life of a nation, a way of life, a world of contemplation, thoughts, spiritual and cultural abilities, a specific reflection or reflection. Language along with being a means of communication and information exchange in the society, it is the main tool that brings the experience of previous generations to the next generations and educates members of the society, provides education and lessons.
On August 31, 1991, the national independence was proclaimed, its political, legal, economic and spiritual foundations were expressed in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (December 8, 1992). Article 4 of the Basic Law of our lives states that "the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the Uzbek language". At the same time, "the Republic of Uzbekistan ensures respect for the languages, customs and traditions of all nationalities and nationalities residing on its territory, creates conditions for their development".
Switched to Latin - a recording that reflects the relatively perfect construction of the sound of our language. Four types of writing systems are common in the world,
30 percent of the world's population uses Latin writing, 10 percent of Slavic - Cyrillic writing, 10 percent of Arabic writing, 20 percent of Indian writing. The remaining 30 percent of the peoples of the world use other different types of writing. Teaching work in secondary schools in our country is carried out in seven languages - Uzbek, Karakalpak, Russian, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh and Turkmen, textbooks and manuals are published in these languages.
Starting from January 2013, a new system corresponding to international standards - a system providing three-stage training of scientific - technical and pedagogical personnel-bachelor, master, doctor of science degrees are being introduced into life. Among all disciplines, Uzbekistan has opened wide horizons for studying and studying not only the Uzbek language, but also the languages used in our country, as well as world languages.
Historically unfair, forgotten," old " stamp clamped faith, Citizen, editor, insurance, reform, vacation, interest, classical, Alphabet, badal(vznos), address (adres), as many words began to be used again. Words such as questionnaire(questionnaire), pricelist(pricelist), descriptive-ma(characteristic), discount(skidka), shipment (parcel), customs(tamojnya) are constantly in place of our speech. One of the important tasks of the present period is the conscious intervention of intellectuals in the development of language, constant attention and assertiveness to the issues of literary norms, culture of speech, speech manners. In some areas, cases of non-use of words related to other languages continue.
In Radio, television, gazette and magazines, it is possible to hear, to meet, to write sentences that do not correspond to the literary norm and style, do not make sense. These are signs of indifference towards our native language,
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com
our national culture.
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Мировая наука" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com