Philology and linguistics - f^MIER Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 -2 (2021) - ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -
Philology and linguistics Филология и лингвистика
UDC 8.1751.81 DOI: 10.29013/AJH-21-1.2-37-43
1А. Baitursynov Institute of linguistics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Objective: The main aim of the article is to present to the research community the state of the modern Kazakh language, current problems, and solutions.
Methods: comparison of the Kazakh language state in the current and past periods, the traditional character of the Kazakh oral language, forecasting future development, synthesis by methods of synchronous, diachronic analysis, linguistic and stylistic analysis.
Results: For the first time, a description of the present, past and future of the Kazakh oral language is provided. The requirements for oral culture, preserved in the samples of oral literature by A. Baitursynov, Abai are analyzed.
Scientific novelty: Modern research in this area is often considered in terms of linguistic norms, stylistic use and types of styles. However, the results of these studies did not help raise the level of modern Kazakh expressiveness. The main reason is a violation of the grammatical structure and system, which is the «reliance» or «support» of the Kazakh language, as well as the disappearance of the traditional style of systematic speech.
Practical significance: The development of textbooks and methodologies for teaching the Kazakh language, the development of a handbook of texts of different levels for the tasks of KAZTEST and its types of analysis, as well as the development of a handbook of existing and new texts, collection of audio texts in accordance with traditional expressiveness will contribute to the field of education.
Keywords: traditional speech, pragmatics, history of language, oratory, stylistics.
For citation: Kuderinova К, Amirzhanova N., Maralbek E., Sadykova M. Kazakh oral language: past, present// AustrianJournal ofHumanities and Social Sciences, 2021, No. 1-2. - P. 37-43. DOI: DOI: AJH-21-1.2-37-43
Current Kazakh language expressiveness (grammatical, stylistic and ethical norms of expressing thoughts) has influenced by other (Russian, English) languages and
has lost its traditional speech norms, thus, it has become artificial Kazakh language or translated Kazakh language. Grammatical system and conversational style of Russian language in the fields of education, science and social
Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 - 2 (2021) ' - ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online)
media have mixed up and the translated texts that cannot be accepted have been increased. Have mixed up traditional expressiveness with artificial speaking, incomprehensible texts added Kazakh language to the lists of «difficult languages». Nowadays we cannot respond to the question how Kazakh traditional expressiveness and speech culture were. There is a need to find answers to the questions «What peculiarities did the structure and system of traditional words have?», «How valuable are linguistic and stylistic norms?» and «What examples we can take to current expressiveness?» by linguistically analyzing texts.
Oral Kazakh is the main functional form of the codified literary language that is spoken and heard, and which serves for oral communication. This is the first language should be learned, and which is learned naturally, it can also be considered as an untrained language. It reflects the entire informal life of a person and shows the whole secret of communication. With the help of oral speech, we can understand an individual peculiarity, and a person's worldview. Especially from unprepared speech, a person's personality can be easily recognized. That is why spoken language is considered as the soul of language. A person can think that it is normal what he/she heard, and not what he/she read. He/she gets used to it. A skill becomes a system. Wrong skills turn into normal and then into one system. Therefore, spoken language changes both the language of writing and the literary language. Is it not dangerous if this important oral language will not be heard in its homeland, and will be used with mistake?
It should be noted that in Kazakhstan all conditions for the oral Kazakh language have been created: Kazakh schools, Kazakh kindergartens, Kazakh branches of universities, institutions with Kazakh language instruction, etc. Does an undergraduate student, who graduated from Kazakh instructed higher education institution, will continue mastering the oral Kazakh language in a future position? It is hard to explain. There are conditions; nevertheless, there is no place for implementation. Language at this moment is in stagnation. In official places, the Kazakh language sounds little. We use a word that sounds as intended. As in documents, reports or memos of the institution, the written Kazakh language may be reflected. However, the staff mainly speaks Russian or English. In doing so, they allow another language to become a means of communication. A language that is not used verbally can become rusty or obsolete. From a language that has
not been used verbally, our ears can be tired. Then the misunderstanding will take place. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to discuss issues such as determining the Kazakh spoken language, its incorrectness, its rare use, lowering the value of the spoken word, features of the former Kazakh language, the awkward language of youth, and the future of the Kazakh spoken language as well as it will attempt to find out possible solutions.
