UDK 81-13
Abdukarimova M. R. teacher of №4 school Uzbekistan, Ferghana city
Annotation: Language is the most powerful chain, rich and unlimited spiritual treasure, which unites, intertwines and manifests national values.
Key words: language, spirituality, nation, symbol.
Language has always been one of the main criteria for the prosperity of society, since it is the primary need of man, consciousness, knowledge, speech, means of communication and attitude, the factor of belonging and originality. In particular, the Uzbek language is a sacred value, a great spiritual achievement of the Uzbek nation with its long historical roots, its political and legal foundations. Our national language, which has followed the glorious and glorious paths until today's development and overcome the harsh and severe storms, demonstrates its glory and priority in the status of the state.
The processes of social relations, international relations, science and Technology Development, Globalization at different levels also have a certain influence on the appearance of the national language, increasing the risk of internal and external threats. One of these is also attributed to some "intellectuals" who have taken the initiative to "declare the Russian language as the second official state language", which occupies an area of attitude-discussion and is subject to criticism of the general public in the near future.
Not to mention the fact that the Uzbek language in the country is legally enshrined through the Constitution and laws as the only language with the status of an official state, the second language officially recognized means the second language, which is required to put forward such a blind proposal without taking into account the fact that doubling the society, leading to the separation It shows indifference, disrespect towards the current state language. Today, the nationalist, patriotic public, the people of enlightenment are sharply condemning this inappropriate and unjustified destructive idea, showing in different ways the love and respect for their national language, the centuries-old and modern status of the Uzbek language through the media and social networking pages. Of course, it is natural for every citizen who appreciates his / her identity, feels his / her nationality, takes national pride and pride in this way. The reason for this problem is that today the attitude of the society to the Uzbek language, which is the current official state language, passes through another sieve, is refined and hardened in the tests.
In this regard, is it not more surprising that the "comrades" of the supporters of granting official status to the Russian language are advanced representatives of the field of science, art?, rightfully, the question arose. In fact, a person should not
"Мировая наука" №11(32) 2019 science-j.com
possess any kind of knowledge, not be stubborn, should not gain fame and rise from career ranks, if there is no respect for his national values in his soul, if he does not hold from the skirt of spiritual and educational glory, then one day he will also be able to whiten, stumble, fall, the fate of nationality,
In experiments, it turns out that knowledge of many languages is a progressive legality of development, a guarantee of success. But to forget your own national language, to mingle with other languages, to stir is not! Educators who chose to make progress through the study of other languages were also cautious and responsible in this regard. In particular, Abdulla Avlani is losing the spirit of the nation to lose its grief "National language. Hey!hey! Let us stand on one side to keep the Turkistan national language, day by day forget and lose. Half of our language is Arabic, Persian is not connected, and we also stick the Russian language to one edge... Flaxseed oil, like a moshkichiri, destroys the spirit of the tongue by making it mixed-drying," - has revealed impressive in his grassy thoughts. These thoughts are becoming more relevant in the same day.
Attention and reverence to the national language is a bright expression of nationalism, patriotism, nobility. The national language is the primary instrument in the knowledge, mastering, delivery, promotion of national traditions, values, sources of national spiritual heritage, self-awareness, cognition. Does not have a love for his own national language, can a person with a high passion for other languages be called a representative of a nation, a patriot? Language is a higher concept that concerns the nation, society, Homeland. Therefore, it is required to be cautious in this regard, not to hit the ax at the root of the great blessing inherited from the ancestors.
Analytical observations carried out in search of a suitable solution to the issue indicate the need to further strengthen the rank of the Uzbek language in the status of the state language, expand the legal framework, strengthen it. Not only in these days, but also in the past years, such pressing problems as raising the official requirements of the Uzbek language to the nationalist linguists, enlightened intellectuals, increasing the National career, achieving the observance of the norms of the literary language by representatives of all spheres have always been thought-provoking and provoking discussions. Relying on these principles, it is required to solve the following tasks without delay:
- Review of the law on the state language and its relation to the national official language, the requirements of literary norms;
- to put a legal check on the problems of duality related to the Uzbek Alphabet, which is an obstacle to the stability of the state language, to achieve the level of literacy of the population;
- Strengthening the official status of the Uzbek language, relying on the concept of development of the National idea at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan;
- to expand the scope of spiritual and educational work promoting the official and national status of the Uzbek language, which is the main embodiment of national values, to organize targeted, targeted and systematic events in this regard;
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №11(32) 2019 science-j.com
- love and respect for the national spiritual heritage, first of all, the beginning of the family, taking into account the fact that the family is the cradle of values, the careful acquisition of the native language in the upbringing of children, the creation of methodical guides recommended for the methods of praising national values, social immunity, the formation of patriotism;
- on the eve of the day when the Uzbek language is granted the status of a state in educational stages, organizations, institutions and enterprises, regular activities of spiritual and educational propaganda and propaganda, introducing the official requirements of the state language, explaining its essence, raising the spirit of the national language are carried out in extra-holiday processes;
- systematic work to ensure the stability of feelings of respect and respect for the official state language in every citizen of the country.
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2. Vereshchagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G. Language and culture. -M., 1983. -P.47.
"Мировая наука" №11(32) 2019