Научная статья на тему 'International marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland'

International marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pukala Ryszard, Lysytsia Nadiia M., Prytychenko Tamara I., Gron Oleksandra V.

The observed imbalance in the demand for and supply of economic educational services became the basis for studying the reasons for this phenomenon. The number of applicants wishing to enroll in universities is decreasing. One of the reasons for this tendency can be considered the professional and geographical heterogeneity of the provision of educational services in general, and economic educational services in particular. The fact that Poland is geographically clos­est to Ukraine became a stimulus for the increasing outflow of entrants and students to Poland. The aim of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of peculiarities in the perception of economic educational services by students in Ukraine and Poland. Based on the determination of ratings of the motives for choosing a specialty, there identified the criteria for choosing a university, the role of sources of information about the university, professional values, areas of the future professional activity, specific features of the perception of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland. Prospects for economic educational service in these countries are suggested, which will provide ways for their fruitful cooperation in the future.

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Текст научной работы на тему «International marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland»

UDC 339.138



UDC 339.138

Pukala R., Lysytsia N. M., Prytychenko T. I., Gron O. V. International Marketing of Economic Educational Services

in Ukraine and Poland

The observed imbalance in the demand for and supply of economic educational services became the basis for studying the reasons for this phenomenon. The number of applicants wishing to enroll in universities is decreasing. One of the reasons for this tendency can be considered the professional and geographical heterogeneity of the provision of educational services in general, and economic educational services in particular. The fact that Poland is geographically closest to Ukraine became a stimulus for the increasing outflow of entrants and students to Poland. The aim of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of peculiarities in the perception of economic educational services by students in Ukraine and Poland. Based on the determination of ratings of the motives for choosing a specialty, there identified the criteria for choosing a university, the role of sources of information about the university, professional values, areas of the future professional activity, specific features of the perception of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland. Prospects for economic educational service in these countries are suggested, which will provide ways for their fruitful cooperation in the future.

Keywords: international marketing, economic educational service, academic mobility, peculiarities of perception, experts, prospects for economic educational services, fruitful cooperation. Fig.: 5. Tbl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Pukala Ryszard - Pro-rector for Student Affairs, State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw (16 Charnetskego Str., Jaroslaw, 37-500, Poland) E-mail: ryszard.pukala@in teria.pl

Lysytsia Nadiia M. - D. Sc. (Sociology), Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Prytychenko Tamara I. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Gron Oleksandra V. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 339.138

Пукала Р., Лисиця Н. М., Притиченко Т. I., Гронь О. В. Мiжнародний маркетинг eKOHOMi4Hux ocBimHix послуг в Укран та Польщi

Спостережуваний дисбаланс попиту та пропозицИ економ1чно1 освт-ньо1 послуги став тдставою для вивчення причин цього явища. Скорочу-еться кльксть абтур'кнт'в, як бажають вступати до вишiв. Одмею з причин тако'1 поведiнки можна вважати професшну та географiчну гетерогеннсть надання осв'ттх послуг у цлому й економiчних освт-шх послуг зокрема. Географ'нна близьксть Польщi стала стимулом для тдвищеного в'дтоку до цeiкрани абтур'кнт'ю iстудент'ю. Мета статтi - пор'вняльний аналз особливостей сприйняття економiчноi освiтньоi послуги студентами Украни та Польщi. На основi виявлення рейтингв мотивiв вибору спе^альностi, критерИв вибору вишу, рол> джерел iнформацii про заклади вищоi освти, профеайних цнностей, сфер майбутньо/' професйноi д'тльностi тощо визначено специфку особливостей сприйняття економiчноi освiтньоi послуги в УкраМ та Польщi. Запропоновано перспективи економiчноi освiтньоi послуги в цих кранах, що забезпечить шляхи ix плiдноi ствпрац в майбутньому. Ключов'1 слова: мiжнародний маркетинг, економiчна освтня послуга, академiчна моб'шьшсть, особливостi сприйняття, експерти, перспективи економiчноiосвiтньоi послуги, плдна сшвпраця. Рис.: 5. Табл.: 1. Ббл.: 10.

