УДК 33
Shagulyyev Sh.
Turkmen State Institute of Finance Meredova O.
Turkmen State Institute of Finance Kamaliyeva A.
Due to the strategic aims and objectives outlined in the «Conception for Development of Digital Economy in Turkmenistan in 2019-2025» and the «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2019-2025» initiated by the Hero Arkadag, the fundamental reforms are carried out in our country for the purposes of diversification of the economy, modernization of the industrial and socio-cultural sphere. Significant achievements have taken place in active implementation and introduction of digital technologies in various sectors and segments of the national economy, further strengthening of their material and technical base. Turkmenistan is taking decisive steps in this direction, including within the framework of purposeful expansion and deepening of mutually beneficial partnership with foreign countries and international structures, mobilization of the available national potential of opportunities, primarily through the introduction of digital technologies in various (banking, financial, tax, transport and logistics) segments of foreign economic cooperation.
The cyber security infrastructure aimed at ensuring reliable security in the field of information and payments is permanently sophisticated. The in-depth study of the latest world developments in the fields of information technologies and information security is rather intensive. The range of non-cash payments is expanding; the range and quality of services are increasing. The digital format of payment of various types of taxes, fees, insurance and other payments is being established. At the same time, the technologies used in the financial sphere are being improved.
This article is the attempt to make up a general picture of the levels of such well-known financial and technological achievements and regulatory innovations as «Application Programming Interface (API)», «Cloud Computing», «Internet of Things (IOT)», «Robotic Process Automation (RPA)», «Artificial Intelligence (AI)», «Machine Learning» and «Quick Response Codes (QR code)».
Types of innovative technologies: «Quick Response Code - QR» - QR code or 2D code was created in 1994 by «Denso Wave» - a subsidiary of the Japanese Company Toyota engaged in production of spare parts for automobiles. The discovery was registered by Mr. Tatsuya Onoda and Mr. Kazuhiro Miwa in 2009. Currently, the QR code technology is turning to be widespread, primarily in the developed states, as a part of the continuous improvement of technologies in the field of modern cellular communications. The aspectual classification of QR codes:
* QR Code Model 1 and Model 2 are the most common types of QR code. Model 1 can provide for the code up to 1.167 units and is the most advanced modification-
Model 2- provides for a digital code within the range of up to 7.089 units;
* Micro QR code - the smallest in volume and capable of providing the largest possible number of digital codes - within the range of up to 35 units;
* iQR code is the most numerous (40,000) code depicted in a form of a square or rectangle;
* SQRC - functionally limited code designed to read personal information;
* QR Code Frame - this code, in order to achieve maximum marketing effect, allows you to embed various images and configurations into the code structure.
«Application Programming Interface - API» (system programming interface) - is used as terminology for API (in the interpretation of an algorithm or a complex programming interface). The API only sets the algorithm for entrance of the code into the structure of services provided by other codes. The interface is essentially just a protocol that determines the potential of a single component of computer software in forming its own or satisfying incoming information requests. Initially, APIs were conceived to determine the degree of mutual influence of different software modules on the same device. However, now we are talking about various devices, mainly about the web API or web services interconnectedness. For example, a taxi company is experiencing the need to use electronic cards. However, the company itself does not produce electronic cards, so it uses the services of other entities directly involved in this. The transport company, therefore, uses on a paid basis the source provided by the company that created the named card.
The successful and purposeful, step-by-step implementation of a deeply thought-out strategy for development of digital national economy initiated by Honorable President of Turkmenistan is aimed at increasing the basic economic indicators, the quality of growth of the entire national economy.
1. «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2019-2025» -Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2019
2. «Program for Development of Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan in 2020-2025» - Ashgabat, 2019
© Shagulyyev Sh., Meredova O., Kamaliyeva A., 2024
УДК 004.06
Акыева О.
Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления,
г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан Бекгенов С.Г. Преподаватель,
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули,
г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан
Исследование влияния компьютерных технологий на современные стратегии маркетинга представляет собой анализ воздействия цифровых инструментов на сферу маркетинга в современном мире. Работа охватывает ключевые аспекты использования компьютерных технологий в маркетинге, а также их влияние на стратегии продвижения товаров и услуг.