Научная статья на тему 'Intentional values of physical culture among students'

Intentional values of physical culture among students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие социальные науки»

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Ключевые слова
values / intentional values of physical culture / physical culture / physical-sports activity / axiological potential

Аннотация научной статьи по прочим социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Tatiana A. Ponomareva

Health state of the future generation nowadays is one of the most urgent problems of society. This problem has a complex character and that is why it is necessary to solve it in an integrated manner, on the basis of system approach to the object of the research. Material. Received earlier results of the research works prove the following: firstly, the most important factor, which influences a person’s health, is his way of life; secondly, one of the productive ways of physical potential increase and health improvement are regular physical exercises; thirdly, medical character of a modern system of public health can’t be considered acceptable, it is necessary to create the mechanisms of a person’s self-saving behavior formation and it means his active attitude to own health. The article is about an urgent problem of young people involvement into a healthy life-style. The subject of the analysis form a healthy life-style and intentional values of physical culture. The author has the aim to determine the level of intentional values of physical culture formation among young people. Research methods: The base of the research present the following approaches: system and culturological. The research methods are the following: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, the results of All-Russian opinion polls analysis, questionnaire survey “Students’ health” (Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 2016). Results. During the research it was revealed that the indices of intentional values mastering are the following: the attitude of a person and society to physical culture, the need and motives of a person and a social group for physical-sports activity, active involvement of students into the process of mastering physical culture. It was proved that students, who systematically go in for physical culture and sport, have life tonus, self-confidence increase. Such kind of exercises help to regulate one's free time, participate actively in other kinds of activity. Thus, the specificity of physical-sports activity helps it to be an effective instrument of students’ social activity increase. Conclusion. The results of the research can be used as informational base for the strategy creation in the sphere of population health preservation and improvement in the Russian Federation, the role and the place of physical culture and sport increase in axiological potential of physical culture formation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Intentional values of physical culture among students»

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_185


Tatiana A. Ponomareva - candidate of sociological sciences Sterlitamak Institute of Physical Culture (branch) Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural State University of Physical Culture" Str. Kochetov, 26 B, Sterlitamak, 453100, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Health state of the future generation nowadays is one of the most urgent problems of society. This problem has a complex character and that is why it is necessary to solve it in an integrated manner, on the basis of system approach to the object of the research. Material. Received earlier results of the research works prove the following: firstly, the most important factor, which influences a person's health, is his way of life; secondly, one of the productive ways of physical potential increase and health improvement are regular physical exercises; thirdly, medical character of a modern system of public health can't be considered acceptable, it is necessary to create the mechanisms of a person's self-saving behavior formation and it means his active attitude to own health. The article is about an urgent problem of young people involvement into a healthy life-style. The subject of the analysis form a healthy life-style and intentional values of physical culture. The author has the aim to determine the level of intentional values of physical culture formation among young people. Research methods: The base of the research present the following approaches: system and culturological. The research methods are the following: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, the results ofAll-Russian opinion polls analysis, questionnaire survey "Students' health" (Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 2016). Results. During the research it was revealed that the indices of intentional values mastering are the following: the attitude of a person and society to physical culture, the need and motives of a person and a social group for physical-sports activity, active involvement of students into the process of mastering physical culture. It was proved that students, who systematically go in for physical culture and sport, have life tonus, self-confidence increase. Such kind of exercises help to regulate one's free time, participate actively in other kinds of activity. Thus, the specificity of physical-sports activity helps it to be an effective instrument of students' social activity increase. Conclusion. The results of the research can be used as informational base for the strategy creation in the sphere of population health preservation and improvement in the Russian Federation, the role and the place of physical culture and sport increase in axiologicalpotential of physical culture formation.

Keywords: values; intentional values of physical culture; physical culture; physical-sports activity, axiological potential.

Urgency. Health state of the future generation nowadays is one of the most urgent problems of society. This problem has a complex character and that is why it is necessary to solve it in an integrated manner, on the basis of system approach to the object of the research.

Received earlier results of the research works prove the following: firstly, the most important factor, which influences a person's health, is his way of life; secondly, one of the

productive ways of physical potential increase and health improvement are regular physical exercises; thirdly, medical character of a modern system of public health can't be considered acceptable, it is necessary to create the mechanisms of a person's self-saving behavior formation and it means his active attitude to own health.

Variety of modern examples of behavior inspires the change of the basic values, axiological orientations and strategies of

behavior among students. According to the results of sociological research works, the main social values are considered the following: high income, education, professional career [1, p. 147]. It can be stated that the interests, axiological mindsets of young people are connected, mainly, with informational technologies, which form artificial environment.

Available instruments of health preservation and improvement, which influence a person's way of life and society in general, are physical culture and sport. However, in spite of attention of the state to this problem, nowadays young people are not very interested in physical culture and sport and don't pay much attention to this social phenomenon.

The aim of the research - to study axiological potential of physical culture and determine the level of intentional values of physical culture formation among students.


