INTERNATIONAL TRADE SPHERE DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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infrastructure / trade sphere development
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Основные направления импорта в страны СНГ:

• Продовольственные товары - зерно, мясо, молоко, растительное масло.

• Промышленные товары - машины и оборудование, электроника, химические продукты. Инвестиционное сотрудничество

Инвестиционное сотрудничество между странами СНГ также является важным фактором развития их экономик. В 2022 году объем прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ) в страны СНГ составил 16 миллиардов долларов США.

Основными инвесторами в страны СНГ являются:

• Россия.

• Китай.

• Европейский Союз.

• США.

Перспективы развития

Перспективы развития СНГ в мировой экономике в значительной степени зависят от следующих факторов:

• Глубина экономической интеграции между странами СНГ.

• Способность стран СНГ к диверсификации своей экономики.

• Степень открытости экономик стран СНГ для внешних рынков.

Для повышения роли СНГ в мировой экономике необходимо развивать экономическое сотрудничество между странами-членами, диверсифицировать экономику стран СНГ и открывать их экономики для внешних рынков.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Алексеев А.И. "Экономика и политика государств СНГ: проблемы и перспективы развития." Москва: Экономика, 2018.

2. Васильев В.Н. "Содружество Независимых Государств: экономика и политика." Москва: ИНФРА-М, 2017.

3. Захаров В.Г. "Интеграционные процессы в экономиках стран СНГ." Санкт-Петербург: Лань, 2016.

4. Козлова И.В. "Развитие международных экономических связей стран СНГ в условиях глобализации." Москва: Экономика и жизнь, 2019.

5. Лукашевич М.Н. "Экономическая интеграция государств СНГ: история, проблемы, перспективы." Минск: Наука и техника, 2020.

6. Макаров В.Л. "Региональная экономика и политика в СНГ." Москва: КноРус, 2018.

© Бердиныязова М., 2023

УДК 33

Гафурова М., старший преподаватель Атаниязов Э., студент

Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана Туркменский государственный архитектурно-строительный институт



infrastructure, trade sphere development

Based on the sound physical infrastructure formed in all the regions of our country, as well as owing to the active investment strategy, Turkmenistan succeeds in maintaining the steady indicators of the macroeconomic growth, despite some ongoing crisis phenomena in the global financial and economic spheres. The aims and objectives of the «State Program for Development of Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan in 2020- 2025» are systematically realized. The political and diplomatic relations of Independent, Neutral Turkmenistan with the big number of the countries, primarily with the neighboring states, have the strategic character. The range of positive interaction with the major international organizations, primarily with the United Nations Organization and its relevant structures is expanding and deepening. The noticeable achievements of the year 2022 include the assignment to Turkmenistan of the status of the WTO «active observer». This decision was made on February 23, 2022 at the regular meeting of the General Council of the World Trade Organization at the headquarters of this authoritative organization in Geneva, once again confirming the deepening integration of Turkmenistan in the international economic relations. Studying of the matter of Turkmenistan's entry to this authoritative international organization started in 2013. On July 22,

2020, Turkmenistan received the «observer» status in the World Trade Organization. The corresponding application was submitted by Turkmenistan in May 2020. In April of 2020, the meeting of the Special Government Commission on Turkmenistan's membership in the World Trade Organization was held in Ashgabat. The agenda of this meeting included the point of discussing Turkmenistan's participation in this intergovernmental structure at the initial stage as an observer, and the preparation of relevant data. The Special Government Commission on Turkmenistan's membership in the World Trade Organization was established in 2019. On February 23, 2022, the working group was arranged to coordinate the full-scale membership activities. The membership process is aimed at further active integration of Turkmenistan into the global market, growth of the competitiveness of the domestic industrial complex, bringing the development of market economy relations in the country in compliance with the norms of legality and international standards. During his visit to Turkmenistan on July 4-5, 2022, the Director General of the World Trade Organization, in continuation of the negotiation process of full-scale membership, accentuated such important aspects as ensuring internal institutional integration, popularization of the benefits of membership, implementation of the national legislation to the WTO standards. On March 15, 2022r, our country was elected a member of the UN Commission on International Trade Law for the period of 2022-2028. The WTO observer status will allow our country in the near future to further strengthen its own positions in global configuration of the trade relations, improve the structure of exports and imports, and actively at- tract large foreign investments to the country. Successful completion of measures for Turkmenistan's membership in the World Trade Organization is scheduled among the priority vectors of the implementation of the «State Pro- gram for Development of Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan in 2020-2025». In other words, another strategic initiative of our country has been successfully implemented within the framework of positive, systematic development of the foreign economic activity. The World Trade Organization is the authoritative organization that occupies one of the key places in ensuring a healthy base of norms in the field of global trade interaction. As the structural unit of the United Nations, the WTO was established in 1995.

Forming a reliable platform for negotiations in the foreign trade sphere, establishing generally accepted commercial norms and rules of the international law, aimed at making the necessary changes and amendments based on the results of continuous monitoring of national law in the field of regulation of foreign trade, the WTO, by its functional orientation, is the authoritative international structure that builds effective mechanisms for resolving disputes arising in the international trade. Currently, the WTO includes 164 countries, which account for 98% of total volume of the world trade. At the present stage, 22 states are negotiating full-scale membership in this organization. 25 states, including Turkmenistan, have the «observer» status. As a logical continuation of the General Agreement on

Tariffs and Trade of January 1, 1948, the Marrakesh Agreement of 1994, the structure was named the World Trade Organization. Not only the name was changed, its functional content has undergone a significant transformation, and from now on it includes the issues of the sale of not only goods, commodities, but also services, intellectual property rights. The main function of the WTO is the management and conduction of multilateral trade negotiations, the formation of platforms, the search for ways to solve problems, and the monitoring of the national trade strategy. The WTO Agreement includes 29 separate areas. Twenty-five Protocols and Agreements are in function. In the agricultural sector, they include criteria for entering the market, criteria for supporting the local production, food security, norms and rules for maintaining the health of plants and animals. In the textile sector, the new rules come into force with a 10-year transition period. The developing states account for 2/3 of total number of the WTO members. These countries have the aim of consistent intensification of their foreign trade, prevalence of exports and imports volumes over GDP through the successful overcoming of mutual customs barriers, in particular, lowering customs taxes, optimizing import quotas and simplifying export-import rules.


1. Decree of President of Turkmenistan of 26 May 2019, № 124 «On appointment of coordinator representing the governmental agency in activity of the tripartite council of conciliation» (Collection of Decrees of President of Turkmenistan and Resolutions of Government of Turkmeni- stan, 2019, № 5, Article 1146)

2. The law of Turkmenistan «On tripartite council of conciliation»- Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2018

© Ta^ypoBa M., ATaHMfl30B Э., 2023

УДК 33

Гуванджов Ш.

Студент факультета маркетинг Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан Реджепова Дж. Студент факультета маркетинг Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан



В данной статье представлен краткий обзор о возникновении, изменении и прекращении трудовых отношений, а также введена информация о трудовых договорах и об их периодах.

Ключевые слова

Трудовые отношения, кодекс, закон, должность, договор, контракт, работодатель, назначение, государственный орган.

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