1Kelmaganbetova Aiman Sagintaykyzy - PhD Student;
Abstract: peculiarities of language personality structuring are given in the article. The article analyzes the scientific and methodological problems characteristic of innovative trends in modern linguistics, the rationality of searches in the study of language in connection with other branches of science. The article highlights the linguistic picture of the world in the context of national culture, the ways of transmitting language vocabulary in Kazakh language, and the characteristic features of studying the pragmatic aspect of speech syntax. The problem of language personality in linguistic research, structural levels of verbal-semantic, cognitive, and motivational character. Conclusion is made about cognitive potential, the level structure of the language personality.
Keywords: language personality, individual, verbal-semantic, linguocognitive, cognitive level, motivational level, pragmatics, anthropocentric paradigm, linguoculture.
Reflection of culture in the language, which has been passed down from father to child for centuries, eventually falls out of use or the default meaning of language signs. Therefore, the issues of traditions, history, and ethnography that have changed over time are in demand in linguistic and cultural searches.
In recent years, the problem of the relationship between language and culture has been studied on the basis of the principles of linguoculturological science. The language is always considered in unity with the culture of people. Thus, the influence of the native language on the formation of the national spirit, opens the way to the study of the theoretical aspects of the problems of the linguistic picture of the world.
The ancient oral literature of our nation, its deep traditions, written monuments, and rich language of images should receive a fair assessment of the world culture. For this purpose, scientists-correspondents, cultural scientists, ethnographers, historians and other representatives of science should study the problems of language and culture in a new direction. Hence, the mechanisms of the relationship between language and culture, the national worldview, and the linguoculturological science that studies the reflection of national culture in language emerged.
The study of the language in connection with other branches of science opens the way to fundamental research and gives positive results. Linguoculturology is a complex field of scientific knowledge on the interconnection and interaction of language and culture that arose on the basis of the research works of Plato, I. Herder, E. Kant, and other philosophers. It is reflected in the studies of W. Von Humboldt, E. Sepir, B. Whorf, E. Cassirer, and L. Weisgerber. In the Soviet era, in the works of Russian scientists A. Potebnya, N. Toporov, V. V. Ivanov, Kazakh scientists A. Kaidarov, R. Syzdyk, E. Zhanuzakov, Zh. Mankeyeva, etc. were considered.
"In recent years, the definition of linguoculturology as an independent branch of science requires the study of the relationship between language and culture on the basis of new approaches and methods. Currently, linguoculturological science is at the stage of its development, the formation of a conceptual term apparatus" [1; 4].
In public life, the study of human nature is carried out in various fields of science. Each considers human existence within its own form and scientific subject. In linguistics
anthropocentric paradigm considers the relationship between man and language as the main object in the national-cultural and cognitive specifics of the human language.
The idea of combining the unity of language and culture, language and knowledge arose from the work of scientists of the XIII-XIX centuries and developed into a study within the framework of modern anthropocentric paradigm.
The nature of language is complex, it is a social and dynamic phenomenon. "The modern development of world and domestic linguistics is characterized by the transition of linguistic research from the linguistic internal system to the anthropocentric direction. The anthropocentric paradigm of research is guided by the anthropological position "human factor in language", and the concept of "language is a constitutional property inherent in the human child" is a methodological basis for the study of the essence of language, the formation of a unified theory of the unity of "language and human". In anthropolinguistic studies, the "human factor in language" is combined with the study of the picture of the world of a native speaker, in particular, the image of the language world. Language is not only a means of communication between people, but also a means of thought and consciousness of the people, the language is characterized from the point of view of a cognitive, cultural and social phenomenon that accumulates centuries-old experience of the owner ethnic group, accumulates social knowledge and transmits it to future generations. The core of linguistic research, based on its methodological basis on the anthropological position, is: 1) the influence of a person on language; 2) the problems of determining the influence of language on a person, thinking and culture" [2;3].