Пукала Ришард - проректор у справах студент'в, Ярославська Державна вища теxнiко-економiчна школа iм. Б. Маркевича (вул. Чарнец-кего, 16, Ярослав, 37-500, Польща) E-mail: ryszard.pukala@in teria.pl

Лисиця Надiя Миxайлiвна - доктор соцiологiчниx наук, професор, профе-сор кафедри економки та маркетингу, Харювський нацюнальний еконо-мiчний утверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (просп. Науки, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Притиченко Тамара Ва^вна - кандидат економiчниx наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економжи та маркетингу, Харювський нацюнальний еконо-мiчний унверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (просп. Науки, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Гронь Олександра Вiкторiвна - кандидат економiчниx наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економки та маркетингу, Харювський нацЬнальний еконо-мiчний унверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (просп. Науки, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 339.138

Пукала Р., Лисица Н. М., Притыченко Т. И., Гронь А. В. Международный

маркетинг экономических образовательных услуг в Украине и Польше

Наблюдаемый дисбаланс спроса и предложения экономической образовательной услуги стал основанием для изучения причин этого явления. Сокращается количество абитуриентов, желающих поступать в вузы. Одной из причин подобного поведения можно считать профессиональную и географическую гетерогенность предоставления образовательных услуг в целом и экономических образовательных услуг в частности. Географическая близость Польши стала стимулом для повышенного оттока в эту страну абитуриентов и студентов. Цель статьи - сравнительный анализ особенностей восприятия экономической образовательной услуги студентами Украины и Польши. На основе выявления рейтингов мотивов выбора специальности, критериев выбора вуза, роли источников информации о вузе, профессиональных ценностей, сфер будущей профессиональной деятельности и т. д. определена специфика особенностей восприятия экономической образовательной услуги в Украине и Польше. Предложены перспективы экономической образовательной услуги в этих стра- ^ нах, что обеспечит пути их плодотворного сотрудничества в будущем. Ключевые слова: международный маркетинг, экономическая образовательная услуга, академическая мобильность, особенности восприятия, эксперты, перспективы экономической образовательной услуги, плодотворное сотрудничество. Рис.: 5. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 10.

Пукала Рышард - проректор по делам студентов, Ярославская Государ- О ственная высшая технико-экономическая школа им. Б. Маркевича (ул. Чар-нецкего, 16, Ярослав, 37-500, Польша) E-mail: [email protected]

Лисица Надежда Михайловна - доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры экономики и маркетинга, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (просп. Науки, 9а, Харьков, ,

61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Притыченко Тамара Ивановна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики и маркетинга, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (просп. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected] Гронь Александра Викторовна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики и маркетинга, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (просп. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]


Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 9 '2018


In recent years, a certain imbalance in the supply of and demand for educational services has been observed. There still remains a common opinion that higher education is necessary. However, as practice shows, it is not enough to get a good job, which would provide the basis for career growth, self-realization, achievement of full satisfaction and welfare. In this regard, scientists are increasingly turning to studying the prospects and shortcomings of education in general and higher education in particular. The reasons for the focus on higher education include the concern of higher education institutions over the decrease in the flow of applicants, geographical expansion of educational services.

Under conditions of fierce competition among universities for potential consumers of educational services, there is an obvious outflow of potential students who choose an economic specialty as their future profession to Poland. The country is geographically closest to Ukraine, which is a fundamental factor of the increasing academic mobility in this area.

In November 2017, 72 700 foreigners planned studying in Poland, at least for one year. Most of the foreigners came from European countries, more than half of them (37 800 or 52,0%) being from Ukraine. Students from Belarus (6000 or 8,3%) and India (3000 or 4,1%) were the second in number [1]. In November 2016, the number of Ukrainian students wishing to study at Polish universities was 35 584. In comparison with 2011-2012 (6321 people), the number of the Ukrainian students in 2017 increased almost 6 times [2].