Historical context. The state program for the use and development of languages for 2011-2020 set a big goal «to popularize the widespread use of the state language». It said that «in everyday life, communication in the Kazakh language should be considered as a «level»; especially for young people it should become authority, prestige, and fashion» [1]. In the beginning, young people appeared everywhere who could freely communicate in two and three languages at the literary, official level. The public consciousness of young people who is working with the use of the Kazakh language, who is making an oral interpretation of information in Kazakh, who considered Kazakh as prestigious language was formed among the Kazakh community. At that time, the culture of oral speech in the Kazakh literary language was practically built up. Communication in the family, on the street, in the public places in Kazakh was increased the prestige of the titular nation. However, all this is «in the past». Over the past 2-3 years, spoken language has lost its place in everyday communication, especially in the cities of Nur-Sultan (Astana) and Almaty. The Russian word helps to express thoughts, we are scared by new concepts and terms formed in the Kazakh language, we make fun of them, ask permission to say something in Kazakh, we are ashamed to speak loudly in it on the streets or in another environment. What are other simple ways existed, in addition to discrediting the honour and authority of the mother tongue, which began with the main cities?
In this program, one of the tasks was «to form a prestigious image of a person speaking in the state language, to represent the state language as a family value» [1]. However, this task was also very little realized. Television and radio, forming an outstanding image, could not create language characters that can be imitated. Because there are very few journalists on television and radio who know the language, sensitivity of the communication environment and strong logic. Pop stars, people of art, do not speak Kazakh, which can be heard on the TV screen. That is why community is not interested in speak-
Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 - 2 (2021) ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -
ing in such language. People began to know linguistic personalities such Nursultan Nazarbayev, citizens, such as Imangali Tasmaganbetov, Mukhtar Qulmukham-bet, Amangeldy Aitaly, Bekbolat Tleukhanov, Alikhan Baimenov, Zharmakhan Tuyakbayev, Gulshara Abdykh-alyqova, Eleusiz Sagyndyqov, Kosherbayev, Alimbekov and Berdibek Saparbayev. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the Kazakh language is again postponed due to requirement of fluency in two or three languages from the authorities of the state. This is the answer to the question «Why do we hear it a little?». Secondly, this is also due to the emphasis on written language in educational institutions, as well as studying the language of written text.
With the acquisition of the state status of the Kazakh language, the only goal was to increase the number of users of Kazakh to create a language environment. This was due to increased requirements for the language and culture of oral speech in Kazakh. In the 1980s, scientist Syzdyk was the first who said, «...the vitality of the Kazakh language is closely linked to the oral improvement of its social activities». We stopped talking in an oral literary language. The scientist said: «there was no space for oral speech until the state status of the Kazakh language was obtained, and now the recognition of the mother tongue by the state is a high indicator of spoken language». Moreover, he indicated that «to expand the social activity of the Kazakh language, it is not enough to develop only the official language, engage in science in the Kazakh language, write books and lecture on it. First of all, special attention should be paid to oral speech. Let one front of the struggle become a conversational front». The scientist even outlined the actions in this struggle, emphasizing that «for this, first of all, you need to start from school. He set the task of «introducing the subject of the oral Kazakh language». Otherwise, the scientist suggested, «it is necessary to include several topics in the school curriculum, and equal attention should be paid to both spelling and orthoepy. To develop the language, not only teachers of Kazakh language should be involved, but also all members of society, families and other subject teachers». Moreover, he stated that «this type of education is out of focus» and «as soon as the child begins to speak, we do not care about how he/she will speak further». He asked adults to take care of the use of words. He criticized the fact that we have lost the skill of eloquence that we are used to blaming politics and modernity for our unpleasant traits and qualities [2, p. 146]. Syzdyk very correctly noted that the secondary
education program does not pay any attention to Kazakh orthoepy, and the fact is that this negative trend continues [2, p. 167]. He also added: «If the orthoepy was correctly placed in school, a person would not intentionally destroy it». He warned that there is a huge risk that the universities will not focus on teaching eloquence, the correct pronunciation of words. Professor N. Uali called the parameters of the literary language «the sufficiency and convenience of the lexical and phraseological system, the distinction between grammatical, phonetic and phonological systems, the presence of written and oral forms, the differentiation of functionality, the breadth of the communication field, the functioning in the fields as management, science, education, the presence of the language environment, the presence of sources of enrichment (dialect, simple speech, old Kazakh language, writing)» [3, p. 45]. Among them, spoken language is very important. If the Kazakh-speaking environment itself cannot freely use the literary language, then there is a doubt about the viability of such language, it becomes a dead language, visible only in written forms.
