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Ключевые слова
экономика / экономические отношения / международная экономика / международные организации. / economy / economic relations / international economy / international organizations

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ummuhabiba Galandarova

Today, the regulation of international economic relations in the macro-region, that is, the management of the system as a whole through multilateral mechanisms or concerted action, has become of great importance. The development of international economic cooperation requires, first of all, the expansion of relations be-tween the countries, and in this case, one of the main directions should be to expand relations with various organizations that regulate the international economy. From the first years of independence, Azerbaijan has tried to establish and deepen relations with international organizations. The role of international organiza-tions in all periods of society's development is undeniable. The main purpose of international organizations is to develop cooperation between countries, to promote economic development and reconstruction in less devel-oped countries, to maintain financial stability, to expand world trade on a multilateral, equal basis, to develop relevant projects on issues of mutual interest, to transform the economy.

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Сегодня большое значение приобрело регулирование международных экономических отношений в макрорегионе, то есть управление системой в целом посредством многосторонних механизмов или со-гласованных действий. Развитие международного экономического сотрудничества требует, прежде всего, расширения отношений между странами, и в этом случае одним из основных направлений должно стать расширение отношений с различными организациями, регулирующими международную экономику. С первых лет независимости Азербайджан пытался наладить и углубить отношения с международны-ми организациями. Роль международных организаций во все периоды развития общества неоспорима. Основной целью международных организаций является развитие сотрудничества между странами, со-действие экономическому развитию и реконструкции в менее развитых странах, поддержание финансо-вой стабильности, расширение мировой торговли на многосторонней, равноправной основе, разработка соответствующих проектов по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес, преобразовать эконо-мику.


«етуушшим-шишаи» #2да<и жш / economic sciences


Уммухабиба Галандарова к.т.н., доц. проф., Бакинский Государственный Университет РР!: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-43-46 РОЛЬ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ И ОБЪЕДИНЕНИЙ В РАЗВИТИИ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ В АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНЕ

Ummuhabiba Galandarova

Ph.D, Assoc. prof., Baku State University



Сегодня большое значение приобрело регулирование международных экономических отношений в макрорегионе, то есть управление системой в целом посредством многосторонних механизмов или согласованных действий. Развитие международного экономического сотрудничества требует, прежде всего, расширения отношений между странами, и в этом случае одним из основных направлений должно стать расширение отношений с различными организациями, регулирующими международную экономику. С первых лет независимости Азербайджан пытался наладить и углубить отношения с международными организациями. Роль международных организаций во все периоды развития общества неоспорима. Основной целью международных организаций является развитие сотрудничества между странами, содействие экономическому развитию и реконструкции в менее развитых странах, поддержание финансовой стабильности, расширение мировой торговли на многосторонней, равноправной основе, разработка соответствующих проектов по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес, преобразовать экономику.


Today, the regulation of international economic relations in the macro-region, that is, the management of the system as a whole through multilateral mechanisms or concerted action, has become of great importance. The development of international economic cooperation requires, first of all, the expansion of relations between the countries, and in this case, one of the main directions should be to expand relations with various organizations that regulate the international economy. From the first years of independence, Azerbaijan has tried to establish and deepen relations with international organizations. The role of international organizations in all periods of society's development is undeniable. The main purpose of international organizations is to develop cooperation between countries, to promote economic development and reconstruction in less developed countries, to maintain financial stability, to expand world trade on a multilateral, equal basis, to develop relevant projects on issues of mutual interest, to transform the economy.

Ключевые слова: экономика, экономические отношения, международная экономика, международные организации.

Keywords: economy, economic relations, international economy, international organizations.