As it is known, international marketing of services is a set of actions aimed at satisfying needs, tastes and preferences of foreign consumers. It is the consumer who manages the procedure for providing educational services by specifying new requirement, while universities should monitor such requirements and ensure the organization of conditions to meet them. The motives and criteria for choosing economic educational services by students of Ukraine and Poland, the importance of sources of information about higher education institutions, specialties in the sphere of higher education, the vision of good job for graduates of economic universities have not been subject to detailed analysis by scientists, which determined the relevance of this study.

The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of peculiarities in the perception of economic educational services by students in Ukraine and Poland, which can become a basis for identifying specifics of the services and organizing fruitful cooperation between universities of both countries. To achieve the aim, the authors set the following tasks: 1) to analyze studies in the field of educational services; 2) identify models of marketing services relevant to the sphere of education; 3) consider the results of the marketing research on the perception of economic educational services by students of Ukraine and Poland; 4) summarize the results of the expert survey in the sphere of economic educational services; 5) deter-

mine the prospects for economic educational services in these countries and possible areas for cooperation between their universities.

The founder of economic theory, A. Smith, in his work "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" singled out education as one of the factors determining the difference between the wages of skilled labor and common labor: "The wages of labor vary with the easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense, of learning the business. When any expensive machine is erected, the extraordinary work to be performed by it before it is worn out, it must be expected, will replace the capital laid out upon it, with at least the ordinary profits. A man educated at the expense of much labor and time to any to those employments which require extraordinary dexterity and skill, may be compared to one of those expensive machines. The work which he learns to perform, it must be expected, over and above the usual wages of common labor, will replace to him the whole expense of his education, with at least the ordinary profits of an equally valuable capital. It must do this too in a reasonable time, regard being had to the very uncertain duration of human life, in the same manner as to the more certain duration of the machine. The difference between the wages of skilled labor and those of common labor is founded upon this principle" [3, p. 117-118]. Thus, A. Smith associated education with the investment process and noted the need to assess effectiveness of investments in education from the point of view of all participants in this process, and not just the student as "in the meantime he must, in many cases, be maintained by his parents or relations" [3, p. 119].

The opinion that problems of investment asymmetry in the market of educational services should be taken into account when determining the role and essence of educational marketing in the work of universities is of interest. We know that young people use a two-level assessment of the results of educational marketing. Those who receive education for the first time, assess their satisfaction with education by the degree of difficulty in passing exams, simplicity of training. Those who receive the second education assess the content of courses, syllabus and teachers' qualification" [4, p. 40].

The basic principle of the marketing approach in the provision of educational services was studied by T. Obolenska. According to the scientist, "the only enduser of educational services is an individual - an entrant, student who differs from other consumers. He uses the educational potential not only to receive and create benefits but also to directly meet his needs, especially cognitive ones. Other consumers of educational services, for example, enterprises, organizations, firms are intermediate ones, but they form demand" [5, p. 8]. It is worth considering the point of view of V. Dmytriiev that "an educational service cannot be both the process and result of the process. An educational service is a process (activity)

BI3HECIHOOPM № 9 '2018


of an educational institution aimed at creating an educational product. An educational service which is offered in the form of conducting classroom lessons (lectures, courses, seminars) is the process of creating an educational service in the form of knowledge, skills, experience. An educational service which is offered in the form of preparing educational materials (textbooks, teaching materials, monographs, video discs) is the process of creating educational product in the form of educational commodity. The educational product, not the educational service, is a specific kind of commodity and has a dual nature: the form of knowledge, skills, experience of the trainees and the form of an educational product" [6, p. 7].