Decrease the spoken word. The reasons for reducing the cost of spoken language can be determined as follows:
• dominance ofwriting language, and emphasis on it
• learning written language as a written language text
• writing language turned out to be a reason for research.
The areas of the modern Kazakh language were studied, units and the terminological system were analysed, and these are studied in the standard separately in the form of the main disciplines in the programs and curricula of universities. Nevertheless, we learn the structural system of the Kazakh language book. The linguistic units of the Kazakh language that are used in education are selected only from texts of written languages. Phonetic analysis examines the letters of the text. The syntax analyses sentences in the written text, etc. Besides, academic dictionaries and grammars write lexical, phraseological, and grammatical meanings in the written text. Therefore, the values are limited. Representatives of other nations that are beginning to learn Kazakh cannot understand the meaning of words, since «non-textual» words are heard more often in everyday life; however, their meaning does not appear in dictionaries. Moreover, the spoken word sometimes appears only as a form. Speeches on television programs, or speeches of authorities of the state are usually accompanied by a sound transmission of
Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 - 2 (2021)
Philology and linguistics
ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online)
electronic texts, such a word is either forcibly listened to, or, if there is interest, or not listened to completely. The reason for this is strict adherence to written language in the oral language [4].
Today, the system and structure of the written language has stabilized in the general linguistic consciousness, so it has become the norm to use the written language norms in spoken language to read written words for the audience as the basis for systematic speech. Therefore, often the use of this approach has become the norm. However, written paper using written language is not normal for spoken language. Such speech can bore the audience. Memorizing words, the effect of speech may be low.
There is another process. Independence came to us with a market culture and a culture of the West. Censorship, which was removed from spoken and written words, was used in ordinary speech, including raw vocabulary and barbarism for the audience. The Kazakh language appeared on the screen: a) in the form of a simple colloquial language with elements of the Russian language b) in the form of hasty words of senior government officials, deputies, pop stars who usually speak with the Russian language system of thinking, and who give the shortest interviews based on written Kazakh language [5]. Listening to this, people who speak in Kazakh at different levels, which are recognized as the main norm of the literary language.
The way of speaking in the former Kazakh language. Speaking about former Kazakh, it can be spoken about it as a myth. However, in terms of language history, the results of oral language do not appear today. Nevertheless, by seeing the modern written artistic prose, it can be said that nobility of oral language appears in papers. Until the beginning of the XX the century, the oral language had five functional styles. Uali indicates that the separation of styles (style of speech, journalistic style, artistic style, scientific style, business style) comes out of five different public consciousness. They are household consciousness (style of speech), aesthetic consciousness (style of artistic speech), social consciousness (journalistic style), professional consciousness (business style) and scientific consciousness (scientific style) [3, p. 52]. At the beginning of the XX the century, household and aesthetic consciousness, social and professional consciousness was the same and high. If there are a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and one child in one family, we can assume that five family members had a higher and complete domestic consciousness and aesthetic consciousness. The household consciousness
takes into professional consciousness as well. All this is expressed in the language, in the oral language, which considered as the oral literary language.