INTRODUCTION such principle is membership in the World Trade Or-

Development of foreign economic relations and ganization. ensuring the effective integration of the country's econ- Azerbaijan is working to become a member of the

omy into the world economic system is one of the main World Trade Organization in order to integrate into the

directions of the socio-economic development strategy international trade space and bring the country's legal

of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Maintaining macroeco- framework affecting foreign trade in line with interna-

nomic stability, continuing to diversify the economy, tional standards.

improving the business and investment climate, accel- Carrying out economic reforms in Azerbaijan also

erating integration into the world economy system, ex- requires improving and analyzing the practice of at-

panding foreign economic relations and cooperation tracting foreign capital to the country's economy, and

with international organizations, bilateral relations with further stabilizing the investment climate. Meeting the

foreign countries will serve to further strengthen inde- growing socio-economic needs of society depends on

pendent Azerbaijan and increase the country's prestige the full and efficient use of existing production poten-

in the world. tial, the application of the achievements of Scientific

Independent Azerbaijan is rapidly integrating into and technical progress in production and investment in the world community. Today, Azerbaijan is recognized such innovations. In this regard, the importance and as an equal partner in the international arena and a sys- role of investment in the life of society is growing. Im-tem of long-term cooperation is being established with proving macroeconomic indicators in the country reit. In this context, strengthening confidence in the coun- quires increasing the role and importance of leading try is of particular importance, and this confidence is sectors, especially strategic ones, in the structure of based on a number of principles can be built on. One



gross national product. In order to achieve socio-economic progress in the current situation, special development programs and forecasts should be developed and their implementation should be ensured. The basis of such a program is the development and management of the economy at the micro and macro levels of the republic, increasing its socio-economic efficiency, accelerating the implementation of Scientific and technical progress, increasing labor productivity, etc. All these factors play an important role in our country's access to foreign markets.

Recently, the relevant government agencies have signed bilateral and multilateral agreements and implemented projects to regulate foreign trade. The basis of such projects is the development and management of the economy at the micro-macro level of the republic, increasing its socio-economic efficiency, accelerating the implementation of Scientific and technical progress, increasing labor productivity.

Oil and gas reserves are one of the key factors in Azerbaijan's economy, cultural development and improving the socio-cultural well-being of the population.

The most important direction of the economic policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the oil strategy of the state. This successful strategy, which can lead Azerbaijan forward, was developed by the national leader of our people Heydar Aliyev. In the short time after the restoration of independence, as a result of the far-sighted policy and hard work of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, great achievements have been made in the field of socio-economic development of our country and its integration into the world economic system. Our country has made great strides in the oil and non-oil sectors. Basically, in the oil sector, Azerbaijan has become a world-renowned country. The high progress in the oil sector has stimulated the development of other areas that could play an important role in the country's foreign trade.

Market economy depends on the diversity of property, the broad development of the commodity economy, the dynamics of supply and demand, increased competition, economic freedom, liberalization and the expansion of market infrastructure. Therefore, when regulating the economy, the state must first consider the application of these factors.

To foreign markets, especially the market economy to improve the structure of its foreign trade, to develop the right strategy, the state must regulate some objects of the economy. These should be: the structure of the economy, employment, money supply, payments balance, prices, research and development work, competitive conditions, staff training.

After Azerbaijan regained its independence, one of its biggest challenges was to develop a concept and strategy for the country's economic security. The regulation of the country's economic security depends on the correct solution of the problem. For this, it is important to set the right economic policy. Foreign trade policy is also an integral part of economic policy. The role of relevant government agencies in the implementation of Azerbaijan's foreign trade policy is very large. Production, science and technology, economic, scientific and technical cooperation occupies a central place

in the economic life of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The national economy is highly dependent on the system of foreign economic relations.

After gaining economic independence and sovereignty, Azerbaijan was given the opportunity to integrate into the world economic system. At present, Azerbaijan is establishing active economic, political, scientific, technical and cultural relations with the world community, among which foreign trade is of great importance. There are 5 groups of such tools used in foreign trade practice:

1. Means of economic regulation - customs duties, balancing border taxes, financial assistance to local producers;

2. Means of administrative regulation - bans and restrictions on imports and exports, licensing and quotas on imports, etc.