S. Semeniuk believes that "innovative marketing is, above all, the concept of educational marketing. According to this concept, institutions of higher education should constantly improve educational services and marketing methods, which will allow universities to ensure competitiveness and unite the interests of consumers, the university and the whole society" [7, p. 2]. C. Gron-roos noted that "interaction is a mutual and reciprocal action where two or more parties have an effect upon one another. The parties involved are in some contact with each other" [8, p. 14].

As it is known, Christian Gronroos, a representative of the Northern School of Service Marketing studied interactive marketing aimed at the process of interaction between the consumer and the service company personnel (Gronroos C. Service Management and Marketing Management. Mass Marketing Science Institute, 1990). According to C. Gronroos, "the most immediate evidence of service quality occurs during service encounter or "moment of truth" [9], i.e. the period of interactive marketing. C. Gronroos suggests considering a functional instrumental model of service quality and internal marketing. It is important, as C. Gronroos asserts, not only what service is offered, but also how it happens [9]. The triangular model of marketing services of P. Kotler [10] can be considered as important, in our opinion, in the sphere of providing educational services. By analogy with it, in the sphere of educational services it is possible to analyze three stages: university - consumer, university - teachers, and teachers - consumers. Thus, three strategies become relevant: the strategy of traditional marketing in the process of organizing communication with consumers of educational services, nominating prices for the provision of educational services, and choosing the media and forms of distribution of information. The internal marketing strategy is focused on motivating teachers to use new education technologies, improve them in accordance with the results of monitoring the feedback from consumers of educational services. The strategy of interactive marketing is implemented in the process of defining the motives for choosing a profession and the criteria for choosing a university, identifying the most important sources of information about insti-

tutions of higher education, and clarifying professional values which become an incentive for making decisions about the need for obtaining higher economic education, analyzing the spheres of professional activity attractive to graduates of economic specialties.

The authors of the article use interactive marketing at the level of teachers - consumers of educational services, offering a questionnaire for consumers of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland. The results of the survey procedure can be presented as follows in Table 1.

The results of the respondents' answers to the inquiries are presented in the form of histograms (Fig. 1 -Fig. 5).

In the questionnaire, it was suggested to assess the motives for choosing the future economic specialty on a five-point scale (1 point - insignificant, 5 points -most significant). The results of the respondents' answers indicate that all the motives indicated in the questionnaire are estimated by them as sufficiently high (Fig. 1). The vertical axis reflects the average score for each motive.

For Ukrainian students, the most important motives for choosing an economic specialty are as follows: the prestige of the profession, the opportunity for career growth; the possibility for self-development and self-realization; high wages. Polish students consider significant high wages, economic education as a basis for setting up and running a business, and demand for the profession in the labor market.

An important direction of the research is defining the most significant criteria for choosing universities by Ukrainian and Polish students, which makes it possible to determine the direction of development of universities and advertising campaigns. The results of the respondents' answers regarding the criteria for choosing universities are presented in Fig. 2. The criteria were also evaluated on a five-point scale (1 - an insignificant criterion, 5 - the most significant criterion). The vertical axis indicates the average score for each criterion.

The results of comparing the answers of the students in Ukraine and Poland testify to differences in their opinion regarding the importance of the criteria. Students in Ukraine consider important the availability at the university of the specialty they are interested in; the status of the university (national); the possibility for obtaining a state-funded education; the availability of developed material and technical base at the university; the availability of a master's degree program.

Polish students consider most important the convenience of location; the status of the university (national); obtaining a classical education; recommendations of friends, professionals; the possibility for obtaining a state-funded education. In the opinion of Ukrainian students, the non-essential criteria for choosing a university are as follows: parents studied at this university; famous graduates; teaching disciplines in a foreign language;

Results of surveying students in Ukraine and Poland

Table 1

Inquiries Ukraine Poland

1. Motives for choosing a profession The most important motives

1) the prestige of the profession, the opportunity for career growth; 2) the possibility for self-development and self-realization; 3) high wages; 4) personal interests, hobbies; 5) the opportunity to communicate with interesting people 1) high wages; 2) economic education as a basis for setting up and running a business; 3) the demand for a profession in the labor market; 4) the prestige of the profession, the possibility of career growth; 5) personal intellectual abilities