In the XIX the century, beginning from 1862, Orientalist of Russia, ethnographer, archeologist, academician of the Petersburg Academy Radlov, who investigated the east of the Kazakh land, Ile, Syrdariyya, Vernyi, Aksu, wrote: «Kyrgyz, in general, are fluent in speech art, they love to talk ... they are j oking often. Their stories are very clever... Kyrgyz differ from their neighbours by their eloquence. The speech of any Kyrgyz is very smooth and free. Kyrgyz are good at speech art (oratorical word). They can read very long poems, and their simple speech was built with a well-known rhythm and was often similar to poetry. Thoughts are open and accurate; therefore, the Kyrgyz on a full basis can be called the French of Western Asia». He also indicated that «Kazakhs are beautiful, skilful and enlightened, especially their courage and sharpness, resourcefulness is surprising. When each of them, starts to speak, you can see such a power of the language like in French and Russian ... Also, if a Kazakh begins to tell a story, then the words are poured into a transparent stream, and it becomes warm in the soul». One more thing, he noted: «the purity and nature of the Kazakh language, as well as its wide distribution, caused my dedication to one whole volume made up of literary options and for collecting more legacies of this language. Besides, unlike other Kazakh relatives, their resourcefulness and oratory skills are influenced me» [5, p. 19-20]. The reason for this was the household consciousness of Kazakhs, not like now in casual language, at that time they were close to the literary one. Radlov draws attention to «the presence of the art of speech, loving conversation, loudly joking, smart story, smooth and free speech, the formation of the rhythm of simple speech, open and real thought, melodious and beautiful, masterful and eloquent language, clever use of language, resourcefulness, language as a transparent stream and warm for the soul» [6, p. 26-27]. which was equally characteristic of the general public speaking in Kazakh. It was an oral literary language that speaks three generations: grandfather, son, and grandson.
Moreover, Radlov highlighted that there is no wonder that the Kazakh word meant art. According to Bait-ursynov, each Kazakh knew the subtleties of the language (the laws of words, terms and conditions of word use), to combine words, to choose them (the accuracy of the word, the purity of the language). According to the divi-
Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 - 2 (2021) - ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -
sion of the scientist, the Kazakh word was like a word of [BaAaAapgbi] Barap egiM, [6ipaKj K,aAanma 6aFy\b^
edification and oratory word. Words of edification consisted of fragmentary patterns that were not considered in modern phraseology.
Furthermore, Baitursynov said that in the pronunciation of oratory words there is the following logic: initiative — recommendation — statement (description, reasoned opinion) — instigate/excitement (influence on the heart, making system free, heat the blood, humiliate, annoy) — conclusion. In order to make the language eloquent, it must go like this: toxic-exclamatory— touching-heart-breaking-visual-meaningful [5, р. 224]. Such logic and language colouring existed in the ancient Kazakh oral language. The logic in the Kazakh phrase made it short and compact. Syzdyk stated that: «A sample of the compact word without unnecessary elements can be seen more clearly in the ancient oratory of the Kazakh language» [7, р. 78-79]. The scientist said instead of using more complex sentences with conjunctions, the large use of related species makes the word compact: «Эйелщмен дос бол — берекец иредх, азаматпен дос бол — ^ад1рщд1 б^ледД, бiлiмдiмен дос бол—акыл кецес бередЬ> (Be friend with wife and you will have prosperity, have good friends and they will respect you, be friend with smart one and he/she can give you advice). However, in the current written Kazakh, we will probably add conjunction», «because» [7, р. 78].
