Kagirova Asiyat Hasbulaevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer, a subsidiary of the DSU Izberbash.
Omarova Naida Omarovna, Dr. Sci. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences FGBOUIN "Dagestan State University" Omarova Patimat Hasbulaevna, graduate student «Dagestan State University» E-mail: [email protected]
Intensification of the educational process using interactive methods
Abstract: The paper studies the main methods of organizing interactive lessons and their use in the preparation for economists and lawyers professional activity. The effective use of interactive methods in order to enhance the teaching process is described. The examples of extracurricular work with students using these methods are given. The use of interactive methods in the training of lawyers and economists increases the efficiency of the educational process and increases the activity of students in the educational process.
Keywords: interactive methods, educational process, method of projects, extracurricular work.
Modern educational process focuses on the use In the organization of interactive lessons the
of effective teaching methods, which, in turn, focus- teacher is required not only a comprehensive knowl-
es on the student's active cooperation not only with edge of the subject, but also the ability to orien-
the teacher but also with other students. tate in the basic techniques of interactive teaching
So interactive teaching methods are considered methods. Therefore it is necessary to organize and
to be an effective method in individual, pair and use interactive lessons competently and technically
group activities. In addition, interactive teaching fairly. The ability to build an interactive lesson with
methods use a number of effective techniques such the interests, desires and readiness of the group for
as role-playing, case method, a method of "brain- activities will lead to effective results of using in-
storming", a presentation followed by a discussion teractive methods. Many teachers having no clear
of the problems, etc. [1]. understanding about the interactive lessons, impose
The main task of interactive methods is the inter- the students these or other issues, having forgotten
action of students not only with the teacher but also that the interactive lessons are primarily the activity
with each other, as well as the formation not only the of not only students, but also the entire group. The
students' activity in the educational process, but also teacher should give theme of discussed problem and
the independence in analyzing various information students should form the perspective of interest on
sources. this theme. That will allow to discuss issues more
The teacher acts here not as appreciating but relevant in today's environment. If the group does
rather guiding, orienting the student to the pointed not get interested it will not be active and a mutual
problems, forcing the student to develop the ability contact or double-sided activity as "teacher — stu-
to form their own adequate opinion. dent" or "student — student" will not occur.
Intensification of the educational process using interactive methods
The role of the teacher in the classroom with the use of interactive technology is to monitor the activities of students followed by reflection, reflecting progress on employment targets [2].
Therefore, methodical preparation of the teacher plays a great role during the interactive lessons. After all, in order to conduct a lesson with maximum efficiency, a teacher has to, first of all, know these techniques, have the computer skills and use Internet technology, be skillful with modern technology (computers, interactive whiteboard, etc.).
Modern lessons are, first of all, the use of interactive technologies such as: "work in pairs, carousel, incomplete sentences, brainstorming, problem analysis, the situation of playing in the roles, role playing, simulation, discussion, etc" [2].
In studying the topic "Psychology of relationship to money" with second-year students of economic departments of DSU following interactive methods were used: in the "brainstorming" they remembered and displayed as usual net all the functions of money, they repeated with the help of a multimedia typology presentation of Templer and Yamouchi "mercantilism" and held to secure small discussion on the topic "Money is a tool or the sense of the existence of youth today."
Such multi-stage interactive lessons where not only one interactive method is used but several hold the interest and activity of students in constant readiness to work and communicate not only with the teacher but also with their peers. This activity is supported by the desire to express their views on a particular issues, which allows the student to take a fresh look at themselves and their peers. The question arises here of a tact and the ability of the teacher to regulate effectively the formation of the correct, socially positive opinion of the students and not to put out the student's activity because of an erroneous understanding of the problem. The teacher should not forget that he does not only give the information but forms an opinion and attitude of the student.
The ability to combine multiple teaching methods, to solve educational problems certainly contributes to a better understanding by students the tasks, especially communicative ones.
It should be noted the sequence and combination of interactive methods, for example "brainstorming" technique combines well with role-playing game, and the teacher does not appear as an appraiser, but as an active participant playing his definite role. The teacher will share his experience and knowledge not as an imposing training element but as the experience through the formation of certain behavioral and professional situation.
Interactive lesson "Protection of opinion" goes particularly active. All students are completely involved in this procedure. And everyone's opinion should be reasoned in a few sentences. There are "opponents", "reviewers" and "social society". Student to your interests chooses a theme for a particular subject and prepares a "defense". "Opponents" and "reviewers" are prepared on a relevant subject their performances, in which they either support or do not support the submitted report. "Social Society" decides to adopt this point of view or not, and each of them in two sentences argues his answer. At the end of the lesson the whole group estimates the contribution of each. This interactive activity generates in students: first, independence and interest; secondly, the ability to defend their point of view and argue it; and thirdly, the ability to participate in the debate and assess the opinions of others. Not to mention the equally important skills such as searching for information, working with electronic and paper sources, training for public speaking, proper expression of thoughts and effective use of speech.
This interactive method is very effective for the formation of professional qualities and the formation of the student as a professional.
Therefore, this study revealed a number of mandatory requirements for the use of interactive methods:
1. High level of teacher's interactive methods and skills to apply them;
2. The multistage interactive lessons to maintain a constant activity of the student during the lesson;
3. More orientation of interactive lessons on the initiative and independence of the student.
The greatest interest was arisen by computer online game in which the student for some time had to choose one of the suggested roles, which at that time
was interesting for them. Sound roles in the online game generates in students positive behavior pattern of decision-making. The students have worked in pairs and small groups, simulated situations, voiced dialogues. These classes tend to bring positive results, because the game is the main means of development of cognitive interest. It helps to create and maintain a positive psychological atmosphere necessary for a comfortable training. Students imitating and playing with a variety of life situations learn to communicate and to express their opinion, thereby ensuring the achievement of the communication problems [3].
The use of interactive methods in teaching "Professional legal ethics" is focused on the study of not only ethical and moral values, but also on the social formation of the positive qualities of a professional identity.
Such problems are quite difficult for a teacher to solve, taking into account the reduction in the number of allocated hours. Therefore, teachers are looking for new forms of work, using techniques that make teaching not dull, and most importantly effective.
The method of "projects" [4], is one of the most popular methods of interactive teaching among students. For example, second-year students of economic department compulsorily protect projects in
the study of the professional module that has repeatedly proven in practice. Students make their presentations on topical issues of economics and business, answer the questions of their classmates, teachers, guests. In the process ofpreparing projects they manage in a short time to study scientific and journalistic material on the theme, to learn a large amount of professional vocabulary, to pick up an interesting video and audio support for their presentations. At the same time they perceive this task with great enthusiasm. Protection is usually organized in a specially equipped multimedia classroom that can locate everyone not just members.
It should be noted that good and proper use of interactive methods by the teacher increases not only the activity and students' interest in the subject, but also increases teacher's activity to obtain information. Application of these methods is the mutual development both teacher and student. Using interactive methods is an effective tool for activation of the process of learning that allows the student to be an active participant in the educational process, to form and develop his cognitive activity [4].
This work was financially supported by the State the task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the framework of research projects № 3960, № 3962.
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