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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of using interactive teaching methods at the lessons of Russian language and literature. The study substantiates the didactic potential of this pedagogical technology, identifies the target system and the advantages of its use in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in modern school. In the work among the range of interactive technologies through theoretical analysis and selection the most effective methods that can be used in the framework of modern lessons of the Russian language and literature are indicated.
Keywords: interactive teaching methods, interactive learning, Russian language and literature lessons, the level of cognitive activity, gaming technology, Brainstorm, humanistic approach, personal development of students, thick and thin questions.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблеме использования интерактивных методов обучения на уроках русского языка и литературы. В исследовании обосновывается дидактический потенциал данной педагогической технологии, выявляется целевая система и преимущества ее использования на уроках русского языка и литературы в современной школе. В работе среди спектра интерактивных технологий путем теоретического анализа и отбора указаны наиболее эффективные методы, которые могут быть использованы в рамках современных уроков русского языка и литературы.
Ключевые слова: интерактивные методы обучения, интерактивное обучение, уроки русского языка и литературы, уровень познавательной активности, игровые технологии, мозговой штурм, гуманистический подход, личностное развитие учащихся, толстые и тонкие вопросы.
To date, there is a need to introduce innovative techniques and new pedagogical technologies to the educational process of innovative techniques and new pedagogical technologies, to ensure the individualization of learning and education, to develop independence of students, as well as contribute to the preservation and health promotion. And this can help interactive methods that fully meet these requirements.
Chjen Yelena Vitalyevna Namangan State University Dotsent
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The research process used the methods of objectivity, logic, analysis and synthesis of scientific knowledge. In the course of this research, the importance of Bloom's taxonomy was objectively revealed.
Interactive learning issues are devoted to the work of many scientists and specialists: S. Yu. Kurganova, V. Khane, M. V. Karman, and others. To exercise training using interactive methods, the teacher must have pedagogical skills. It should be brought to a high degree of educational and educational skill, reflecting a special collapse of methods and receptions. Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. It has in mind quite concrete and predicted goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such under which the learner feels their success, its intellectual consistency, which makes the learning process itself.
Interactive working methods in the educational process are the most promising due to the fact that they are able to organize an active and open discussion of educational material, modify it and supplement in the process of real-time discussion. "Interactivity - widespread concept with which in modern science disclose the nature and degree of interaction between objects, and in the methods are used to describe the method of active interaction between teacher, students and educational materials."
Currently, an increasing number of teachers apply non-traditional lessons in their work. This is due to the fact that it is due to this extraordinaryness of the content, methods and forms, the lesson gives the necessary acceleration of the development of the individual.
We believe that the use of interactive games, warm-up and exercises in the lesson of literature is a means of activating reader development and perception, because They contain components that provide interest in the tasks executable, interactive techniques and creative tasks. These elements help the teacher in conducting lessons based on various forms of collective and group work.
The use of game technologies and warm-ups as forms of consolidation of the studied material in the lessons of the Russian language and literature form students a steady interest in the teachings enrich the vocabulary, intensify the attention of children, intensify interest in the subject.
The most effective form of activation of the creative activity of students in literature lessons is the "brainstorming" method. The basic condition for the
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application of this method is the unconditional novelty of the text. Example: the story of the jacket "Pomegranate bracelet", the teacher does not read the work to the end, but gives the creative task to find the final to students who have to offer as much interesting ideas as possible. This method in modern school is perceived as a method for collective production of new ideas. The "brainstorming" method makes it possible to develop logical thinking, it is argued to express its point of view, activating speech skills. Algorithm for using the method "Brainstorming":
1 step - formulate a problem associated with theme lesson. Pupils formulated the problem: "Why is the work called" pomegranate bracelet "? - Pupils of Shaoid B. answered this question like this:" This subject became the center of all the work. " And Bakhtier K. thought and answered: "Grenade is a symbol of passion, love, because the name about strong and clean love."
2 step - divide students into several groups, taking into account their interests: I divided class students to 4 working groups.
3 step - Remove the tension to create a favorable atmosphere: We listened to the musical excerpt, which became a soundtrack for the film on this work. The guys themselves picked up fragments from the film and musical passages.
4 Step - "Brain Attack": assault, set: I suggested the students to come up with an end to the story. The guys offered two options: the heroine understands which high and pure love "hurt her with his wing," but nothing wanted to change in his life; Others - the hero and heroine are combined into a family.