As a rule, in linguistic studies, if the problem of the language personality is mentioned it is impossible not to talk about the level structures of the language personality. This problem is studied in Russian linguistics. Thus, the famous Russian correspondent Yu. N. Karaulov points out the problem of linguistic personality: "the special interest in the study of living languages and dialects, which arose at the end of the nineteenth century, was, on the one hand, the opposition of generality to the historical approach, the predominance of interest in dead languages, and on the other hand, the correspondents' response to the new needs and interests of developing societies associated with the established and developed national identity. "Therefore, this direction in Russian linguistics began at the end of the XIX century, when research was carried out to reveal the properties of the language. According to the definition of Yu.N. Karaulov, "a set of abilities to evoke and perceive speech texts characterized by a certain orientation and linguistic structural complexity, with a deep and accurate reflection of the environment, represents a linguistic personality". When we say that any person who uses a particular language is a linguistic person, how well he knows that language is a personal matter. For example, whatever the language is, the level of language proficiency of its consumers will be uneven. There is no reason to limit this to the fact that it is the product of our colonial history. Of course, it is a historical fact that our national language was replaced at one time by another, as a result of which there has been a significant decrease in the number of people who freely use and understand Kazakh language. However, a person's language knowledge was not always the same among consumers of the same language. People and people, nation and nation, are not connected. In the end, culture and culture are intertwined. In this regard, language and language are mixed. This, in turn, leads to the formation of a level seam between consumers of a particular language. However, the fact that there are structural levels in relation to the linguistic personality among the indigenous population of a particular language consumer indicates that this problem is a common phenomenon that has been going on for a long time.
The introduction of the category of linguistic personality into linguistics contributed to the fact that the concept of "personality" as a whole was supplemented with new content, went beyond the structural aspect of language learning and became an anthropological linguistics, closely related to the consciousness, thinking and spiritual activity of a person. Therefore, in linguistics, there is a growing interest in the personality of the language
consumer, the creative personality, which is now becoming the core of new research. The theory of "linguistic personality", systematized in the works of Yu.N. Karaulov, has a special place in relation to this fact.
In the new century, there were writings devoted to the study of the individuality of the linguistic personality on the basis of texts which reflected the specifics of its works. From this point of view, the problem of linguistic personality is considered in modern Kazakh linguistics in the following directions:
1) to analyze the language of a particular person taking into account their cognitive and pragmatic intentions;
2) there was a diachronic analysis of the language of historical figures in many works;
3) there were studies devoted to the modeling of language personality based on individual texts;
4) there was a research aimed at identifying the linguistic personality of the author of the work by revealing the linguistic personality of the hero;
5) research that considers the properties of the linguistic personality in relation to its national identity.
So, in the knowledge of the linguistic personality of bi-speakers, poets, the latter direction is oriented.
In the interpretation of the linguistic personality, several trends have recently formed, which:
1) to identify the main systems of personality formation as a linguistic personality (surname, living environment, literary and linguistic, national and cultural influence, etc.).);
2) identification of personality features that make up the linguistic identity of an individual, i.e. self-education,, self-improvement, education, a sense of personal responsibility for inheriting his language experience to generations, mastering knowledge, mastering skills, using the acquired knowledge and experience to change reality, etc. as a complex, multi-stage object of research, consisting of a description of the verbal-semantic, linguocognitive, and pragmatic levels of his language.
Let us turn to the opinions of the scientist Zh. A. Mankeyeva about the importance of revealing national identity at these levels: " the manifestation of the development of these levels in a particular linguistic person is manifested in different degrees of development and different character. Its creative cognitive content consists of a system of ideological and cultural values. Therefore, we understand the language personality primarily as a national language personality. Because the nature of the linguistic personality is directly related to the national - cultural stage of the personality" [4;281-284].
This is stated by the researcher Zh.Yermekova:"...the same can be said about the creative needs of the individual, which form the basis of its existence, set its goals, intentions and positions. The system of values determined by the attitude of the individual to the world around him, to other people around him, to himself, i.e., material and spiritual goods and ideals of a person, the reasons for choosing certain social, cultural and moral values are determined by the disclosure of the picture of the world in his knowledge. And the pragmatic potential of cognition and goals-interests are expressed through its language " [5; 8].
As scientists show the content of the language personality includes the following components: 1) value (axiological), worldview system, the content of education; 2) the level of mastering culture as an effective means of interest in the language; 3) personal (human, deep personal) qualities.
The stage of formation of a language personality begins with the general intellectual level of a person, reflects the structure of his personal character, political, social, psychological, etc. features. The basis of everything is the spiritual need that characterizes the national identity and the spiritual value of the individual.