3. Means of technical regulation - standards and norms, methods of determining compliance with standards, safety norms and rules, product certification systems, sanitary-veterinary and environmental measures, health norms.

4. Various assistance measures for the export of goods to local producers.

5. Currency - financial measures.

After gaining independence, the foreign trade policy of the Azerbaijan Republic serves the creation and use of new sources of finance. To interfere in foreign trade, one of the most important tools is customs tariffs. After the adoption of the Customs Code in the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 10, 1997, the "Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Customs Tariffs" adopted on June 20, 1995 entered into force. This law mainly determines the rules of formation and application of the customs tariff, which is an important tool of state regulation of foreign trade, as well as the collection of duties on goods crossing the customs border of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ensuring the effective connection of the domestic market with the foreign market. The export policy in the countries with economies in transition, as well as in Azerbaijan, includes:

> Ensuring export orientation of production areas.

> Creating favorable conditions for export-oriented industries.

> Assess the expediency of these or other areas and suspend activities in areas that cannot compete with imports.

> Customs protection, financial and fiscal incentives.

The choice of methodological tools in export-import policy depends on a number of factors. Denying them can only lead to negative aspects. Thus, in this case, the specific goods, the situation formed in its production, of those goods, the share of the domestic market and exports, the prospects of the international division of labor must be taken into account.

The development of international economic cooperation requires, first of all, the expansion of relations between the countries, and one of the main directions is the diversification of world economic relations and the international economy should consist of expanding re-



lations with organizations. From the first years of independence, Azerbaijan has tried to establish and deepen relations with international organizations. Azerbaijan is a member of more than 20 specialized United Nations organizations and more than 50 standing and temporary committees and commissions: Council of Europe, OSCE, WTO (observer), NATO (associate member), World Bank Group, ICT, BVF etc.

The cooperation of the Republic of Azerbaijan with a number of international organizations can be broadly interpreted as follows.

The Republic of Azerbaijan has been a member of the United Nations since March 2, 1992. Over the years, our country has been closely involved in the activities of various UN specialized agencies, and is widely represented from the General Assembly of the organization to the working bodies at the expert level. The Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of the United Nations on March 2, 1992, and on May 6, 1992, the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations was opened. From the first day of cooperation with the UN, Azerbaijan has tried to draw the attention of the international community to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict from the UN platform and reach a peace agreement using the potential of the UN.

During 1993, the UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolutions 822, 853, 874, 884 on the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Each resolution was adopted as a result of the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Armenian armed forces. These resolutions reaffirmed the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and demanded an immediate ceasefire, an end to hostilities and the withdrawal of the occupying forces from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan actively and effectively cooperates with many special UN agencies and bodies. Among them the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN Children's Fund, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Industrial Development Organization, the World Health Organization, the UN Women's Fund, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty can be mentioned.

Cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been established to improve the situation among IDP and refugee children and adolescents. Azerbaijan was a member of the UNICEF Executive Board from 1995-1997 and 1998-2000.

Given the importance of education, science and culture, Azerbaijan cooperates extensively with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and for this purpose, the National Commission of Azerbaijan under UNESCO was established in 1994 by a presidential decree.

From the five institutions of the World Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development September 18, 1992, to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency September 23, 1992, to the Center for International Investment Dispute Settlement October 18, 1992, to the International Development Association 1995 March 31,

and became a member of the International Finance Corporation on October 11, 1995. The World Bank's ongoing projects include:

- "National water supply and sewerage services - II" project;

- "Highway - III" project;

- "Rural investment" project;

- "II Agricultural Development and Lending" project;

- "Restoration of power transmission system" project;

- "Corporate and budget sector accountability" project;

- "Integrated solid waste management" project;

- "Education Sector Development - II" project;

- "Pension and social security" project;

- "Development of social protection" project;

- "Modernization of the justice system" project;

- "Health Sector Reforms - II" project;

- "Assistance to the economic development of IDPs" project (additional funding);

- "Real estate registration" project;

- "Capacity building for public investment" project;

- "Support to railway trade and transport" project.