According to Syzdyk «linking sentences without conjunctions corresponds to the general norm of oral speech, where instead of conjunctions the voice rhythm can function: when we are skipping the conjunctions, we can pronounce slightly with intonation» [7, р. 96]. In former Kazakh compacts can be seen in the words:
«Аз неш айтады? Кептен керген к,орлыЕын айтады// Кеп неш айтады? Азга жасаган зорлыгын айтады». <^р бала бар — атадан ете туады, бiр бала бар — атага жете туады, бiр бала бар — кешн карай кете туады». «Мал багу? [малды] Жок бага алмаймын. Балалар ездершше керепнше [малды] ездерi багар... Балаларды багу? Жок, бага алмаймын.
Table 1. - Grouping
Mamcm ge 6iAMeHMiH,[oAapAbi] OAapgw He 6oacmh gen 6aFaM[bm],[6aAaAapAM] Kan eAre KpcaHbiH, Kan xapKeTKe
KOcaftbiH» [8, p. 17].
«What the less will say? It will say all his trou-bles//Many what will say? It will say the help what was done for the less». «There is one child, born after grandfather, there is one child, born after reaching grandfather, and there is one child, born after all». «Graze cattle? I can't graze [cattle]. Children, in their own way, how they will need to graze [cattle] ... Raise children? No, I cannot. I would bring up [children], [but] I do not know how to bring up [them], how can I [bring up] them, to which society I should add [children], to which action should I add». About the words inside the bracket in the last passage, Syzdyk wrote, «this is a structure of oral speech. Even at the beginning of a paragraph, the question meaning of the phrase is made only by intonation, which can occur only in the act of speaking» [9, p. 101].
Moreover, the scientist add: «the division of a word combination into parts, especially into intonation groups, attracts the listener's attention, the speaker's speech is divided «by order», «disciplines», the speech in this form is clearly accepted, understandable, the listeners enjoy from such an easy speech k [9, p. 100]. Measures need to be taken for the future of Kazakh oral language. Modern Kazakh oral literary language is divided into 3 or 4 groups. The first, using a high level of oral language, at an elite level, the second, using an upper and middle level of oral language (this is mainly the language of city residents who speak oral, the simplest style of speech, graduated from a higher educational institution in Kazakh, employees of state institutions), and those who do not use oral language or speak casual speech languages (there are other language elements, dialect, slang words). Oral literary language is in the use of the Kazakh intelligentsia, poets, writers, correspondent scientists, literary critics, journalists, politicians, as well as representatives of the government and the country.In general, the modern Kazakh language is subdivided as follows (Table 1).
Kazakh language styles
Speaking language Literary language
1. Casual speech style 2. Colloquial style 3. Neutral style Oral literary style Written language style
1. Public speaking 2. Oratory speech 3. Scientific speech 4. Business speech 1. Artistic style (descriptive writing) 2. Offical style (business letter) 3. Scientific style 4. Journalistic style
Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 - 2 (2021) ' - ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online)
Here, there is the meaning of neutral speech. The language of neutral speech is a free from dialects, barbarism, jargon, as well as it is considered as a language that saved the norms of correct speech (orthoepic, grammatical, and lexical), it also combines a simple speech and written language. Most people who speak in this neutral language are indicators of the viability of this language.
Secondly, an artificial word appeared. This can be noticed from the syntax of the word in the speech of students. Third, often confusing the norms of spoken and written language, $tb not understanding the difference between thecolloquial style and the official style. Fourth, depending on the ethics of the word, young people put themselves first. This is the influence of Western market culture, educating individualists, and the influence of Russian speakers, often observed from Russian television programs. It can be seen that without listening to each other, we can hear only about what «I» said [10, p. 130].
Results of the study
Oral Kazakh is the main functional form of the codified literary language that is spoken and heard, and which serves for oral communication. This is the first language should be learned, and which is learned naturally, it can also be considered as an untrained language. It reflects the entire informal life of a person and shows the whole secret of communication. With the help of oral speech, we can understand an individual peculiarity, and a person's worldview. Especially from unprepared speech, a person's personality can be easily recognized. That is why spoken language is considered as the soul of language. A person can think that it is normal what he/she heard, and not what he/she read. He/she gets used to it. A skill becomes a system. Wrong skills turn into normal and then into one system. Therefore, spoken language changes both the language of writing and the literary language. Is it not dangerous if this important oral language will not be heard in its homeland, and will be used with mistake?