All motives are highly appreciated, the discrepancy between average estimates is insignificant

2. Criteria for choosing universities The most important criteria for choosing a university

1) the presence in the university of the specialty of interest; 2) the status of the university (national); 3) the possibility for obtaining a state-funded education; 4) a developed material and technical base of the university; 5) the availability of a master's degree program 1) convenience of location; 2) the status of the university (national); 3) obtaining a classical education; 4) recommendations of friends, professionals; 5) the possibility for obtaining a state-funded education

The least important criteria for choosing a university

1) parents studied at this university; 2) famous graduates; 3) teaching disciplines in a foreign language; 4) friends study at this university; 1) parents studied at this university; 2) the possibility of obtaining military training; 3) the provision of university accommodation; 4) famous graduates

3. The most important sources of information about universities 1) information from teachers in their school and parents; 2) television, printed publications, advertising in the subway; 3) information from representatives of the university that conducted meetings with applicants; 4) university guides; 5) advertising booklets 1) websites of universities; 2) information from university representatives; 3) participation in the Open Day event; 4) university guides; 5) advertising booklets; 6) from their parents and acquaintances

4. Why do you need higher education? (professional values) To get a good job (84% of the respondents), for self-education (68% of the respondents), to raise the social status (50% of the respondents) and the cultural level (44%) To get a good job (100% of the respondents), for career growth (68% of the respondents), to raise the social status (50% of the respondents) and for self-education (48%)

5. In which sphere of marketing activities would you like to work? Graduates of domestic universities are more oriented to work in the field of advertising (44% development of new products (36%) and branding (32%). Low interest in working in the field of public relations (14%), pricing (14%), and development of marketing plans (18%) The most positive responses were: desire to work in the field of pricing (28,6%), market research (24,5%), and consumer behavior research (22,4%). A small percentage of interest in the development of marketing plans (10%), public relations (10,2%) and advertising (12,2%)

friends study at this university; the provision of university accommodation; the size of the tuition fee.

The non-essential criteria for Polish students are as follows: parents studied at this university; the possibility for obtaining military training; the provision of university accommodation; famous graduates;

teaching disciplines in a foreign language; the availability of a master's degree program; the size of the tuition fee.

For the implementation of high-quality marketing communications of the university with applicants, it is important to know which sources of information are appropriate to use in advertising campaigns. For this purpose, the degree of importance of these sources for appli-

5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1

0,5 0



1 - personal interests, hobbies; 2 - high wages; 3 - personal intellectual abilities; 4 - demand for the profession in the labor market; 5 - prestige of the profession, career opportunities; 6 - ability to communicate with interesting people; 7 - economic education as a basis for setting up and running a business; 8 - possibility for self-development and self-realization; 9 - universal character of acquired knowledge.

Fig. 1. Motives for choosing an economic specialty by students in Ukraine and Poland









4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1

0,5 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

■ Ukraine ■ Poland

1 - convenience of the university's location; 2 - developed material and technical base of the university; 3 - sports facilities of the university, the availability of sports clubs; 4 - provision of university accommodation; 5 - presence the of the specialty of interest at the university; 6 - obtaining a classical education; 7 -availability of master's degree program; 8 - possibility for obtaining military training; 9 - possibility for obtaining a state-funded education; 10 - the size of the tuition fee; 11 - teaching disciplines in a foreign language; 12 - contacts with foreign universities and other organizations; 13 - opportunity to simultaneously study abroad and get 2 diplomas at once; 14 - status of the university (national); 15 - university brand; 16 - recommendations of friends, professionals; 17 - opinion about the university of relatives, friends; 18 - friends study at this university; 19 - parents studied at this university; 20 - famous graduates.