- Azerbaijan to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) 1992 25

- has been a member since September. Allocated by the EBRD with a state guarantee

- The projects implemented at the expense of loans include the following:

- Construction of "Yenikend" Hydroelectric Power Station;

- Reconstruction of Mingachevir Hydroelectric Power Station;

- Modernization of air navigation system;

- Reconstruction of the Azerbaijan-Transcauca-sian railway network;

- Improving the water supply system of Greater Baku;

- Hajigabul - Kurdamir highway reconstruction project.

Independent Azerbaijan is rapidly integrating into the world community. Today, Azerbaijan is recognized as an equal partner in the international arena and a system of long-term cooperation is being established with it. In this context, strengthening confidence in the country is of particular importance, and this confidence can be based on a number of principles. One such principle is membership in the World Trade Organization. Azerbaijan wants to become a member of the organization with the status of "developing country". The WTO is an international organization established in 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The WTO is the only international organization that sets global rules for trade between states. Its main function is to ensure that trade is balanced, unhindered, probable and free. The goal is to improve the well-being of the people of member countries.

In 1997, the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan decided to apply for membership in the World



Trade Organization (WTO). Immediately after that, he began to prepare the documents necessary to discuss the terms of his membership in the WTO and to justify the application. Our country had to establish an appropriate regulatory regime in order to establish relations with other countries and take its rightful place in the international arena.

At present, Azerbaijan has an observer status in this organization and is working purposefully to join the WTO. Azerbaijan's WTO Coordination Group has been established, which carries out the entire negotiation process. WTO membership is a complex process. It is not just a matter of reading tariff agreements and discounts for services offered by foreigners. It hopes that the applicant country will improve and modernize its foreign trade laws, including measures governing foreign trade and other normative legal acts.

It is an advantage to have transparent and effective laws, regardless of the decision to join the WTO. The principles and norms of the Uruguay Round, regardless of any considerations, are generally beneficial to the country's trade. They reduce operating costs and increase the country's competitiveness in trade.

The desire of the Republic of Azerbaijan to join the WTO stems from the country's modern trade policy. The main goal of this policy is to enter the world economy and international trade on the most efficient and favorable terms. Achieving these goals can accomplish a number of important tasks:

- Access of goods and services of Azerbaijani origin to international markets on favorable and nondiscriminatory terms;

- strengthening the country's export potential and improving the structure and composition of exports in general;

- Protect the rights of local producers in an "open" economy using WTO rules.

The internationalization of economic life, all aspects of Azerbaijan's integration with the modern world under difficult conditions, along with creating new opportunities, create new problems and sometimes threats. Effective use of these opportunities, timely detection and study of existing problems and threats is one of the issues of vital importance for Azerbaijan today.

From the first years of its independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan has sought to establish economic relations with countries around the world in order to restore its shattered economy. First of all, Azerbaijan expressed its intention to establish friendly and cooperative relations with neighboring countries, and began to be represented in various international economic organizations and regional economic organizations. Since the true political independence of developing countries is strengthened only by their economic independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan has struggled to achieve economic independence at this stage.

In terms of foreign trade turnover, Azerbaijan is the undisputed leader in the South Caucasus. Thus, the annual foreign trade turnover of neighboring Georgia

and Armenia is only $ 7 billion. This is about 5 times less than Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover. As can be seen, a significant part of the region's foreign trade is with Azerbaijan.


The article identifies the main directions and tools of interstate and international legal regulation of economic cooperation, the theoretical basis of the establishment of international economic organizations in the system of economic cooperation, the role of international economic organizations in the system of multilateral legal regulation, multilateral legal framework for international trade relations. The activity of the organizations regulating the international financial-currency relations was studied, the bases of the activity of the international economic organizations in the multilateral legal regulation of the international financial-currency relations were studied, the current state of the international economic relations of Azerbaijan was studied. analyzed, legal regulation of cooperation The issues of improving the quality of education have been investigated.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


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