1. To characterize the notion "intentional values of physical culture".

2. To determine the attitude of students to physical culture as a value.

3. To reveal the place of physical-sports activity in the way of life of modern students.

4. To determine the importance of intentional values of physical culture in the structure of students' axiological orientations.

Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, the results of All-Russian opinion polls analysis, questionnaire survey "Students' health" (Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 2016).

Research results and their discussion. Physical culture, as a phenomenon of general culture, is unique in its nature. V.K. Balsevich saya, that physical culture helps to combine social and biological components in man's development [2]. N.N. Vizitey proves, that physical culture is the first and the basic kind of culture, which is formed in a person and is able to influence not only physical state of an organism, but also a person's psyche and status [3]. Considering physical culture in an axiological aspect, L.I. Lubysheva defines the following groups of

values: intellectual, motional, technological; intentional and mobilization (L.I. Lubysheva, 2001) [4, p. 5].

It is important to underline the significance of intentional values. Intentional values determine the formation level of social opinion, prestigiousness of physical culture in society and reveal fundamental attitude of society to physical culture, the level of social awareness concerning physical culture and sport. Intentional values are initially demonstrated in state politics concerning physical culture: funding, building, science, special education and etc. Intentionality means orientation to a personality's motivational sphere and the system of axiological orientations formation. Thus, intentional values of physical culture include the following: the character of motivation (biological, sociological, spiritual); hierarchy of general-social values and the place of physical culture in it; orientation of society and a personality to going in for physical culture and sport [4, p.10].

The indices of intentional values mastering are the following: the attitude of a persona and society to physical culture, needs and motives of a separate person and a social group, involvement into the process of mastering physical culture.

In terms of the International research project "Students' health" together with Chelyabinsk scientific-educational center, we held the sociological research "Students' attitude to health" (2015-2016). Questionnaire survey included a block of questions, directed at the level of physical activity among students, their attitude to physical culture lessons and active kinds of tourism study. 550 students from higher educational establishments and colleges of Salavat (200 people) and Sterlitamak (350 people) took part in the questionnaire.

In order to get correct notion of physical activity level among students the regularity indices of going in for physical culture and sport were analyzed. The results of the questionnaire survey showed, that 50,7% of the respondents have a high level of physical activity; 12,2% of the respondents go

in for physical culture and sport every day, 38,5% go in for physical culture and sport several times a week. 20,5% of the respondents said, that they went in for sports

only once a month, 13,6% of the respondents said, that they went in for sports several times a year; 10,3% of students don't go in for sports at all. (picture 1).

Ежедневно - every day; несколько раз в неделю - several times a week; несколько раз в месяц - several times a month; несколько раз полгода - several times in six months; не занимается -don't go in for physical culture and sports; затрудняюсь ответить - difficult to


Picture 1 - Respondents' answers distribution concerning the following question: "Do you go in for physical culture and sports?", in %

Differentiating the results according to gender, we revealed, that everyday exercises are mainly typical for boys, than for girls (14,6% and 9,8%), however, regular trainings several times a week are typical for girls (41,8% and 38,5%). At the same time, boys more often mentioned that they didn't go in for physical culture and sports (13,6% and

Comparative analysis of the results of All-Russian research works, showed that with age, especially after 25, the part of respondents, who go in for physical culture and sport decreases. The main reasons, which prevent from going in for sports are the following: no free time, tiredness and high cost of physical-health-improving services [7].

During the research the factors were revealed, which influence students' interest Table 1 - The attitude of respondents to

formation in physical culture and sport. 42,9% of the respondents consider that the quality of lessons improvement considerably influences the interest increase in physical-sports activity. Then goes the opportunity to choose a kind of physical activity or a kind of sport, which will be more acceptable for students (33,4% of the respondents). The opportunity to train using modernly equipped material base determined 18,4% of the respondents. Only 2,2 % of the respondents consider, that good advertisement will provide interest increase in physical culture and sport. It proves that students don't pay much attention to advertisement and physical culture and sport propaganda, saying about their low level of quality.

The next question helped us to reveal the attitude of students to physical culture and sport.

physical culture and sport, %

Statement Gender of students All students

Boys Girls

Physical culture is a pleasant form of spending free time and leisure 57,46 46,64 52,14

Physical culture is a school of courage and character upbringing 20,64 16,8 18,72

Physical culture is a hard work 11,54 28,66 20,05

Physical culture is an interesting activity 9,4 12,8 11,1

Physical culture is a value and essence of my life. 2,36 1,58 1,97

Note: answers provided multi- variability, that is why the sum of answers is more than 100%

The results analysis showed, that 50% of students consider physical culture a form of leisure, entertainment (57% of boys and almost 47% of girls). 20,64% boys, 16,8% girls consider physical culture a school of courage and upbringing. 9,4% and 12,8% of boys and girls think that physical culture is an interesting activity. More than 20% of students say, that physical culture is a hard work (28,66% girls and 11,54% boys). 2% of students consider physical culture a value and the essence of life. In general students think that physical culture is a pleasant time spending and a form of leisure.

