УДК 63
Gurdov N.
Aydogdyyev O.
Annaniyazov B.
In improving the quality of horse breeds, the main condition is the preservation of a sufficient number of different gene pools and their use. Carrying out these works, it is necessary to exchange pedigree horses between farms, to breed dying thoroughbred horses as far as possible, to breed horses in various environmental conditions, and also to maintain the constitution of purebred breeds, namely to breed horses in different directions. All this in the future will be the main indicators and directions of development of Ahalteke horse breeding. Therefore, improving Turkmen horse breeding in some breeding areas, appropriate materials are used effectively in the directions of their gene pool.
Ключевые слова:
Ahalteke horses, lines of horses, horses
The famous livestock specialist K.I.Gorelov, who was engaged in research on Turkmen soil in 1925-1927, directly studied the field and compiled a list of purebred horses, as well as the pedigree of the descendants of thoroughbred horses to the 4th knee and their next generations in the form of whole lists along the lines. In his work, he identifies 5 lines, the ancestors of which are the following horses: Boynov, Soltanguly, Nedirbay, Chaparkel and Hechili. As a result, the first lines of the Akhaltekehorses were established. K.I.Gorelov published the results of his work in 1928 in the book "Akhalteke horse breeding of Turkmenistan".
Later, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.I.Belonogov, who worked at Turkmen State University of Agriculture in 1963-1973, conducted research on the genesis of Turkmen Akhalteke horses, selection and genetic research, and at the same time began to work on new pedigree lines. Starting his research in 1934 on the territory of Turkmenistan, he studied the purebred Akhalteke horses, who were then in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, the Urals and the North Caucasus and kept their records. In the State stud book of Akhalteke horses, published in 1941, indicating Boynov as the ancestor, in addition to the above lines, he opens five more lines, thereby bringing the number of lines to nine. Also M.I.Belonogov in his book " Basic provisions of breeding work with the Akhalteke horse breed ", published in 1955, characterizes several pedigree lines of Akhalteke horses. To date, we have pedigrees of 17 lines of Akhalteke horses, these are: Akbilek, Aksakal, Arap, Dorbayram, Yel, Melegush, Posman, Saparkhan, Sluchay, Eyeberdi Teleke, Garlavach, Girsakar, Skak, Gelshikli, Gaplan, Peren, Fakirpalvan.
The line is a tribal complex of horses that have the same distinctive qualities and characters as the ancestor of the horse, known among the people, distinguished by breeding characteristics that meet modern requirements for the thoroughbred Akhalteke horses.
The scientific sources related to horse breeding, say that Turkmen people, when breeding horses, knew the line of horses by heart, paying a special attention to their origin. The method of breeding by species for thoroughbred horse breeding has been used by the Turkmen people since ancient times.
The breeding of horses on separate lines is made according to a certain relationship coming from the line's
ancestor. Professor Kislovsky believes that in order to prevent possible inbreeding depression as a result of kinship of horses, used to preserve the tribal and distinctive features of the genus, it is necessary to have at least 9 different lines in breeding and breeding, and in each of these lines at least 140 horses breeder. In addition, he notes that after a turnover of 5-7 generations from the ancestor, the genus turns into general tribes (genealogical line), and despite the fact that they matter for theoretical research, for breeding work in breeding horses, their value decreases. In this regard, the need arises to work on the best horses of a certain time period and create new lines.
At present, it is of great importance to study the pedigree of horses, generation of a tribe, achievements in equestrian sports, and the use of horses such as Keimir-2 (black horse, born in 1987, a descendant of Kerven and Elson) from the Girsakar line in breeding, as well as Goar-17 (a bulan horse born in 1986, a descendant of Govher and Menaka) from the Gelshikli line, considered one of the purest genera of Akhalteke horses among 17 known genera. Records from the State stud book of Akhalteke horses show that these thoroughbred horses were the most productive individuals of their generation. As a result of tribal work, several beautiful descendants were obtained from them. Nowadays, the descendants of their lines are widely used by manufacturers: belongs to Keimir-2 - Keimirkor, Keimir-3, Kemerli, Kovgun, Kanun and belongs to Goar-17 - Gulistan, Dalbedev, Bahrain, Gokkhan, Govshutkhan.
Our people, having formed the beginning and continued the race of Akhaltekehorses, an example of perfection and beauty, over many historical eras, mastered the subtleties of their reproduction, cultivation, and transmitted these subtleties from generation to generation. And each generation of the people developed and expanded its knowledge and experience in these areas, contributing to the development and improvement of horse breeding.
Список использованной литературы:
1. "The Stallion: A Breeding Guide for Owners and Handlers" James P. McCall 1995
2. "How To Raise Horses: Everything You Need to Know" Daniel Johnson, Samantha Johnson.2014
3. "Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination" Juan C. Samper. 2008
4. "A History of Horse Breeding" Daphne Machin Goodall .1977
© Gurdov N., Aydogdyyev O., Annaniyazov B., 2024
УДК 63
Арбапов С., преподаватель.
Гараев Дж., студент.
Сетдаров С., студент.
Сапарова Б., студентка.
Туркменский сельскохозяйственный институт.
Дашогуз, Туркменистан.
Амброзия psilosta-chya Dc — вид семейства Астровые. Он похож на полынь, а его стебель около 1 метра в высоту. Стебли и листья покрыты короткими жесткими волосками. Мужские цветки образуют желтые корзинчатые соцветия. Женские цветочные бутоны корзинчатой формы расположены у основания мужских цветочных почек. Незрелые плоды яйцевидные, одноколючие, 5,5-7 мм.