Fig. 2. Criteria for choosing universities by students in Ukraine and Poland

cants was determined. The results of the survey that was carried out among students regarding the importance of information sources for them are shown in Fig. 3. Assessing the importance of information sources was carried out on a five-point scale (1 point - an insignificant source, 5 points - the most important source of information). The vertical axis indicates the average estimate of importance for students of the source of information about the university.

The opinions of Ukrainian and Polish students about the importance of sources of information about universities do not coincide either. Ukrainian students consider the information received from their parents and teachers in their school, from the media, from representatives of universities, and directories of universities most important.

For Polish students, websites of universities, advertising booklets, university guides participation in the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

■ Ukraine ■ Poland

1 - from their parents and acquaintances; 2 - from teachers in their school; 3 - representatives of the university; 4 - from promotional booklets; 5 - participation in the Open Door Day; 6 - sites of universities; 7 - television, printed publications, advertising in the subway; 8 - university guides.

Fig. 3. Results of assessing the importance of sources of information about higher education institutions

Open Door Day, and information from their relatives and friends are important sources of information. Fig. 4 presents the results of the respondents' answers regarding the professional values of higher education. The percentage of students who gave a positive answer regarding the values indicated in the questionnaire is shown on the vertical axis.

For Ukrainian students, significant values are getting a good job, self-education, raising the social status. The main professional values of higher education for Polish students are getting a good job and career growth. The formation of professional competencies of future specialists is made with consideration for requirements of employers and inclination of students to this or that sphere of professional activity. Thus, according to the survey results, Polish students want to work in the field of pricing, market research, and studying con-

sumer behavior. The Ukrainian students see themselves as future experts in the field of advertising, development of new products, and branding (Fig. 5). The vertical axis indicates the percentage of the respondents who had chosen the priority area of their future activity.

The data make it possible to determine the priorities of first-year students and are the basis for the development of directions for improving, and more often adjusting the process of providing educational services in Ukraine and Poland.

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The opinion of teachers involved in the process of providing educational services is of equal interest. Therefore, a number of teachers were selected to be experts by the following criteria: the experience of teaching at a university of economics for at least 10 years; international internships, including Polish universities; a status no lower than a Doctor of Science or an administrator who orga-





fi 80


o 60



< 20

S 0



1 - getting a good job; 2 - self-education; 3- career growth; 4 - raising the social status; 5 - raising the cultural level; 6 - other.

Fig. 4. Professional values of higher education for students in Ukraine and Poland






50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

123456789 ■ Ukraine ■ Poland

1 - advertising; 2 - public relations; 3 - pricing; 4 - market research; 5 -consumer behavior research; 6 - development of new products;

7 - development of marketing plans; 8 - branding; 9 - other.

Fig. 5. Career field of future specialists




nizes contacts with universities in Poland. It should be noted that the generalized result of the opinion of experts is of interest and can be used to improve the process of providing educational services to future economists. Thus the experts explain the rating of motives for choosing an economic specialty by students in Poland as follows: the Polish students are oriented towards observance of the traditions of private entrepreneurship. In Poland, there are many types of individual businesses, so the demand for the profession in the labor market is evident. Poland is a country with a reduced model of a market economy. There are problems of unemployment among graduates of economic specialties. In recent years, the popularization of and demand for technical and engineering specialties has been welcomed. All above mentioned explains the orientation towards the combination of high wage expectations, intentions of running a business, desire for career growth and demand on the labor market.

The experts explain the rating of motives for choosing economic specialties by students in Ukraine by incomplete information about the labor market, and low payment for the labor of economists. The prestige for the Ukrainian students means, first of all, the status of the profession, the demand on the labor market and only then the remuneration of labor. Such an understanding of prestige is formed under the influence of parents, since the dualism of the "parent-child" relationship dominates in Ukrainian families.