The received results don't correlate with the received results concerning the preferences of students in choice of the forms of free time spending. According to the results of our research, active forms of leisure prefer not many respondents: 9,6 %- go in for sports; 16,8 %- ride a bike or go for a walk. It means that though physical culture is considered an important part of a healthy lifestyle, it is not realized as a value.

Sociological research works of the

recent years showed, that social activity, to a large extent, is conditioned by the structure of spiritual interests and needs of a personality, its motives and axiological orientations, preferences and mindsets [6].

Sociological studies analysis, held by L.I. Lubysheva (2001), IV. Zhuravleva (2012), revealed a complex of objective conditions and subjective (inner) factors, which characterize students' attitude and motivation to physical-sports activity. Students say that their needs, interests and motives of involvement into physical-sports activity are conditioned by the state of material sports base, orientation of educational process content and mass physical-health-improving work organization, by the presence of physical knowledge for independent lessons organization [6;8].

In order to study the formation level of intentional values of physical culture subjective factors were revealed, which influence the process of students' needs, interests and motives formation (table 2).

Table 2 - Subjective factors, which stimulate students to demonstrate physical-sports activity, in %

Factors Gender of students All students

Girls Bo ys

Desire to improve physical fitness 20,4 56,8 38,6

To bring up the culture of movements 4,5 1,8 3,5

To achieve sports results 0,4 1,2 0,8

To bring up volitional qualities 0,2 0,6 0,4

To use free time rationally 0,6 0,8 0,7

Desire to pass physical culture test (get credits) 10,3 4,7 7,5

Necessity to optimize weight, improve body shape 58,2 20,8 39,5

Opportunity to relax, get rid of stress and increase working capacity 8,9 10,6 9,9

Didn't think about it, don't know 2,0 4,7 2,3

Note: answers provided multi - variability, that is why the sum of answers is more than

Empiric data analysis helps to come to the conclusion, that the level of physical-sports activity is influenced greatly by two factors: desire of students to improve physical fitness (38,6% of the respondents) and the necessity to optimize weight and improve body shape (39,5% of the respondents). 78,1% of students think that their physical-sports activity is conditioned by one of these factors. The held research showed a low level of importance of such kind of factor, as high sports result achievement for students: only 0,8% of the respondents estimate its forming influence on their motivational mindsets in the sphere of physical culture.

It should be also noted, that students underestimate such kind of subjective factors, as culture of movements upbringing (3,5%); volitional qualities upbringing (0,4%), a rational use of free time (only 0,6% of students).

Such situation characterizes a low level of educational-upbringing potential of the lessons and sports-mass events, with great interest in normative indices of students' physical-sports activity. It can be proved by the fact that for 10,3% of female students and 4,7% of male students getting credits in physical culture is a positive motivation for going in for physical culture.

Realizing the necessity of physical culture for health support (78,6%), only 45,3% of students think that they are physically active people, 27,8% of students think that they are not physically active and for 26,9% of the respondents it was difficult to answer this question. Half of the respondents (49,6%), when getting acquainted with a person, pay attention to his physical fitness, they like physically developed people. 34,5% of students said, that it was not important [7].

Summarizing up the results of the research, it should be noted that indispensable level of student's intentional values of physical culture mastering is his involvement into physical-sports activity.

The results prove, that among students, who are involved into systematic physical culture lessons and sport, life tonus, self-confidence and optimism increase. Physical culture lessons provide rational

distribution of free time, help a student to participate in other kinds of activity. Integral character of physical-sports activity and its availability can become a powerful means of students' social activity increase.

Conclusion. Received in sociological research empiric results help to come to the following conclusion.

Physical-sports activity together with other kinds of activity is included into students' way of life. Most students highly estimate social importance of physical culture in the life of society. However, only 21,8% of the respondents systematically use physical culture during free time.

Most influence on the level of interest have such objective factors, as the quality of physical culture lessons improvement (40,9% of the respondents) and the opportunity to choose the forms of lessons and kinds of sport (35,7%). At the same time, a low level of advertisement quality and physical culture and sport propaganda don't let students realize its real value and the influence on interest formation in physical-sports activity.

A realized attitude to physical culture is formed under the influence of different subjective factors, that is why it is very often connected with the desire of students to increase own physical fitness, desire to optimize weight and improve body shape, necessity to relax and increase working capacity. At the same time, underestimation of such subjective factors, as spiritual value understanding of exercises, cognitive abilities development during the process of physical-sports activity are connected, in our opinion, with a low upbringing-educational level and a dominating influence of a normative approach to educational-upbringing process organization at an educational establishment. The existing critical situation demands thorough analysis of students' physical education level and active measures taking for informative-educational orientation increase of educational and extracurricular forms of physical exercises among students.


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Tatiana A. Ponomareva - candidate of sociological sciences Sterlitamak Institute of Physical Culture (branch) Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural State University of Physical Culture", Str. Kochetov, 26B, Sterlitamak, 453100, Russia.

For citations: Ponomareva T.A. Intentional values of physical culture among students, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 54-59. DOI 10.14526/01 2017 185

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