ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-40-43
A. J. Kurbanova
Tashkent Regional Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute
K. U. Komilov
Tashkent Regional Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute
The article presents issues related to the actual and insufficiently developed teaching of chemical disciplines in the XX century and the problem of integrating chemistry and English in the school-university system. The didactic conditions, forms and methods of integration of the academic disciplines "chemistry" and "English" are considered, recommendations on the organization of such classes are given. The proposed materials will be especially useful for teachers of chemical disciplines of universities, lyceums and secondary schools with the study of English.
Keywords: chemistry, English, integration, forms, methods, intelligence,
When teaching chemical disciplines, one of the forms of knowledge integration is the implementation of interdisciplinary connections with related disciplines -biology, geography, ecology and physics. In the first decade of the XXI century, interesting works appeared on the integration of chemical knowledge and knowledge from the humanities - history, literature and fine arts. Attempts were made to conduct integrated classes based on the material of chemical disciplines and the English language, but there were many inaccuracies and errors in publications devoted to this problem, which was explained by an insufficiently thought-out methodology for conducting such classes, built mainly on an intuitive approach, without taking into account didactic conditions and methodological aspects of implementing such integration[1,2,3].
The didactic conditions for the implementation of interdisciplinary integration "chemistry - English" include:
- reliance on the techniques of bilingual semantics (students ' assimilation of the meaning of chemical concepts in two languages);
- updating of special (chemical) knowledge in problem-communicative situations;
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-40-43
- assimilation of chemical material using a complex of communicative skills (reflexive, informational, heuristic, creative);
- the development of students ' logical thinking techniques (generalization, comparison, classification, etc.), based simultaneously on chemical and linguistic material;
- implementation of the principle of personality-oriented learning;
- ensuring the expansion of the intercultural competence of students;
- careful selection of chemical and linguistic material in compliance with all didactic principles, while the principle of accessibility should be considered as a priority;
- the use of methods of forming a communicative core in speech work, stimulating the creative, research activities of students (for classes of a humanitarian profile) [4,5,6].
When integrating chemical knowledge and knowledge from the field of any foreign language, it is first of all necessary to focus on identifying the links between a foreign and chemical language. The chemical language is the subject and didactic means of cognition of chemistry. It is a system of chemical terminology, symbols, nomenclature, rules for their writing, construction, transformation, interpretation and operation with them. When considering the English language and the language of chemical science, it is possible to distinguish points of contact: in semantic (disclosure of the meaning of designations and lexical units-terms through their interpretation and connection with real chemical objects), etymological (the origin of chemical terms, names and symbols), communicative (communication between subjects through reading, listening, writing) aspects[7,8,9].
The forms of implementation of interdisciplinary integration "chemistry -English" are very diverse: integrated lesson; integrated special, elective and elective courses; project activities; case technologies; thematic evenings, conferences and competitions of creative works; interdisciplinary tasks of a problematic and creative nature; various didactic games; preparation of computer presentations and other forms of media education.
We have developed and conducted a series of integrated lessons "Chemistry-English" on the topic "Classes of inorganic substances. Generalization and repetition of the material", which includes 5 lessons of 45 minutes each. The lessons were held in the 7th grades of secondary school No. 13 of Chirchik. Three lessons were devoted to the repetition and generalization of the material on acids, bases and the genetic relationship between classes of inorganic substances. Then we conducted an integrated lesson in the form of a practical work "Solving experimental problems on the topic: "The main classes of inorganic substances"". Thus, the integration of knowledge was carried out not only through the use of a scientific foreign language as a means of communication between teachers and students, but also through the
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-40-43
formulation of tasks taking into account the country-specific material, which the students were informed about[10,11,12].
Currently, we are working on the organization of project activities in chemistry with elements of integration with the English language on the basis of two Chirchik schools. The pedagogical experiment is attended by students of the 8th, 9th and 10th grades, students of the chemistry direction of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of the Tashkent regional Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute. Based on the results of the work done, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. It is advisable to introduce various forms of integration "chemistry -English"into practice in schools and lyceums. This helps to increase the motivation of students to study chemical disciplines. There is an increase in the activity of schoolchildren in chemistry lessons with the involvement of the English language, an increase in their interest. Difficulties due to the use of language material in an unusual situation of communication and work with two teachers-chemistry and English - are insignificant.
2. A certain difficulty in conducting integrated lessons is the forced adaptation (simplification) of the dialogues of students with teachers and the text materials used due to the lack of knowledge of chemical terminology in English by students.
This problem is solved by correctly selecting the material in English and special comments for students, or by expanding the lexical minimum in chemistry in English (up to 40-50 words) introduced in advance, before conducting integrated lessons. If a series of integrated lessons is conducted, this problem gradually disappears.
3. We consider it optimal to conduct an integrated lesson by one chemistry teacher, but this requires a good command of the English language and at least a minimum set of key competencies in the field of language teaching methods. When conducting a lesson together with an English teacher, you should definitely pay attention to the scientific style of speech in a foreign language. It is necessary to use the so-called "English for Special Purposes" (ESP), which is markedly different from the commonly used language usually taught in schools.
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ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-40-43
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