It should be noted that in Kazakhstan all conditions for the oral Kazakh language have been created: Kazakh schools, Kazakh kindergartens, Kazakh branches of universities, institutions with Kazakh language instruction, etc. Does an undergraduate student, who graduated from Kazakh instructed higher education institution, will continue mastering the oral Kazakh language in a future position? It is hard to explain. There are conditions; nevertheless, there is no place for implementation. Language
at this moment is in stagnation. In official places, the Kazakh language sounds little. We use a word that sounds as intended. As in documents, reports or memos of the institution, the written Kazakh language may be reflected. However, the staff mainly speaks Russian or English. In doing so, they allow another language to become a means of communication. A language that is not used verbally can become rusty or obsolete. From a language that has not been used verbally, our ears can be tired. Then the misunderstanding will take place. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to discuss issues such as determining the Kazakh spoken language, its incorrectness, its rare use, lowering the value of the spoken word, features of the former Kazakh language, the awkward language of youth, and the future of the Kazakh spoken language as well as it will attempt to find out possible solutions.
Thus, in order to find out the complexity of the problem, we made a small «drama» from the modern oral Kazakh language. There are possible solutions to solve the issue of current oral Kazakh language:
1. The development of oral skills, instead of learning letters with the child in preschool institutions.
2. Making changes in the programs of elementary schools, and do not teaching the oral speech of first grade school student with writing language, mastering their oral speech.
3. Making the hours of the subject of Kazakh language more, and include to each class of its program teaching of oral speech, orthoepy, pronunciation.
4. For high school students, there should be the subject «Culture of oral speech»
5. For the students of universities, there should be courses of «Culture of oral speech»/ «Professional oratory»/ «Culture of public speech»/ «Oral Kazakh language»/ «Skills of oratory».
6. Making the topic oral speech as research subject, and finding out the methods of developing oral speech.
7. To do research and clarification on the system of public speech and logic of oratory.
8. To suggest system and logic.
9. To provide sample words of different directions.
10. To prepare guidelines for the use of public speech system and culture.
11. To prepare the sample of analysis ofwrongly spoken or used words.
12. To include oratory people into the mass media.
Philology and linguistics - PREMIER Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 -2 (2021) - ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -
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2. Syzdyk R. The oral form of the Kazakh literary language.- Almaty, 1987.- P 235 (in Kazakh.).
3. Uali N. Theoretical basis of Kazakh speech culture.- Almaty, 2007. PhD dissertation.- P 138.
4. Biy aga. Collected works.- Almaty, 1983.- P 258 (in Kazakh.).
5. Kekilbayev A. Urker.- Almaty, 1981.- P 1503 (in Kazakh.).
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7. Radlov V. V. Samples of folk literature of the Turkic tribes living in southern Siberia and the Dzungarian steppe. Part III. St. Petersburg, 1870. (In Russian.).
8. Syzdyk, R. Orally developed Kazakh literary language.- Almaty, 2014.- 568 p (in Kazakh.).
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Information about the authors
Kuderinova Kuralai Bimoldakyzy, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief researcher Of the Institute of Linguistics,
A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Almaty, Kurmangazy, 29.
E-mail: [email protected]
Amirkhanova Nazira Serikovna, Candidate of philological Sciences, leading researcher At the Institute of Linguistics, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics? Address: Almaty, Nurkent, 35, kV 25 E-mail: [email protected] ORCHID:
Ermukhamet Maralbek, PhD doctor, Researcher At the Institute of Linguistics, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Almaty, Kurmangazy, 29. E-mail: [email protected]
Sadykova Marzhan Serikovna, PhD doctoral student, Researcher At the Institute of Linguistics, A. Baitursynov
Institute of Linguistics, Almaty, Kurmangazy, 29.
E-mail: [email protected]