One of the following needs is family education on the basis of national education, inculcation in the consciousness of the nobility concept with the mother's milk. Therefore, it's no
coincidence that, like the Biy-speakers, national personalities were formed. Because they had all these requirements. The period in which they lived, the national heritage that they nurtured, the people who imitated, the environment in which they grew up - all of them came together, rose to the level of the language personality of Kazakh Biy-speakers and created a school of their formation, which served as the basis for preserving the Golden Treasure in history.
"It is well known that only a unique person with his own unique qualities, unlike other individuals, can become a person. That is, a person who meets the requirements of a man. A man is not born as a person, he becomes as a person. The language personality is the same. A person must be recognized in relations with other people, social institutions, in the system of social connections, and be recognized as a historical person. Therefore, the meaning of a person's life is revealed at the level of "value of communication" [6; 41].
It is known that the expert on the Russian language Yu. N. Karaulov distinguished the language personality into three structural levels. This is also practiced by specialists of Kazakh linguistics. This is the first of the structural levels - the verbal-semantic level. The second is the cognitive level. The third is the level of motivation, which includes the goal, motivation, interests and guidelines that determine the speech and text formation of the language personality. This is measured by a pragmatic approach.
The verbal-semantic level consists of a stereotyped model of a phrase and a sentence. At this level, the language personality masters the specific features of the language as a whole. In modern linguistics, this is a linguistic "background knowledge". For example, when a person who uses a language perceives a word or phrase, he constantly analyzes and responds to it . Yu. N. Karaulov also considers the "zero level" in the concept of a language personality. Since the user of the language must understand the meaning of words, phrases, sentences, and understand the meaning of words in an explanatory dictionary in a particular language, ideally he should recognize the meanings perceived through certain words. And the ability, inability, or how a word gives value depends on the degree of background knowledge of the consumer, i.e., the individual.
For example, in the work of A. Baitursynov " literary critic"....a person transmits his thoughts not for himself but for others. . Therefore, it is necessary to speak in such a way that others understand his thought without difficulties. the speaker learns spoken language from the adults as he hears it from childhood. Then the linguist learns from the books. Then, after reading the words made by exemplary writers, he learns speaking verbally and writing. The fact that everything that speaks the Kazakh language is not the ability to use the Kazakh language. The ability to use language means the ability to choose words that correspond to your thoughts. Although Kazakh language is a common property for everyone in Kazakh environment, not everyone uses it. Everyone uses each word in his own way, consumes it in his own way. In a conversation that expresses a whole opinion, everyone uses different words in a single word of greeting. For example, someone asks: "Are you all right?", " How are you ?" Someone says: "Hello". In addition, everyone uses words in his native language differently, even when he expresses his opinion. In short, everyone uses the word in his own way and consumes it according to his optimal vision.
It is said that knowledge of the laws and conditions of the word is the logic of the language" [7;19].
The verbal-semantic level and cognitive level largely depend on language proficiency.
The cognitive level is measured by the discourse of the individual, based on the text as an image of knowledge, consciousness, and cognition of a person. That is, the cognitive level is the result of the continuity of language and cognition. The identification of the processes of formation and filling of layers of knowledge in the human brain as a result of perception, certain processing and use of certain information, if necessary, is manifested at the cognitive level of the language personality.
The level of motivation is measured by pragmatics. Pragmatics considers language from the point of view of the purpose of influencing consciousness, human activity. In this regard, the
field of pragmalinguistics has developed in Kazakh linguistics, which studies the relationship between a language sign and a speaker. ""Pragmalinguistics is a branch of science that studies the relationship between the user of a language and a symbol. The attention available in pragmatics is directed to a person or subject. The consideration of language phenomena from the point of view of such pragmatic parameters as the addresser, the addressee, refers to the problems of pragmalinguistics. The definition from this point of view opens the way to a detailed analysis of the formed traditional concepts in the disclosure of language indicators of emotions and their stylistic meaning as a carrier of the subjective position or point of view of the individual" or "Pragmatics is the field that studies the essence of the analysis of language means in accordance with the purpose and motivation of the owner of the thought, as well as the listener's understanding of the expressed thought, the assessment expressed by the language" [8; 34].
Therefore, pragmatics, including direct and indirect meanings in the language, examines what opinion the listener comes to depending on the expressed thought and what actions he performs. From this point of view, the linguistic personality of Kazakh Biy-speakers can be attributed to the pragmatic level. Because, as we have already mentioned, Biy-speakerss, creating a linguistic picture of the universe, give their thoughts thoughts in a generalized form, that is, devote them to the public.
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