Considering the degree of importance of the selected criteria for students in Poland, it should be mentioned that they choose a university with regard to business needs. Choosing business is a priority, therefore classical education is desirable. Sources of financing are not so important, since there is a demand for correspondence education. Students in Poland are pragmatic. They keep their budget under control, so the location of the university is important. The soundness of the reputation of the

university is manifested in the image of the university, its status. The rating of the criteria for choosing a university by students in Ukraine is explained by the influence of their parents, which causes the priority of the possibility for obtaining a state-funded education. Due to the current market situation (which affects the education sphere), the significance of the availability of a master's degree program in the specialty of interest in the university increases, which is important for employers, who are interested in the graduates' possessing certain professional competencies. Thus, there observed orientation toward a future profession, a positive image of which has been formed in the family.

Professional values of Polish students are formed on the basis of interpreting a good job as a phenomenon in which professional competencies are the key to successful and productive work that ensures career growth and, as a result, the improvement of the social status.

In Ukraine, students associate professional values with a status that automatically correlates with a high level of self-education. For Ukrainian students, a good job means additional benefits: interesting business trips, training at the employer's expense, salary in growth dynamics.

After graduating from the university, Polish students, according to experts, seek to work in the field of pricing, market research and consumer behavior research, because they want to get specific skills, the ability to control both their personal expenditures and those of the business in which they are engaged. They intend to control consumer preferences, which will allow them to change the strategy and tactics of the business in time. The development of marketing plans is of less interest to them, since foreign specialists are more often attracted to such work. As for advertising and PR - there is an opinion that it is necessary to focus on European models of professional activity in these areas.

In Ukraine, students are willing to work in the field of advertising and PR, developing new products, and

branding, since there is a pseudo-stereotype about employment in this spheres, incomplete information about the requirements for those who are engaged in them. It is believed that in advertising and PR there is no strict schedule and they provide more discretion for employees. One can observe typical manifestations of the characteristics inherent in Generation Z. Students are looking for a zone to realize their creative abilities, as creativity is inherent in the Ukrainian nation. Moreover, the popularity of such professions in Ukraine is a consequence of the social and career guidance of entrants provided through the media.

The experts believe that the most important sources of information in Poland are university websites. This is due to the fact that Poland is a country with a well-developed Internet marketing, where new and dynamic stereotypes of behavior in the information space are welcomed, and a high level of access to information resources is observed, which is most likely influenced by neighboring with Germany. In Poland, young people have more confidence in such source of information as university websites. The students show the tendency to individual analysis of information, greater independence in decision-making.

In Ukraine, the most popular type of advertising among students is word of mouth advertising. The maximum trust is observed in those people who they know and those recommend by their parents. There is trust in the relative legitimacy of information disseminated through the media, which is due to the stereotype - the media use only verified information. Websites, the experts say, are more a way to verify information that was obtained earlier from people they trust. The processes of self-identification and self-sufficiency are weakened due to a greater dependence on parental care.


It should be noted that the international marketing in the field of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland has its peculiarities. They concern primarily the consumers and their behavior, namely: the motives for choosing a specialty, the criteria for choosing a university, professional values that are important for them, the role of information sources about institutions of higher education and specialties, choosing a career field. The expert survey confirmed the peculiarities and allowed to reveal their possible reasons. The comparative analysis of the answers of the respondents - students from Ukraine and Poland showed that the ratings of the selected criteria for the students of Ukraine and Poland are not identical and the reasons for the differences are explained by the experts. The obtained data make it possible to assert that the prospects of economic educational services in Ukraine are focused on the strategic employment opportunities for future specialists. This is likely to change the attitude of students towards professional activity, help to enhance their self-identification as developed personalities, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, pay at-

tention to more stringent requirements imposed by the international labor market. The prospects for economic educational services in Poland mostly focus on the need for long-term development of a professional image. It is no less important in a professional environment than wages, since it is this criterion that is a basis for sound reputation, strong business contacts, which can become a guarantee of success in professional activity. Marketing research of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland will help to choose ways for cooperation that will not reduce the level of demand for economic educational services in both countries, but open new opportunities for the exchange of specialists and effective use of their intellectual potential. ■