5 step - fix ideas on paper. Pupils write their ideas on the papers.
6 Step - Select and evaluate the best ideas. Pupils and I took the best ideas.
7 step - to organize an expert group of 3 students who choose the best ideas. From each group, we chose one student, which should choose the best ideas.
8 step - report results. Pupils report results.
9 Step - Public Protection. Each group argues their answers.
10 step - decision making. We enrolled the scores of each group and summed up. We productively use this method in literature lessons when studying the lyrical works of Russian poets.
In the context of the educational process for schoolchildren, it is important not to just learn to mechanically memorize and reproduce the proposed material, but to master the skill of establishing causal relationships. For this purpose, the methodological techniques for the development of the logical thinking of the student
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4
educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
are used, including learning the ability to set questions and respond to them - both briefly and deployed. Often this is used for this, as "thick and subtle questions".
The essence of the technique: "thin" conventionally called questions that can be given a unambiguous answer. "Tolstaya" - problems of a problem, requiring an expanded response, knowledge of the material. The pedagogical reception of "thin and thick questions" is aimed at creating the skill to set correct questions and competently respond. The level of intellectual development of the schoolchildren is determined on matters that formulate a child according to a given topic. The teacher sees whether the material is studied, is it available to understand the student, whether the student is able to orally state the studied. Teaching children think, the teacher helps them evolve the answer. During the preparation and analysis of the issues between the teacher and students, a discussion occurs, stimulating creative skills, the best mastering of the material.
The objectives of the methodology: the use of "thin" and "thick" questions pursues three objectives: 1. The ability to consistently move from the information to the argued disclosure of the topic 2. Secure the formulation of questions. 3. Touch the culture of the discussion, respect for someone else's opinion. The structure of the school lesson includes three stages: repetition, study of new material, fixing. "Thin" and "thick" questions can be used on each of them. In high school, the ability to think about and thinking, to put questions and respond to them corresponds to a number of tasks of the corresponding age period and facilitates their passage. For a teenager, self-awareness, and communicating with peers are important; It also requires questions and answers. As a task to the house, the teacher may offer "thick and thin" questions on the content of the work, the text of the article, an additional source.
On the topic of studying the story of A.P.hekhov "Vanka" we held the following job: we put the following goals: 1. Done to the children, that every person has the right to live decent and have their rights. 2. To consider whether they understand it. 3. Crew in children the skill of reasoning and analyzing the artistic work.
We gave a preliminary task: after reading the work of the house to make up your "thin" questions. "Thin" questions from the teacher:
1. Transfer the heroes of the story.
2. How do you understand the meaning of the word "orphan"?
3. What event is the basis for the story?
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"Thick" questions from the teacher:
1. What is your attitude to the main hero?
2. How do you feel about the owners of the Vanka?
3. What do you think what future is waiting for a vanka?
Notes: During the class, the teacher emphasizes the attention of students on the answers to "thin and thick questions", asks: "Is it possible using only questions with specific answers, reveal the topic?"
Final task: To make up the story "thick" questions that will help to characterize the main character of the story "Vanka".
Thus, reflections and assessment of the student students continues at home and is completed in the next lesson when the teacher organizes a survey or, for example, a colloquium according to the "fat" issues, and then summarizing on the topic considered.
Interactive methods are innovative forms of learning, which contributes to the intensification of the cognitive activities of students, independent understanding of the educational material. In the course of using interactive methods in the lessons, conditions are created for self-realization of the identity of students who know how to think creatively and find rational ways to solve various situations. All of the above allows you to draw the following conclusions: 1. Currently, an increasing number of teachers apply non-traditional lessons in their work. This is due to the fact that it is due to this extraordinaryness of the content, methods and forms, the lesson gives the necessary acceleration of the development of the individual.
2. Interactive working methods in the educational process are the most promising due to the fact that they are able to organize an active and open discussion of educational material, modify it and supplement in the process of discussion in real time.
3. The use of interactive games, workouts and exercises in the lesson of literature is a means to activate readership and perception, because They contain components that provide interest in the tasks executable, interactive techniques and creative tasks. These elements help the teacher in conducting lessons based on various forms of collective and group work.
4. The "brainstorming" method makes it possible to develop logical thinking, it is argued to express its point of view, activating speech skills.
5. Strategy "Tolstaya and Thin Questions" allows you to encourage students with the desire for the knowledge of the subject, deep and comprehensive.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4
educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
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