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УДК 338.24:378:347.73




УДК 338.24:378:347.73

Вербицька А. В. Франчайзинг ocBiTHix послуг як напрям диверсифтаци фшансових джерел 3a^aAiB вищо!' ocBi™

В умовах активЬацй процеав шжрнацюнатзаци д'тльностi заклад'в вищоi ocBimu актуальним е розгляд кращих закордонних практик експорту послуг вищоi оcвimu у формi оcвimнiх франшиз i вiдкрummя унверситетських фтш за кордоном. Мета cmаmmi полягае у визначенн механiзмiв, умов, фактор'в та ризит у франчайзингу осв'ттх послуг i в'дкриттi фшш ушверситет'в закордоном як 'нструмент'в нарощування експорту послуг вищоi освти в контекстi штеграци в европейський науково-освтнш прост'р. Заруб'жт фши розглядаються якможливстьзаклад'в вищоi освти розширити мiжнародну присутн'кть в шшш краМ та пiдвuщumu авторитет на новихринках осв'ттх послуг. Об(рунтовано необхiднicmь розвитку механiзмiв державного управлшня у сферi контролю якост'> вищоi транснацюнально(освти.

Ключов'! слова: штернацтнал'ващя, транскордонна освта, франчайзинг, вища освта, державна полтика у сферi вищоiосвти, мехашзми державного управлшня, закордонн фши ушверситет'в, експорт освтик послуг. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 1. Шбл.: 14.

Вербицька Анна BirnopiBHa - кандидат наук з державного управлшня, Чертг'юський нацональний mехнологiчнuй ушверситет (вул. Шевченка, 95, Чершг'т, 14027, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 338.24:378:347.73 Вербицкая А. В. Франчайзинг образовательных услуг как направление диверсификации финансовых источников заведений высшего образования

В условиях активизации процессов интернационализации деятельности заведений высшего образования актуально рассмотрение лучших зарубежных практик экспорта услуг высшего образования в форме образовательных франшиз и открытия университетских филиалов за рубежом. Цель статьи заключается в определении механизмов, условий, факторов и рисков во франчайзинге образовательных услуг и открытии филиалов университетов за рубежом как инструментов наращивания экспорта услуг высшего образования в контексте интеграции в европейское научно-образовательное пространство. Зарубежные филиалы рассматриваются как возможность заведений высшего образования расширить международное присутствие в дру-е гой стране и повысить авторитет на новых рынках образовательных услуг. Обоснована необходимость развития механизмов государственного управления в сфере контроля качества высшего транснационального образования.

Ключевые слова: интернационализация, трансграничное образование, франчайзинг, высшее образование, государственная политика в сфере высшего образования, механизмы государственного управления, зарубежные филиалы университетов, экспорт образовательных услуг. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 14.

Вербицкая Анна Викторовна - кандидат наук по государственному управлению, Черниговский национальный технологический университет (ул. Шевченко, 95, Чернигов, 14027, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

UDC 338.24:378:347.73 Verbytska A. V. The Franchising of Educational Services as a Direction of Diversification of Financial Sources of Higher Educational Institutions

In conditions of activization of processes of internationalization of activity of higher educational institutions consideration of the best foreign practices of export of higher education services in the form of educational franchises and opening of university affiliates abroad is relevant. The article is aimed at defining mechanisms, conditions, factors and risks in franchising of educational services when opening of branches of universities abroad as instruments of increasing exports of higher education services in the context of integration into the European scientific and educational space. Foreign affiliates are considered as an opportunity for higher education institutions to expand their international presence in another country and to increase their prestige in new markets of educational services. The necessity of development of mechanisms of the State management in the sphere of quality control of higher transnational education is substantiated.

Keywords: internationalization, cross-border education, franchising, higher education, the State policy in the sphere of higher education, mechanisms of the State administration, foreign affiliates of universities, export of educational services. Fig.: 1. Tbl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Verbytska Anna V. - PhD (State Administration), Chernihiv National Technological University (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 9 '2018


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